Chereads / Ascension to the Throne / Chapter 6 - The future

Chapter 6 - The future

Leaving the teahouse, they moved to the western part of the city. Walking through the city, Haldar carefully followed Meris, and also, if possible, had a good look at the city and its inhabitants. This was still a novelty for Haldar.

Soon they reached a large ruined stone temple with a huge roof. Near the door of the temple hung a copper shield with ancient inscriptions. Above the door of the Temple hung a sign with the name - Temple of Eternity of the Path.

Meris knocked on the door and was heard to open, but he could not enter. I had to knock on the door again. The door immediately opened. But there was no one there, and when Meris went inside - and Haldar and Erald with him - the children were dumbfounded by what they saw.

First they saw a huge hall, illuminated by three rows of large oil lamps placed along the walls. The hall was divided into several sections. In some sections, huge stone statues of various Supreme Beings stood on pedestals.

In another section there were shields and ancient swords, on the walls were hung shields and swords that had stood here for over a hundred thousand years. In the third section, several stone sarcophagi were visible, standing in a row opposite each other.

Moreover, some sarcophagi were sealed and even covered with something like a blanket. The walls of the sections were covered with frescoes in several layers; the images on the frescoes were unclear - due to the fact that there was nothing on these frescoes except a few vague shadows, but their overall appearance was very strange and suspicious. There were many inscriptions, mostly in a strange language, and many of them were incomprehensible. But in general, the inscriptions on these frescoes did not contain anything interesting at first glance.

And in the very center of the temple there was a huge pedestal, but there was no statue on it, like on the other pedestals in the temple. And under the pedestal lay an old man in a long robe, who was from the race of lunar capricorns. He was motionless, and some kind of book lay in front of him. He held an earthenware jug in his hands, and wine flowed slowly from the jug. The old man looked up as Meris, Haldar and Erald came closer. There was not a single soul in the temple except this old man.

Haldar and Erald did not expect such an unusual situation in the temple, for in appearance it looked like it was abandoned. But inside the temple everything was well-groomed and majestic, but also extremely mysterious. They immediately turned their gaze to the only old man in the temple. Apparently he was the one in charge.

The old man was as old as the world. His hair was tied with a red cord and covered with dust and a layer of silt. There were several deep wrinkles on his pale skin. The skin of his wrinkled face was yellowish and wrinkled, and his hair was dark brown. His eyes were very yellow and seemed alive and dead at the same time, and the sockets were completely black and deeply sunken. His old face was very kind and welcoming. But that's what made him so strange.

The old man slowly opened his eyes. The sun, moon and stars were hidden in the depths of his eyes. They were permeated by inexhaustible time, as if the old man could look into its boundless depths.

The old man smiled and stood up, bowed in their direction and politely asked:

- Hello, have you come to pray or make a donation?

The old man quietly greeted them, but to Haldar and Erald it seemed as if every pebble in the temple was greeting them. The situation was so strange that they were confused, but Meris did not react in any way and also bowed and answered:

- We came to pray for the lost souls

Meris said his last words with incredible sadness. The old man noticed this, but asked without reacting, looking for candles in one of the sarcophagi.

- For my lost son and his order, they died recently, and I decided to pray for their destroyed souls

Meris pronounced every word tremblingly.

Suddenly the sarcophagus with candles cracked and broke, and the candles were scattered throughout the temple. The old man became haggard, having noticeably aged many thousands of years. For a very, very long time he just sat in silence, looking at the scattered candles. Meris, like the old man, stood in silence, and Haldar and Erald stood silently and watched them.

- Why did he leave the world faster than us?

The old man said sadly and began to slowly collect candles around the temple. Having collected all the candles, he put them in another sarcophagus and, taking four candles, gave one to them, and kept the last one for himself.

