Chereads / Ascension to the Throne / Chapter 4 - Randafir city

Chapter 4 - Randafir city

- Well, get up, don't cry. Tears will bring you absolutely nothing. Besides Shame, Humiliation and Weakness...

Haldar immediately helped Erald up. In his past life, he already knew that tears could not help matters. Only by clenching your hands, gritting your teeth and moving forward will you change something, and if not, then such is your fate.

- Thank you

Erald stood up and nodded, and then wiped away his tears. Wiping his tears, he involuntarily recalled the events earlier. Although his father did not teach him the Ascension, he taught him calmness and reason.

Faced with such events, an ordinary child would not be able to come to his senses for at least a week, if not more, but Erald lived in a completely turbulent time.

Since childhood, he already knew what laws reigned in their world. So he recovered from the shock and stress quite quickly. Or maybe this is just the tricks of the Immortal Haldar.

Clenching his paws tightly, Erald promised his heart that he would certainly become stronger and be able to protect everything that was dear to him.

- You're welcome. I also know what it's like to lose those who are dear to you...

Haldar, remembering the past, looked sadly at the dark clouds that filled the entire sky. There were similar clouds at their funeral. From then on he loved the rain because no one could see his tears.

Erald looked at him and realized that Haldar was just like him. Looking at his eyes, he realized that he, too, had experienced terrible loss and despair.

- As I said earlier, my name is Haldar, what's yours?

Having stopped remembering his bitter past, he turned his gaze to Erald.

- My name is Erald, Erald Mazgard. Nice to meet you Haldar.. and yes.. What were you doing here?

- I... uh, got lost. My home was destroyed by those I trusted and trusted the most. They threw me out like trash... If only I was a little stronger...

Haldar clenched his fists tightly, gritting his teeth. Everything he said was true. Erald looked at Haldar with a complex look.

- Erald, yes, I know that this is unexpected and strange, because we are seeing each other for the first time, but please help me. I have nowhere else to go...

Haldar looked at him pleadingly. He realized that Erald was a kind fellow and could help him in his difficult situation. Erald faced a dilemma. Take Haldar with you to Grandfather Meris, or leave him here.

He didn't want to take any more risks and was leaning towards the second option, but remembering Haldar's face and state when he talked about how he was thrown out...


He still decided to take Haldar with him, as he decided to trust his feelings and intuition. Erald nodded, looking at Haldar.

- Thank you... Thank you very much

Haldar fell to his knees and bowed. He thanked him with all his heart, because now he has a chance for life, shelter and information about this world. If he had stayed here wandering through the forest, who knows how his fate would have developed in this world unknown to him. Especially in the body of a child.

- Haldar, where are you from?

- My house is very, very far from here. Not long ago I found myself in a very strange situation, where as a result I magically ended up here

- Mmm, I see, it's good that you found me and not others..

Having finished speaking, Erald immediately remembered that he needed to hurry to the city, and not talk here. He immediately began to look around. Noticing that no one was there, he turned to Haldar.

- There's a town nearby and my grandfather lives there. We must hurry to it, and then my family and clan will come there

- Fine

Haldar nodded seriously. He could guess that Erald was being pursued, judging by his numerous small wounds that he received from the pursuit.

He understood that if Erald was caught, that would mean him too. Erald's fate was now directly connected with him.

- Went. Follow me, the amulet will show us the way to the city

Erald waved his paw and moved ahead, and Haldar followed him. Now there were no tears on Erald's face, but only determination.

While running, each of them thought about his own:

- I will take revenge on all of them! Treuch, and his other assistants, but especially Garamba!

"It wasn't difficult to convince Erald, now at least I'll have a home and a starting point." But becoming his true friend is not so bad... After all, they are animals, they are not like people. And judging by him, he is an honest and kind guy. I wouldn't dare take a stranger with me

The city of Randafir was located near the forest. Coming out onto the road, they met a small caravan passing by on their way to the city. Having paid the caravan driver, they moved with him to the city. An hour later they had already reached the city.

The city of Randafir was a city-state under the leadership of a mayor and the Diolan Academy. This city was in the possession of Imperis Kaikle.

Imperis Kaikle was too big, and there were many young heroes in the city of Randafir.

As you enter the city, you are immediately taken in by its energetic, lively atmosphere and bustling shopping streets. Everywhere as far as the eye could see, shopping pavilions and shops were piled one on one, small streets flowed into large ones. As soon as you raised your head to the sky, a stunning spectacle of divine temples, proud palaces, ancient palaces and ancient chambers soaring in the air opened up to your eyes!

