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The Heroes of the Elemental Academies Book 1: The Mountain of Fire

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They have always protected us. Agents of Light chosen by God to combat the darkness. For thousands of years their battle has raged, against the demons that would enslave us. But what happens when darkness gathers in unimaginable numbers. Will the Heroes of the Light be able to stand against the rising darkness? Join Seth as he dives into a world unknown to relearn what faith truly means and what it means to protect a world. For The Love of God!! And For The LightForce!

Chapter 1 - Chapter 1 Crash course

Chapter 1Seth Bwaaan! Bwaaan! Bwaaan! Seth's eye's snapped open as he woke to the insistent and very annoying cry of his alarm. Seth propped himself up on his pillow to look at the time. It was 5:39 in the morning and the buses came at 6:00 which meant the worst had come to pass it was time to get up. Seth sat all the way up and swung his feet out of his small one-person bed. He raised his arms above his head and yawned wanting to do nothing more than to go back to sleep, but he knew that was impossible he had school in less than thirty minutes and if he knew one thing it was you only have one chance to make a first impression. Seth felt his feet touch the cold hard wood floor and he shivered involuntarily. His brown hair fell down in front of his eyes as he stood up. He brushed his hair back out of his face and surveyed his room. The room was small no bigger than the size of a SUV with barely enough room for the bed, a low oak dresser and his night stand. The closet at the back of the room was just as Spartan with only two metal rods hanging horizontally inside, one on top of the other. In one corner of the room several boxes were stacked unopened. Those were his things that he still had to unpack. They had just moved to the little town of Derby Kansas which no one has probably ever heard of. Seth and his mother Katie did that a lot. They never seemed to stay in one place for more than a year. Seth's earliest memories were of him and his mother living in Florida, which frankly sounded way better than living Kansas but that's how it was. They'd only arrived at their new home three days before and his mother had gotten a job at a local clinic as a nurse. Seth's mother claimed that that was the reason they had moved; not the fact that Seth had almost blown up his last school where they had lived in Denver Colorado, but Seth knew all too well that it had been his fault. He was only fourteen years old and had already been to more than eleven different schools. Of course there wasn't anything wrong with his grades and he certainly didn't try to start trouble, trouble just always found him. Every school he had attended something had gone wrong and some accident had occurred and then a few weeks later they moved. Seth had no idea why but it was beginning to feel like he and his mother were running from something. Seth shook his head to clear his thoughts he had to get focused. Seth got dressed quickly in blue jeans and a green long sleeved shirt. He then slipped on his blue tennis shoes, did his hygiene, then he headed for the door that lead directly out into the living room. Before he left he took one last look around his room for anything he might be missing. Then he grabbed his book bag and black hoodie and left the room. Seth ate a small breakfast of just some Cheerio's. His mother had left a note saying that she had already left and wouldn't be back until late. Apparently she had to stay there the whole day since it was her first day. In her note she told Seth to be good at school and that if he needed anything to call from the school phone. This was because of his lack of owning a cell phone. Now some might think that it is lame but Seth's mother had always been very adamant about him never owning a cell phone till he was old enough. And whenever he would ask, she would always reply. "You can own a phone when you're sixteen and can pay for it yourself." So Seth had always gone without a phone. It wasn't as bad as you'd think for one Seth never had to deal with any drama and he didn't get in trouble in school for having it out when he wasn't supposed to. Whenever he needed to make a call he would just use the school phone or use one of his friends though he had made few of those over the years. Turns out good friends are hard to come by anymore. Seth waited by the door for the bus to come wandering how his first day at school was going to go. He was also hoping he didn't screw everything up again. It was at this moment when Seth heard a shrill ringing sound in his ears. It started slowly so that Seth ignored it, then it quickly became more pronounced getting louder and deeper to the point where it was giving Seth a major headache. Seth had