Meris nodded, and then walked up to the Bios pedestal. Taking his candle with tears, he lit it against other candles and placed it next to the others and prayed. Haldar and Erald did the same. The old man also came up and, with sadness and tears in his eyes, lit a candle and quietly whispered:

- Didn't you promise that after my death you would take care of this temple?.. How could you break your word...

When the old man finished with this, he sat down in his chair with tears and closed his eyes. Meris, Haldar and Erald also stood with tears for some time and were silent...

Haldar had not cried for a long time, and the sight of creatures that had lost those dear to them suddenly returned to him those feelings of losing something dear to your heart.

Seeing that the old man stood frozen in his chair and did not take his eyes off the candles, Meris realized that it was time for them to go. The old man looked like he was

og sit for eternity and look at the fire in them.

- Okay, we'll go, goodbye

Meris said finally, wiping his tears and bowing, leaving the old man alone with his thoughts. Meris immediately, without turning around, walked towards the exit of the temple. Haldar and Erald quickly hurried after him.

After leaving the temple, they went back to the Tea Room. They remained silent the entire way to the tea shop. Entering the tea room, they sat down in their old places and Meris took a breath and said:

- From this day we will begin training and in three years you will have to enter the Great Academy of Diolan and continue your training there

Meris knew that he could not take care of them forever, otherwise they would never grow up, as was the case with Kagel, because he broke up with him quite recently... Two thousand years ago...

Kagel was under his care for too long, which greatly slowed his growth. He spoiled him too much... after all, he was his last son...

But now he realized that they need to be tempered and learn independence from childhood. He decided to send them to the Great Diolan Academy where 90% of the students never graduate from the Academy due to its curriculum. She teaches everything she needs, but only accepts geniuses and monsters.

Not everyone can withstand all the tests that one of the five Great Academies of the world Nesholt provides. Haldar and Erald nodded.

- OK. Erald, I will teach you, and Haldara will be taught by Elam. Send

Meris spoke and stood up, and then turned around and moved towards the backyard. The children followed him and went out into the backyard, where Elam was already waiting for them.

Yelam smiled as he looked at them. When Meris approached Elam and stood next to him, he said:

- Begin?

- Perhaps yes

Meris answered immediately and also smiled, thinking:

- I will train Erald so that he will never be a weakling

Meris and Elam looked at them smiling.

Haldar did not yet understand the meaning of these smiles on their faces, but when he and Erald began training. They understood everything.

Hell awaited them, and in that hell there was no hope, no hope except an unbending will and an unbreakable heart...


Meanwhile, in other places...

Former possession of the Kingdom of Lifur, the city of Sainar, captured by the Weisfel Empire, on the continent of Salvar.

- Attention, special detachment, the remaining enemy troops in the northern part of the city are helping the rebels. Enemy magicians are using their spells to interfere with magical fire, can you eliminate them?

A voice sounded through the magic crystal in the hands of a young girl. All the soldiers around the girl listened carefully to the voice of the headquarters troops through the crystal. In response to the headquarters' question, the girl replied:

- I have an idea. No problem. It's possible

- Okay, after eliminating we will resume the magical bombardment, we will finish it in five minutes, and after the bombardment, eliminate all survivors

The headquarters responded immediately. He knew he could trust her. Although she was young, she was a genius of geniuses, that is, a monster.

- Accepted. I'm getting started. Glory of the Empire

- Glory to the Empire

Although the young elf girl possessed level 51 energy at the age of twelve, her position requires more strength.

Thanks to her talent, intelligence, patriotism and insight, the Commanders-in-Chief granted her the military rank of Hagiya (Major), and to compensate for her strength, she was given a secret development - the Amulet of Magical Communication.

The Amulet enhances the Owner's energy for seconds, which is enough to perform several spells and attacks; after those seconds, the power of the Amulet's energy is recalled back, and the owner's strength becomes normal, due to which his body will not have time to experience too much overload.

