Sasha and the yellow haired boy stood side by side in an offensive stance.
"Let the twerp go granny!" Sasha screamed. "He's not exactly the type of person you want to eat anyway. I'm more naughty than him."
Baba Yaga looked at her for a short while before deciding. "Done deal gal!" She let Kay fall to the ground with a thump and ran forward to devour Sasha who prepared her biggest shot yet, "Bang!" But it did nothing to the monster.
Baba Yaga's mouth grew larger as it closed in on her, Sasha gasped. That was it, there was no beating the monster. Just then the yellow haired boy ran in and pushed her out of the way at the last moment.
"Wha-- uff!" She grunted as she fell on her side while seeing the remains of the boy being swallowed by the monster known as Baba Yaga. "That idiot!"