experienced this feeling before, it always happened right before he ended up causing a disaster that led to his and his mom immediate departure to live somewhere else. The disasters at the other schools he attended were always his fault. He had no idea why or how they happened but they did. Like one time Seth was being bullied in the boy's bathroom at school and was about to get flushed when the plumbing had exploded flooding the school witnesses had stated that Seth had somehow messed with the pipes so naturally he had been expelled. He didn't understand how he could've been messing with the pipes if he was so busy a trying not to get his face shoved down one. But that was how the school saw it. They saw Seth as a trouble maker that was disrupting the learning environment so they kicked him to the curb. Seth shook his head as if he had something slimy in his hair, trying to clear his head, but now with the sound came the distinct feeling that he was in extreme danger. He had never experienced this feeling before and it sent shivers throughout his body, like he was sitting in an ice bath. Seth started to back away from the door looking toward the kitchen where the phone was. He was thinking he should call his mom and tell her to come home immediately but then he saw the bus pull up to the curb outside of his home. Both the sound and the feeling of danger and fear retreated and he was able to get control of himself once again. Seth hesitated a second but then threw open the door and exited his house. He shut the door behind him and ran toward the bus never so happy in his life to go to school. As he ran Seth swore he saw a glimpse of a giant shadowy figure as it darted between their neighbor's house and his house. Then Seth was on the bus; he took his seat at the back as it began to pull away from his house. Seth looked back trying to catch a glimpse of the shadowy figure but it was nowhere to be seen. Suddenly a kid in front of Seth turned around in his seat to look at Seth. He was tall about five feet eight. He had blond hair and strange yellow eyes or were they golden? Before Seth could decide the guy flashed him a friendly smile. He looked to be about seventeen with the body of an athlete. He wore a faded white short sleeved shirt under a brown zip jacket; he wore blue jeans and was sporting some very nice looking black combat boots."So you're new here too," he said in a voice that did not match his age. His voice was deep impossibly so and he had the start of a beard on his narrow chin. "Um yeah I'm new here," Seth replied nervously. "Oh good I'm new here too my name's Joseph Naltan, Yours?" Seth looked at him. "Seth Malcovitch." "Whoa weird last name what is it German?" Joseph asked. "It's Russian," Seth replied like he had answered that question a thousand time which if he thought about he very well could have. "So what do think of Kansas so far?" he asked "I'm from Oklahoma so this isn't that big of a change but for you being from Denver it must be weird." "It's not tha..." Seth froze; he had not told this guy he was from Denver so how did he know that. A cold chill ran down Seth's spine. A chill you get when you know something isn't right. "Wait a sec how did you know I was from Denver; I didn't tell you that." Joseph looked panicked for a second like he had been caught in the open or something. Then they both froze. The ringing sound came back and Seth doubled over in pain grasping his head with both his hands. "Oh no this is bad," Joseph said. "I can't believe it already found him." Seth was confused. "What already found who?" Joseph looked at him as if realizing he was still there and then firmly nodded his head as if coming to a decision. "There's no time to explain when the bus stops follow me and stay close." Seth just shook his head. "Follow you why would I..." Suddenly the bus was hit with something that felt very solid. The bus spun out of control flipping on its left side and sliding ten feet toward the curb. Seth who had been thrown to the opposite side of the isle groaned. Seth felt massive pain coming from his head and reached up to touch where it felt tender. His hands came away with blood on them. He heard joseph's voice and he sat up. "Get up we need to get out of here!" he yelled trying to get Seth to move. Seth looked for Joseph and spotted him trying to open the emergency back door. Seth's senses came back to him and he could hear the insistent wailing of the emergency alarms. The yellow flash of light from the emergency light was nearly blinding. Seth got to a crouch trying to figure out what had just happened. Kids were sprawled in the seat in front of him. Most were groaning and trying to sit up but some were just laying ominously still. Seth heard the screeching sound of metal and turned to see That Joseph had wrenched the back door open. The door frame had been damaged in the