The situation was akin to filling a Bucket with water. If a bucket can only hold three liters of water, but you pour ten into it, then seven will overflow. However, the human body was not a bucket and there was no place through which to get rid of some excess, which, as a rule, led to the explosion of the body itself.

The amulet provided the young elf with thousands of times more energy than she could produce, and then immediately drew it back into itself without damaging her body.

In this way, you can safely use the amulet, but of all the participants in the study of the Amulet, only this one girl managed to successfully work with this amulet, and all the others died in the tests from overloading their bodies or from the explosion of the amulet.

The maximum Amulet can enhance the power of the Supreme level 160 to the peak in one step from level 161, thus you can easily create an army of the Supreme, but alas, it is still in theory.

The young Elf jumped onto the roof of one of the more or less intact buildings and clutched her amulet. She prepared to cast one of the most powerful spells, but suddenly one of her subordinates flew up to her.

- Detachment commander, please reconsider. They don't know how to avoid magical bombardment. If we kill those magicians...

One of the magical swordsmen said worriedly, looking at the girl. He knew that an order had been given, but he believed that it could be resolved differently.

- For the most part, enemies will be destroyed by magic spells, that's fine with me

The elf simply shook her head. She has it

built because it is not she who will kill those civilians, but the magical skills of their magicians. And she just had to kill the enemy war magicians who were covering the retreat of civilians.

- But this is...

The magical swordsman wanted to continue, but was interrupted by the elf. She looked at him piercingly.

- The third Hild Basil, whose enemy you will pardon, will take up arms again... To kill you

The elf spoke and looked at the crowd of fleeing rebel city residents with the troops of the kingdom of Lifur.

Basil followed her gaze and saw in the crowd many children who were looking in their direction with faces incredible with anger and rage. Seeing this, he took two steps back in shock.

-If we let them go, some of them will become soldiers and hate the Empire even more.

The elf said coldly, looking at the enemy magicians in the distance. Basil only trembled, and then turned to her.

- That's why you want us to kill them for no reason...

Before Bazil could finish speaking, the elf struck him in the stomach with lightning speed with her staff. Basil fell to the ground from the blow, greedily gasping for air. He painfully raised his head to her, asking with his eyes - what for?

- This is an order from Above. We defeat our enemies, or they kill us. We must kill until they tell us to stop.

After a short silence, she threw a magic blade in front of him and said coldly:

- I'll pretend that I didn't hear what you just said, but I'll repeat it again, this is an order from our Commanders-in-Chief. Raise your weapon

Hild Basil clenched his paws tightly and remembering all the faces of the defenseless enemies he had killed in this battle, tears involuntarily began to flow and in desperation he raised the blade and filled it with energy, and then he first rushed at the enemy magicians.

- Aaaah! Crap

At this time, another special forces unit.

- Hagia Yolter, a detachment of Hagia Sanrel (elf) began to eliminate the remaining enemy troops that were interfering with the shelling. Should we start an attack too?

Senior Hild Thues asked Avar Bu Yolter. He stood next to him on the roof of one of the tallest buildings in another part of the city, and their squad was just below, awaiting orders.

- No. Leave everything to her, and we'll just finish off everyone else. Tell her to rest a little after eliminating them, and we'll take care of the rest. We must not allow any of the enemies to leave the city

Avar Bu Yolter said and smiled monstrously - everyone, get ready, we are flying out.

In one of the Temples in the city of Sainar...

Young Meskel is the only survivor of the temple. He was recently accepted into the order of this Temple, and recently served tea to the monks, but after a raid on the city by Imperial troops, the Temple was destroyed and all the temple servants were killed, and Meskel, grabbing the most valuable sacred scriptures of the temple, ran to a safer place.

Running through the streets covered with corpses and engulfed in fire, he fell, and suddenly it began to rain from magical spells. Meskel was able to block one shower of ice spears that was flying at him and quickly stood up, ran to a nearby building and took refuge in it. Closing his eyes, he began to hope for a miracle.

