Chereads / A Deal With The Billionaire / Chapter 8 - BABY TROUBLES


Eliza's Pov

"So… you're going to be a mother," Steven says and I cringe.

I wholeheartedly cringe.

"I love children but this doesn't particularly thrill me" we are standing in the hall just outside of Nick's ward, I lean on the wall watching the conventional clock tick.

I am no longer in control of my life or the things that are happening in it.

"You know the options. Although I don't support either , you still know the options." He says and I nod my head in thoughts.

"I guess Nick has to know," I am worried and scared at this point.

"Do what you have to do. When you've made up your mind I'll sign you up for antenatal care." He says kindly and I smile.

He walks out and turns in the hall. My phone beeps for the billionth time that day and seeing his text has never made me more madder than I was.

'Are you home? I'm fighting this crazy urge to come home to you :)'

'Not yet, will be.' I text back and tuck my phone inside my purse.

Time to face Nick!

He was fast asleep when I walked in and his face in a placid and peaceful position brought joy to my heart.

Nick has been a less than wanted pain in the ass for me and I didn't want that.

"Hey twin," I say to him, tucking his hands in between mine and stroking it.

"I am sorry I haven't been there for you like I should, you are all I have in this world and you know I care deeply for you. Get well soon, you may be an uncle, if I don't decide to take out this kid. Wish me luck," I murmur and turn to leave.

My next stop is our apartment, he may be here for much longer and I did promise to get it for him.

I don't want to see Linc or his text so my phone remains on Do not disturb.

His constant calling is beginning to irritate me and I want so badly but to shout out my lungs to him and beg him to love me. But that is too desperate and my mother likes it.

I get to our apartment and everything reminds me of not just Nick, but Linc too.

The night he had held me against that kitchen counter and made love to me, or when we made love in the same hallways I was standing on.

"Those were the times," I mumble and go in to fetch his drawing pad and some few extra clothes.

I am going to take them to him early the next morning, maybe I'll spend another day with him, this time hopefully he is awake and able to talk to me.

I pack it in a bag and head down to Lincoln's house. My life was already in disarray with this news I had to keep to myself. I don't want his constant presence reminding me of how much I screwed up.

I got to his house a little after eight and his car is not there yet, I am relieved.

I have time to put things up and await his questioning and temper.

"Hello Miss," his gatekeeper called out to me as I entered.

"Good morning Nan," I responded. I wanted to ask if the boss was home but I changed my mind.

"Let me help you with that," she said, referring to the bag in my hands. She wouldn't let me go up with it so I gave in and gave it to her.

"Thank you," I muttered.

I was silent throughout our journey upstairs and when we get to my door, she handed it back to me.

"Goodluck," she said and hurried downstairs, there was a look of skepticism in her gaze.


I opened my door and turned on the lights.

"Damn!" I screeched. Lincoln was seated on my bed facing the door directly, he had a feral and angry look in his eyes.

"How long have you been seated there?" I asked him, my heart raging in fear and surprise.

"How long ago did you stop responding to my text?" He asked instead and I'm out of words.

How do I explain to him that I just found out I had been careless enough to get pregnant for him. He was not going to take that in the same energy as he is now.

"I had to do something and I couldn't respond." I lied, fidgeting with my bag strap.

"You are lying," he said softly, in that tone he used to his rivals when he was sealing a sure deal.

"I have no reason to lie," I said, yet another lie again.

"I know you. Whenever you lie you fidget." He said simply.

"I said I'm not lying!" I shouted, clenching the bag closer to me.

"Look at your hands Eliza, you can't stop playing with that bag strap. Have you been avoiding me? Using your brother as an excuse to see your other misters!" He asked me, moving closer and bending over, so he was eye to eye with me.

I noticed I was and stopped, dropping the bag on the table next to me.

"Don't you ever get tired of your annoying domineering ways? You always like to control everyone and that's why you have no friends and now you're pushing me away!" I let out the rage and shame I felt directed at him.

He looked at me in surprise and the lover girl in me wished I could forget about the arguments and jump into his hands, so he could take me to bed and relieve me of this tension.

"So you went to visit your lover, he gave you a good ride and now you come home to get mad at me?" He said coolly and I swear I could see ice vapor coming from his head. How did he manage to remain cool under pressure? It was so irking and out of touch for me. He was accusing me of infidelity.

"That does it! I'm leaving!" I yelled and picked up the bag again, he didn't even budge as I ran downstairs and out of his house.

I didn't deserve such a careless piece of meat.