Chereads / The Kitsune Reaper / Chapter 3 - Chapter 2

Chapter 3 - Chapter 2

Despite sending out search parties no one could find Naruto no matter how hard they looked it's like he vanished off of the face of the Earth also they couldn't even tell if he was alive or dead as they couldn't sense his lifeforce or power level anymore so they gave up on him and moved on since then 200 years have passed the hollows have gotten worse more fall to them every year the soul reapers that they train every year are better than they used to be but they take longer to train into the warriors that they need on the front lines.

Normally in a situation like this those in charge would rush evryone's training but the head captain who was trained by Naruto personally before he checked out and stopped caring about the soul society knew that it was the wrong move instead he merely made their training more intense and longer than it orignally was he even did this in the academy when it came to the practical stuff as they had to be in a certain shape both physically and mentally before they could take kido classes.

During this time Yammamoto became head captain and took over the soul reapers he thought that once he became head captain that things would be different how naive he was after doing it for 500 years he finally understood why his master lost interest in the soul society it has become so corrupt and the other people in charge like central 46 and the clans are power hungry ambitious conniving and will do anything to keep ahold of their wealth and power or get more.

So far he's met only a few from clans who aren't like that also even some of his own soul reapers hunger for his position sometimes it makes him question why he took this job but he won't be like his master and just abandon everyone but he also understands that his master wasn't born here that he had a life before coming here that if he had to guess was filled with lots of pain and cruelty he only hopes that his master doesn't go too deep into the darkness.

The Bounts were created by Ran'Tao as the accidental result of an explosion during an experiment by the predecessor of the Shinigami Research and Development Institute. The experiment was an attempt to develop eternal life using the already slow-aging Shinigami souls as the base, but the materials used in the experiment crossed with the development of souls in the Real World and led to the creation of a new spiritually-active Human race, called the Bounts.

The Bount souls were scattered about the world, giving rise to a new race that never aged after reaching their twenties or thirties. They were generally treated as outcasts due to the fact that they did not age. The Shinigami scientist responsible for their creation, Ran'Tao, gathered most of the Bounts into a small community in a secret cave structure, several centuries before Ichigo was born It was her intent to improve the quality of life for the people whose suffering she felt responsible for.

However, the embarrassment of this accidental creation, as well as the fact that a tenth of Seireitei was destroyed in the resulting explosion and the possible threat they posed to the balance between the worlds, led the Central 46 to rule that the experiment and its failure were to be covered up, and the Bounts destroyed. Shinigami were dispatched to kill the Bount community, but a handful survived, including a young boy saved by Ran'Tao herself, to whom she gave a seal that would help unlock the Bounts' true power.

The Bounts who survived the massacre wandered like nomads and eventually fell prey to constant attacks by Hollows. It was during this time that the boy, Eugene Carrier, activated the seal's power and merged with his Doll - the Bount equivalent to a Shinigami's Zanpakutō - and killed off the attacking Hollows. The survivors eventually found refuge in another cave and began devising a plan to return to Soul Society, which they saw as more of a home than the real world ever could be. Eugene, now an adult, was against this plan. He had witnessed the massacre and believed the only thing that would await the Bounts if they returned to Soul Society would be subservience or death. Regardless, the Bounts' leadership decided to gain access to Soul Society by means of the Quincy's power. The Quincy were unwilling to assist, and a battle ensued, in which the Quincy and Shinigami killed most of the surviving Bounts.

Around 100 years before the current storyline, people in Soul Society started to disappear, but more than simple death, there were no bodies found; only the victims' clothes remained The situation caused a great uproar in the Gotei 13 as investigative groups were sent out and not heard from again. Due to this, the 9th Division's command structure took it upon themselves to investigate the situation: Kensei Muguruma, then-captain of the Ninth Division, Mashiro Kuna, his lieutenant at the time, and their subordinates (comprising the 3rd to 6th Seats They were all mysteriously cut down by a then-unknown assailant that succeeded in taking them all by surprise using some unknown method.

