Chereads / The Young Master's Plaything Is An Heiress / Chapter 17 - The Doll's Friend x Doll's Master Saga (1)

Chapter 17 - The Doll's Friend x Doll's Master Saga (1)

Eileen groggily rolled onto her side, squinting against the harsh sunlight that streamed through the window like an unwelcome intruder. 

She tossed and turned, trying to escape the annoying brightness, but it only seemed to seep into her eyelids, piercing her brain like a thousand tiny needles. 

Finally, with a frustrated sigh, she forced her eyes open, only to be met with a sight that made her heart sink. 

The room was a drab, soulless white, devoid of any warmth or character, except for the oversized window that seemed to mock her with its very presence. 

The black curtains were pulled back, allowing the sun to pour in like a relentless tide, illuminating every inch of the stark, unforgiving space. 

Eileen's gaze roamed the room, her mind struggling to remember how she ended up in this bleak, unfamiliar place.

"oh, it's Mr. Hottie… Frosty….," she corrected herself, her voice still husky from sleep. 

She looked around, her gaze darting around the room in search of any sign of Cillian, but he was nowhere to be found. 'Where did he go?'

A flutter of anxiety settled in her chest as she realized she was alone. Her hands instinctively went to her body, checking for any sign of...anything. But there was nothing. Good!

"He must have left for work," she said.


"Lovely," she muttered sarcastically, her voice echoing off the cold, marble floors of the grand hallway. 

The silence of the mansion felt oppressive, suffocating her like a shroud, but she was thankful for it. If she was alone, she had more freedom to search for an escape, to find a way out of this gilded prison. 

Her eyes scanned the hallway, taking in the faded opulence of the once-grand estate. Dust-covered portraits hung on the walls, their subjects' eyes seeming to watch her every move. 

She shivered, despite the warmth of the summer morning, and began to move cautiously down the hall, her footsteps echoing off the walls like a death knell.

"Oh shit!" Eileen cursed, her heart skipping a beat as she suddenly remembered her phone. 

She rushed to the kitchen, her feet pounding the floor in anxiety. 

Reaching the fridge, she slid beside it, her hands firm as she retrieved the phone. She unlocked it with trembling fingers, her eyes scanning the screen frantically. 

And then she saw it - a fresh message from Joey, among the older ones: "I'm sending Joshua over to your location." 

What?! How could…

She breathed a sigh of relief, feeling the tension in her shoulders ease slightly. "Thank God he didn't come earlier," she thought, grateful for the temporary reprieve. 

She opened the fridge, the cool air enveloping her like a soothing balm. 

She grabbed an apple, the crisp sweetness a welcome distraction from her racing thoughts. 

She took a bite, the juice dripping down her chin as she closed her eyes, savoring the momentary peace. She needed to think clearly now. 

Eileen walked to Cillian's main room, her footsteps echoing through the eerily quiet mansion, amplifying her every step. 

First, before any thought of escape, she needed to find a charger for her phone, her lifeline to the outside world. 

As she entered the room, she quickly scanned it, her eyes scouring every inch for a charger. Her gaze landed on a charging station near the bed, a small oasis in the vast, opulent space. 

"Yes, thank God," she thought, a small sigh of relief escaping her lips. 

She walked over, her feet sinking into the plush carpet, and plugged in her phone, the charging cord snaking out like a lifeline.  

She took a deep breath, satisfied that one goal had been achieved. "Well, Joshua, you can come now, hh!" she then shook her head, "Not now, I need to shower first."

Eileen went into Cillian's bathroom. She took a quick shower, the warm water washing away the lingering fear and anxiety. 

She then put on his white bathrobe, the soft terrycloth enveloping her like a warm hug and wrapped his towel around her hair. 

As she stepped out of the bathroom, her feet sinking into the plush carpet, she slipped on his big black fluffy flip-flops, the softness a comfort against her tense feet. 

Just as she was starting to feel a little more comfortable, her phone began to ring, the shrill tone piercing the silence like a siren. 

She rushed to pick it up. "Yeah, hello," she answered breathlessly, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Hello, Ei... It's me," came the voice on the other end, the hesitant tone and faltering words a dead giveaway. 

Eileen's lips curled into a smile as she recognized the speaker. 

She was sure it was Joshua, and he sounded like he was blushing over the phone. 

"You who?" she teased, her voice playful, as she tied the robe's sash snugly around her naked body, feeling a sense of security in the simple act. 

"J...Joshua," he stammered, his embarrassment noticeable by her even through the phone. 

Eileen's smirk grew wider as she savored the moment. "Ah, Joshua," she said, her voice dripping with amusement. "Are you here yet?" she asked, her tone turning serious.

"Almost. I'll be there in about ten minutes. Are you alright?" 

"Just peachy," she replied, her voice dripping with sarcasm, a hint of frustration seeping into her tone. "Hurry up, okay?" she added, her words tinged with a sense of urgency. 

"Got it," Joshua said, his voice filled with determination. "I'll see you soon." 

Eileen hung up the phone. She took a deep breath, happy.

Eileen's fingers flew across her phone's screen, her eyes scanning the old messages. They were all from Joey. 

She tapped on the first one, her eyes scanning the words: "Confirmed, Eileen. You're good to go. Clyde is on board." 

A sense of relief washed over her, her tense muscles relaxing slightly. And then she saw the second message, sent at midnight: "Clyde is ready when you are. Waiting for location and time. He is over excited to meet his Boss." 

A broad smile spread across her face, a wave of excitement and hope washing over her. She felt a weight lift off her shoulder. She was one step closer to freedom, one step closer to taking back control.

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