Chereads / Substitute bride: Just A Kidney Donor For The Richmond's Family / Chapter 10 - My mother-in-law knows the truth about my marriage with her son.

Chapter 10 - My mother-in-law knows the truth about my marriage with her son.

Vivienne Parker POV

I woke up very early in the morning to prepare food because we were leaving to the hospital that day. 

I was done cooking and arranging our language I went to call my mother inlaw,

She was already awake.

Good morning ma'am..I greeted

Good morning Vivienne.. she replied

I can see you are already awake..I said, I came to call so you can have your bath and come for your breakfast because it's ready so we can leave early to the hospital.

Ok Vivienne..she said

Her tune was completely changed her attitude towards me, she was acting cold to me, this is strange I said to myself, unlike before she will show appreciation and bless me but here she's just saying ok.

Is everything alright ma'am..I asked

I'm fine Vivienne.. she replied, and please you have to leave my room, serve me my breakfast in dinning..she added.

I was shocked, she is asking me to leave her room? I asked myself, what could be the reason she's this cool to me, did I do something wrong without knowing. Many questions kept running in my mind.

I quietly left her room as she demanding, i 

went to kitchen dish out her food and put it on the dinning table.

She choose to eat before having her bath , so I waited for her to come so I can help her to sit surprisingly she asked me to leave that she will pull out the sit alone, reluctantly I left to have my bath.

What could be wrong with my mother inlaw ..I kept asking myself.

I decided to wake Aaron and tell him about her mother sudden behavior towards me and I got it as usual.

When I got to the room he was already awake.

Good morning Aaron..I greeted him

Good morning Vivienne..he replied

Aaron there's something I want to talk about with you..I said

What's the problem this morning Vivienne..he asked.

It's about mom's sudden change of attitude towards me..I said to him

What's the attitude all about Vivienne..he asked.

Mom is acting cool towards me, I went to her room this morning to tell her that her breakfast is ready then she asked me to leave her room… 

Is that what you want us to talk about, mom asked you to leave her room, is that a big deal Vivienne.. he cut in

No that's not all, I served her meal in the dinning as usual I waited for her to come so I can pull out a seat for her to sit by t she asked me to leave that she doesn't need my help.. 

I didn't want him to say anything so I quickly pleaded him to tell me where I have gone wrong because she's the last person I would want to offend.

Please Aaron where did I go wrong.. please if I have done anything wrong to mom please let me know I will quickly apologize please..

Look Vivienne I don't know what you are talking about as you know we both slept in this room, I didn't sleep on mom's room, maybe she just woke up at the wrong side of her bed.

I thought Aaron was going to shout at me I was shocked how nice he was. He stood up and went to meet his mother. Where is she..he asked

She's in the dinning..I replied

Alright come and get me my food..he said and left to see his mom and I followed him.

Good morning mom..he greeted

Good morning my darling son.. she replied cheerfully.

How are you doing mom..he asked

I'm good my son..she replied, how are you doing too..she added.

I'm good Mom..he replied.

So why is she cool to me I asked myself

I walked up to her just to see if she will talk to me as usual. So I decided to ask her about the food.

Ma'am I hope you like the food..I said smiling but I didn't get any reply.

Go get my food Vivienne.. Aaron requested.

Ok.. I..I….I..will… do…. Just that…I replied stammering

Are you now a Tamara Vivienne? Aaron asked

I couldn't say anything I just left to the kitchen to serve him his food.

Please hurry up.. remember mom is going to the hospital today.

I brought his breakfast and serve him.

Here is your food Aaron..I said while putting the food in front of him.

I left to get my own food and join them.

As I brought my food to the dinning, I pulled out a seat to sit.

Please only family needed mother-in-law said indirectly to me.

I ignored her.

Vivienne I'm talking to you..she finally called my name.

I looked at Aaron hoping that he will intervene. But he didn't say anything. So I continue eating.

Who do you think you are Vivienne, let me remind you.. you are just a substitute wife to my son so don't think you belong here..she said arrogantly.

I still didn't alter a word I was just hoping Aaron will say something. He finally speak up.

Vivienne you have to leave.. Aaron said to me

Where did I go wrong that nobody is willing to tell me.

I'm very sorry ma'am if I have offended you on known please. I missed the real you ma'am.

I don't have your time, you don't belong here you only sign a five years contract marriage not infinity. Vivienne besides you sign a contract marriage to pay your bills and feed your family members. So leave here right now.. my mother -in-law said to me.

I know I'm a substitute wife which I don't need anybody to remind me that, though Aaron here my supposed husband keep reminding me every day so I'm not surprised.

But what I don't understand is how she found out I am a substitute bride to her son. Well I knew she will one day find out about the truth since her son keeps calling me that everyday but I never knew it will be this soon. 

Ever since I step my feed into this mansion she is the only person who showed me love among all the family members and now I have lost her because too because of the truth about my marriage to her son.