The shelling did not stop for five whole minutes. Meskel opened his eyes and saw that he was lucky, the house in which he had taken refuge was almost intact. Coming out of the house through the rubble, he again found himself on the street and began to flee the city, but suddenly he heard a scream from the next street on the right and looking there he saw imperial magicians.

- Haha, let's crawl for our lives, haha

Imperial squads of magicians taunted the surviving troops and residents of Lifur.

Meskel clenched his fist and ran even faster towards the exit from the city, while on his way he constantly met imperial soldiers, from whom he hid in different places. And finally leaving the city walls he continued to run.

But before he could run thirty meters, he heard a voice from the direction of the city.

- Hah, we almost missed the little fugitive

Avar smiled and took his bow and pulled a magic arrow at Meskel.

-Run while you can, my friend.

Meskel turned around and noticed an archer who was aiming at him, he immediately wanted to use all his strength to escape, but at that moment he saw him. The badge on the chest, namely the badge of a wolf devouring the moon.

- It's them..

It was the emblem of Weisfel's second special forces squad, as well as the emblem of those who were involved in the destruction of his city and his entire family while he was studying in the capital.

After being notified of their death, he could not come to his senses and wandered the streets like a homeless person. He lost the meaning of life until one kind Krizar took him to his temple.

However, now the Temple and its servants were destroyed by the Empire.

- Weisfel Empire.. if I survive.. I promise that I will do everything to destroy you!

- Ho-ho, try it


The arrow quickly flew into Meskel's head.

Meskel understood that he could not cope with this archer, so, having released all his level 44 energy, he quickly rushed away, but the arrow was still approaching him faster.

And now the arrow was already a few meters from the back of Meskel, who was running in fear, when suddenly a white marble shield of black and white energy appeared in front of the arrow. Arrow hitting

The shield was shattered.

- Phew, I barely made it

The huge orc, out of breath, tried to catch his breath holding his shield in front of Meskel.

- H-help..?

Meskel muttered before collapsing from stress and fatigue. The orc picked up the boy in surprise and looked at his assistant.

- What?

- Your Excellency Gindkul, he lost consciousness

- I see it, hold it

Gindkul nodded and handed the child to Saint Krizar, and he looked towards the city, at the wall on which Avar and his squad stood

- Hmm, what are we going to do with them? Apparently we won't be able to enter the city...

At this time, Avar seriously looked at the arriving holy warriors.

- These fucking fanatics constantly interfere and stick their noses where they don't belong. Everyone get ready for battle. They are not weak; be ready to give their lives for the Empire!

Avar was already preparing to give the order to attack them. His entire squad immediately flared up with energy and bloodlust. They were ready to attack them when ordered.

When Avar's detachment was already preparing to attack the holy warriors standing in the distance, another detachment suddenly flew towards them.

- Hagia Yolter, what's going on?

The young elf approached him and asked, and also could not help but look at the detachment of holy warriors in the distance.

- Hagia Evlana von Sanrel, you are just in time, these fucking fanatics interfered with our mission to eliminate all those remaining. If we unite we can easily defeat them...

Before Avar could finish speaking, he was interrupted by the cry of one of his subordinates.

- Hagiya, they're running away!

- What!?

Avar turned towards the holy warriors and saw that they were quickly running away with the fugitive and immediately shouted:

- We can't let them escape! Vpe...

- Hagiya Yolter! I don't think it's worth starting the persecution. They are strong and if we enter into battle with them we will lose many soldiers, and for the sake of one refugee this price is ridiculous. Don't you think so?

Evlana looked at Avar coldly. Avar immediately fell into a cold sweat from the realization of the consequences. As she said, they were not weak... And if he loses many good soldiers for the sake of one refugee... At best, he will start his career as a soldier again, and will receive the rank of a vigilante.

- Hmm, you're right. Everyone continue clearing out the rebels

Avar nodded carefully, and then gave the order to his squad to continue cleaning up the city.

