So much to gain, at the same time there is so much to lose.
"The beauty of such imperfections is so marvellous, my blade!", stated Allastor, smiling at the entire situation. There was so much work that was to be done, that it was strange for him to be participating in such activities. For him, the job was simply to exist with everyone happily, so that there are no problems that occur later.
"Well, the balance was thrown off, in hopes of restoring it, I might have expedited all the energy I have for today. I think I will need help getting up." Wellester requested Egoister and Clara.
Meanwhile, Nanami is trying to quell the chaos that has been caused by Sakurai and Gil. From one slash to another, he was getting hit from absolutely everywhere, ageing like anything and it didn't help that neither his Avatar stat nor the knowledge from Benzaiten were helping him at that point.
"Will you two, just learn to SHUT UP!", Nanami held both of them, after their attempt to surprise attack him failed miserably. Holding them in position, he swung them around and promptly pushed them into the face of the rock floor with as much power as he could apply to it. The two beings were already exhausted after fighting constantly in a bubble and now fighting over here as well.
"Well too bad!", that was the voice that Nanami heard while he was restraining Gil's body to prevent him from going haywire again. When he looked up, he saw that Radal picked up Sakurai's body and tossed it as far as he could.
"WHAT NOOO!!!", Nanami aghast, turned to Radal and tried to capture him before there were any more mishaps that were going to be taking place. However, Radal seemed to anticipate this, as he swiftly jumped behind and let the ship take him and his injuries away from the battlefield.
Nanami turned towards the direction of Allastor and Wellester and saw that those two were also missing. What in the world had taken place.?Within mere seconds of Clara and Egoister hitting the field, the arid field of wisdom managed to stun everyone for a very minuscule amount of time. This threw everyone off balance.
"This generation is way too powerful for their right. And they do not at all have the right training to be managing such things. For all we know, we can only be worried about the main people who have been impacted in this entire fight.
He could see… There was going to be a shift in the factions. The once all-powerful school that Nanami once controlled was fracturing due to the actions of just a few individuals. He needed the influence of Gil to maintain the order of his school. Otherwise, there were going to be massive issues later down the line.
To be completely honest, what even is the school?
A regular academy where people pursue academic pursuits. Or a symbol of peace and hope that has ushered in that barren wasteland of a world.
Nanami established this as a means to make the newer generation more familiar with the power that you gain after you attain the truth or the knowledge of this world. Nanami does not want to repeat what had taken place with the first three generations. All he wants to work with is the peace and happiness of everyone around. At least he believes that he can truly achieve that dream for the people around him.
Allastor and Wellester, along with Nanami are the only survivors after the second clash that took place between the Avatars and Servants. All gone in vain because the gods wanted to play.
All gods in this world have no purpose, and they are merely here to play with the misery and the tales of these innocent folk. Even me, it seems. I cannot even go against this one statement. I can only narrate…
The first generation, however, was so new to this power. Most of them just died trying to get used to the power. Even so, the civil war and unrest that began because of the rise of this new power can easily be studied.
Or not…
For there is only a sole survivor in this day and age who is able to live amongst the third generation.
"The Hunter"
You expected this news to be given to you earlier. But the plot of the story seemed to be continuously progressing, so I could not interrupt myself to explain this to you. That would be disloyal to those, whose story I have to narrate.
There is nothing that I can truly do in this world that would affect the inner workings at all. I can sometimes think that there would be options to kill everyone and reset everyone from state zero.
But these gods are ruthless, and they would continue to play even though these people have nothing to do with it.
One side of the world, completely unaffected and living in a faux-utopia. Meanwhile, the other who knows the truth of the world and wants to do their best to understand what exactly is going on; and find methods to get out of this place.
Throwing him into the cell, Nanami made sure to heavily guard the cell of Gil. He then went to the hospital to check up on what was going on over there.
To his shock, the entire place is in chaos. Kars-Nas approached him, giving him the brief of the incident that took place between the Hospital Warden and the escape that took place.
"I know that they escaped, for I didn't expect them to side with Allastor and Wellester. After everything that I have done for you kids, how do you expect me to believe that you guys suddenly go against whatever I am planning and whatever I am doing? I never wanted any of this to happen. All I wanted was for there to be peace, in training you guys I would have allied the utopian world and this world of chaos. I wanted to spread the word of the truth. But the gods above, they curb us. They keep changing our fates, thus making sure that we never truly reach our potential.", Nanami stated. He was exhausted from dealing with all the messes that everyone else was creating.
He looked over and saw that both of the Lust and Love were gone, being the Avatar of Asmodeus and the Servant of Ishtar.
Those two seemed to talking about something on the balcony.
Nanami approached them and hugged them from behind.
Larnia let out a cute squeal, meanwhile, Adoren was more confused about the entire situation.
"What happened to you Sensei? Was everything alright at the bubble?", she questions him.
Letting out a huge sigh, he falls onto their shoulders and faints. He needed to be carried to the nearest bed and the two of them began to discuss what just took place.
Kars-Nas after realizing that the bonds were severed between Clara and Egoister, with Sensei, immediately began making a list of all the survivors from the battle to rally up the forces.
"I have no idea what has just happened, but I really hope that there are no more incidents that take place. We seem to have lost the Rain and the Wisdom's couple", Larnia looked around the chaos.
"At this point, I just want my servant friends to be alright. We already lost a lot of people today. I am not in the mood to lose more people."
"Wait who all did we lose?", Larnia turned towards Adoren, who seemed to be on the verge of tears.
"Larnia… Ramiel is not fine. He will never be able to be normal ever again. Bharaj seems to be in his universe, the only ones fine in this hospital, are you, me and the stupid Hospital Warden. I don't even know where Gil and Sakurai are. For all I can guess, they both are sucked into the void and properly eaten by it by now."
She sniffled and burst into tears, crying loudly in Larnia's arms.
"There… I think we both should just rest. For there has been way too many changes in very little amount of time.", Larnia calmed her down.
All lost:
Each faction now seems to be fractured, a piece from the past, preparing for the future. In such a short time, we went from there being two solitary groups, with Radal and the Smiling Blade, with there now being an actively roaming Bounty Hunter, the Blade and Smile gaining new allies, Nanami's school having pure unrest and a sole insane creature roaming the planet to wreak havoc until she kills the one that she loves.
What have we reached?
Meanwhile, it seems that Gil had woken up from the entire chaos that was present outside his cell.
"Let me out of here!", Gil's chains rattled, as he begged for help from anyone who could have heard him.
"If I am in Sensei's place, then I think I can wait until Arjun finds me again. I will wait for Photon.", Gil thought to himself.
Anubis: What a time to be as a master. I feel like I have not had this much fun in a very very long time. That was truly something different. I feel like the third generation truly reaches the potential that everyone was waiting for. And this would make everyone else around so much happier with the space that you have created for everyone. Thus, just continue waiting patiently. The fruits of your efforts and labours would come to fruition one day.
"What does that even mean? What in the world do you want even?", Gil stared into the space. "I mean just look at me. I have nothing left. I seem to have lost my standing, and my privileges, and everything that I have worked for is all gone just because I love a girl. Just because there was someone that I loved."
Anubis: But that is the thing, servant. You have not yet realized this. But the reason why you are even this fragile around love is because you gave up your romantic sanity in hopes of attaining this godly power. And now that you have the petals, you are the target for every major god's servants, every major demon's avatar. Practically, you are safe nowhere. Absolutely nowhere
Let that knowledge sink into you!