Chereads / The Kitsune Reaper / Chapter 4 - Chapter 3

Chapter 4 - Chapter 3

It was just any other day for Ichigo Kurosaki he would go to school get into a fight after it because of his hair color see a ghost try to help them pass on or do them a favor then head home then almost get kicked in the face by his hyperactive father he'd greet his sisters Yuzu and Karin go to his room do his homework then go out to the dojo to train with Tatski after that he'd head home and sleep for the night but this night would be the night that everything changed and not just his life but every life he comes into contact with.

The sun goes down in Karakura town standing on top of a telephone pole is a black haired girl wearing a shihakshou with a zanpaktou waiting for a hollow to appear her name is Rukia she has been sensing 6 huge powers all day it's been bothering her that she hasn't been able to find them but one of the 3 biggest ones is at a clinic that she's above also the potential of the boy she's looking at seems to be limitless and he seems to be unaware of the power within himself she has an idea of how to awaken it but before she can move a hand touches her shoulder gripping her hard.

She turns around then sees a man with yellow hair blue eyes whisker marks on his cheeks wearing a soul reaper uniform she's never met him before he lets go of her then says what you're thinking of doing will get you killed plus you are being watched and recorded right now she gasps in shock he says this mission was a setup but not by your captain as he's always sick she asks who would do this to me he says don't know yet they are trying to cover their tracks but not doing a good job of it.

Also let me awaken the boy's powers unlike with you i won't lose my powers doing so she nods Naruto goes into Ichigo's room then awakens his soul reaper powers Ichigo wakes up as he feels power coursing through him but he also feels something happening to his body and something coming after him as well Naruto takes him to the nearest water source puts a kido barrier as well as a seal barrier around his body so no one can enter or leave the area also so no one can sense what's happening then chucks Ichigo into the river he also makes sure that he can breathe underwater.

He does some hand seals then kicks Ichigo out of his body after that he goes down into the water he looks at Ichigo who can't believe that he can stand up with how strong the current is this time of year Naruto says listen to me as we don't have alot of time there is a chain attached to your chest Ichigo looks down Naruto says i've started the process for you to become a soul reaper but it seems that you were born with hollow DNA as well which means that unless you want to die you must choose the path of the soul reaper and never let the Hollow inside you consume you or you will cease to exist.

Ichigo asks what happens if that comes to pass Naruto says it will take over your body kill everything in it's path while wearing your face until it's completely made sure that you are gone and that you have no ties to this world then it will destroy this entire city using all of your soul reaper power to make sure that it too is gone for good Ichigo asks how do i choose which path to take Naruto says well i will prepare a ritual for that but ultimately it will be up to you but inside your mind you will be shown multiple visions then the chain will start eating itself.

Once the chain is halfway gone you will see a bunch of white boxes red for soul reaper blue for quincy black for hollow orange for bount white for arrancar and rainbow for all of the races but sadly nobody has been able to achieve that color except 1 but no one knows what happened to him or if he ever existed Ichigo is looking confused Naruto says don't worry about it i'll teach you what the other races are eventually for now just focus on soul reaper Ichigo nods.

Naruto does the soul reaper ritual that Urahara did in canon a few hours later Ichigo comes out with a shihaksho of his own his sword reflects the immense amount of spiritual pressure he has it's a broadword with black and red wrapping on the handle blue tassles bronze pommel and cross gaurd brown leather strap and sheathe he comes out of the water wearing a black and white hollow mask that he takes off then the barriers get taken down Rukia asks is he a hollow now Naruto says no but he will be fighting one for the rest of his life but good news is you kept your powers.

She nods then asks can you do that with everyone Naruto says no only those like him who are aware of the supernatural from birth and have a high spiritual pressure she nods then asks what would have happned to me had you not stepped in he says well you would have been taken to the soul society for a long list of crimes that you didn't commit except turning him into a soul reaper also those still spying on us would have tried to train him and his friends because you would have taught him how to use those powers while also becoming friends.