When their Reiatsu disappeared in a manner similar to the previous disappearances, the Gotei 13 became worried and sent out a new investigation team personally hand picked by Captain-Commander Yamamoto to see what had happened. Captains Shinji Hirako of the 5th Division, Love Aikawa of the 7th Division and Rōjūrō Ōtoribashi of the 3rd Division, along with the Kidō Corps' lieutenant Hachigen Ushōda and Kyōraku's lieutenant Lisa Yadōmaru, all set out to find the missing Shinigami Urahara's lieutenant, Hiyori Sarugaki was already on her way to collect samples of the disappearance site per Urahara's request.

When the group finally arrived they found Hiyori and then themselves under attack by a Hollowfied Kensei and Mashiro. Even while working as a team they were overpowered by the brutal attacks from the former fellow Shinigami. When Hachi arrived, he bound Mashiro and Kensei using Kidō. Hiyori, now being held by Shinji, begins to succumb to the Hollowfication process and attacks Shinji without warning.The others were then surrounded by a pitch black darkness that also rendered them unable to sense each other, where they were systematically cut down. After the darkness is lifted Shinji is the only one still conscious to see that it was all Kaname Tōsen, Kensei's 6th Seat, using his Bankai against them.

Shinji tried to question Tōsen about the betrayal of his captain while he and the others were going through various stages of Hollowfication. Aizen, Shinji's lieutenant, then shows up with Gin Ichimaru, Shinji's 3rd Seat in tow, explaining that he was following his orders. Aizen begins to explain how he was behind it all and that he had been manipulating Shinji from the start using his Zanpakutō's special ability. He then gave Tōsen permission to get rid of Hiyori, whom he attacked. Shinji, who refused to go down without a fight, engaged in combat with Tōsen. He initially gained the upper hand due to the increase in his power, but eventually succumbed more to the Hollowfication process. Aizen prepared to attack him, but was stopped by the timely arrival of the cloaked 12th Division Captain Kisuke Urahara and Kidō Captain Tessai Tsukabishi.

Kaien Shiba (志波 海燕, Shiba Kaien) is the former lieutenant of the 13th Division, under Jūshirō Ukitake, up until his death at the hands of a Hollow that also killed his wife, Miyako Shiba. He was the older brother of Kūkaku and Ganju

Kaien had a youthful appearance and was a fairly tall person. He had aqua green eyes and spiky raven black hair. He wore the normal Shihakushō with his lieutenant badge on his left arm as customary. He had a tattoo of the Shiba family crest on his arm. Some Shinigami, such as Byakuya Kuchiki, have stated that Kaien bears a strong resemblance to Ichigo Kurosaki.

Kaien, a very ethical man, was adored by many members of the 13th Division. He was outspoken and bore a rough disposition, with a down-to-earth attitude. Kaien treated his fellow company members indiscriminately, regardless of their social standing or rank. Because of this, he was popular among aristocrats and commoners alike within his Division.Kaien loved the Shinigami, never speaking out in hatred against them.He had a strong sense of duty.

Kaien believed that one's "heart" was determined based on the prospects of fighting and protecting. He was a firm believer in Captain Ukitake's philosophy on fighting, which consists of two types of combat: the fight to protect life, and the fight to protect honor. Kaien took it a step further and believed that they both ended up being the same thing: "Heart." He believed that every time someone connects with another, a little bit of "heart" is born between them. He thought of "heart" as not something inside an individual, but rather what is born whenever one thinks of or remembers someone else. He believed that one's "heart" exists in others, and that it remains with his or her comrades even after death. Having held such views, he believed that people should never die alone.

Kaien was a member of the Shiba Clan when it was one of the Great Noble Houses. Together with his siblings, Kūkkaku and Ganju, he grew up in Rukongai. While in a mountain area in Rukongai, Kaien found an injured piglet and looked after it. He gave the piglet, Bonnie, a ribbon and she became very fond of him. The door guards of the Shiba family - Koganehiko and Shiroganehiko - were previously the educators of Kaien and his siblings. Kaien later decided to become a Shinigami and he passed the entrance exam on his first try. He was shortly recognized as a prodigy, as he completed the six-year curriculum of the Shin'ō Academy after only two years,and became a member of the 13th Division.

