Chapter 19 - Jealous Master

As the Maybach pulled up to the main gate of the mansion, Cillian's gaze drifted to the window, his eyes widening in surprise.

There, standing in the courtyard, was his prized human-like doll, alongside a stranger - a young man with a look of… ugh, he knew that look, a blush etched on his face.

Who was this goofball blushing over his personal property? And what was he doing with his personal play toy?

The Maybach came to a stop, and Cillian's door swung open with a soft creak.

He stepped out into the warm sunlight, his eyes fixed intently on the unlikely pair. "What's going on here?" he demanded, his voice firm but controlled.

Eileen's eyes darted to Cillian, a mix of fear and guilt flashing across her face. Joshua took a step back, his eyes locked on Cillian with a hint of defiance.

He was intimidated by Cillian's cold eyes.

"Mr. Frosty, I can explain—" Eileen began, her voice trembling.

But Cillian's gaze was fixed on Joshua, his eyes narrowing. "Who are you?" he asked, his tone icy.

Joshua swallowed hard, his eyes flicking to Eileen before returning to Cillian. "I...I'm a friend," he stammered.

Cillian's eyes widened in disbelief. "A friend?" he repeated, his voice dripping with skepticism. "Here, at my mansion, doll?"

He couldn't fathom why this stranger was standing in front of his golden gate, alongside his prized possession.

Eileen's eyes flashed with a hint of defiance, but she remained silent, her gaze fixed on the ground.

Joshua's eyes darted between Cillian and Eileen, his expression a mix of confusion and concern. "I...I didn't know she was a doll," he stammered. "She's a human and my friend."

"Tch!" Cillian scoffed, rolling his eyes. He shook his head, his voice firm. "You're mistaken. She's just a doll. A very expensive, very advanced doll."

He argued, though not out of a reasonable thinking, he was arguing out of jealousy.

"What…" Joshua trailed off as Eileen's eyes locked onto his, a subtle wink flashing across her face, a silent plea to play along with the charade.

Joshua's eyes widened in understanding, and he nodded slightly, his expression transforming into a mask of pretend indifference.

"Oh, yeah, just a doll," he echoed, his voice laced with feigned nonchalance.

Cillian's gaze narrowed, his eyes darting between the two, suspicion simmering just below the surface. "Yes, now why are you here?"

Joshua's eyes darted around the courtyard, as if searching for an escape route or a plausible explanation.

"Uh, I...I was just out for a hike and got lost," he stammered, his voice lacking conviction. "I saw the mansion and thought I'd...uh...ask for directions."

Cillian's eyes narrowed, his skepticism palpable. "A hike? Alone? On this secluded road?" He shook his head, his voice dripping with disbelief.

"You're either very foolish or very bold. Or perhaps you're a reporter, seeking a scoop?" His eyes bore into Joshua, his gaze piercing. "Or maybe you're someone who's been paid to snoop around my private affairs?"

The air was thick with tension, as Cillian's words hung like a challenge, waiting for Joshua to respond.

Eileen took a step forward, her voice soft and conciliatory. "Welcome, Mr. Frosty," she said, her eyes fixed on Cillian's face. "Let's go inside, shall we?."

She gestured towards the mansion, her hand extended in a graceful invitation. "It's hot outside, and I'm sure this young man here too would appreciate a glass of water...or somethi….."

Her words trailed off as Cillian's stern gaze cut her off, his response curt and dismissive.

"It's not your turn yet," he said curtly, his eyes never leaving Joshua's face. "I'm coming to you too. Why are you outside the house, looking like...this?"

His gaze swept over her, taking in her disheveled appearance, and his voice dripped with disapproval.

Eileen's eyes dropped, her face flushing with a mix of guilt and embarrassment. "I...I just needed some fresh air, Frosty," she stammered, her voice barely audible.

Cillian's eyes narrowed, his skepticism clear. "Fresh air? In the beginning of the day, outside of the vast compound of the mansion, with a stranger?"

He then turned back to Joshua, his eyes blazing with intensity. "I think there's more to this story than you're letting on."


Eileen didn't know why, but at that point, a movie scene where a lady kissed a ranting man and then said, "the best way to shut a man up is kissing him," began playing in her head.

She thought to herself, "Should I.... Err... Wouldn't that raise... suspicion? But at this point, it's needed! What about this kid's crush feelings? Err... Why does it matter after all, I'm saving both our asses."

With a loss of restraint, she held Cillian's hand and pulled it slightly, so he could turn to look at her.

Then, she placed her lips on his, the kiss brief and gentle, before letting go. The move was swift and unexpected, leaving Cillian stunned and speechless.

Joshua's eyes widened in shock and hurt, his face contorting in a mixture of anger and sadness. "Ee... You," he stammered, his voice cracking with emotion.

His fists clenched involuntarily, his body tensing up in a defensive gesture. His eyes flashed with a deep disappointment, as if he felt betrayed by Eileen's sudden kiss with Cillian.

Cillian's eyes gleamed with a possessive intensity as he grasped Eileen's hand, pulling her towards the car.

He yanked open the door and gestured for her to get in, his movements brusque and commanding. As she complied, he followed close behind, his eyes never leaving Joshua's face.

With a deliberate slowness, he sat down. "Sit on my lap," he instructed, his voice low and commanding.

Eileen's eyes flickered with a moment's hesitation, but she obeyed, her movements stiff as she settled onto his lap.

Well, she could swear she was doing this because she felt really guilty and also because she was scared of the outcome of being caught not being a doll by this man!

Cillian's arms wrapped around her, holding her close as he gazed out at Joshua, a triumphant smirk spreading across his face.

The message was clear: she was his, and he wouldn't let her go.

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