- Attention to all units and armies...

At this time, the holy warriors are fleeing.

Gindkul decided not to risk breaking into the city in the hope that they could save a few more residents from the tyrannical attack of the Weisfel Empire. He decided to retreat and save at least this little boy whom he managed to protect.

Retreating to the Lifur Kingdom, they quickly arrived at one of the branches of their Grand Order.

- Commander, will you take the boy to the main Temple of Lifur?

One of the Krizars decided to ask, watching as Gindkul carefully and carefully carried the boy in his arms, while the boy was shrouded in the aura and holy energy of Gindkul, which apparently helped and took care of the boy's condition.

- Yes. He is still a child and has already experienced such horror. He will be well taken care of at the main temple

Gindkul spoke softly, looking at Meskel. He clenched his fists because he didn't have time to arrive earlier and try to save more.

Each of them understood that their journey to that city was not in vain, because they saved a child without casualties, and if they had broken through into the city through the imperial troops, they would not have saved anyone, and they themselves could have died there. So saving one without casualties is still good.

At this time, several Krizars were already thinking about trying to recruit this kid into their Order, because he had the energy power of level 44, and for his age he is a genius. They really need people like that in the order, and now, even more so, with emotions after this horror, you can easily be recruited into their ranks.

Several Krizars had these thoughts, but suddenly one of them realized what he was trying to do. He fell into a cold sweat, realizing that these actions were not acceptable.

He had to act justly and righteously without his own selfishness and gain.

They soon arrived at the main branch of their order in the Kingdom of Lifur.

Meskel was quickly taken to the healers, and everyone else went about their business.

At this time in the main hall.

- Handan Thor, look at the nuggets I brought. They want to join our order. Don't stop, go greet Handan

Plakhameng Unning shouted to the two boys who were standing not far from him. He proudly presented them in front of Handan and hoped to increase his opinion of himself since he brought little geniuses who would achieve many achievements in the future.

- Greetings Handan

They both frowned at Unning's tone, but still greeted Thor since they had no choice but to obey. They could be said to have been sold to Unning. In their clan, their parents did not have much power and could not prevent their transfer to Unning.

Unning and the Head of their clan agreed that he would receive several of their boys in exchange for support of the Order of Eternal Hearts. They knew all this because their parents told them. Although they did not want to leave the clan, they could not disobey the order of the head of the clan and could only follow Unning to his Order.

- Hah, ho

good, good. What wonderful children. Have you decided to join our order at the request of Plahameng Unning?

Handan Thor smiled, not suspecting that Unning was bringing new servants to their order in such a vile way. Although there are not very good rumors floating around Unning, Thor believes his eyes more than his ears.

- Yes

They both looked at each other and then immediately at Unning, who smiled falsely at them, letting them know that if they did not answer as he wanted, the consequences would be fatal for them. Handan Thor was not a fool and bitterness appeared in his eyes. The bitterness of disappointment...

Handan Thor shook his head and then suddenly three young voices sounded from the entrance to the hall.

- W-we w-want to join the order too

Near the entrance to the order stood two boys and one girl. They apparently heard their conversation since they also decided to join their Order. The three children resolutely walked closer to them. Handan watched this scene with surprise; he thought that Unning had decided to play another scene.

But then I looked at him and realized that he was mistaken because he, too, was confused.

- Hmm... Were you also at the request of someone or did you decide to join voluntarily?

Handan Thor smiled and asked. He had a strong consciousness so he already knew that each of them was at the 26th Master level, which for their age is already a huge plus because their future will be good.

- We voluntarily want to join the order, so that later we can fight next to Mr. Gindkul

The very first child stated decisively, and the other two repeated after him. Thor was surprised and involuntarily thought:

- Another volunteers... From Gindkul... How many hearts have you already won, Gindkul?

Handan looked at them and remembered hundreds of people like them. The Gindkul saves, and after that many of these rescued people join the Order and fight for it, and many die.