110 years before the Ryoka Invasion, Kaien was approached by Ukitake, who tried to persuade a reluctant Kaien to become his lieutenant. After Kaien declined, Ukitake mentioned Gin Ichimaru's graduation from the Academy and noted that he was the first genius since Kaien. Kaien denied being a genius and Ukitake told him that Gin graduated in a single year, which impressed Kaien. Ukitake compared his age to Byakuya Kuchiki, whom Kaien started to curse before saying that Gin sounded quite fearsome. He noted that he was even further from being a lieutenant and asked which Division Gin joined. Five years after graduating from the Shin'ō Academy, Kaien became the 13th Division's lieutenant.

When Rukia Kuchiki joined the Division, he scolded other members of the Division who were watching the newly arrived noble. He introduced himself to Rukia and scolded her over her meek reply, treating her like any other Shinigami. He explained that due to Ukitake's illness, he was usually in charge and told her she could call him "Captain Kaien" if she wished. One day, Kaien brought Rukia a drink and asked her why she looked so troubled. He told her that as long as she was in his Division, he would stand by her even if he died. They were interrupted by Kiyone Kotetsu and Sentarō Kotsubaki, both whom praised Kaien's coolness. Kaien asked them if they were drunk and sent them back to their posts.

Kaien trained Rukia in Mt. Koifushi in western Rukongai on a number of occasions. One day while training there, Rukia asked Kaien why she was in the Gotei 13. He told her that it was to fight and protect. He explained Ukitake's philosophy about there being two types of battle to Rukia, but then told her that he thought that both meant to protect the "heart". He explained about his beliefs of the "heart" to Rukia and told her not to die alone, as when one dies, the heart is left with one's companions, where they would live on.

Kaien was married to the third seat of the 13th Division, Miyako Shiba. When Miyako was killed by the Hollow, Metastacia, her body was brought back. Despite not knowing the name, appearance or powers of the Hollow, Kaien insisted upon going after it rather than waiting for an assault squad to be formed. Ukitake and Rukia accompanied him to the Hollow's lair.

Upon seeing the Hollow, Kaien asked for permission to fight it alone, which Ukitake granted. Kaien asked the Hollow how many Shinigami it had eaten and if it had ever felt sadness or regret about killing. When the Hollow replied that it had regretted not eating the head or torso of a female Shinigami the previous night, Kaien calmly attacked it. However, after Kaien touched one of the Hollow's tentacles, his Zanpakutō disintegrated when he tried to activate his Shikai. Kaien wonders how such a thing is possible, but continued to fight with his bare hands until Metastacia used its Spirit Body Fusion ability to take control of Kaien's body.

The Hollow then used Kaien's body to attack Rukia, but Ukitake stepped in and fought it. When Ukitake realized that the Hollow could not be separated from Kaien, he attacked the Hollow. However, Ukitake was struck by his illness at that moment and the Hollow attacked Rukia again. Rukia stabbed Kaien as he leapt at her. Kaien's consciousness resurfaced and as his body began to disintegrate, he thanked Ukitake for letting him fight alone. He also thanked Rukia and apologized to her for dragging her into the fight. He said that she must be torn apart by this and told her that it is thanks to her that his heart could stay here.Rukia took Kaien's body back to the Shiba house to entrust him to Kūkaku and Ganju, saying that she killed him.Kaien's body, with Metastacia still inside it, decayed and returned to Hueco Mundo, where it was devoured and became a part of Aaroniero Arruruerie.

Kisuke Urahara (浦原 喜助, Urahara Kisuke) is the former captain of the 12th Division, as well as the founder and 1st President of the S.R.D.I.. His lieutenant was Hiyori Sarugaki. He lives in the Human World where he owns a small convenience store which sells Shinigami items. He is assisted by his employees Tessai Tsukabishi, Jinta Hanakari, and Ururu Tsumugiya.

Kisuke is a tall, lean man with light skin and gray eyes. His hair is messy and light-blond (almost pale), with strands framing the sides of the face and hanging between his eyes, and he has chin stubble. He wears a dark green samue. Over this, he wears a black haori, which sports a white diamond pattern along its bottom half, reminiscent of an inverted captain's haori. Urahara carries a fan, which he occasionally uses to hide his face. He usually wears traditional Japanese wooden sandals (geta) and a striped dark green and white bucket hat (which usually shadows his eyes), which has earned him the nickname "sandal-hat" (ゲタ帽子, geta-bōshi; "Mr. Hat-and-Clogs" in the English dub).

