I stared at Cazz, half-thrilled, half-nervous. "Will you stay laying with me?" I asked suspiciously.
He huffed. "Yes… but if you don't mind, I'll shift. My wolf form heals more quickly, so any rest in that body will be worth twice what it would be as a human."
I felt myself tense, felt my eyes widen.
All this time, and I'd never actually seen him fully in his wolf- not when I could pay attention.
I swallowed hard. "I… okay."
His expression grew concerned. "Does my wolf frighten you?"
"I don't know," I said honestly. "Are you… yourself?"
"I am very much myself," he said. His lips pulled up on one side in a heart-wrenching lopsided smile that made my stomach flip, and made me want to chase away any thought of what he'd done, or where we'd been and just sink into this bed with him and forget about the world, and traitors, and pain, and the past and-