- Then...

Handan did not have time to answer when a thunderous voice sounded.

- Senior Judge His Excellency Gindkul Azadan enters

- Makrus, Tiwa and Tunar, what have you done here, well, run home! Your parents are probably worried about you

A large and majestic orc, dressed in white plate armor, entered with heavy steps.

Unnig, seeing him, clenched his fists. He envied and respected Gindkul. They came to the order at about the same time, but Gindkul had already gone far ahead, leaving him behind.

- How are we different...

- I already told you. We are not at all a noble and virtuous order as some say about us. Our Order is no worse than Murderers and Butchers. Once you join the order, you will have to kill, and you may even die yourself. Do you still want to join?

Gindkul looked at them menacingly, and Handan only smiled wryly, because it's true.

Their order washed in the blood of no less creatures than the Orders of assassins and others. Their order has started many holy wars for their Bayos, so they really cannot call themselves the Righteous Order, which stands on the side of the world.

- Yes!

The children immediately answered without even thinking for a second. The fire of determination burned in their eyes.

- We still want to join! We won't leave until we join!

They shouted and still stood their ground to the end. Handan simply watched them, and Unning understood the differences every second...

- Good good!! Since you decided so!

Gindkul was angry. He turned around and walked away from where he came from, but he stopped in front of the door. The children watched him nervously. Only there was no anger on Gindkul's face, only a bitter expression, but he sighed and was filled with determination.

- You have chosen your path - follow it to the end.

He said only this before entering and closing the door behind him. The children clenched their fists tightly and nodded decisively and carved these words into their hearts. Handan Thor shook his head smiling and began to arrange the new recruits, and Plakhameng Unning closed his eyes and thought:

- Hah, how simple it is... He doesn't care about himself or his position... Giving his life for the sake of others... How difficult it is... Living not for himself, but for the sake of others... Will I be able to do that? right?

Unning, with his eyes closed, recalled all those moments when he saw Gindkul, how he took care of the others, not sparing himself... Unning stood and pondered, and then, taking a deep breath, he decided to turn to Thor.

- Handan Thor

Unning approached Thor and called him away. He changed without even knowing it.

- Yes?

Thor turned to him and noticed that Unning's aura and eyes had changed. He immediately realized that he had changed, not just like that, but because of Gindkul.

- I surrender my Plahameng mantle and go to the Distant Temples

He said dispassionately and took off his robe and handed it to Thor. Handan Thor looked into his eyes, which were very different from those he saw when he received his two children.

- You are sure? You will not be able to restore your rank soon and you will have to be an ordinary nacarkh

Thor will not accept the mantle until Unning once again confirms his intentions.

- Yes. I'm confident and I'm performing now

Unning again held out the mantle, and Thor had already taken it and was already looking at the back of Unning, who disappeared in the same direction as Gindkul before.

At this time Gindkul... He was sad again

as more and more children join their order. He clenched his fists, and then immediately moved to the resource distribution center.

The room of the chief Taifal for the distribution of resources in small temples, shelters and in all distant Temples and shelters.

- Taifal Kelam, here are ten spatial rings. Please distribute their contents to all urgently needy churches and shelters. I'll be very grateful to you

Gindkul immediately entered Taifal's room and got down to business, because he had some important matters waiting for him, and he could not waste a second. Taifal immediately looked at him and smiled. He was old and very familiar with the Gindkul.

- Senior Gindkul, don't worry, I will do everything in my power to help them. The Order always allocates resources for everyone, but there are not enough of them to distribute to everyone the amount they need and your constant support helps a lot

Kelam sighed sadly as he was allocated few resources, because their constant interventions in the politics of different countries required a lot of resources since the army always consumed a lot. And little was allocated to those poor churches and shelters. They survived thanks to the voluntary support of people like the Gindkul.