During his earlier years in Soul Society, he had a clean-shaved face and wore the standard Shinigami shihakushō. In his more casual events, he usually wore his geta. He later wore a long-sleeved captain's haori after his promotion to the rank of captain.

Though usually a laid-back, optimistic, jovial, humble and eccentric man, Urahara shows a deceptively cunning and serious side when the situation warrants it. He commonly uses idle conversation and outward concern to distract his opponents. Despite his care-free attitude, he always speaks politely but carries a sarcastic wit. Yoruichi Shihōin notes he tends to go over the top with whatever he becomes passionate about. He has described himself as a "mere honest, handsome, perverted businessman".

Approximately 110 years ago, Urahara's personality was slightly opposite of what it is in the present. During his earlier years as a captain, he was viewed as a nervous, flustered, and quiet person. Somewhat unsure of himself, he lacked confidence in his ability to be a good leader. In addition, he was occasionally confused with how to deal with his division. Despite being uncomfortable in his role, he seemed relatively at ease in his previous position at the 2nd Division Detention Unit. However, he eventually hardened his resolve to take on his role as captain by becoming more serious and determined.

Urahara can usually be found near the scene of an important event, but he rarely intervenes in situations, preferring to stay on the sidelines. He often knows more information than he lets on, and despite being a major player in the situation, he acts only as a catalyst, having others do the work for him. Urahara is often manipulative, tricking people into doing what he wants them to.

Urahara grew up at the Shihōin Mansion in Seireitei with his childhood friends Yoruichi Shihōin and Tessai Tsukabishi.He joined the Gotei 13 around the same time Yoruichi joined the Onmitsukidō, and eventually became the 3rd Seat of the 2nd Division, which was intertwined with the Onmitsukidō. As part of his duties as one of the top five Seated Officers, Urahara became head of the Onmitsukidō's Detention Unit. Approximately 110 years ago, the 12th Division captain, Kirio Hikifune, was promoted to the Royal Guard, and Yoruichi recommended Urahara as her replacement.

Urahara was told of this by Yoruichi after a sparring session. After being informed, Kisuke wanted to prepare for the upcoming captain's ability test. Urahara spent the day wandering around Soul Society, interacting with the citizens as he sought information on Shinigami defectors. Returning to the 2nd Division Headquarters, as he was talking with Yoruichi, Suì-Fēng arrived and reported negatively on Urahara's activities. They were interrupted by the arrival of a division member, who reported the people Urahara had been looking for had been found. Yoruichi told Urahara to hurry off to his duties and sent Suì-Fēng to help prepare for his captain's proficiency test. Urahara and his men proceeded to the remote area where the defectors were hiding. Urahara, telling his men to wait, entered the building by himself and single-handedly defeated all the defectors with Hakuda before moving on to his test.

After successfully passing his exam, which was overseen by Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto, Retsu Unohana and Ginrei Kuchiki, he became the captain of the 12th Division and gained Hikifune's lieutenant, Hiyori Sarugaki, as his own. Later that day, Urahara formally introduced himself to the 12th Division. He encountered some resistance from Hiyori, who, refusing to accept him, cited her displeasure with Captain Hikifune's sudden departure and his status as a former 2nd Division member. Urahara, laughing it off, told her he had already been made the captain of the 12th Division, and that he had decided this was the role he would play from then on. He was no longer a member of the 2nd Division, and if she had a problem, it was hers to change. Hiyori proceeded to kick him in his crotch, which did not affect him at all.The following night, Captain Shinji Hirako, approached Urahara, telling him why Hiyori was giving him problems, and then gave him advice on how to best go about being a captain. He stated he could tell Urahara was not the type who does what other people tell him. Shinji explained that he felt Urahara was a type just like him, so he should just meddle in his own business.

At a division meeting, Urahara explained that he had decided to change the policy of the 12th Division, but had yet to determine what course of action he thought would be a good role for them. Hiyori, becoming increasingly angry upon hearing he was still thinking about it, attacked him. She challenged him to a fight, which he accepted on the condition that they fight unarmed. Hiyori tried to kick him in the face, but Urahara showed her he could evade the attack. However, he allowed her to hit him so as not to embarrass her in front of the other division members. The following morning, Hiyori, arriving at the captain's chamber, became enraged at how Urahara had changed the room from its former state. As he tried to calm her down, Hiyori attacked him again. Brushing it aside, he asked her to accompany him to the Nest of Maggots.

