Chereads / No Pain, No Gain / Chapter 21 - Chapter 4 - The Witch

Chapter 21 - Chapter 4 - The Witch

The short, white-haired girl walks up to Gavin, glaring up at him as she looks him up and down, seeing if what she heard is really true,

"Huh, you don't look very impressive for an S-Rank adventurer, and what's with these peasant ass clothing...?"

She continues to judge Gavin, as he only stands there, annoyed,

"Uhm, okay, little girl, listen here... I don't know who you are but-"

Gavin kneels down a bit and tries to talk to her, but Gavin gets cut off as the entire guild gasps in shock, as Gavin only sits there, wondering what's going on.

The girl then smacks Gavin in the face, before grabbing him by the collar and pulling him close, while glaring at him angrily,

"You listen here, kid, just because I'm a few inches shorter than you doesn't mean I'm young, I'm 25 years old, you asshole!"

She shouts at him as she then casts a fire spell with her hand, launching it point blank at Gavin's chest as he's then launched towards the wall, breaking it and crashing onto the next building.

"Ow!... What the hell?"

Gavin says, as he watches the girl walk out through the hole and towards him,

"Do you know who I am?"

The girl questions Gavin, as he is still trying to get back up,

"What the hell are you even talking about, you bitch!?"

Gavin shouts at her, as everyone around gasps in shock once again at what he just said, some even faint, as the girl glares at him even more angrily, her eyes burning up as she grits her teeth,

"Grrr... I am Miyuki Sorugawa, I am an S-Rank Adventurer with SSS-Rank Magic Affinity, making me the strongest wizard in the Grand Empire! I am also the daughter of a very important person! I am the Legendary Witch Princess, The Ethereal One! The One-"

The witch girl continues to yap as she introduces herself, while Gavin just gets bored as he then yawns. The girl then catches this as she gets even more annoyed, pulling out her staff and pointing it at Gavin, trying to intimidate him, but Gavin only looks even more confused, since she really only looks like a child to him,

"Huh... Interesting"

Gavin replies as he gets up and fixes himself casually, pissing off the witch girl even more,

"What kind of reply was that!? Are you mocking me?"

Miyuki complains as she gets even more pissed off, gritting her teeth,

"Grr... That's it! I challenge you to a duel, if you think you're so cool to be acting all up like that around me! Our battle will begin tomorrow afternoon, in the field right outside of town!"

Miyuki declares as she points at Gavin, before walking away like some sort of celebrity, while Gavin continues to stand there, still very confused,

"What is going on?"

He thinks to himself in that moment.

Suddenly, everyone around him starts whispering to each other, as some rush over to Gavin,

"H-how'd you do that!?"

They ask him, 

"Huh? Do what?"

Gavin continues to ask them in confusion, as someone pulls him by the collar, 

"Talk back to her!? Do you know who she even was!?"

The person exclaims to the still oblivious Gavin,

"Obviously, she was a child... and she seemed very egotistical and think she's some sort of overpowered magician... Kids have some really crazy imaginations nowadays don't they?"

Everyone facepalms simultaneously as they hear Gavin's answer.

"You idiot... Everything she said was true!"

The assistant then joins in, still shaking behind the counter,

"That ''bratty little child'... is indeed a very powerful sorcerer, magician, etc... She can use all types of spells, and yes, she's one of the Top 100 strongest recorded people in the world!"

The guild assistant explains, as Gavin finally realizes what he's put himself up against.

"Oh, shit... I just pissed off an annoying, tsundere loli... that's a first."

Gavin says to himself, as he suddenly feels himself having a headache from all these new experiences.

"Ugh... this is all very new to me, I'm off..."

Gavin says to himself as he then leaves and finds a place to sleep.

The next day, Miyuki is seen standing in the open field, waiting for her opponent as she taps her feet, crossing her arms while gripping her forearms, as she slowly starts to run out of patience,

"Where is this guy!?"

She thinks to herself, as people start to gather around her in the field, wondering why such a powerful adventurer was here standing around so casually, as Miyuki begins to feel embarrassed.

Meanwhile, Gavin is still sleeping peacefully in a bed, in a room in the guild that he rented for the night.