After each completed task, Gindkul gives the entire reward to these shelters and temples. Many in the Order from the very beginning, when Gindkul began to do this, called him a hypocrite, because he was a butcher who personally destroyed entire clans, cities and orders and decided to play the good saint who helps all the poor and disadvantaged.

But everyone later realized that this was not at all true.

- Thank you. I'm counting on you

Gindkul nodded and immediately wanted to leave. He trusted Kelam and knew that he would not take a single crystal into his pocket, but would personally ensure that every guitar reaches those temples and shelters. He heard that Kelam personally executed several such thieves that they decided to take almost the entire share for themselves.

- Senior Gindkul, I almost forgot, the kids sent you letters, toys and gifts that they themselves made for you

Old man Kelam stood up and took out a spatial ring and handed it to Gindkul. He watched him with a smile. Gindkul turned around and accepted the ring. He checked it with his mind, and then a smile appeared on his face.

He took the ring and nodded goodbye to Kelam and left towards the main meeting room of the Order.

Two Krizars stood in front of the door. When they saw Gindkul, they wanted to greet him, but he showed a sign for them to remain silent. They simply nodded and allowed him to walk to the door. They wanted to immediately open the doors for him, but he simply waved his hand indicating that it was not necessary.

Standing in front of the door, Gindkul heard constant arguments inside the hall. And then the words sounded:

- In the Principality of Levan, the Prince was overthrown and four Dukes began an uprising and are trying to seize the crown. Who will take on the task of pacifying them?

The voice sounded calm despite all the noise in the hall. The hall was quite large and both holy warriors and holy servants sat in it. Hearing the words of one man sitting in the front rows of the table, everyone fell silent because no one apparently wanted to take on this task.

- I'll take it

Gindkul immediately entered the Hall. All eyes immediately fell on him. Many showed surprised faces as they did not expect the Gindkul to complete its task so quickly. And besides, in order to go to rest after completing a task, he immediately goes for the next one.

- Gindkul, are you back yet?

Eising Dismas Ravel smiled. He was the one who spoke about the mission in Levan. Many tensed up because Dismas was a very close friend of Gindkul and a very good intriguer.

- Yes. I eliminated three raging level 170 Supremes in the Principality of Shagar

Gindkul answered with a smile. Dismas lowered his eyes and sighed. He scanned everyone in the hall and turned his gaze to Gindkul. He immediately nodded to him, indicating that he was ready. Everyone watched them with bated breath.

- Since Gindkul was the first to respond to this task, then I give him this opportunity. Do the other Yeisings agree?

Dismas asked the Yeisings sitting next to him. The Yeisings were the most influential in the holy orders, not counting the Holy Reverends who were the most important. The two Yeisings did not answer immediately, but one of them simply nodded after a while, and the second said:

- Decide youself

- Resolved: Gindkul receives the task of establishing order in the Principality of Levan

Dismas smiled a little gloomily and gave the task to Gindkul. He immediately caught him.

- Wait, Yeising, you can't immediately give a task to someone who has just completed another. I am ready to take on the task instead of Gindkul

Suddenly, Handan Laktang stood up and spoke. He knew what price the Gindkul pays by constantly being on campaigns and missions. He risks his life, for the sake of a reward, which he then immediately gives to the needy. Laktang was also indebted to Gindkul, for he helped his family when he was not even aware of their situation and not only his.

- No. This task is worth taking on for me!

Immediately, a buzz began among the holy warriors, and they rushed like a chain to beg for a task. They wanted to repay Gindkul by taking some of his burden upon themselves. The goal of many was not even to pay off debts

, but simply helping him and for his purposes.

And holy servants like Eising Dismas simply sat and remained silent since these tasks were for the most part holy warriors, not theirs. Their assignments were mainly administrative.

- It's up to Gindkul to decide. He received a task and it was up to him to decide what to do with it. It's up to him to decide whether to pass it on to someone else, take it on himself, or abandon it altogether.

