Chereads / Ascension to the Throne / Chapter 14 - New faces

Chapter 14 - New faces

It was already midday and the sun was shining brightly on the entire area of ​​the applicants. After everyone was settled in the Academy dormitory, all applicants returned to the square with Empor for further entrance procedures.

Admission was supposed to last all day, but they had already reached the required quota.

- Well, let's start

- First, let's distribute you into classes. You will have only three classes first, second and third. The class number doesn't matter, so don't think that if you got into third place, you're the worst

Empor spoke calmly, looking at them. Immediately after his words, there was a small buzz and whispering among the applicants.

- This is how we will study then

- Madam, if I end up in another class, what should I do?

- Die Infernia die

- Netttt

Empor, not listening to their conversation, continued:

- All classes will study together in the same classes, classrooms and at the same time. We will also have challenges, both single and class. So I advise you to get to know each other quickly, unless of course you want to screw up your class tests

- And if we fail the class test, will the whole class be expelled?

One of the girls decided to ask immediately. She didn't want to take out the whole class alone. Empor shook his head:

- No, class failure will only lower your points in the Final Tests, and victory will accordingly add them equal to your contribution to the victory

- Okay, otherwise I wouldn't want to be excluded because of useless garbage, which is worse than crap, uglier than potatoes...

- Princess Anbroskaya, please, no harsh comments

- Madam, you've lost your temper again.

- Be quiet

Empor immediately stopped Nyri, and her maid Infernia, who also successfully entered the academy with her, reminded her to control herself. Empor, seeing that everyone was quiet, continued:

- Hmm, let's continue, so I'll name who is in what class. Listen carefully:

First class: Haldar, Erald, Taisi, Sarvet, Kairat, Afa, Kanlas, Torkrim and Fiana

- Yes, Haldar, we are together

- Yes, lucky

Haldar nodded, they were lucky to be in the same class. This means they will be together during the tests.

Second class: Artisia, Anbroskaya, Infernia, Nightwar, Giadar, Saladar, Lorelai, Falmax and Anabel

- Madam, it was all my prayers that helped her end up together

- Really

Third class: Gracus, Lacus, Lyras, Furcas, Sylvie, Henon, Aber, Aaron and Octavia

After Empor named all the classes, he clapped his hands and three Obelisks appeared in the square. On each Obelisk one could see a number from one to three. He looked at their surprised faces, and then continued:

- Let's see how you remember what class you are in. Gather near your obelisk. Each obelisk displays your class number

- Madam, our obelisk is in the middle, the second

- I know you're a fool

- I am Infernia

- Who told you this?

- Haldar, let's go

- Yes, our first

After Empor's words, everyone immediately moved to their obelisks. It didn't take them long to gather around them.

After everyone had gathered, they turned to Empor, who smiled as he looked at them. He clapped joyfully and the obelisks disappeared, and then he continued:

- Get to know your teammates. I hope you will become friends, because you will spend a lot... A lot of time with each other. And your first lesson will begin today. Now wait for the Professor

As soon as Empor disappeared, everyone immediately turned their gaze to each other. As he said, they will spend a lot of time with each other, but whether they can be comrades who can trust each other with their backs or lives - this still needs to be tested.

Haldar and Erald, looking at the members of their team, recognized only Taisi, and the rest, like everyone else, were strangers to each other. Only Torkrim and Fiana stuck together, like him and Erald.

While everyone stood at a distance and looked at each other, not daring to take the first step, Kairat decided to come forward and say hello to his class.

- Greetings, I am Kairat Feg, I have the 35th level of the Originator, I am a Martial Master

Haldar also decided not to hesitate and also came forward and introduced himself:

- Nice to meet you. I am Haldar Mazgard, I have the 38th level of the Generator, I am a Spear Master

Everyone else decided to follow suit and introduce themselves.

It didn't take them long to get acquainted, nor did the professor's arrival. The professor was an old turtle with very powerful energy.

