Chereads / Return Of The Heiress For Revenge / Chapter 7 - Suicide Or Murder?

Chapter 7 - Suicide Or Murder?

A few minutes earlier, 

"This wicked girl! I should have kept an eye on her and made sure that she did not make a mistake." Sophia cursed Nora again in her heart. For her, Nora was a freeloader who could not stop making mistakes.

She had asked her to take a bath but she had not specified the room. Now that she stood on the first floor she frowned again. There were five washrooms in total. One was attached in her room, Nora would never dare to go there. One was in Penny's room. Nora had never used this one before too.

So she went to check the common one that maids use first but there was no one. One by one she checked all but could not find Nora. sighing, she went to Penny's room too. Her face was red and her chest was heaving with rage.

She knew she had already wasted twenty minutes. Just thinking about David made her bite her lips. When she entered Penny's room, it was clean but empty. Could it be that she was still in the washroom?

Sophia tried to open the washroom only to see that it was locked. Her eyes narrowed. She knew where Penny kept the key but when she opened the last drawer, there was none. Her frown grew deeper.

She walked all the way to her room to get the master keys of the house. With that she opened the washroom, only for her eyes to widen.

She had murdered so many curses. She was ready to burn Nora, once the door opened. By what she saw made her gasp and she froze at her place.

The limp body of Nora was floating in the bathtub. She was not even breathing. Her skin looked ashen and wrinkled. Coming out of her shock, she ran and took out the girl. Regretting doing it herself as her whole dress was wet now. She threw the girl on the ground. Her body did not react at all. Her eyes were closed and she looked as pale and cold as dead.

Fear crawled her. If Nora died, what will happen to this house and their businesses! 

Gritting her teeth, she crouched on the ground, making sure that she did not ruin her expensive dress, she shook the girl.

"Nora! You foolish girl. How can you drown in the bathtub? Did i not tell you that you are needed to attend the guests for today's dinner party?" she glared and shouted but the girl did not move an inch as if she could not hear Sophia at all. 

Sophia was at loss as she looked around. She didn't know what to do. Everytime Nora faints, she uses a glass of water to splash on her face but she was sure it would not work in his condition now that her whole body was wet and cold.

She felt a sense of despair. 

"If Benard did not find her, he would not offer promotion to David." her voice went gloomy. How she wanted to drag this unconscious girl and throw in a room and then ask Benrad to have her and offer them that damn share.

But Benard would not take it. He enjoys winning women. They were a conquest for him. She had researched him enough to know he would not spare a glance at this sleeping bitch!

She bit her lips and dialed the number of their driver.

"Mathews, Nora is sick but there are guests in our house. I can not deal with her. Can you bring a doctor from the backdoor and see what had happened to her?" she instructed the man in a calm voice. 

"Alright, then I will keep the backdoor open. But remember, do not come to us. I am leaving my wallet here. Pay the doctor and escort him out of the house. The guest should not know about it?" getting a satisfactory reply from the other side. She stood up. But when she looked at Nora again, frustration began to rise in her chest and she kicked Nora from her heels. 

"You wench! You could not wait to ruin our every dream. Right?" she gritted her teeth and left from there leaving the door open.

A strange voice in her heart told her that she might be on the brink of death. After all, who could be saved after drowning and she should try something. She had seen in many movies how the chest was pressed to make sure that water was out of the lungs. If she could do anything like that, perhaps, Nora could be saved.

They need her! But when she looked at the lying girl, she could only see her sister in Nora and her eyes went cold again.

If she died, she died. 

"If she is foolish enough to drown in a bathtub, she should have not entered it in the first place." she muttered loudly as if she was trying to tell it to the ghost of her sister and left the room.

She went to change her clothes as this pair was completely wet from dragging out that fat girl. "Who said that she looked lean and malnourished? I sprained my leg while pulling her out of the water." She muttered as she took off her heels and changed her clothes. She dressed herself in another beautiful but conservative dress as she did not want the attraction of the man waiting there and went down with hurried steps only to see her daughter was sitting there instead of that bitch Nora. her eyes widened at once.



David's eyes widened. Instinctively he cowered and glared at his wife.

"Sophia go and see why maids are taking so much time?" Sophia flinched too. She looked mortified. They have called Benard here for getting a promotion. David wanted more shares in the company at a discounted rate. 

If she had known! But that was her daughter? She looked at Penny with worry but only then did she notice her half falling breasts from her dress and the sheer clothes she had chosen for the night.

"David, Stop her." 

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