wreck which was why it had been so difficult to open. Before Seth could do anything Joseph grabbed his hand and dragged him out of the bus. The bus had stopped about thirty yard from the Derby middle school which was the first drop off point Seth who was supposed to go to the High School would've stayed on while others got off. Joseph shoved Seth toward the school with a panic bordering on anger. "Go! run to the school and hide in the bathrooms I'll meet you there." Seth spun around to tell Joseph that he had no intension of doing any such thing when he saw the shadowy figure lumbering toward them from across the street. Seth couldn't make out anything because it was so early but he saw enough to know that no human could possibly be that huge. He looked like a giant. That terrible feeling of danger came back with a vengeance and Seth suddenly found doing what he was told very appealing. Seth turned and bolted toward the school. The last thing he saw was Joseph and the shadowy figure closing on each other. Seth ran down the hallway his heart in his throat. The only thing that kept running through Seth's mind was: What was happening? Seth found a bathroom in a locker filled hallway across from it was an emergency exit. Seth pushed open the door and ran in hiding right behind the door as it swung shut. Then Seth crouched down breathing heavily and waiting. The same feeling of panic and danger had filled his body to the point where he couldn't move and he could barely think. Seth thought his heart was going to stop when the bathroom door was thrown open painfully smacking Seth in the face. Seth cried out in pain doubling over. "Not the smartest place to hide," a familiar voice said. Seth looked up and saw Joseph standing there closing the door. He had a small smile on his face. Seth almost smiled back but then he got a good look at Joseph the smile was killed before it was ever born. "What the heck happened to you?" Seth asked. Joseph was pretty messed up. His jacket was gone and his white shirt was in tatters; he had a limp about him and his right eye was swollen shut. On top of that Joseph was clutching his left shoulder which was stained with what Seth realized was blood. Seth looked for anymore wounds and quickly discovered one on Joseph's right thigh which was sporting four deep cuts that looked suspiciously like the claw marks you'd see in movies. In fact, that's exactly what he looked like. Like he had been attack by a wild animal. Joseph smiled weakly then sat on the floor next to Seth. "Seth I need you to listen to me very carefully and do not interrupt until I'm finished okay?" "But..." Seth began "Okay!?" Joseph insisted. Seth wanted to ask a million questions but he held his tongue. "Okay." "Great we probably don't have much time so I'll say it quickly. You're being hunted." Seth felt his heart beat even fast which he wasn't even sure was possible. Seth was beginning to think his heart was trying to run a marathon and was on the final stretch. "Wait wha..." "No interrupting! Remember. All your questions will be answered later but for now listen. I'm going to have to go out here in a minute a face what's hunting you so I don't have much time. Two things: first you are special. The reason you're being hunted is because you have very powerful abilities that make you an enemy to the ones hunting you." This time Seth couldn't help it, "what do you mean Abilities?" "I mean powers you probably don't yet understand. But they were given to you as a gift so that you could help safeguard mankind." "Who gave them to me?" "God." Was all Joseph said. It took a second longer than it should have for Seth to understand who they were talking about. "Wait you mean God, God?!" he asked incredulously. "Well who do you think I'm talking about, Zeus. Of course I mean God." "You... You mean God as in Jesus!?" "For the last time yes I mean God." Joseph answered clearly annoyed. The whole world seemed to tip upside down at that moment. "That's..." "What," Joseph snapped "Impossible? You are a Christian so you should know it's not." Seth felt shocked into numbness he was going to ask something like "Why now, or why me," but just then a roar shook the building. It was a fierce and unearthly sound that sent waves of shivers soaring throughout his body. Now Joseph got up. "We're out of time if something happens to me I want you to make for the high school on Rock road do you understand?" Seth who was still in shocked could only nod. Then Joseph reached into his pocket and pulled out a small crumpled letter that had a small blotch of blood on it. It was neatly folded and inscribed on one side was a name, Rylee. Joseph Seized Seth's hand and put the letter in it. Then he looked right into his eyes. "Go to the high school there you'll be safe okay. Take this letter and give it to a girl named Rylee for me please. Promise me you