On the way to the Nest of Maggots, Urahara explained to her about the Detention Unit, what happens to those under its jurisdiction, and the function of the Nest of Maggots. Inside the facility, Urahara told her those detained within could not leave, but that they were still free within the facility. He warned her to be careful, as the inmates could become violent. Urahara explained that though the people in the facility were possibly dangerous, he had always felt, given a suitable outlet, they could channel their power into something more productive. When one of the inmates tried to attack Hiyori, Urahara stopped him bare-handed, noting that weapons were not permitted within the facility.This prompted the other inmates to attack, but Urahara easily took out all his attackers. Afterwards, the pair went to the cell of Mayuri Kurotsuchi, whom Urahara asked if he wanted to leave the Nest of Maggots to join him in the 12th Division. Urahara explained that in his capacity as the captain of the 12th Division, he had decided to make an organization, the Shinigami Research and Development Institute, and he wanted him to be its Vice-President.

Nine years later, Urahara was told by Shinji and Lieutenant Sōsuke Aizen about a series of strange disappearances that had taken place in Rukongai, and that the 9th Division was investigating. Urahara later set about making a new type of Gigai to stabilize the disappearing souls. When explaining this to Hiyori, they were interrupted by the arrival of Tōdō Izaemon, who relayed Captain Kensei Muguruma's requests that a researcher be sent to the investigation site. Urahara persuaded a reluctant Hiyori to carry out the task. Later that night, when he hears that the Reiatsu of the investigation team had disappeared, Urahara, hurrying into the lab, asked a researcher where Hiyori was. When she said Hiyori had already left, he rushed back out and arrived late at an emergency captains meeting. Fearing for her safety, Urahara requested to go to the site himself, but was denied by Captain-Commander Yamamoto. Urahara later decided to go anyway, using a new kind of Reiatsu-concealing cloak to hide himself. Urahara was spotted by Tessai Tsukabishi, who joined him in the search.

They arrived just in time to stop Aizen from killing Captain Hirako. Urahara questioned Aizen about what he was doing there, rejecting his initial explanation. Urahara noted there were no injuries on the victims, and that they were infected with "Hollowfication". When Aizen tried to leave with his two henchmen, Tessai used a high-level Kidō spell against them, forcing Urahara to duck out of the way. However, the three suspects managed to escape. After Aizen and his followers got away, the duo tended to Shinji and the rest of the victims, who were deep in the process of Hollowfication. Urahara said he could possibly help them at his lab, so Tessai used a forbidden Kidō to transport them there. In his lab, Urahara tried to reverse the process using an item he had created, the "Hōgyoku". However, it did not have the effect Urahara expected.

The following morning, Urahara and Tessai were arrested and brought before the Central 46. They were swiftly tried, with little opportunity to defend themselves. Urahara was sentenced to be stripped of his Shinigami powers and exiled to the Human World. However, before the sentence could be carried out, he and Tessai were rescued by Yoruichi, who led them to a secret underground area. There, she berated him for keeping her out of the loop, then explained that she had brought the eight Hollowfied Shinigami and the prototype Gigai that Urahara had been working on. Urahara resolved to make Reiatsu-concealing Gigai to help himself, Tessai, and the eight Hollowfied victims escape to the Human World, where they unsuccessfully tried to find a way to undo the Hollowfication process.[30] At some point, Urahara established his store in the Human World, and became acquainted with Kūkaku Shiba.

One day, during his time in the Human World, Kisuke walked by Masaki Kurosaki as she started to feel faint on her way home from school, to which he noticed. Later, Kisuke appeared before Isshin Shiba, captain of the 10th Division and the Quincy Ryūken Ishida, who were arguing about the condition of the unconscious Masaki, who had developed a Hollow-like hole after being injured by one in a recent fight. He stopped their quarreling by telling them he could help save Masaki.

