Weisfel Empire, after the Emperor's battle against the Reverends.
Far away in the lands of the empire, a monk stood and looked at the Emperor. It was like a sack of grain that had been punched through in many places. Blood was flowing from him in a stream; if he was left in this position, he would not last even two hours without medical help.
After some time, Fengian regained consciousness and, with difficulty opening his eyes, noticed that a monk was standing next to him. Closing his eyes, he said slowly:
- Well, finish the job, old man.
- No, Emperor, it's too early for you to die.
The monk shook his head smiling, and then, placing his palm on it, said:
- Amen
Heavenly light enveloped the Emperor and his strength began to return, but not all of it. Fengian was surprised when he heard the old man, and after that he felt much better; although with difficulty, he could already move his body.
This was the first time he felt so gloomy since he became emperor.
Fengian stood up and was not surprised by his condition. Having received such critical wounds, he should have been dead already, but luck extended his life by a couple of hours.
And now this monk has cured him, but due to past injuries, he is now crippled and equal to an ordinary mortal, he has turned from a level 238 Raisai to a mortal.
- And the meaning of this, old man, do you want me to suffer as a mortal or for me to see the quick decline of my empire?
- Neither one nor the other, your future fate will be decided by your actions
The monk shook his head, puzzling the Emperor. Fangian could not understand why he saved him. The monk, waving his hand, invited the emperor to follow him.
- Let's go
- Where?
The emperor decided to ask, following him, and the monk, without answering the question, asked:
- Do you think the people of the Empire love you?
- Well. I think yes. After all, I do everything so that the common people feel better and the empire develops
The monk nodded and immediately they found themselves in one of the regions of the Empire. The Emperor was very surprised by this leap. It turns out that the monk standing in front of him was very powerful.
It was harvest time, and they saw many minor Ascendancy masters, harvesting crops for mortals, plowing and irrigating the lands, collecting clouds or dispersing them. It was lively.
They traveled and saw many places where there were problems with crops and food.
The consequences of the war affected many regions of the empire. Because of such rebellious reforms, many neighbors took up arms against the Empire, but the power of the Empire only grew every year and soon the Empire itself began to push them back.
And in such regions, mortals sent letters to the government and many masters came to their aid. They used spells to speed up the growth of crops so that the inhabitants could survive those consequences. After the harvest, the mortals thanked them and paid them some money.
The monk came up and asked the farmer:
- Is everything okay with you?
The old farmer smiled and replied:
- Right now everything is fine and I have some money
- Where do you get this money to pay the climbing masters?
He smiled again and replied:
- Thanks to His Majesty, if you can work, then you can earn money, and in recent years more and more climbing masters have appeared and more and more different wild plants are needed for elixirs, potions, ointments, decoctions and pills. Yes, it is very expensive to grow the herbs they need. Yes, I'm already old and won't be able to raise them, but my little grandson is very smart and has begun to develop and is now in elementary school
The old man frowned and said:
"After this little guy became an Ascension Master, he began to sponsor me. Fortunately, he decided to become an alchemist and herbiologist. In the future, he may become supreme and become an official in the court! But even if he cannot become an official, he can join the army
An old woman passing by smiled and said:
- Yes, in war, if you fight well, you will quickly be promoted up the career ladder and receive a title, as well as more lands
The old man was excited:
- But he will be forced to kill in battle!
The old woman looked at him and said:
- Zen, he will not only receive military merit, but will also defend the empire from those cruel clans and orders that are attacking us right now. If you don't want him to do this for himself, let him do it for the safety of the inhabitants of the empire!
The monk nodded and continued walking around the territory of the empire, and saw how the masters of ascension built roads and bridges, and others built buildings. The emperor simply followed him silently and then the monk continued:
- Your reforms are very good. You forced the clans, orders, monasteries and temples on its territory to work for mortals, merchants and others, which caused a lot of discontent
- Next, the Empire took all the books of skills, spells and techniques of these clans, orders and founded schools, colleges and universities in which all these books were collected together and allowed any mortal in the Empire to become a master of Ascension
Thanks to him, children are now receiving an education in schools at the expense of the empire, and after that they can go to college to further study or start working. By learning they become Masters of Ascension
, who will then enter the service of the empire.
- True, but these old losers don't share my views.
The Emperor shook his head, thinking about those old people who closed themselves in their mountains and give opportunities only to the Chosen.
Soon they moved to one of the regions near where the Emperor was wounded. There they saw the climbing masters who drove all the inhabitants of the city to its center and shouted at them:
- This is the territory of the Order of Nine Lights
- No, the territory of the Empire!
One of the mortals shouted, to which one of the masters answered:
- The Emperor ordered the return of lands to the Clans, Orders and Monasteries. So our land is now ours. Now you have to pay tribute only to us
- Into the Abyss Clans and Orders!
