Chereads / The Kitsune Reaper / Chapter 2 - Chapter 1

Chapter 2 - Chapter 1

Naruto wasted no time in entering the strange building once he did the door closed behind him locking itself in place so it couldn't be opened he was a little nervous but kept his wits about him the room he was in was spacious it had a table some some chairs the walls were made of stone but were sectioned like they were bricks of different colors the drapes on the windows were black the fire place was a live with a roaring fire that had a flame of three distinct colors blue green and red just like the bricks on the walls not paying it any mind just thinking that it's a trick.

He keeps exploring not realizing that he's being watched by someone who's smirking at his target he sets everything up then waits in the deepest part of the building where the dark energy is at it's strongest Naruto follows the path laid out before him not realizing that he's walking into a trap because his every sense and instinct has been disabled since he walked inside the building so he walks to the deepest part of the building coming face to face with someone he thought he got rid of centuries ago his evil half.

Naruto looks at his evil self then asks why have you brought me here his dark self says to finally take over your body and win the war for control over your powers Naruto says even if i let you win which i find very tempting we can't exist without the other if you die i die the same thing happens if you take me over and try to destroy me his dark self says your lying there's no way that's true Naruto asks why do you think i expelled you in the first place it wasn't so i could get rid of you.

It was so you could experience what life was like through your own eyes i even left clues on how you could become stronger the dark Naruto is taken back the room that they are in is special for multiple reasons one of those is that it can detect when a person is lying and so far everything his other half has been saying has been the truth so in order to get to the bottom of everything he decides to ask his other half a question hoping his answer isn't what he suspects it to be if it is then he might be wrong about his other half.

Yami that's what dark Naruto decides to call himself asks why do you want me to take over when we merge and why do you look as if seeing me is a welcome sight instead of something to be feared Naruto sighs then says truthfully i'm tired of fighting i couldn't careless what you do as long as women and children aren't killed you can do whatever you want Yami is shocked to hear how broken Naruto is he looks into his eyes then sees the years of pain loss neglect abuse war and bunch of other things that led to this point he sighs then says fine Naruto i'll let you rest.

But don't come crying to me when those who could have been your allies are killed Naruto says just go through my memories and you'll see who your enemy is after that they merge making the darkness so thick that no one can enter and the hollows in the forest have to vacate back to their world the energy penetrates everything including the creatures who decides to stay.

The soul reapers fear that Naruto was killed or swallowed up by the darkness but they don't send anyone to investigate Yami travels to Hueco Mundo and starts slaughtering hollows while also absorbing them he notices something different compared to when he absorbs the hollows compared to when Naruto did it he actually gets stronger from it where as Naruto just gained knowledge of how they became a hollow and what their past lives were like.

Yami stays in the world of the hollows for several centuries absorbing every type of hollow there is including every type of menos grande after he has his fill he heads back to his dark forest in the Soul Society but while he was away many things have changed including the fact that Amagai became head captain of the Soul Society and several prominent new rising stars have arisen in the ranks of the soul reapers also the royal families have changed as well.

There's also the very first central 46 the very first soul king the Oken has been invented the key to the soul king's realm has been locked away the location is only known to the head captain as well as how to create one meanwhile there's a head captains meeting to discuss the rumors concerning the dark forest over the centuries the 13 captains are getting complaints from the residents of the Rukon district so they are having a meeting about the dark forest.

Among these captains are four members of the noble families of the Soul Society out of seven they are from the Shihoin , Kuchiki, Shiba , and Kurosaki the other houses aren't interested in being soul reapers just ruling everything they are the Kannogi clan , the Tsunayashiro and the seventh house is an ancient one that predates the Soul Society they have no record of it's existence or members except one but he seems to be a myth that told to young soul reapers to inspire them.

The captains are going back and forth trying to decide what to do when the second captain suggests to send a hell butterfly to do some recon which everyone seems to agree with however little did they know that a crow was watching their meeting so Yami decides to burst into their meeting and mess with them all of their candles go out a heavy spiritual pressure pushes upon them the doors burst open he slithers in like a ghost.