Entering the city, Haldar

I immediately noticed the large buildings in the city center and also the floating palaces and temples above those buildings. Near those large buildings there was a tower, and half of its height was hidden behind the clouds. Its peak was only dimly visible through the clouds.

Many of the buildings inside the city were sophisticated and elegant. But there were also not elegant ones, but old and ancient ones, but their strength and splendor created a strong and solid aura. Their steadfastness was breathtaking.

Some houses were built from the bones of ancient creatures. One could feel the wavering souls of these creatures. Such buildings were massive and majestic.

Even ordinary residential buildings on the streets were covered in protective formations and runes. They looked ancient and simple.

Various carts, carriages and other vehicles scurried back and forth along the streets, weaving between passers-by.

Haldar saw many beings gathered in front of a crystal-like screen with worried faces. Many buildings had similar screens, but they were also indoors.

On the screen, two figures fought each other.

Their blows were precise and well calculated, and the sheer precision of their movements was amazing.

- Dherder has already won eight rounds. It's amazing!

- Amazing is to say the least! His understanding of Combat Skills is terrifying! He hits with extreme precision and does not leave his opponents even a chance to attack!

- Watching his battles is a great pleasure in itself. Not only that, I can also learn quite a few fighting techniques from him and improve my own fighting style!


Such conversations could be heard from the crowd.

For Haldar, this sight was like entering a fantasy world from famous books. Even though it was raining right now, this did not worry the local residents too much, because the city was covered with many formations that blocked various natural phenomena from entering the city area.

A stream of many different creatures. Coming in and out of the city was too huge. They came from everywhere. Some used Treasures of Flight, others simply walked. Some even rode on Huge Worms and Maggots. Many creatures are trained from childhood to reduce their true body for more convenient use.

The true bodies of many creatures had colossal sizes, for example dragons, and therefore everyone reduced their true bodies as much as they could. When facing someone weak, the huge body helped to terrify the opponent. However, when facing someone of his own level, the huge body could reveal weaknesses.

Already entering the city, Haldar was stunned by how many different creatures existed in this world. With just one glance he saw more than a hundred different races or peoples.

Far on the horizon, the sky was lit up by explosions and flashes of bright light, trying to hit the city and the structures located above it. From the very walls of the city to its opposite end, orderly rows of giant floating structures stretched above the heads of passers-by. In the distance the sky was pierced by the spiers of towering pavilions.

There were too many extraordinary creatures in the city of Randafir. They came from large family clans, orders and had fateful pedigrees and amazing opportunities.

The area of the city of Randafira was divided into many parts.

The population of the city of Randafira was not very large, but it occupied a large area. In addition to the Great Gilmetz Auction House, the Central Court, the Mayor's House, the Trading Metralite Nodle, the Great Gilhar Arena, private houses and companies, great restaurants, taverns, gaming halls, branches of various guilds, a military training ground, portals, ancient and non-ancient temples and several others important buildings, the rest of the space belonged to the Diolan Academy.

There was a lot of space on the academy grounds. There were places where sparring matches and military training took place. Also, a large part was occupied by the main buildings of the Academy. Diolan Academy was divided into four regions and consisted of four buildings, with one building for each region.

Fourth year students and above studied in the First Building.

In the Second Building, all students were tested and tested themselves in various tests and tasks. There were also many arenas, and a huge arena in which various events took place, for example a tournament.

Students from the first to the third year studied in the Third Building. They were taught the most basic knowledge there: peace, combat and survival.

Everyone studied in the Fourth Corps. There they taught special classes than in other buildings, for example, alchemy, blacksmithing, construction, potion brewing, commerce, artistic and musical arts, taming, formations, dancing, mechanical design, the art of war and hunting, artistry, tea brewing, learning languages, enchantment, rune lore, healing and poison lore, holy and cursed arts, and several other pursuits.

The largest was the fourth building, which also contained an armory, a wild menagerie, a gallery, and other important buildings in addition to rooms for special activities.

Haldar and Erald did not stand out from the crowd that entered the city.

- Haldar is behind me

Erald spoke to Haldar while walking next to him. They walked quite close so as not to get lost in the crowd. Haldar immediately snapped out of his trance from looking at the various structures and creatures in the city and quickly followed Erald.

- A! Yes I'm coming

Haldar immediately followed only Erald without looking back at anything, because he knew if he lost sight of Erald in the crowd, then it would be the end.

Erald led Haldar behind him. Two streets later they quickly entered a tiny tea shop. Upon entering the teahouse, an old hamster immediately ran up to them.

- Young gentlemen, would you like some tea? Or are you here to eat...