- Greetings, students. Today will be your first lesson. What did you think, since the first day will you rest? No such luck

- That's what we understood

- OK then. Follow me

Afterwards, he began to show the new students various buildings of the Academy, giving them a so-called short tour.

- This is the First Corps. This is where 4th to 6th year students study. It's too early for you to go there, so everything has its time

The professor briefly showed them where the first building was and led them further. Then they came to the second building.

- In the second building you can test yourself in different simulations. Our formations can create many options for what we want. There are also many rooms where you can test yourself and your body

- For example, to room with incredible pressure or gravity. A room of silence and abyss where you can look into yourself, the main thing is not to get carried away. In addition to all this, there are many platforms for training, as well as for sparring and fighting.

- There are also various class tests here, such as tactics, survival, detection, and direct confrontation

The professor explained everything quite clearly and there were no questions. Then he led them to the third building where they would actually study.

- I won't show you the fourth building anymore. Then go and find out everything yourself. And now I'll show you the third building, in which you will study all 3 courses

Having conducted and shown what and how in the third building, he led them to a large audience.

This was the first time Haldar had seen such an old and ancient Academy.

He only read about such things in history textbooks or in science fiction novels by famous writers, but now he sees it in reality.

Looking at the door to the Auditorium, one could notice the name.

First Course - 1

Upon entering the Auditorium, Haldar noticed that the interior was very simple; white, no traces of dust and many long tables.

Haldar immediately thought: "Where should I sit?"

After thinking a little, he decided to sit on the outer seat of the middle row. Erald also sat down next to him. Then all the other members of their class sat down not far from them.

Haldar was at a loss and wanted to ask, but Kairat immediately answered:

- Haldar, we are a team. We should stick together shouldn't we?

Kairat smiled, sitting down next to Erald.

- Right. The sooner we work together, the better we will perform in class tests

Sarvet nodded, sitting behind them. Afa and Kanlas sat down not far from Kairat; not everyone was as joyful and positive as him. Torkrim and Fiana also kept a certain distance. Taisy sat further away so she could see the entire audience.

- Ha ha, yeah

Haldar answered embarrassedly and turned back. Sitting, he thought: "Well, if this is their choice, let them sit next to each other, I don't mind." So, what about the others?

Sitting at the table, Haldar decided to take a closer look at their future opponents in the class trials. The most noisy couple caught his eye first. These were Anbroskaya Nyri and her maid Gratesko Infernia.

- Why did you sit next to me?

- Well, Madam, I am your faithful assistant.

- More precisely, an eternal thorn

Despite their personalities, they were rare beauties, and also very strong.

Haldar met many women, but even modern celebrities could not compare with these girls for their figure. Although they were all 13, due to the peculiarities of the Ascension path and energy, they looked much older.

If you look at it this way, they all looked like eighteen-year-old teenagers. When he found himself here, he was like a child, but as soon as he entered the path of Ascension and crossed level 30, his body began to grow at a rapid pace.

The energy could not circulate normally throughout the still immature body, so it accelerated the growth of the body.

And in front of him, these girls were already fully grown, just like he and the rest of the guys according to their race.

Anbroskaya was from the elf race. She looks like a troubled teenager, but despite this, everything was fine with her, both her figure and her face. She wore some kind of special costume, similar to the clothes of a fighter. Apparently she, like Erald, fought with her fists.

Thanks to this costume, one could understand that she had a beautiful figure. Her body curves could be called ideal. This costume showed well how narrow and thin her waist was and how beautiful her hips and breasts were.

She had gray hair and eyes as bright as stars. Her face was incomparable, it was oval and immediately indicated her nobility. One glance was enough to understand that she came from a Noble family.

Moreover, an indescribable aura emanated from her, gentle, but at the same time strong. Her look was rebellious and mischievous.

Her maid Infernia was also incredible. She was from the Fox race. It would be correct to call her a princess. Golden hair, graceful eyebrows, oval face, flaming eyes...