Both Ichigo and Rukia are shocked at how knowledgeable he is about this Rukia asks can you see the future Naruto says no i can't but i was shown the future centuries ago Ichigo asks how many centuries Naruto asks depends what year is it now Ichigo says 1992 Naruto says i recieved that vision of the future 1,900 years ago both Rukia and Ichigo gasp in surprise even Jinta and Ururu couldn't believe what they were hearing they were also recording everything just in case however as luck would have it a familiar roar echoed through the town.

but Naruto felt something different about these hollows they were stronger than normal hollows also they were drawn here by hollow bait which means that more will be coming he also senses weaker ones on the way as well he locks onto the weak ones as far as he can tell there should be about 8 in total all of them are heading towards the park and the school he turns towards Rukia and Ichigo then says look i don't have time to learn your names just yet but there's more hollows coming then just this area i'm strong but i can't be everywhere at once.

Rukia nods then asks where will they show up she's heard of sensors before but never met one who's lived long enough to actually teach others their skills he says you and the boy are going to have to split up she gets a worried look on her face Naruto just laughs then says don't worry about it the ones i'm sending you two after a first year academy student could beat them she huffs in annoyance but understands why as Ichigo just became a soul reaper not 10 minutes ago also he has no idea what she is capable of.

He says they are going to be at his school and the public playground they nod then head over there Rukia has Ichigo follow her he does so until he asks why would he send us after hollows so weak she sighs then says because you literally just became a soul reaper also he has no idea what your skill level with a sword is on top of that he has no idea if you have any combat experience she turns to him then says street fights don't count he asks why don't they and have you been watching me she says only for the past month.

She says because it's obvious before you even throw the first punch who's going to win those humans stand no chance against you even with weapons he says yeah so she sighs then says you may know how to fight but not how to be in a real knock out dragout fight that's to the death we do Ichigo says well we haven't had anything like that in quite sometime almost 4 or 500 years she asks what about the first and second world wars he scoffs then says we only did those for political and financial gain not conquest.

After some more talking and running they arrive at the playground Ichigo asks is this where we part ways or do i stay and help you she says no go on to your school he nods then rushes over there he lands on the roof he draws his sword a few minutes later there's 4 hollows all grey with different color stripes on their masks all of them look like giant dogs that got hollowfied they rush Ichigo he cuts off a limb from one as it passes by him only to grow back he does this to all four of them getting annoyed he even cuts one in half.

Another he cuts its head off but misses the mask entirely he even chops one to pieces but again misses the mask the fourth one he cuts it's limbs and tail off a few minutes later they regenerate then fly through the sky to attack him finally he just slices one right through the mask killing it after that he does so with the rest he puts his sword away after hearing clapping to see Rukia there she says not bad he asks how long have you been watching my battle she says pretty much since you jumped up here i took care of mine rather quickly.

He asks why didn't you say anything another voice responds because i told her not to they both turn to see a tall, lean man with light skin and gray eyes his hair is messy and light-blond (almost pale) with strands framing the sides of the face and hanging between his eyes, and he has chin stubble. He wears a dark green samue over this he wears a black haori which sports a white diamond pattern along its bottom half reminiscent of an inverted captain's haori carries a fan which he occasionally uses to hide his face he usually wears traditional Japanese wooden sandals.

Ichigo asks who are you he says my name is Kisuke Urahara like you two i'm a soul reaper but really we shouldn't be talking about this in the open they nod and follow him to his shop where that strange man who helped them is waiting for them Naruto asks explain to me why i'm not on the other side of globe by now i've averted the future you can train the boy from here Kisuke sighs then asks do you know how long i've waited for this day to come to even know that you actually exist to meet you in person.

Ichigo whispers to Rukia is he someone special she shrugs her shoulders having never seen him before Naruto says listen whoever told you to look for me tell them you couldn't find me i have no interest in the soul society especially after central 46 ruined everything along with those greedy clans always vying for more money or more power Rukia growls but Kisuke just laughs at what Naruto says then says Naruto that was 9,000 years ago it's not like that anymore.