A hundred residents began to shout at them and immediately a pillar of fire rose in their place and incinerated them. The others saw this and fell silent. Fangian, seeing this, clenched his fists and was unable to do anything. The monk shook his head and said:
- Go ahead
They moved on and disappeared from there, and the summoned huge palm turned those masters into mince, surprising all the residents.
They walked past other regions and saw that the Clans, like the Orders, were rebelling and taking back their territory. Apparently the news that the emperor was killed had spread everywhere.
They divided territories, bringing into the world even more chaos, destruction and unrest than before. Their natural disasters had already caused serious damage to many regions, and here their uprising added fuel to the fire.
The government of the Empire, which sent various aids, stopped and tried to stabilize the unoccupied territories.
The number of inhabitants who starved and froze to death increased to such an extent that they could not be counted.
Emperor Fengian, seeing this, has already improved anew and has already reached the 5th level of the Apprentice. He couldn't understand where his adviser was, why everyone was so impudent.
Following the monk, they came to an area that was all monstrously destroyed. The former mountain range with a valley turned into a wasteland in the middle of which there was a lake of blood.
A man was lying sunbathing near the Lake of Blood. Coming closer, the Emperor recognized him and shouted:
- Bradgadan!
Just as he was about to take out all his anger on him, he suddenly saw that he had a large hole in his stomach, as well as numerous wounds. Fengian fell to his knees in shock and shed tears:
- Advisor, how did you end up in this state?
- Hail Emperor, you too...
The advisor stood up and bowed to the Emperor and, noticing his deplorable state, closed his eyes. Sadness gripped his Heart:
- After suppressing the uprising in several regions, I wanted to destroy the source of one of the natural disasters and met the 7 Pillars of the World there. It was he who released it to lure me, because if I continue to grow, I can take his place
- I wounded him, but my wounds are more serious, or rather fatal.
The advisor shook his head, as he had very little time left without treatment. Although he holds back his wounds with energy, he can no longer escape from this region.
- All is not lost yet
"My injuries are too serious, I cannot return to the capital." Surely the rebels are waiting for me there. No one should know that I was injured, but I didn't expect that Your Majesty would either...
The advisor could only be cured by a few Masters known to him, one of whom was in the capital, and all the others would not do it.
- Your time has not yet come, Advisor either.
At that moment, the adviser noticed the Monk, whom in a strange way he had not seen. Bradgadan recognized him immediately and bowed:
- And as I understand it, you are the Evil Monk who recently killed the 6 Pillars of the World, as well as many of the strongest masters?
- Right
The emperor, hearing the adviser, was once again surprised. It turns out that this monk really did not come to their liking. The advisor continued:
-Have you come to help us?
- Right
Although Bradgadan had no hope, he clenched his fist when he heard his answer. The monk nodded and hit Fangian.
The Emperor, having received a blow, was scattered into pieces. The advisor, seeing this, was shocked not only by the fact that the evil monk destroyed the Emperor with one blow, but more by what happened after.
At that very second, all these scraps gathered into a new body and gave the Emperor a perfect one.
- What?
The process took only one second, with the help of which the Emperor regained his body and his strength. The Emperor clenched his fists in bewilderment. He felt like he had even more power in his hands than he had before.
The Advisor, feeling pressure from the Emperor, also became perplexed.
- What the hell kind of method is this?
- Your turn advisor
Before Bradgadan had time to say a word, he was destroyed at that very second and instantly restored back. The emperor, seeing what happened, was in a stupor. Here it turns out how he regained his strength and even became stronger.
Having restored these two Weisfel Heroes, he smiled:
- Now the Empire is in my debt. Do not turn aside from your path, for as I give, I can take away
- Thank you very much, you are the Eternal Guest of our Empire
The Emperor and the Advisor immediately bowed and thanked, and then noticed that the evil monk was no longer there,
everything happened as if they had dreamed of him. The advisor looked at the Emperor and nodded:
- It's time to Destroy the Rebels!
After a couple of months.
The devastated lands of flaming horned wolves.
- Do you think Sapphire Mineral Fertilizer will suit my Supreme Jasper Gaala?
- I don't know, I haven't tried it yet on plants of the Third rank (level 71 – 120)
- So let's try, looking at the results with plants of the Second Rank (31 – 70), the efficiency is as much as 150%, and if you add your organic, it can reach up to 200%
- Well, if there is an overdose, the plant may begin to die
- Exactly
Thanks to Haldar's innovations, or rather his modern knowledge + the incredible resources of this world, he was able to create truly unique fertilizers and methods of growing plants.
With the help of Elam and its inhabitants, they quickly created the required amount of fertilizers and also used special methods of cultivating the land. Thanks to magic, they were able to speed up natural recovery processes.
The inhabitants of these lands were initially skeptical of Haldar and his new methods, but the result forced them to shut up and work even harder.
