Chereads / Nine-year-old Magic Doctor / Chapter 19 - Chapter 19 Genius, Idiot

Chapter 19 - Chapter 19 Genius, Idiot

The surroundings were abuzz with fervent excitement as Zhiyan lifted her head, her gaze calmly fixed upon that figure. Her slender, delicate hand touched the Crystal Ball, and in less than a second, a brilliant orange radiance burst forth, evoking wild cheers from the crowd below. The youths from other families, completely disregarding their image, shouted loudly, their voices hoarse with exhaustion as they called out Ouyang Qin's name. Ouyang Feng, one hand stroking his beard, smiled like a fox on the sidelines, taking delight in the sensation caused by Ouyang Qin, happier than anyone else.

"Next up, it should be that boy Ouyang Jin's turn to take the stage!" Situ Ba, listening to the frenzied chanting of his own disciples, shook his head helplessly and changed the subject.

"Haha, just the boy left!" Ouyang Feng had barely finished speaking when the host on stage pronounced Ouyang Jin's name.

Clad in a white robe with a composed demeanor, Ouyang Jin walked onto the stage with a calmness that belied the audience's attention. His rebellious black hair fluttered in the wind, his facial features sharp and chiseled as if cut by a knife, and a cold aura that kept others at bay emanated from his entire being. His black eyes were piercing, deep and dark. With every step he took, the crowd below erupted like a tsunami sweeping through, their voices, their momentum, the spectacle—all far surpassed the small waves stirred up by Ouyang Qin.

"Haha, not bad at all. The Ouyang lad is handsome and dignified, and just that composed and restrained aura is incomparable!" Situ Ba nodded repeatedly, his eyes shining with approval—such excellent youth were rare these days.

"This child is indeed extraordinary; he is destined to be outstanding." Xiahou Kong concurred with a nod, his gaze slightly reserved as a flicker of dark light crossed his eyes.

Amid everyone's expectations, Ouyang Jin strode forward, his well-defined hand casually touching the Crystal Ball. Almost subconsciously, everyone held their breath, watching intently with faces tense. The uncolored Crystal Ball remained inert. Ouyang Jin, on stage, looked past the crowd to where Zhiyan sat with eyes closed in contemplation. A flash of disappointment passed through his inky pupils before his mind stirred, and he summoned a surging force.

The light circulated, and a faint yellow emerged, dyeing the uncolored Crystal Ball into the color of the stars. The black brocade appeared like the vast night sky; a glance at it made the bright stars pierce the eyes. The surroundings were very quiet, with only the sound of the wind and the intermittent chirping of distant cicadas.

People's eyes widened in disbelief at the scene unfolding on stage. Advanced-level Sage, Primary-grade—how could this be possible?

Ouyang Feng stood up from his seat briskly, his gaze fiery, his breathing rapid, and his body trembling as he looked at Ouyang Jin. His aged pupils sparkled with satisfaction, and all his emotions culminated in a thunderous laugh.

Situ Ba and Xiahou Kong's eyes displayed shock, staring at the genius who had just been the topic of their conversation as if he were a monster. The pleasantries of the moment before felt like a heavy hammer relentlessly pounding on their hearts. An Advanced-level Sage at the age of fifteen—was there no justice in this world? Could someone tell them this was all not real?

The peak of Mid-level Sage was special, and while their families were not without such talents, a fifteen-year-old Advanced-level Sage was probably rare even across the Mainland. Ouyang Jin was an exception here. The expressions on the faces of Situ Ba and Xiahou Kong changed drastically, no longer the casual ease they had before, replaced instead by immense pressure.

The three great families were always competing overtly and covertly, restraining each other, maintaining balance over the years. Ouyang Jin's performance today was like a pebble thrown into their seemingly placid lake, which would undoubtedly lead to turbulent waves because of this pebble in the future.