Rukia calms down after hearing that but can't believe he hasn't been in the soul society in that long or how old he is Kisuke says Rukia we have a celebrity in our midst she asks who other than you he says not me he points at Naruto then says you're looking at probably the closest thing we soul reapers have to a god there is she asks what do you mean Kisuke says if the legends are true and from what the head captain told me before i went into exile is that Naruto here is the reason we even exist in fact it's because of him that we continue to exist.

she gasps in shock then gets angry grabs him gets in his face then asks where have you been all of this time Naruto's hands glow he touches her soul then says ah i see she steps back then asks what did you just do he says i just saw your past through your eyes it was fascinating also to answer your question for the past 9,000 years i've been here on earth helping them with their problems even making sure that the ghosts who couldn't pass on would become soul reapers instead of hollows she sighs then asks if you were doing all of that who was helping us with our problems Naruto says believe it or not i'm not a god.

Naruto says it's true that i can still make copies of myself and use my old powers from my human life but i can't be everywhere at once helping everyone with everything my powers aren't limitless Kisuke says to answer your question Naruto your apprentice wants you to come back to the soul society to help him root out any traitors Naruto says nope not going to happen even if you train this brat not going to happen he asks why not Naruto says because last time i was there Yammy was still a 9th seat officer he saw some interest in a few hobbies while i did all of the work if he became head captain then he'll just laze about while i do everything while he drinks tea lays around and peaks at women.

Kisuke chuckles then says um Naruto he's an old man now i'm pretty sure he doesn't do that anymore plus he's married Naruto scratches the back of his head then wonders did he ever take any students Kisuke says yes two of them Naruto scratches his chin then asks do you have a training ground here Kisuke says yeah i do under the shop Naruto grabs both Rukia and Ichigo by their collars dragging them then says show me Kisuke sweat drops as does the watching Yoruichi.

they find the training ground Naruto chucks them down the hatch to it they complain about being thrown but Naruto's eyes change from an electric blue to red with black slits as does his aura it too becomes red inside Naruto's mind Yami is in front of Kurama begging him to set Naruto free Kurama says we both know that i can't do that only he can besides we both know that the day he comes back to the world is the day we no longer have to feed him our energy Yami says but without him i can't use our Zanpaktou properly.

Kurama says then just use this one he gives Yami a scimitar when it's in it's released state that has what looks like claws as the handle a fang as the blade orange and black wrapping with bronze cross gaurd and pommel Yami asks what are it's powers Kurama says illusions and energy blasts in the sealed form it's a katana that has red and white wrapping with a black sheathe that has a demonic fox on it the Zanbaktou materializes before everyones eyes shocking them.

Yami says in a slightly demonic voice as his claws and fangs pop out from now on i will be training the two of you everyday as will hat and clogs over there they chuckle he scowls a little bit also when the time is right we will train your friends as well as they all have unique abilities Ichigo nods Kisuke asks when should we train them Yami asks well what day is it Ichigo says it's Monday Yami says contact them tomorrow tell them everything but not you he points at Ichigo and Rukia they ask why not Yami says because if the visions have proven anything is that you are reckless even more than he is.

She asks how's that possible Yami says exibit A you accepted a post to patrol this town even though you had no idea who the order came from she says it came from central 46 Yami lets it slide then says Exibit B your powers have been weakening since you have been borrowing gigai's from hat and clogs here and you never bothered to ask why Kisuke is sweating Exibit C in the timeline where you do give him your powers don't you find it strange that instead of the transfer being temporary that it's almost permanent.

She looks at kisuke then asks what have i ever done to you that you want to strip me of my powers Yami says it's not you it's what's inside of you that's been inside of you since birth it's also what killed your mother your brother's wife or should i say father she gasps then asks is that true Kisuke says yes it is true you're not his adopted sister but his daughter but he never knew she was pregnant with you Kisuke scowls then asks how is it for someone who's supposed to have been removed from the events of the soul society you seem to know too much for a vision.