They can't see him but can feel him in every part of the room he tests every captains spiritual pressure against his own and they are really weak compared to a regular menos grande he sighs then reveals himself they start freaking out but relax when they see and feel that the spiritual pressure went away by half he asks is this the best you have to offer if so then maybe i'm better off helping the hollows win this war between you two.

The head captain asks what do you mean by that we aren't at war with them we don't even know that they exist or how to get to the world of the living Yami sighs then says clearly Naruto was wrong to build the Soul Society in the first place he should have just made this place for the hollows the second captain flash steps towards Yami faster than the other captains can see and asks are you saying that he was real this entire time Yami looks up this person and sees a guy clearly obsessed with Naruto's achievements.

Yami says yes he is real yes he is alive no i will not say where he is in fact i honestly don't know if he will ever come back again or if he will ever fight again or give you soul reapers more knowledge than what he already gave you the head captain says if his knowledge was this book he summons it in his hands it's a really thick leather bound book titled " soul reaper techniques" then I copied it and used it to teach our young how to be soul reapers.

The second captain asks can i have a copy the head captain says sure i don't see why not he makes a copy and gives one to each squad captain even one to himself while the original disappeared out of his hands and into Yami's the head captain asked what are you doing Yami says you all have your copy but the original is mine besides none of you could possibly hope to contain or understand the amount of power in this book and even without reading it i can tell that Naruto wrote it himself but i will say this only a black cat may bring Naruto back until then stay away from the dark forest if you value your lives.

Now to help you idiots survive this upcoming war i'm going to fulfill my last promise to Naruto then you're on your own but i warn you the training i'm going to put you and those under you through may kill you i'll give you one week to think it over before we do this also while you're deciding i'm going to make a way to the living world but i warn you while i'm doing this everyone will lose anywhere from 10% to half of their power as i'm not strong enough yet to do it on my own everyone nods at that then agrees.

He leaves then goes to the edge of the Soul society he creates a tunnel between the living world and the Soul Society then creates gates to access them then creates something to clean the space once he successfully travels to the living world and back he does all of this in 3 days and 7 days later everyone is back to full strength classes have been suspended as Yami has taken over the academy but instead of just young soul reapers it's every soul reaper.

Everyone is wondering what is going on but Yami as if reading their minds says to i know what you must be thinking who is this strange man in our academy looking like he's going to teach us about being a soul reaper when he doesn't even look like one to begin with and has the spiritual pressure of a hell butterfly am i close most of them nod he smirks then lets some of his spiritual pressure loose making everyone there look like the want to be anywhere but there.

He says what makes me qualified to yeach you guys is because i was taught by the very same person who wrote your text books don't believe me the author's initials are NU with a fox and whirlpool symbol everyone is shocked that he knows that he opens his bag and shows them the original they can't believe it they thought that it was lost to history or destroyed by the first set of squad captains but he has it in his hands and it's much thicker than their textbooks.

Yami says for the next 1,000 years i will be teaching you everything in this book if you all aren't atleast a numbered officer's level when we are done then you will have wasted my time also until this training period is over every soul reaper including those at lieutenant and captain will start all over when saying this everyone's strength is back at the academy student level he looks at them and says don't look at me that's one of Naruto's tricks he did it to the first set of soul reapers by sealing their abilities inside of them until they were strong enough to either reclaim them or surpass them.

Everyone is impressed with that idea because it means that they won't lose them but the head captain has an idea for which he raises his hand Yami says yes Amagai he asks is there a way to train both our current strength that you just sealed away plus the new strength that we are just about to get Yami scrolls through the book then goes to the middle and says yes there is but it would always have to be sealed you would never be able to use it unless you absolutely needed it like in a life or death situation.

Yami says depending on how well you trained your body the sealed strength could last anywhere from 5 seconds to 24 hours it all depends on you guys and how hard you're willing to work for it everyone thought about it but the 4th captain had another idea is there a way to just take some of the sealed energy and make it into another energy source in case i'm running low when healing people Yami says no but you can wear something to eat away at your energy so that it stores it away for later he nods at that.