He is then seen waking up, as he goes to the bathroom to shower, and getting out. He then changes into some new clothes and brushing his teeth, as he prepares to head out for a brand new day in the guild, as an adventurer...

As he is about to exit his room, the wall behind him suddenly bursts open with a powerful explosion, as Gavin turns around to see what it is, waving away some dust as glowing red eyes can be seen from behind the smoke,


Miyuki says to Gavin angrily, glaring at him and growling lowly in annoyance and rage, as she has finally run out of patience after waiting for so long.

She then points her staff at Gavin, as she begins to cast a spell,


Miyuki shouts, as a simple fireball is launched at Gavin, but he easily dodges it as it destroys the door instead. Gavin then tries to avoid her, as he runs out the door, pissing off Miyuki even more,

"Hey! You asshole, get back here!"

She calls out for him as she chases after Gavin.

"Only cowards run away from fights... So fight me like a man!"

Miyuki taunts Gavin, but he seems to be more focused on trying to get away from her, pissing off the short-tempered girl as she begins flying after him.

The two then have a chase scene, as Gavin runs out of the guild and through the streets, outspeeding even cars as he attempts to escape the witch girl. However, the witch girl follows close by, as she then casts Ice Magic to create a road of ice, sliding after and chasing Gavin through the highway at high speeds.

The two then exit the city as they enter a nearby forest, as Gavin attempts to use the surroundings to his advantage to try and slow Miyuki down, but instead she just completely tears through the forest as she continues angrily chasing after him,

"Dammit, this bitch just won't stop..."

Gavin thinks to himself as he continues running through the forest, with Miyuki tailing him from behind,

"Get back here!"

Miyuki yells at himas she begins casting Ice Magic at Gavin,

"Icicle Barrage!"

She yells as her staff begins to fire out dozens of icicles at Gavin, as it pierces through multiple trees at bullet speeds, but Gavin still manages to easily dodge them all.

"Dammit... I just wanted to have a normal day... then this woman went in, now I have to deal with her... which I don't want to! I have to get rid of her..."

Gavin thinks to himself as he easily weaves through the icicle barrage.

Eventually, the two then reach an open field, as Gavin finally stops, and so does the exhausted witch girl, as she gets off the ice road, panting heavily.

The two then face off, glaring at each other from afar, just a few dozen meters across each other.


Miyuki wastes no time as she shouts, beginning the fight, smashing her staff into the ground as it begins to shake, causing Gavin to outbalance for a bit, as Miyuki launches a barrage of magic attacks at him.

"Earthen Thorns!"

She yells out once more as spikes from the ground start forming and make its way towards the outbalanced Gavin. But Gavin manages recompose himself, as he manages to jump away and avoid the attack.


Miyuki shouts as she then lifts huge boulders into the air, before launching them at Gavin. However, he still manages to dodge all this as well, even grabbing one and throwing it back at Miyuki, purposefully missing to tease her,

"Hehe, take that!"

Gavin shouts as Miyuki screams in fear, the boulder hitting a few dozen meters away from her, as Gavin laughs at her, causing her to get even more angry and embarrassed as she casts more spells,

"Gale Winds!"

Miyuki shouts as she casts some wind magic, creating wind blades and small hurricanes as they fly towards him at extremely fast speeds, but Gavin still manages to dodge all of them easily.


Miyuki suddenly shouts as she finally manages to catch Gavin off guard, trapping his feet in the round, disabling him from jumping and dodging easily as the Gale Winds seem to be homing, turning back to strike once more.

But yet, Gavin still manages to dodge all of them, matrix style.

"Grr! Why won't you get hit!?"

Miyuki continues to complain as she starts getting even more pissed off, stomping the ground in frustration as she runs out of patience.

She then lifts her staff up, as a lightning bolt hits it, as she then redirects the bolt towards Gavin, who barely dodges it, managing to scratch him a bit.

That one hit motivates Miyuki enough, as she begins to try harder, using fast attacks to try and outspeed Gavin's acrobatic and gymnastic skills from his training. She then spams bullet like attacks using all elements, as Gavin starts to get hit, but still manages to block most of it off.

