Gavin and Courtney slowly make their way forward toward the soldiers while still keeping their arms in the air, as the soldiers continue to point their guns at them, feeling intimidated by them as they're now setting up to fire,
"Once again, stand down, or we absolutely will fire!"
The soldiers warn them once again, as the couple only continues to grin and chuckle deviously as they keep walking.
"You keep saying that... You wanna see real fire?"
Courtney says with a chuckle, as she then does something with her hands while they're still in the air, activating her powers.
At the activation of her powers, every light in the dim hallway explodes from the sheer energy she released. The ceiling sparks with each light that bursts, eventually leaving the hallway with complete, total darkness, leaving the entire squad of soldiers distorted and confused.
"Everybody, fire!"
The leading soldier shouts as all the men begin randomly firing everywhere, as Courtney and Gavin only duck, dodging every bullet in their way, as the prisoners in their cells also get down, but some still get hit.
Eventually, the soldiers run out of ammo for a round, as all of them begin to panic reloading their bullets. Courtney and Gavin meanwhile, get back up, as Courtney cracks her neck and knuckles,
"My turn."
She says, as she then aims her hands towards the hallway filled with soldiers,
"Eternal Flamethrower!"
She shouts, as a huge, powerful flame is blasted straight through the hallway and the entire row of the soldiers standing in front of her, incinerating them or leaving them melted or burning to their deaths as they scream.
The prisoners around them then cheer for them, as the couple continues their escape. They manage to exit the cell hallway and enter the main corridor, where more soldiers rush in for reinforcements.
As Courtney creates a fire shield, Gavin suddenly rushes into the row of soldiers,
Courtney shouts for him in worry, but Gavin continues running. He then boosts himself, creating a sonic boom as he dashes himself through the crowd of soldiers, protecting himself only using his forearms as he turns himself into some sort of human battering ram, successfully clearing the way, and leaving the hallway filled with unconscious bodies or brutalized corpses.
Courtney's eyes and mouth are wide open in shock at the sight of Gavin's sudden shift in power since the last time she saw him.
"What the, Gavin... how are you-"
She tries questioning him, as she realizes how much more fit and muscular he has become. The form of Gavin's muscles can be seen through his shirt, as the bloody Gavin wipes away his sweat and some blood while making his way back to her.
Courtney blushes at the sight of her boyfriend's new hot appearance, but she quickly shakes her head, focusing back on escaping as she goes towards Gavin who waits for her.
The couple continues to make their way through the halls, fighting through every soldier in their way, beating them up or straight up killing them, as they leave multiple bodies incinerated or with broken bones.
The couple soon makes it into a huge, open room, where around a hundred soldiers stand before them, all with guns pointed straight at the both of them.
Before the couple could even react, bullets rain as all the soldiers fire down on them all at once. Courtney immediately transforms into her Phoenix form, as the transformation blinds everyone around them.
Courtney then blasts them with multiple Embursts, as soldiers once again burst into flames.
While they're all distracted, Gavin takes this chance to get to the nearest door and unlocks it, making an opening for the two to escape, when a soldier suddenly manages to fire a straight shot towards Gavin. However, within a second, Gavin's instinct manages to sense this, as he feels a jolt of electricity piercing through his gut screaming at him to 'Dodge!'...
And in the blink of an eye, Gavin quickly manages, but barely dodge it. The bullet grazes his cheek, as he gracefully completes a back handspring. More bullets come to Gavin's way as he continues to instinctively dodge, continuously doing successful back handsprings as he dodges every bullet.
The rain of bullets eventually stops, as the soldiers run out of bullets, as the scene is then followed by an Eternal Flamethrower from Courtney, burning each and every remaining soldier to ash.
The couple then gets back together, as they continue their way out of there.
Eventually, they finally manage to reach an extremely large corridor with a huge window at the end, as even more soldiers get in their way. The couple looks at each other and nods, knowing what to do, as once again, they continue to fight their way through, as every single soldier there fires all their bullets at them.
Gavin rushes in, as he begins taking down everyone in his way, using martial arts as he punches and kicks and hits his way through, using his newly unlocked ability to instinctively dodge to avoid all incoming bullets and attacks as he beats them up.
Gavin then pulls out his multitool, pulling out pocket knife mode as he uses it to, little by little, cut down his opponents by their major blood vessels through the neck and their wrists, as he kills each one violently, yet cleanly.
Courtney also does her fair share of kills, as she stays in place, just throwing Embursts everywhere as dozens of soldiers burn to death.