Her alluring curves could also attract all eyes. She wore very neutral clothes, as if she was trying to dress up as a man. It only added to her allure because of her heaving breasts.

During his stay in this world, Haldar noticed that there were many more beautiful girls here than in the modern world.

It all depended, as he understood, on energy, as well as on personal care products. There were many more different resources in this world, thanks to which amazing things were created.

Then he saw her. The strongest student upon admission, Artisia Malrond. She was a monstrous genius who possessed a level 45 Progenitor when everyone else was level 30-38.

- Some beauties, a treat for the eyes and Haldar?

- You shh

Erald saw Haldar intently examining these heavenly beauties. Everyone present was, after all, the Elite.

Artisia was also a real beauty. She could bring entire kingdoms, or even Kingdoms, to their knees. As soon as she turned her indifferent gaze on someone, she could ah, steal his soul and heart.

- Why are you looking at someone from another class? We also have beauties

Kairat, having heard their conversation, whispered quietly and glanced at Fiana, who was sitting nearby, and then at Taisy. Afa was also not bad, but she wasn't quite up to par with these girls. Haldar was perplexed by their words and showed with his hand that they were kuku:

- You two... I'm assessing our future opponents

- Yes Yes. Haldar, you don't have to scratch me

- I got what you mean

Erald and Kairat didn't believe him at all and shook their heads.

- Come on. I'm going to sleep

- Okay, Erald, how do you like Anabel?

- Pretty

Ignoring them, Haldar buried himself in the table and closed his eyes. While the professor left, they could sit for a while.

Having gone through school and university, he could not believe that he had to study again...

A worse disaster simply did not exist.

Closing his eyes, he began to remember those unbearable days of study, but suddenly...

- Now!

Haldara was awakened by a thunderous cry. He woke up abruptly and hastily opened his eyes and saw the professor standing near the blackboard.

- Let's start with getting acquainted. I am Panfol Zhans, I am the professor who will be responsible for your theoretical studies. Although there will be few of them, they will be useful to you

- Now each of you should introduce yourself so that I and everyone here know who is who

Panfol spoke and looked at everyone. Everyone immediately looked at each other. Although they had time to get to know each other, no one was in a hurry to do so. They only roughly knew who was who and who was worth taking note of.

- Let's start from the first rows


Everyone introduced themselves briefly and quickly, and everyone had a more or less clear understanding of each other. Although it was superficial, there was at least something compared to zero information.

- Fine. Let's start with information about your class schedule. You will have two types of classes:

first – Theoretical

second - Practical

- Mostly there will be practical ones, and there will be few theoretical ones, but you yourself must be able to learn both theory and practice. We will only guide you along these paths, and only you should follow them further

- Classes are random. When there is an opportunity, they will be there, you don't have self-study. Again, the Academy helps you find your path. Only by following your own path can you graduate from the academy

- Next about our education system. As you know, our Academy has six courses. Each course has a Midterm Test and a Final Test

- To move on to the next course you only need to pass the Final Test, you can fail the intermediate test, but then it will be hard on the second one

- If you do not pass the Final Test, then you are automatically expelled from the Academy

- Well, now we'll start our Theoretical lesson, and you can get acquainted with all the other nuances a little later. Don't think that everything you need will be presented to you on a silver platter at our academy.

- So that's what the Academy is needed for. Is not it so?

Saladar immediately exclaimed. He could not understand then why he came here if he would not be trained properly. Panfol shook his head:

- No, my young student. Maybe in other Academies they lead you by the hand, they show you how to walk correctly, how to talk correctly, how a mushroom differs from a flower, but we don't have

- I'm not talking about this..

- Shh, there's a lesson in progress. I'm not finished

Saladar was furious when he heard the professor, but he immediately shut him up and continued:

- In the Great Academy of Diolan, you yourself must achieve everything. Information, Resources, Knowledge, Experience and so on. We will naturally provide all this, but whether you can earn it is another question.

- Congratulations! You are in a real paradise for a great life experience.