Gavin then finally makes a move, as he literally grabs the ground below him, and turns it into a fucking wall, protecting him from all of Miyuki's projectiles. Miyuki is then shocked from Gavin's sudden, strange tactic, as she watches the earth wall fall and crumble, revealing Gavin to be gone, only leaving a small hole below where he was. Miyuki quickly manages to realize this, as she starts frantically looking around as to where he could be.

When suddenly, Gavin pops up behind her, and with a single touch from his finger, an electric shock pulses from his finger all throughout Miyuki's body. Miyuki's eyes widen in shock, her heart drops, and her body goes numb as the sudden, powerful feeling overtakes everything else in her body. Miyuki begins to shiver, then shaking and convulsing with pain even more each second that passes, as she falls to her knees,

"What the... What is this feeling? Why does it hurt so much...?"

Miyuki thinks to herself, as she looks up at Gavin, standing in front of her as he stares her down,

"So, Miyuki, how does it feel... getting beat by the one person you want to take down the most... to be stared down by them. You feel weak, don't you?"

Gavin says to her, as Miyuki can only kneel down and do nothing,

"Alright, Miyuki... This is a lesson, to show you that, although you are strong. You, are not the strongest. And just because you have a high rank, a lot of power and status, doesn't mean you can do anything you'll ever want. Someone with a higher power will always be there to remind you what your limitations are, and I have come to fulfill that role. And remember, that no matter who it is, anything that you do, Karma will come back for you."

Gavin says to her with a stern, serious face as he kneels down to her level, staring her into the eyes with a disciplinary face, but at the same time, a face of mockery, before getting up and walking away, leaving her in her weak, motionless state, to think about what just happened.

"Damn! I really just said that...? To a real S-Rank! I've never felt so cool... but at the same time I feel like I could've worded that better... whatever, the message has been sent, and has been read."

Gavin says to himself excitedly in thought as he walks back to the city.

After that, Gavin is seen walking back to the town, his wounds completely regenerated. He then continues walking through the streets, when he randomly plans on going back to the guild or a nearby bar, when he decides to go buy some groceries while he's at it.

"Hey, hey, hey! Fresh vegetables for sale!"

A vendor shouts as he hopes people will buy from him, Gavin then goes up to him and buys some stuff,

"Thank you, partner!"

The vendor smiles and thanks him gratefully, as Gavin smiles back, before sighing and thinking about what happened previously,

"Man... still... what was up with that child-ass looking girl? And why does she have problems with me...? She really held a grudge from last night, huh."

Gavin thinks to himself as he walks back to his room in the guild, shrugging the thought off, as he then immediately fell asleep after an exhausting, unexpected battle.

Meanwhile, Miyuki finally got back up, as the feeling of pain has finally vanished. She walks back to her home, as butlers and maids welcome her back,

"Welcome home, Miss Miyuki..."

They all greet her, as Miyuki only passes by them. She then jumps straight into her bed, grabbing a pillow to hold onto, before screaming into the pillow in annoyance at her embarrassing loss,

"What the fuck was that!? How did he dodge all of that, no one's ever been able to dodge my attacks before..."

Miyuki thinks to herself as she tightly holds onto the pillow, thinking about Gavin,

"That kid... I underestimated him, he is a lot stronger than I thought, but... Dammit... He can't just act like that around someone like me!"

She continues ranting to herself, rolling around in bed and groaning.

"No one's ever spoke to me like that before... it feels so... new..."

Miyuki begins to think about how Gavin looked at her and spoke to her.

"The way he spoke to me... The way he looked at me... The way he beat me... It's so... It's just so..."

She continues to tell herself, when she suddenly realizes her face is red. She quickly shakes it off, as she takes a deep breath and relaxes,

"No... Miyuki, just because he's strong doesn't mean he's so... Doesn't mean you should..."

Miyuki continues to say to herself, but once again thinks about Gavin,

"No, even so... Father would never allow..."

She says to herself, as she realizes she got flustered once again, as she then screams into her pillow out of annoyance,

"But then again, father would be the type to allow- NO! No, no, no, no, NO!"

Miyuki continues to try and shake off her feelings, denying it all.

"That, stupid, asshole, bitch, annoying... GAHHH!!!!"

Miyuki shouts out loud, her face completely red, as she realizes, she's gained a little crush on the super strong, new, S-Rank adventurer, Gavin.