Scott and Mark left the town two days later. Scott didn't want to go through the airport bustle and opted for a private plane. He'd said goodbye to Chloe the day before.
The plane landed a couple of hours later at the MacArthur airport. The contrast was evident.The crisp mountain air, and the rugged beauty of Ruby Pointe's rolling hills and towering pines gave way to the manicured lawns, perfectly trimmed hedges of homes in Long Island.
"Feels weird doesn't it?" Scott asked his son after they'd rented a car and he'd driven it towards Miriam's house. The distant hum of luxury cars and the soft chatter of passersby went past them.
Mark sunk back in the passenger seat and took a deep breath. "Definitely."
As they approached Miriam's home the sound of leaves crunched beneath their feet. When Miriam unlocked the door, she appeared surprised. "Scott? Mark? What are you doing in New York"
"Miriam." Scott replied coldly.