will. And take what they tell you with deadly seriousness. Promise me!" Joseph had a desperate look in his eyes that unsettled Seth. Seth had to make an effort to collect himself so that he could say, "I promise." Joseph held Seth's gaze for a moment then nodded. "Thanks then I have no regrets. It's been nice knowing you Seth Malcovitch." He said. Seth noticed that Joseph had a look on his face of extreme sadness, tears leaked from the corner of his eyes and rolled down his face as he said: "I'm sorry everyone but my time has come." As he said this another roar shook the walls and Seth doubled over panic threatening to overtake him. Joseph looked down at Seth one more time then turned and walked into the hallway. Seth scooted over to the door and opened it a crack so that he could See Joseph standing in the middle of the hallway back straight with squared shoulders. He was staring down the hallway at something else. Seth moved so that he could see what was at the other end of the hallway. What he saw would make the boogeyman scream and cry for his mommy. At the other end of the hallway stood a man, but he was no normal man. He had black transparent skin and suit that seemed almost ghost like. The creature was about twelve feet tall easy and he had some sick looking claws that were curved like miniature swords Seth's hands trembled and shook with fear. The creature had glowing red eyes and smoky gray bat wings. The creature had a rugged face and he had the body of a W.W.E wrestler which in no way improved Seth's opinion of him. The creature regarded Joseph with his cold eyes, "Move aside puny agent this doesn't have to be your death," the creature said in a voice that sounded like snakes had been shoved down his throat. Joseph seemed to hesitate and Seth was beginning to think that he would back off. Sure Seth didn't know what was going on but just looking at the creature made Seth want to dig a hole and curl up inside. Seth also didn't know what he meant by your death but he was sure it wouldn't be good to find out. Joseph just looked the thing dead in the eyes and laughed. Joseph laughed as if the creature and he were best friends. "Get out of your way ha! Don't make me laugh." He took a breath as if he was summoning the courage to say something else, "Sorry but this kid is ours." The creature growled deeply, paused; and then smiled evilly "If death is what you wish, then you shall receive." Then he raised his hands and black energy swirled around them like miniature dust storms. Then two bolts of black energy exploded from his hands and flew at Joseph with amazing speed, but Joseph just crouched and rolled to the right as the two bolts sailed past him and demolished a row of lockers. Now, Seth was sure someone had heard what was going on and would come to help him, but nothing happened, at least so far. Joseph rose to his feet and began to run at the creature swords made of some white metal appeared in either hand. The weapons resembled a katana and white mist rolled off them as well as an aura of power that couldn't be matched. As he ran he dodged several more bolts. He moved with amazing speed as he flipped over bolts and deflected some others. The monster finally stopped trying to hit him and pulled a sword out of his own out of the darkness. The blade was double edged and wicked sharp. The sword was entirely black, blade, hilt, handle and all. Plus, it was about six feet long so it was taller than Joseph. At the sight of it Seth found it hard to swallow and he had to force himself to calm down. "This can't be real," he told himself. But he wasn't sure that it wasn't real so far he had no indication that he was dreaming. As Joseph kept running at the monster, a blood hurling war cry slipped from his lips and he lept at the creature slashing with his sword. But something wasn't right the creature just smiled and stood there waiting. Then all at once everything went wrong. As Joseph brought his blade down the creature shimmered and disappeared. Joseph came up empty; he cursed and looked around for the creature but he was nowhere to be seen. While Joseph's back was to Seth the air behind him began to shimmer and the monster appeared with his sword raised. "Watch out!" Seth cried but Joseph turned too late. The creature stabbed him in the gut and quickly retracted its blade. The monster raised his head to the roof and roared so loud it shook the building and dust rained down from the roof. Seth just stared in horror as Joseph sank to his knees. Joseph gathered the strength to mouth one last word. "Go," then Joseph's eyes rolled up into his head and he collapsed on the floor. This was enough to get Seth mind working again. His instincts kicked in and he immediately sized up the situation. It would take a moment or two for the creature to realize he was running when he did and he would be slow to follow. Across the