The couple's elite teamwork, synergy and fighting abilities are shown in this one moment together, as they both quickly and efficiently take out every soldier in their way.
Gavin then pulls out the gun he took earlier, as he shoots down some soldiers in his way, before pointing the gun towards the window at the end of the corridor, firing multiple bullets as the seemingly bulletproof window nears its breaking point, before Courtney follows up with a powerful Emburst towards it, breaking the glass immediately.
The couple then begins making their way through the hall, Courtney acting as the shield as she uses her wings to protect the both of them from the rain of bullets.
The couple then finally reach the end of the hall next to the window, when suddenly,
A loud angry yell can be heard echoing back from the other side of the hall, the wall bursting as the lava general appears, punching his way through. He then walks in, followed by a squadron of soldiers, as Courtney stares down at them from the other end of the hall, her heart beating faster with feelings of rage and vengeance as she keeps her sight on her father.
"Hey, Courtney, c'mon! We're almost out!"
Gavin calls for her as he tries to reach his hand out to her, but... Courtney doesn't listen,
"Hey, baby, are you listening?"
Gavin asks her as he yells at her, trying to call out for her,
"Gavin... You go on ahead."
Courtneys tells Gavin, as she takes a deep breath and sighs, deciding to go back, as Gavin grabs hold of her hand,
"Courtney... Are you stupid? We're almost out of here, we can go home..."
Gavin tries to convince Courtney, but she continues to insist,
"Gavin, I have to do this... I must defeat my father myself."
Courtney continues to insist as she tries to pull away from Gavin's hold, but Gavin's strong grip holds on,
"No... I'm not letting you go, do you know what happened last time? This guy could've killed you! And he still could..."
Gavin begs Courtney, as he begins to tear up a bit in worry,
"Gavin... Please, let me do this..."
Courtney continues despite the risks, as Gavin pulls her in desperately for a tight hug,
"No... I can't lose you again..."
Gavin says to her, sobbing a bit with tears in his eyes as he holds her tight,
"I know, Gavin... But please, just trust me, I'm stronger than I was before. All that energy stored within my body, I can let it all out now, and I can take on him now, better than before!"
Courtney convinces Gavin with a soft, confident voice as they both hug, Courtney caressing him gently, before they slowly pull away,
"Trust me, Gavin, please."
Gavin once again gets stuck in a dilemma, as he looks back and forth between Courtney and the general behind them, who is slowly making their way towards them, as Gavin quickly makes a decision.
"sigh Okay, fine... I trust you, but you better be careful, and you better get out of there, as soon as possible... And don't be afraid to run when you can't take it anymore..."
He says with a worried tone, a bad, bad feeling in his gut as he slowly lets Courtney go,
"Don't worry, Gavin, I will..."
Courtney reassures Gavin as she gives him a bright, reassuring smile, before quickly covering Gavin up once again when bullets are fired at them, pissing off Courtney as she jumps over to deal with them.
Gavin quickly makes his way up to the window, as he parkours up and prepares to jump out, looking back once more before praying that Courtney will be safe, as he jumps down...
"Eternal Flamethrower!"
Courtney immediately attacks as she fires a full power flamethrower straight at the general, who easily blocks with a quickly made lava shield, as Courtney's attack is instead directed towards the soldiers right behind him, as they all scream in pain as they burn to death.
Courtney continues to attack, as she fires multiple fast moving fireballs straight at the general, who easily blocks the attacks with a palm, catching each one and absorbing their energy,
"Really, Courtney? Is this all that you got, after all that time I spent torturing you... Is this all your feelings have to give even after all that time to build up? I thought you hated me..."
The general mocks her as he once again laughs, as he turns his fists into lava, throwing lava projectiles as he attempts to fight Courtney in close-quarters combat, throwing powerful, heavy punches with his fists as he finishes with a swipe, which Courtney manages to dodge. The general then quickly follows his "combo" as he uses Aura Release, as Courtney quickly notices this and uses her Aura Release, as both of their auras clash, creating a huge, powerful shockwave that spreads all throughout the base.
Meanwhile, as Gavin falls outside the window, he lands straight onto the ground, where in front of him, stands hundreds of soldiers training.
This window actually led to the military base training grounds, as hundreds of rookie soldiers watched Gavin fall flat on the ground.
"Uhm... Hi."
Gavin says with an awkward smile, as all the soldiers reply with a fighting stance. Gavin then puts on his fighting stance as well, as he prepares to take on all of these unarmed trainees on his own.