Chereads / STEPMOM FOR YOUR SON / Chapter 4 - Who is Viona Really?

Chapter 4 - Who is Viona Really?

"You talking to me?" asked Viona, who answered confused.

"Are there other creatures here besides us and my sleeping child?" Joe answered sharply.

After hearing what she had just said, Viona moved her hands vigorously while shaking her head, "No, no. You don't need to reply to anything. I sincerely help the little one. And again, I've been brought here. That's more than enough, sir."

"Even though I don't know exactly who brought me here if it weren't for the help of my little one's family, maybe I wouldn't be here because I had moved away, hehe. So we're even,"

Viona strongly rejected the offer. Indeed, she was the one who saved the little one, without knowing the child's background, but it was all purely because she cared about the little angel. And it would be very rude if she still asked for something in return.

Viona is very grateful that she is still in good health and can continue to carry out her life plans. And now, after knowing the extraordinary background of the little one, Viona didn't want to take the risk of connecting with rich people who would cause her trouble in the future.

"It turns out you want to play tug-of-war, huh?" said Joe sarcastically. After hearing Viona's refusal, he thought that the helpful woman in front of him was the same as people who usually take advantage of kindness.

Even if they helped Clayton, their son, these people took advantage of it for their interests. Initially, they refuse, but then they show their true colors by asking for more than Joe has to offer.

To avoid conflict and problems, Joe is honest about ending relationships with shameless people as soon as possible, just like he did with Viona.

Viona, who received Joe's murderous gaze, felt cornered, "What do you mean? Did I say the wrong thing? Was it wrong to reject your offer?" Viona asked herself.

"It's not wrong and it's normal. I have often seen people like you. So, tell me the number you want. Whatever you ask, my secretary will send the money. I don't want to be indebted to hypocrites." Joe again spouted poisonous sentences which immediately pushed Viona's patience to the limit.

"Damn it!" Viona cursed in her mumble, but it could still be heard clearly in Joe's ears.

"Swear at me?" Joe asked lightly.

"Yes. I cursed you! What a damn person your mouth is." Viona replied angrily. She couldn't even control her speaking style anymore, "You think everyone is the same as what you think?!" she continued, making Joe now stunned.

Viona roughly opened the IV needle on the back of her hand, throwing away the IV link which left her blood on the white bed sheets of the bed. The woman approached Joe who was still silent in his seat.

"You should be grateful because you have a good son like him, otherwise I would have punched you in the face a long time ago!" said Viona harshly, who was bullying Joe with her fist in front of his father Clayton's face.

However, instead of closing his eyes or being shocked, Joe didn't even move an inch. Instead, he looked at Viona's brown eyes and realized the naturally beautiful face of the brave woman who was threatening him at the moment.

'Beautiful...' he thought in praise.

Meanwhile, the beautiful threatener lowered her anger when she felt embarrassed when their eyes collided, "Watch your eyes!" said Viona as her body retreated.

She glanced for a moment at Clayton who was still fast asleep, then snorted in annoyance as she turned to Joe one last time, before opening the door and leaving the treatment room.

A faint smile emerged from Joe when he felt the remaining unique momentum when a woman dared to call him names. His smile faded as he fiddled with his cellphone screen to contact someone.

"Viona Bharadja. Find out about my child's helper woman. Before tomorrow, I want the information." Joe said to someone on the other end of the line and then hung up unilaterally.


Viona left the hospital building annoyed. As soon as Viona stood on the edge of the road, a sedan with an attractive color–Metallic Green, approached her straight away. Viona's eyes narrowed, especially when she saw who the driver was.

"How are you, Boss?" asked the young man who was the driver of the car.

"What are you doing here?" Viona asked with an expression of displeasure.

This time Viona changed her attitude from before. Previously, she acted like a friendly and gentle young woman, whose self-esteem felt like Joe had stepped on her. Now her demeanor has changed like that of a strict boss.

"Come in first, Boss. I will take you wherever you want. I promise I'll keep my mouth shut and pretend I don't know anything." The man who knew Viona begged, showing two fingers as a sign of promise.

Not wanting to waste time, Viona was forced to agree and got into the car, "I'll tear your mouth apart if they find out about my whereabouts!" she continued threateningly after sitting in the car.

"Jansen, how is my grandpa?" Viona finally spoke after the car had driven quite a distance in silence.

"The old master was discharged from the hospital a week ago, he is already healthy, but what I see is that the old master is still quiet, doesn't talk much as usual." the man named Jansen answered and his explanation made Viona feel sad.

'I miss you, Grandpa...' she suddenly muttered sadly to herself. 

"Don't you want to know about the big master too, Boss?" Jansen asked again, but this time Viona looked away lazily.

"Drop me on the side of the road if you mention that old man again."

"Okay, Boss. I'll shut my damn mouth." Jansen immediately stopped his mouth from speaking. He didn't want to upset his boss and was forced to get out of the car.

The atmosphere returned to silence before Jansen's voice interrupted Viona's silence, "Boss, this is about the orphanage you once lived in."

"Hmm, why?"

"Did you know that the orphanage will be evicted and the land will be auctioned off by the bank? The land is in a Golden Triangle location which is rumored to be a business center in the future. Big Boss will likely buy the land and continue with plans to build a new headquarters in that area, Boss."

"I already know that the land will be auctioned. That's why I'm trying to find money so I can move the orphanage children to a new, more comfortable home." Viona answered calmly, even though at this time her mind was increasingly tired.

"By being a flower seller?"

"What's wrong with selling flowers? I like that job. Besides being able to make money, I can see beautiful and fresh flowers every day. That's why I bought a flower shop, and I was lucky because the previous owner sold the shop at a cheap price, complete with shop equipment." 

Viona was very excited to talk about her new business as a flower seller. But that was before Jansen told the truth about Viona's flower shop.

"They are selling their shops at cheap prices. That's because their flower shop stands on disputed land, Boss. In other words, the previous owner wanted to 'wash their hands' but was still very greedy and wanted to take a small profit from selling their shop cheaply to you." Jansen explained calmly.

"What?! Are you serious, Jansen?" Viona was suddenly shocked. She didn't know anything about the flower shop that stood on the disputed land.

"Why would I lie to you, Boss? You can believe that I care about you. How long do you think we've known each other, huh?"

"Damn. Why did I get tricked by them? Watch out if you meet me again!" Viona cursed her stupidity without hearing Jansen's complaint.

Her good intentions of wanting to help the orphanage she once lived in, ended up going awry as a result of being deceived by the previous flower shop owner.

"Why does it seem like Goddess Shit likes me so much?" Viona muttered irritably while massaging her forehead.

"Why not just go home and make peace with Big Boss, Boss? You have everything when you come back with us. Plus, Old Master misses you." Jansen spoke carefully so that Viona wouldn't be offended.

"I've quit everything. I miss my grandpa too, but I don't want to go back to that house yet. So, just shut your mouth or I'll come down here." Once again, Viona answered lazily. She closed her tired eyes again.

"Yes, Boss," Jansen answered briefly and decided he didn't want to bother Viona anymore. The man with a relaxed but neat appearance began to focus his gaze on the road and let his boss dwell on her thoughts.

Then, who exactly is Viona and all the people mentioned by the man named Jansen?

Everything will be answered in the next chapters, including Joe who is investigating who Viona really is.