hall a door with an exit sign gleamed and he knew that it was his way out. He took a deep breath, then steeling his nerves he burst out of the bathroom and made a b line for the exit. He burst outside and the sun warmed his face. He looked east to where he was supposed to go. "How am I going to run that far," he thought. He's never run that far before, but he knew he had to survive. So propelled forward by some instinct he set off on the journey to the high school. Traffic wasn't that bad that early in the day, so Seth ran across the street and continued on the other side along a line of neighborhood houses. Suddenly Seth heard a shriek as the eastern wall of the school exploded behind him. The creature ran into the street after Seth, wincing as the early morning sun bore down on him. Apparently he didn't like the sunlight. Seth continued running down the street and the monster gave chase. His big leaping bounds began to close the gap in a matter seconds. Seth looked back fearfully and saw the creature gaining on him. Seth made the split second decision to cut down the alley between two houses and the demon had to skid to a stop before he could run into the front lawn of a house. Seth's heart beat faster as he started to climb the fence surrounding to backyard of the house on his right. He made it over the fence and sprinted across the yard, hurtling a tricycle as he went. Seth scrambled up the other fence as the creature hopped over the first fence and began bounding over towards him. He got to the top of the fence and went to jump down when his pant leg got stuck. Seth suddenly found himself hanging upside down on the inside of the fence, hopelessly stuck. He tried to reach his pant leg, but he was off balance and clumsy. He tried again but failed once more. He could see the creature was coming close, not in a hurry anymore; savoring the moment, he had caught his prey. Seth looked around at the yard for something that could help him. The yard wasn't much, it had a small rusty tool shed sitting in one corner that seemed ready to fall at any moment. A small sandbox sat next to the side walk that led up to a glass sliding door. Inside Seth saw a couple small shaggy dogs barking at the creature. Hopefully no one was home he didn't want this creature to hurt other people on his account. Seth looked around the yard once more but there was nothing he could do. He would now found out if this was a dream or not. "Now you die!" the creature shrieked triumphantly as he raised the long black blade over his head with both hands. Seth instinctively stuck out his hands as if to ward off the attack and wished that someway somehow the sword would never hit him. Suddenly his hand began to glow with supernatural white light, and a bolt of white light energy shot out of his hands. The bolt caught the creature in chest and carried it backward into the tool shed, which collapsed on top of the creature. Seth's pant leg unsnagged and he fell to the ground. For a moment Seth wasn't sure what to do. "Since when do I have that power!" he thought to himself. He got to his knees and then pushed himself to his feet. He looked over his hands sure that they had been scorched but they seemed fine, not a mark on them. "Okay this has to be a dream," he said aloud. But the possibility of this being real was becoming more and more... real. What was he to do if he was asleep he thought he would've awakened by now he never slept this long if indeed he was sleeping. He needed to go find his mother she would know what was going on. Seth climbed the fence careful not to snag his pants again. As he dropped to the ground he turned to go his mind set on finding his mother. But whatever he was going to do would have to wait because just then a blood hurling shriek filled the air and the tool shed exploded. Black flames engulfed the dry grass as the creature climbed out of the rubble his black sword in his hand. His eyes set upon Seth and he roared his challenge. Seth's instincts told him to run, to hide to get away from this screaming scary creature, but he didn't. With an amazing show of self-control Seth managed to stay put. Maybe this scary creature could tell him what was going on and why he was chasing him. "What are you?" Seth asked him as the monster began to walk toward him. The monster seemed to sense that he wasn't going to run. "My name is Hyderic," the creature growled. "Okay," Seth said "but what are you?" "I am a demon and we serve our lord the first of our kind and the most powerful," the creature said. This was getting weirder and weirder "Demon?" he asked. The demon smiled, but it was a smile without humor and the teeth behind it looked like the guy hadn't brushed in thousands of years. His breath seemed to reflect the point because when the wind carried it to Seth he gagged. "Dude when was the last time you saw a dentist your breath