At his shop, Urahara introduced himself and identified Masaki's condition to be Hollowfication. He explained that it is irreversible, and that the only way to stabilize it is to insert a part of the soul from something opposite of the species at hand, and that it worked for all of the other victims of this condition he tested this method with. After Ryūken accused him of lying, he stated that this wasn't Ryūken's choice. He then said that to save Masaki, Isshin must enter a Gigai that would attach his soul to Masaki's. In doing so, Isshin would be unable to return to his Shinigami form so long as Masaki was alive. Isshin quickly agreed to this solution, which surprised Urahara and Ryūken. After listening to Isshin's resolve, Urahara began working on the solution.Ultimately, the operation was a success. Later, Kisuke helped Isshin establish his new life in the Human World.

Yoruichi Shihōin (四楓院 夜一, Shihōin Yoru'ichi) is the former captain of the 2nd Division of the Gotei 13, as well as the former commander of the Onmitsukidō. Her Lieutenant was Marenoshin Ōmaeda. Having abandoned her command of both positions, she works with Kisuke Urahara and Tessai Tsukabishi, based in the Urahara Shop out in the Human World.

Yoruichi Shihōin is a slender yet athletically fit and well-endowed woman of average height. She has dark skin, golden irises, and black hair. Her hair is waist-length and kept in a ponytail with chin-length bangs framing the sides of her face. Her standard attire consists of a black, backless, sleeveless undershirt, an orange over-shirt with two white straps on each shoulder, a large beige sash around her waist, and black stretch pants with a pair of lightweight brown shoes, which allow for stealth and easy use of Shunpo. She previously wore a beige neck warmer, which she pulled up to cover her face in order to hide her identity, but seems to have forgone its use. She occasionally wears long beige wrist and leg warmers, each secured by bands.During the Quincy Blood War, Yoruichi wears a short dress, arm warmers and thigh length boots.

Unlike any other known Shinigami, she can transform into a small black cat for long periods of time. In this form, she has a distinctive female voice and golden eyes.

110 years ago, during her time as a captain, she wore the same sleeveless and backless Onmitsukidō uniform, with long black wrist guards which Suì-Fēng wears now, but had a black ribbon tied around her neck. She wore a long-sleeved captain's haori. Her hair was much shorter, cut in a style similar to Suì-Fēng's current hairstyle, but without the braids. At some point prior to this, she wore the white Onmitsukidō uniform of the correction corps.

Yoruichi is intelligent and witty, holding an intimate knowledge of Soul Society and its workings, as she was the former leader of the Onmitsukidō and the Second Division's captain. Although of noble birth, she acts differently from most other nobles, very much like Kaien Shiba. For instance, she instructed Suì-Fēng to refer to her without using honorific suffixes, but reluctantly settled for being called "Yoruichi-sama". On several occasions, she transforms into her Human form directly in front of Ichigo just to see his reaction to seeing her naked, which she teases him about. In addition, she speaks in a dialect used by elders in the Japanese script, such as identifying herself as "washi" (a term usually used by old men to define themselves with), instead of more feminine terms like "watashi", in both her Human and animal forms. When referring to others in the place of the "you" pronoun, she uses the archaic "onushi".

While it is unknown how she obtained her cat transformation, she appears to prefer spending most of her time in it. Upon showing her Shinigami form to Ichigo, she forgot to put on clothes, as she had grown used to not needing them; due to being in cat form for so long. She especially takes delight in transforming in front of people to see their shocked reaction, due to her cat form making her sound male. Her love for her cat form extends to great anger should someone harm it or insult its appearance, as seen from how upset she got after her tail was damaged.

Although relatively calm and mature when a situation calls for it, Yoruichi is quite laid-back and playful, often teasing or flirting with those younger than her, such as Ichigo Kurosaki at the underground hot spring, a younger and hot-headed Byakuya Kuchiki, Suì-Fēng before her time as a captain, and Kisuke Urahara, childhood friend, former underling, and fellow ex-captain. Yoruichi prefers to drink milk, which fits with her practice of transforming into a cat.