Before he could finish speaking, he saw Erald. The old hamster froze in shock for a second, and then quickly approached him almost closely and asked:

- Can't be. Little Erald, is that you!?

- Grandpa Meris, long time no see

Erald was so glad to see his grandfather safe and sound that he involuntarily began to cry.

- Well, don't cry. You're already a big boy

Meris hugged Erald and began to calm him down. The old man immediately noticed a bunch of small wounds on Erald. A fierce light flashed in Meris's eyes for a second, but then disappeared. The old man immediately realized that something had happened since Erald and his friend arrived wet.

- You're both so wet, let me dry you off.

Meris brought his paw to them, and they instantly dried up. After Meris dried them, he sat down in front of Erald and asked:

- Erald, where did you get hurt like that?

- Grandpa is...

Erald wanted to immediately say what happened, but Meris suddenly stopped him and said:

- Wait a minute. You'll tell me right now, but for now, sit down at the table, I'll be right back.

Meris went to the door of his shop and quickly put up the closed sign. Afterwards he brought them warm tea and some snacks then sat down opposite them.

- Here you go, you probably got hungry and cold while you were on the road, the dishes and tea aren't fancy, but they're available

The dishes and tea were hot with a pleasant and tempting smell, but none of them were in the mood to eat. Haldar, oddly enough, didn't want to eat, and Erald really wasn't in the mood for food.

- Thank you

Haldar and Erald, although they did not want to eat, still thanked Meris.

- Well, tell Erald, and who is this with you? Could you really make a friend after all? With your pugnacious nature, this is amazing...

Erald chuckled slightly at Meris's last words, but then, remembering what happened earlier, tears involuntarily began to flow again, even though he tried to hold them back.

- What's happened? What's happened?

Meris immediately forgot about Haldar and asked Erald with concern. Meris quickly stood up and approached Erald.

- Grandfather... Our clan was attacked and many people were killed... Even Vardhan's grandfather, who sacrificed himself so that I could escape...

Erald spoke through tears.

- What!? How can this be... Son, daughter-in-law... Even Vardhan...

Meris became haggard, visibly older by many hundreds of years.

- Grandfather... Mom and Dad said that they will catch up with me soon... When will they come?

Erald, crying, decided to ask. He looked at Meris with hope.

- Soon darling, soon

Meris hugged Erald, holding back his tears. At this time, Meris's eyes were almost bloodshot. He couldn't tell Erald that they were probably all done...

- Erald, don't worry, grandpa will protect you and take care of you

Meris smiled and sighed. He wanted to say something else, but suddenly the door to the tea shop opened and a wolf man walked in, covered in blood.

- Old man, you closed early

The man who entered the tea shop spoke. The smell of blood immediately filled the entire tea room. Erald, sensing such a strong smell of blood again, frowned and clenched his paws.

- Elam, you came again covered in blood

Meris began to scold the man who came from whom a powerful aura emanated.

- Ha ha, yes yes, and this?

The man noticed in the teahouse, besides him and Meris, two more children at the table. He couldn't help but wonder who it was, because Meris rarely had guests, and these were also children.

- And this is my grandson Erald and his friend, they will both live here now, if anything, help them if I'm not there

Meris said and pointed at them.

- Old man, it's not a problem, I'll take care of them. Okay, I'll go wash this dirt off of me.

Elam said and, waving his hand, moved to the second floor of the teahouse. Elam noticed that the mood in the teahouse was not at all joyful.

- Grandfather, who is this man?

Erald could not help but ask his grandfather. Haldar also wondered what kind of man was walking around in broad daylight covered in blood. He also felt a little strange that when he saw this, he didn't feel anything at all, as if it were ordinary, like breathing air.

- His name is Elam. Don't worry, he's my friend

Meris only answered briefly, he apparently didn't want them to know too much. After all, this information will bring them nothing but danger.

- Ugum

Erald and Haldar realized that it was better not to ask further questions.

- Haha fine. You're probably tired, go get some sleep

Meris said and pointed towards the stairs to the second floor:

- On the second floor there are four free rooms, where there is no sign there is a free room, choose one room for yourself and settle down.

- Fine

HaLdar and Erald got up and went to the second floor to look for rooms. The dishes on the table that no one had touched had already cooled down and Meris immediately removed them.

- Ahh, yes. Erald, mom and dad will probably come tomorrow morning, so don't worry and get a good night's sleep

Meris gave them one last shout before leaving for the kitchen. Erald nodded and ran to catch up with Haldar.

- Ehh, this old man will go and see what happened. I want to see those who ate the guts of the Almighty there...

Meris, having placed the plates on the table, immediately disappeared from the tea room...