Yami says okay i lied a little bit the vision didn't show me every event just what would happen on this night and the events leading up to her execution Rukia asks did i die he says in one of the two timelines i saw yes you did but for no reason at all except lust for power she asks so let me get this straight in the timeline you stopped i lose my powers and die Yami nods then says in the other one i saw you lived but it took a year to get your powers back she says that sucks.

Yami says enough of this let me see what the soul society is teaching you guys now days she nods pulls out her sword then asks released or not he says not i don't want to kill anyone tonight plus the kid needs to learn how to fight with a sword that reminds me hat and clogs until i say otherwise you will train the boy Kisuke asks give me one good reason why i should Yami sends a red energy ball from his zanbaktou at Kisuke who deflects it with his own but is surprised that there's electricty coarsing through his blade meaning his can't handle the power of that one.

Kisuke is worried as is Yoruichi she's never met anyone who can do that to a zanpaktou before not even the head captain can do that with just energy blasts what's more is that it's in its sealed state after that he begins training Ichigo like he was trained all he bothers teaching him is how to survive in a battle against other soul reapers at first then makes him have resolve in the face of death even against a stronger opponent after that he hones Ichigo's battle instincts then tries to appeal to the street fighter and martial artist inside of him by teaching him the actual sword techniques of the soul reapers.

While this is going on Rukia is trying her best not to die in a spar with Yami which she is putting up a valiant fight but is losing badly in fact she can't fight anymore once both are exhausted Yami takes Ichigo home puts him back into his body gives him a modsoul as well as a stuffed animal to put it in Rukia crashes in Ichigo's closet without him knowing Yami gave her a gigai that won't affect her then disappeared they got home at 10:30pm Kisuke sighs then asks what do you think my old friend she says idk what you want me say but the mission is alot more complicated than i thought Kisuke asks why's that.

She sighs then says because his physche has been damaged by something traumatic what's weird is that the dark part of him seems to be trying to bring back the light part Kisuke asks can it be done she says it can be but that would require a level of trust and access that i just don't have also he would hace to let me into his mind completely as he is now he doesn't trust anyone especially soul reapers or those in a position of power if his hatred of central 46 is anything to go by also he seems to not like power hungry people.

Kisuke asks is it possible to bring him over to our side when the conflict starts you do know that the war is going to happen eventually that's why you were given this mission she says i know that but i'm not going to try to gain his trust only to lose it later so don't mention this subject again Kisuke asks why not we need his help Yourichi asks is the soul society being invaded in the next few years or something he says no just in the next few hundred she says then shut up about it how would you feel if the only reason Kukaku got with you was because it was her mission to.

He gets angry at this then he thinks about it he realizes what he was basically asking her to do and it stung so he says i'm sorry Yourichi i wasn't thinking about how it would feel to have that happen she says of course not because you've let the soul society almost brainwash your way of thinking instead you need to go visit Kukaku and let her seduce you back on track he says what happens between us is our business before he realizes the trap he just made for himself Yourichi smirks when she sees the recognition fall on his face.

Meanwhile Yami is sitting on top of Ichigo's school Rukia finds him she sits next to him then asks why won't you come back to the soul society things have changed he scoffs then says according to your memories they have gotten worse not better she says it's not all bad there's good stuff too Yami says listen the second i step foot there whatever life i have is over tons of power hungry people will try to capture me to see how they can take my power for themselves it's why i put some of it away so they would chase that item instead of me.

Yourichi and Kisuke can't believe what they just heard they go back to the shop Kisuke says i had no idea that the hogyokyu has some of his power in it makes sense why so many people are after it Yourichi asks i thought you created it he says no not entirely i merely created what it does not what the energy inside of it besides all i did was transfer that energy after i created the hogyokyu because i needed something to power it i had no idea that it was his energy i took the energy from an old jewel that can hold anything inside not to mention that the jewel itself is cursed.