Yoruichi Shihōin was born the princess of the Tenshi Heisōban (天賜兵装番, Guard of the Heavenly Gifted Armaments; Viz "Defender of the Realm"), the Shihōin Clan, one of the four noble families. Yoruichi grew up at the Shihōin Mansion in the Seireitei of Soul Society with her childhood friends Kisuke Urahara and Tessai Tsukabishi. During this time, they played together daily under the Sōkyoku hill training space, which Urahara built when they were children.

Later, Yoruichi became the Corps Commander of the Executive Militia of the Onmitsukidō while serving as the 22nd generational Head of the Shihōin Clan, becoming the first woman to ever hold the position. Some time later, she would serve as Commander-in-Chief of the Onmitsukidō, as the position is traditionally held by the heads of the Shihōin Clan. She eventually rose to the position of captain of the 2nd Division of the Gotei 13, further uniting the formerly separate military arms together, as this was also traditionally done by her family.

Some time later, she decided to change her role in the Onmitsukidō from being the Corps Commander of the Executive Militia, which is the position traditionally held by the Commander-in-Chief, to being the Corps Commander of the Corrections Corps. While Yoruichi was Onmitsukidō Commander, she took in Suì-Fēng as a personal bodyguard. Recognizing her talent, she became a mentor and friend. She taught Suì-Fēng most of the techniques she knew. During her time in Soul Society, she created many techniques which involved Shunpo, and taught some of them to Byakuya.

About 110 years ago, Yoruichi recommended that Kisuke Urahara, her 3rd Seat, be appointed to the recently opened position of Captain of the 12th Division after the former captain, Kirio Hikifune, was promoted.Prior to presenting Urahara with the news of the open position, Yoruichi had a sparring session with him at the Sōkyoku Hill training space. Before retiring to the 2nd Division barracks, Yoruichi informed Urahara she had recommended him for the position. Suì-Fēng confronted Yoruichi, concerned that she was overestimating Urahara's capabilities, and proceeded to explain she believed it had been a mistake to appoint him as Corps Commander of the Detention Unit. Suì-Fēng continued by stating he was undeserving of such a position. While Yoruichi readily admitted that Urahara was not really a hard worker, she dismissed Suì-Fēng's criticisms, playfully insinuating that her focus on him must have romantic connotations, which Suì-Fēng denied.

After spending the day following Urahara around Soul Society taking notes, Suì-Fēng returned to the 2nd Division barracks to show Yoruichi her evidence of Urahara's lack of competence in his position, only to find Urahara already there talking with Yoruichi. Suì-Fēng is told Urahara would be taking the captain proficiency exam, to which she stands in disbelief. Yoruichi, confirming it, further requested Suì-Fēng attend the exam as well. She explains that normally only captains are allowed to attend, but she had asked special permission to allow Suì-Fēng to attend. Suì-Fēng was at first confused about why she should attend, but Yoruichi told her there was no need to keep secrets, as she knew she was attracted to Urahara, which Suì-Fēng again denied. Yoruichi explained she knew all about how Suì-Fēng had been following Urahara around all day.

Suì-Fēng admitted she was following Urahara around, but stated it was to prove he was lazy, incompetent, and unworthy of Yoruichi's praise. Suì-Fēng handed her notes to Yoruichi, who, reading them, commented on how detailed they were. When Urahara didn't deny any of the information in the report, Suì-Fēng was shocked he would be so honest about his seemingly unprofessional actions. An unsurprised Yoruichi, stating Urahara never changes, praised Suì-Fēng for her intelligence gathering skills. Suì-Fēng, happy at first, realized Yoruichi regarded the notes not as intelligence information, but rather as a love letter.

Suì-Fēng was reasonably distressed, and blushing in embarrasment and realizatiton that Yoruichi might be right before saying that will never happen childishly Yoruichi laughing it off, told her to loosen up, as she wasn't serious. They were interrupted by the arrival of a squad member, who delivered a message that the people Urahara had been looking for had been found. Suì-Fēng replied that if he didn't return in time, it would put a strain on the 2nd Division's reputation and Yoruichi's. Yoruichi, dismissing this, told Urahara to hurry off to his duty, and told Suì-Fēng to help prepare for Urahara's Captain's Proficiency Test.Yoruichi was present with the other captains awaiting the start of the ceremony. Upon Urahara's arrival to the 1st Division barracks, where he was formerly introduced to the other captains, he was chastised by Yoruichi for being so reluctant. She told him he was already a captain, so he should stand tall.