smells like you ate a whole mess of rotten eggs and then had a skunk nest in your mouth." Apparently Hyderic didn't like that, he growled even more threateningly and took another step forward. "Wait!" Seth said "At least tell me why you're trying to kill me." "My master has ordered your death, you are the chosen one; the last piece those wretched agents need to defeat my lord Reaper," the demon replied his voice still sounding like he smoked three packs every day for fifty years. "I would've already killed you by now had not been for that miserable agent," he growled. Then a smile appeared. it was a creepy smile one that a mad man would have. "But he won't be bothering us any more, will he?" Seth remembered Joseph's face as he fell to his knees. He was not going to let that happen to him no matter if it was a dream or not. "Now enough talk it is time for you to die." Seth right then made his decision, he was going to the high school and figuring this out. Seth took off down the alley before the demon could lung at him. He ran as fast as he could, pumping his arms and legs as he ran. Seth came back out onto the side walk and continued running toward the high school. Rock road was the street that ran in front of the high school and there was intersection that he would have to cross in order to get to the high school. The intersection was still a mile away and he was already breathing hard. He had to make it, that much he did know. The demon exploded out of the alley and ran after him his long strides closing the gap. Around Seth the world was a blur everything sped by like a film on fast forward. Somewhere off to his left someone screamed as he passed with the demon in pursuit. Seth looked forward again and saw the intersection rapidly approaching cars seemed to be going forward. If the light wasn't red when he got there he would be forced to stop. That he knew would be fatal. Seth feet hurt and his muscles ached, his breathes came in ragged slow breathes as he tried to find the energy to keep going. Something about this situation seemed to be so real and he was running on a sliver of energy; his whole body just wanted to stop and lie down for a while, but he had to keep going. The demon seemed to sense his fear. "You'll never make it!" he shouted as he smashed aside a trash can. Seth didn't answer he didn't want to waste energy. Seth thought of praying as he ran, but the thought seemed ridiculous. He hadn't gone to church in almost a year besides how could God help him right now? As far as he knew Jesus wasn't in the business of public miracles anymore so praying seemed useless; yet... "Lord Jesus if you can hear me I could use a little help right now not that you'd help me because usually when you send help no... no one can actually see the help physically. But I'm praying because if you'll help me with anything please help me with this. Amen," he said between ragged breathes. At first nothing seemed to happen and he thought it was worth the try. Then he felt energy pour into his body and he weariness seemed to fall away. He felt freshly rested and the pain in his limbs seemed to subside. He began to pull away from the demon behind him, who had gotten to close to catching him. Seth thundered toward the intersection his Nike shoes pounding against the pavement in steady loping strides. He began to think he could make it. The intersection was maybe thirty feet in front of him and Seth pulled even more away from the monster. The demon roared in frustration and tried to increase his speed but was going as fast as he could. As Seth reached the intersection the light turned red and the cars screeched to a stop. Seth ran across the intersection the stopped and turned back to see if the demon would follow. The cars had taken off again which was weird because the light had turned red only seconds ago. But if Seth thought the demon would stop he was wrong. The creature began to pick his way across the traffic dodging cars and trucks and making his way forward. Seth turned to run but before he did a golden Chevy suburban slammed into the demon and carried him without stopping through the intersection. Seth lost sight of the vehicle in the group of cars as traffic resumed its unnatural pace. Seth knew he shouldn't wait there because the demon may come back and then what would he do. After taking a deep breath Seth remembered what Joseph had said. He looked back at the high school. It didn't look very safe but as he had just found out looks aren't everything. As Seth trudged up toward the school he couldn't help but think this was all some kind of practical joke. Depending on How this first part is received will determine if i make another one or no. And i will continue writing The World Aflame part 7 should be out soon. thanks for reading and don't forget to comment on what you liked and what you think should be changed.