They saw how before their eyes the devastated and deserted lands began to bloom again. They will finally return to their former fertile lands and will no longer depend on supplies from other regions.
- What does Haldar have there?
- Everything is fine, your idea to use his skills helped my people a lot
At this time, Meris decided with Elam to visit Haldar and see his progress.
Elam visited him every day, but this time he noticed that some old man had appeared, who had always been next to him. Last time he didn't think anything of it, but this time he suspected something.
He had been told about suspicious activity lately around his lands, but he had not thought that they would be able to penetrate so deeply. He had to check his guesses.
- Who is this old man?
- Commander, he appeared today with residents and merchants from the city of Fervuh
His intuition screamed that this old man was not simple, although Elam, being an Ancestor, felt that he was an ordinary mortal.
Meris followed his gaze and when he saw the old man who was next to Haldar, he froze in shock. He saw that he was very keenly interested in the knowledge and methods of Haldar, but he was wary of the personality of this old man.
- Let's go see who this old man is.
- Stop!
Meris immediately stopped Elam and quietly continued:
- Don't you dare dare him
- What?
Elam stared at Meris in bewilderment, to which he replied:
- This old man's name is Denfor
Elam, in shock, immediately looked towards the old man again, but this time he was looking at them.
At that very second he appeared in front of them. Meris immediately bowed:
- Greetings to Supreme Elder Denfor
- Ha-ha, this is little Meris, and this?
The old man patted him on the shoulder, smiling, and then looked at Elam. Meris immediately replied:
- This is my comrade, he is the owner of these lands, and we asked Haldar to help them
- Hmm, I see, I see. But I think that he always comes here and commands. Well, I won't bother you, I'll return to Haldar. We haven't finished exploring his idea of combining different consistencies of Afodil and his Sodium or Nitrogen, I don't remember yet
With these words, he disappeared and appeared not far from Haldar, and then, like a mortal, the old man ran up to him, out of breath, holding Afodil and sodium.
- Oh, old man, she's beautiful, just what you need
- Contact me, they told me that they will provide us with even more materials, so we can even work with Higher Plants and trees
- Wow, teacher Elam decided to take this even more seriously
- Yes, he asked me to tell you that he will support you
Meris and Elam, of course, also heard this and could not smile wryly, looking at how carelessly Haldar behaved in a conversation with this old man.
The old man who was the Past Second Pillar of the World.
Ancient Second Pillar of the World Denfor, former Head of the Herbiology Guild, as well as former Head of the Holy Order, Raisai at peak level 240.
- Well, you don't have to worry about Haldar, with His Excellency Denfor, even Raisai won't have time to squeak before he's destroyed
"Yes, I heard that in his garden there are many Imperial plants and Eternal-level trees."
Elam was still in a stupor from this. He did not expect that Haldar would be able to attract this old monster with his skills, which only the Five could defeat at the moment.
- Most likely it is because of the treatise that Haldar allowed the inhabitants to copy so that they could study in their free time and learn to cultivate the land themselves
- Yes, I also heard that some of them even sold it to merchants for a good price, and they sold it to others. I punished them, but I could no longer prevent the spread
Although Elam stopped the sale of the treatise, Haldar, on the contrary, said that more people should know about it. After all, this knowledge will help everyone, and especially mere mortals.
This is how the mass dissemination of the treatise began; at the beginning, few people believed in such miracles, what the methods and knowledge from the book were capable of, but those who had little to lose and those who loved to experiment were the very first to show that miracles were real.
And Denfor, as soon as he got his hands on a copy of the book, saw the light. On the same day, he caused chaos in the Guild of Herbiologists, and after learning all the information about where it all started, he was the first to move there, stopping all possible ways for the other Higher and Eternals to get close to Haldar.
Basically, Herbiologists, Pharmacists, Alchemists, as well as masters who owed them money acted. Some wanted to know what kind of guy created this treatise, others wanted the original, others wanted to grab it.
Many easily passed the defenses of Elam, but in the end they met Denfor and could only turn around and leave. None of them wanted to insult the old man over an ordinary book.
At this time, there was also a meeting of Equentharon regarding the prophecy of the all-consuming darkness and the Dawn of Doom.
While discussing this problem, the seers in the hall suddenly saw a Golden Light that began to spread and drive out this darkness.
They immediately stood up and voted:
- A long time ago, darkness fell on our world, but it did not overshadow us! So let it not eclipse in the future!
The Seers thought that this was a prophecy that they would once again cast back the darkness that was coming upon their world, but in fact this Golden Dawn marked the arrival of the last Most Highs and Immortals from the future into this present.
It was with the arrival of the latter that the winds of Duality completely absorbed the Future and turned it into energy, which immediately entered the Boundless Cosmos.
It was so huge and pure that it was visible to everyone in the form of the Golden Dawn.
With this, this Epoch could be called one of the Golden ones.