Chereads / Substitute bride: Just A Kidney Donor For The Richmond's Family / Chapter 16 - Avoiding Aaron Richmond; Moving out of the Richmond's family mansion

Chapter 16 - Avoiding Aaron Richmond; Moving out of the Richmond's family mansion


"I don't know if it is only my imagination or maybe, I am just wasting my time suspecting Vivienne but the closeness between Vivienne and Dr Cartel is someone getting too alarming." 

"When she told me her waist was hurting and I should go call for Dr Cartel, I somehow felt like something was off with her." Because when I walked in she was fine and she was even chatting with doctor Cartel but when I sat down beside her and the doctor left she started complaining about her waist.

"And for the past few days that she has been in the hospital whenever I want to go see her." "The nurses will tell me she doesn't need any visitors." 

"The last time I had to threaten nurses with the fact that I will report them to their board of directors for not letting me see my wife." Before they finally allowed me to go see her at a ward. "And the guest who I saw her laughing and smiling with. 

"I saw her laughing and smiling with Dr. Cartel." And that somehow made me very angry but what made me even more angry was the fact that the moment she saw me she said she wanted to rest.

"I just can't wait for her to get better so I can take her away from this hospital and from that so-called Dr. Cartel side".

"I know she hasn't forgiven me for the way I spoke to her." But it wasn't my fault. She was the one who signed the contract. I don't even know why I am complaining when she will soon leave my mansion and my life. 

"I want her to go but I don't know why deep down I don't want her talking about divorce besides me." And that is what Mary wants so we could be together. 

"Talking about her and now she is calling." I said to myself and I answered the call..

"What is it?" I asked her the moment I picked the call.

"What's wrong babe?" She asked me. 

"I thought I told you to stop calling me?" I will be the person to call you. I said to her,

"I am sorry babe, just that I miss you so much honey, when are you coming?" She asked.

"Won't be able to come and see you today." I am very busy but I will send you money. "You can take the money and go do your shopping." I said to her,

"Alright babe, thanks so much." I am going to miss you." Mary said and I ended the call. 

"While still holding my phone I placed a call to my account manager and he immediately answered my call."

"Boss." He said 

"Send $5000 to Mary Parker's bank account." I said to my account manager.

"Okay boss." He answered and I cut off the call. 

"And I walked to my mother's ward since she was discharged today from the hospital and as for Vivienne I will check up on her the moment the drivers come here to take my mom to the car."

"Just then I received an alert from my phone which shows that $5000 has been withdrawn from my account to Mary Parker account."


"I and Mrs Daisy Richmond were discharged on the same day." "My discharged papers were to be given to Aaron Richmond so I quickly called on Dr Cartel, since I didn't want to go home with them." I can't imagine myself in the same mansion with them. Still in my thoughts Dr Cartel walked in.

"Good morning Vivienne.". he greeted me with smile all over his face.

"Good morning Dr Cartel".. I replied.

"Alright Vivienne your discharging papers are ready I came to see you before handling it over to Aaron Richmond your husband."

"Please Dr Cartel can you do me a favor?" I asked looking at him.

"What's the favor all about.". he asked

"Please, Dr Cartel, I don't want to go with Aaron Richmond and his mom Mrs. Daisy Richmond." "I want to be here please tell them I haven't fully recovered and that I still have to be here please"… I pleaded with Dr Cartel.

"Your wish is my command Vivienne, but you need to go home and be properly cared for.".he replied.

"I don't have anyone to care about me".

" None of them will care about me and I don't want my dad to know about my predicament." please, let me just be here, I will more fine if I remain here. I kept pleading with Dr Cartel to see reasons with me.

"That's fine Vivienne".. he replied but it won't be here. "This is a hospital you have to vacate for another patient." "Besides you have fully recovered it's not advisable you remain here I will take you to my apartment".. Dr. Cartel said.

"I was very happy, I was overwhelmed". I couldn't imagine my life with Aaron Richmond, his mom Mrs Daisy Richmond. They are so heartless.

"Thank you very much Dr Cartel.". I replied stretching my hands to hug him. He hugged me and pecked my forehead.

"He then tore the discharging papers, we will be leaving in the night time okay that's when I will be done with work".. he said

"That's not a problem.". I replied.

"I will be heading to Mrs Daisy Richmond bay right now to give Aaron Richmond her discharging papers to sign." Dr Cartel said and left while l waved at him with smile on my face.

"Later in the evening Aaron Richmond said his mom Mrs Daisy Richmond left the hospital premises, Aaron came to check on me before leaving."

"Good day Vivienne".. how are you doing..he asked.

"I'm good but I'm feeling pains around my waist".. I lied.

"Yeah Dr Cartel told me and he also said that you can't be discharged".. he said to me holding my hands.

"Yeah he said that to me too".. I replied.

"Your health matters most Vivienne".. "though we will be hosting a party for mom's successful surgery in two days".. Aaron said to me still playing with my hands, his presence irritates me.

"Wow that's gonna be amazing".. I replied and faked a smile, they celebrating over my kidney and has the guts to tell me, Aaron Richmond is heartless.. I said to myself.

"I'm gonna miss it because Dr Cartel said I have an extra two weeks to be here."

 "And I have to pay for the extra two weeks and I don't have the money to pay".. I said to Aaron.

"Don't worry I will handle it".. he replied.

"Thank you Aaron Richmond, I do appreciate it".. I said and rubbed his back .

"That's fine let me settle your bills and take mom home. he said and pecked my lips". I miss your curvy body.. he added.

"And I just smiled at him and when he walked out of my room, I immediately cleaned my lips. His kissed was just so irritating. "

"Aaron settled the bills I lied about to Dr Cartel and he sent it back to me, Dr Cartel took me to his apartment."

"Welcome to the humble abode".. he said.

"This is amazing".. I replied.

"Do you like it, I know it's nothing compared to Richmond's mansion"..he added.

"It's not all about a big mansion and riches, a place where you find comfort and peace matters".. I said to him.

"He took me to my room, he put down my luggage and showed me around the room, the bathroom and other places in the room."

"Feel at home Vivienne Parker".. he said

"Thank you very much Dr Cartel"..I replied.

"Don't mention it's my pleasure you are a nice lady and you don't deserve all these humiliations".. he said and pecked my forehead, I will be right back… he added and shot the door behind him.

"The next day I told Dr Cartel about the party Aaron is throwing for his mom for having a successful surgery and my intentions."

 "Dr Cartel I have something to discuss with you". I said to him when he came to check on me.

"Go ahead I'm listening"..he replied.

"Aaron Richmond is throwing a party for his mom's successful surgery and I want to ask for her divorce on that very day, for real I can't imagine living with them".. I said to him.

"Really that's fine so what's my role".. he asked laughing.

" I want you to accompany me there with your car, as the party is going on I'm taking my luggage out of his house to your car".. I said.

"That's fine, I will do just that, I really want you to be happy".. he said and kissed my forehead and he said the baby needs this..we both started laughing.

"The party had already started when we got there." I asked Dr Cartel to park his car at the packing lounge which he did and we went in unnoticed and packed all that belongs to me to his car. 

"A Lot of people were there, I sighted my step mother and my step sister but I wasn't ready for them. Since they said I am just a friend to them but I will definitely come back for them."

"I walked up to where the Richmond family were sighted and greets all of them to the hearing of everyone situated there."

"Aaron Richmond!" I called he turned and was surprised to see me."

"I have served you and your mom for a long time now and I'm seeking a divorce."

"I told you every since about it so don't be surprised now. I said to him."