A day or so after Urahara took over the 12th Division, Yoruichi was told by an Onmitsukidō member that Urahara had entered the Detention Unit property, claiming he had been given approval to go. Yoruichi couldn't recall when or even if he asked for permission or whether she granted it, but when asked if she wanted him removed, she nonchalantly told her division members not to bother and to allow him to go where he liked. When asked if she remembered the incident in question, Yoruichi plainly said no. Suì-Fēng, becoming distressed, prepared to voice her disapproval, but Yoruichi told her to calm down, as it was Kisuke they were talking about, stating he must have had an idea of some kind.

Yoruichi appeared to be on good terms with the members of the Kuchiki noble Clan as she would often visit the Kuchiki Manor to play tag with a teenage Byakuya Kuchiki. On one such occasion, she was asked to train Byakuya by his grandfather Ginrei Kuchiki, the Head of the Kuchiki Clan and the 6th Division captain. Upon seeing the arrival of Yoruichi, Byakuya swung his sword at her, calling her a were-cat. Yoruichi, laughing, began to playfully tease him, calling him "Little Byakuya". She complained about receiving such a greeting after coming all the way there to see him. Byakuya yelled at her, saying he didn't want to see the likes of her, and he would be the head of the Kuchiki Clan soon enough, so he had no time to waste on her. While asking if that was the case, she stole the ribbon holding his hair back. Byakuya, quickly turning, swung his sword at her, but she easily dodged it.

Yoruichi, laughing at him, exclaimed that if the head of the Kuchiki Clan could get his hair-tie stolen by a girl who is just playing, then the future of the Kuchiki Clan had become bleak, though this was just a ploy to entice him into another game of tag. Not to be defeated so easily, Byakuya told her not to move an inch, but before he could finish, she, telling him he couldn't catch her, used Shunpo to begin the chase. Byakuya stated he could see she wished to incite his wrath, and he promised to make her see the error of her ways, further claiming his Shunpo was far superior to hers.

9 years later, Yoruichi attended an emergency meeting of the captains of the Gotei 13, where the Captain-Commander was giving an intelligence report on the disappearances of the 9th Division Captain Kensei Muguruma, Lieutenant Mashiro Kuna, and the other high-ranking members of their division, stating they had previously been sent out to investigate the disappearance of other division members, and declaring he will choose 5 captains to form an investigation team. When a very winded and frantic Urahara showed up to ask that he be allowed to go with the investigation team, as he had previously sent his Lieutenant Hiyori Sarugaki to the site of the disappearances, he was summarily told no by Captain-Commander Yamamoto. When he protested, he was chastised by Yoruichi, who told him he was acting pathetic and that he should get a grip on himself. She further stated he sent Hiyori himself, and for him to lose his composure like that only insulted her. The Captain-Commander continued naming the members of the investigation team, telling Yoruichi she was to standby for further orders.

The next day, Urahara and Tessai were arrested under the orders of the Central 46. It immediately became evident they had been set up by Aizen, but were given no right to defend themselves and prove their innocence. As a result, they were quickly given their sentences. For "committing crimes against researching and invoking forbidden phenomenon" and "deceiving and inflicting grievous injury to fellow Shinigami", Urahara was sentenced to become Human and to be exiled to the Human World. For "using forbidden Kidō techniques", Tessai was sentenced to life imprisonment in a Level 3 detention area.Before either of their sentences could be executed, a masked Yoruichi, entering the building, knocked the guards unconscious and rescuing the disgraced former captains, bringing them to a secret underground area.

In this secluded area, she expounded how mad she was at them for excluding her from their plan. She revealed she had brought the eight Hollowfied Shinigami and the prototype Gigai Urahara was working on. With that epiphany, Urahara resolved to make ten Reiatsu-blocking Gigai to aid him and Tessai. Tessai stated his fear about Yoruichi's safety, but she calmly stated they should not worry about her, as she would escape somehow.

When she left Soul Society, she left behind her titles and positions, and was thus relieved of her high status. She was succeeded as 2nd Division Captain and Commander of the Onmitsukidō by her protégé, Suì-Fēng, at a later date.