After the silence, the crowd below erupted into excited cheers. The disciples of the Ouyang Family were ecstatic, shouting passionately; an Advanced-level Sage at the age of fifteen, their idol Ouyang Jin. The Ouyang Family was bound to write a new chapter of glory because of his existence. They could even envision the blueprint for the Ouyang Residence's future; as descendants of the Ouyang Family, each one wore an expression of immense pride and elation.

The reaction from the fifteen powers below was even more intense. Ouyang Jin's performance struck them like a thunderbolt, perhaps prompting them to consider how to further cooperate with the Ouyang Family upon their return.

"Phew, Jinjin truly did not disappoint me. Come over and sit with your grandfather." Ouyang Feng summoned warmly, disregarding protocol in front of everyone.

Ouyang Jin's gaze once again sought out Zhiyan's direction; this time, she was holding her head up, yet her eyes revealed not a trace of fervor... With a slight purse of her lips, Ouyang Jin walked toward Ouyang Feng with a dark gloom on her face. She was clearly a child, clearly of lesser strength, yet why did she appear so dismissively indifferent?

"Ouyang Jin, Advanced-level Sage, Primary-grade, and lastly, Ouyang Zhiyan." As Ouyang Jin departed, the master of ceremonies called out again, and the hand Ouyang Feng had extended toward Ouyang Jin's shoulder suddenly stiffened, his expression turning ugly in an instant.

A chorus of mocking laughter rose from below. The foreign clans enjoyed the spectacle while the clan members ridiculed and jeered. Curious, sarcastic, and disdainful glances turned toward Ouyang Zhiyan like spotlights. With slightly upturned lips and a trace of brazen mischief crawling over her delicate, rosy cheeks, Zhiyan walked confidently and calmly toward the stage, her chest puffed up proudly. Situ Ba and Xiahou Kong, hearing the comments from below, saw a hint of amusement rise on their defeated faces. Having witnessed the Ouyang Family's genius, they were now about to witness their fool? How intriguing!

"What nonsense, who allowed her to stand there?" Ouyang Feng was furious, angrily gazing at the wild child who only brought disgrace to their family. Despite all his calculations, he had forgotten to account for this existence that infuriated him the most.

A whirlwind rose from below as the crowd looked on in astonishment at the Ouyang Family Head's sudden outburst. The master of ceremonies on stage shivered, at a loss as he looked at Ouyang Feng. Was not Ouyang Zhiyan's name written on the list? What on earth was going on?

"Grandfather, since she's already here, let her take the test." Ouyang Jin whispered, turning to Ouyang Feng's ear. His gaze toward Zhiyan was layered with unspoken sympathy. Listening to the relentless sneers and blows around him, his usually cold and indifferent heart began to stir with ripples.

"Hmph, my Ouyang Family has not yet lost face to that degree. Bring someone to drag her down, and if she doesn't comply, let the family law deal with her." Ouyang Feng commanded coldly and without mercy, prompting two burly men from the enforcement team to step forward immediately.

"Wait!" Ouyang Zhiyan sharply called out, raising her arm to halt them, her cool gaze piercing toward the unfeeling and merciless Ouyang Feng.

"Although I am not of the Ouyang Family, I have always lived in the Ouyang Residence, benefiting from your 'kindness.' I live very well, but the only thing that irks me is this idiotic, useless title. With the clan meeting at hand, I wanted to prove myself, yet the Family Head is unwilling to give me this chance. Could it be that you fear this 'useless' one will outshine these so-called geniuses of the Ouyang Family?"

Zhiyan raised her eyebrows, standing her ground, her pink dress fluttering in the wind. She looked at Ouyang Feng indifferently, the corners of her delicate rosy lips curling into a sly smile, seemingly mocking, seemingly challenging, exuding an air of proud defiance from head to toe.

"Gasp!" Gasps filled the air as the crowd watched the little daredevil in shock. Situ Ba and Xiahou Kong wore looks of surprise, struggling to hold back their laughter as they eyed the prideful Ouyang Feng. They were eager to see how he would react.

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