Yami says i'm only open to 2 more questions one of the students asks is it possible to use energy to he hesitates the other students urge him on Yami chuckles then says go on and ask i promise whatever you kids want to know it can't be any worse than what they wanted to ask me he calms himself down then asks is it possible to use our energy on our swords to create different shapes of energy weapons when we swing our swords Yami chuckles and says yes it is but not every shape only certain ones and not everyone can do it.

The students get confused looks on their faces as do the soul reapers Yami says now matter what type of energy you're using whether it be magic chi chakra reiatsu or mana channeling it into a weapon is by far on of the hardest things you can do also making energy blades or other shapes take alot of energy plus doing anything complicated like animals would be the equivalent of a lieutenant's energy level to accomplish that the students frown.

The lieutenants huddle together then one of them asks is it possible to improve the flash step beyond just making it faster Yami smirks then says i was wondering when someone was going to ask about that he says yes there is Naruto's book contains 5 types of flash step that he developed on his own but each one does something different for different people he hasn't named them yet but he told me that each one has a purpose i will tell you what they do:

regular flash step- makes the user go really fast 

speedster- faster than regular flash step

triathlon- go from one place to the next but it looks like you're teleporting 

mirage- move so fast that you leave after images of yourself 

 remnant- move so fast that you create a copy of yourself

ghost- move so fast to the naked eye you're invisible 

journeyman- move great distances in seconds 

HoHo- every flash step combined 

When everyone heard the descriptions of these techniques they were blown away and immediately wanted to learn them but upon sensing their potential he saw that they would only be able to master 3 of them if that so he begins teaching them about hollows how they work how they are made how you kill them how they affect the balance of souls and how they can affect the soul society as a whole.

Needless to say everyone took notes after that he began training them from scratch making them go through physical conditioning to build their strength up as well as their energy reserves he didn't just bark orders he did it as well next he had them train in Hakuda the soul reaper fighting style he did that until everyone mastered it next he trained them in kenjutsu the soul reaper sword fighting style combined with iaido kendo battojutsu and fencing.

He had them combine every style together as he did with Hakuda as he also combined a few others like boxing kickboxing judo karate and wrestling now he's training them in kido and bakudo out of training with both they only learn and master up to 10 spells now they are training their flash step now matter what training exercises they do they can only learn and master the first 3 flash steps the rest are far too powerful for them and all they have learned is to create an energy blade or energy wall from their swords nothing else.

After the training is over Yami puts the seals on the people who want them he removes them from the people who want them removed and the students go back to the academy despite their training they're no ready yet to face hollows once they graduate in 4-6 years their powers will have grown tremendously by then Yami heads back to the forest and says you're on your own from here on out don't expect any help from me anytime soon once he gets there he uses his new found power plus Naruto's to seal it so no one but him and Naruto can enter.

After that he grabs his zanbaktou as well as Naruto's then heads to the living world he seals both in a scroll then once he gets there he checks what year it is he sees that it's the year of the dinosaurs he sighs then travels around the world killing those creatures that attacks him while making every carnivore submit to his will he even saves them both land and sea creatures as he has plans for them he saves one of each dinosaur time passes and cavemen appear he freezes one in a block of ice then does the same with every prehistoric animal.

He also preserves a meglodon he waits for more time to pass it's the BCE he saves every form of currency there is as well as every kind of weapon he also sneaks into every building there is and steals all of their secrets as well as all of their knowledge this keeps going on until he arrives in the age of the ninja and the samurai he has the best sword ever made then collects every type of alcohol he can get his hands on he even gets his hands on the very first booze ever made.

He kept collecting treasures like a dragon and kept hoarding wealth and power until he got bored then in 1500 during the tokugawa regime he finally decided to take part in another's war it was fun he forgot how much fun it was to spill blood after that he joined every battle there was except after he left for the world of the living he vanished no one has seen or heard of him since or even if he's still alive.