Dismas said with a sly smile, and then nodded to Gindkul, indicating that he could leave. Gindkul immediately turned around and walked away from the hall.

- Senior Judge Gindk...

The holy warriors did not have time to finish speaking when Gindkul closed the doors behind him and left. They immediately asked the Yeisings for forgiveness and rushed after him, thinking:

- We cannot allow Gindkul to take on even more!

All the holy servants and warriors in the order are far from being saints, as they call themselves, but after Dismas came to internal power, many such saints were captured and executed. And many were executed personally by Gindkul, who wanted to take all the bloody responsibility and wrath of the order upon himself.

There was so much blood on Gindkul's hands that it could fill an entire ocean.

He was the Executioner of the Holy Order of Eternal Hearts and at the same time a Model of Virtue throughout the world.

And a few days later...

Territory of the second Duke of the Principality of Levan... Omang County, trading city of Omang.

The viceroy of a Level 164 Supreme Heavenly City was tied to a stake and tortured in front of the crowd.

AAA! Hles! Hles!

- This will happen to everyone who rebels against!

Krizar shouted to the crowd while continuing to torture the poor fellow. The entire population of the city gathered in the center of the city on the orders of those who occupied the city, and they watched in fear at their governor, as well as at the many corpses that were collected there.

These were the corpses of those who resisted their capture, and those who surrendered and did not resist were not touched.

- The Principality of Levan faced great difficulties, although we suppressed the uprisings in the city. The vassals of the former Prince began to terrorize the Levan government. It's time to show your devotion to your Principality

- Today I, Gindkul Azadan, as a representative of the Holy Order of Eternal Hearts on the side of the First Duke, ask you to support us and our government!

Gindkul Azadan, standing in the center of attention, shouted to the crowd of gathered city residents. Immediately after this one could hear in the crowd:

- Is this Gindkul Azadan? Crap! He became one of the First Duke's wild dogs

- But I heard that Gindkul is kind and noble. Now I know the truth! When countries are in trouble, their order always acts like jackals!

-Who's gossiping there? Come out!

Suddenly, one of the Supreme Krizars landed in front of the crowd and began scanning the crowd, looking for that daredevil. The residents immediately fell silent near where he landed. They watched him gulping.

- The First Duke killed a bunch of creatures! He deserves to die! Gindkul, your order is called holy, but how can you help a robber?!

One resident from the crowd plucked up courage and shouted. Afterwards, he immediately pointed his finger at that Supreme Krizar who had come to them.

Supreme Krizar silently began to walk towards the speaker. The crowd immediately dispersed as he began to approach them. The path to the accuser was open, but he did not give up and continued to shout:

- Get out! Stay away, you cowardly deer! I despise people like you, even though I'm just a school teacher!

- Come with me!

Supreme Krizar, approaching him, immediately grabbed this teacher and dragged him along by the scruff of the neck. The crowd immediately booed when they saw this. Some of this teacher's acquaintances wanted to help him, but other holy warriors began to block the crowd.

- Traitor, let me go!

This teacher screamed and tried to escape from the grip of the Supreme Krizar, but the forces were too unequal. He continued to flutter until the Supreme Krizar turned to him, and then grabbed him and sent him flying across the entire city.

- You can get out of Omang

- Aaaaah

All residents were shocked and fearful. None of them would survive such a fall. At least the Order's army killed everyone who opposed them when they entered the city. He didn't touch people like them, but now apparently he will touch them... They were naive...

Gindkul waved his hand and his troops placed tables and on these tables a bunch of spatial rings in front of the crowd.

- I do not have much time. You have two minutes to fill these rings. If they don't fill up in two minutes, the "cowardly deer"... will throw you all out of town one by one.

Gindkul spoke calmly and pointed to the tables. The crowd at first did not understand what he wanted, but after looking at the rings they realized that he wanted them to give all their wealth to them. The residents were seething with anger over such robbery in broad daylight.

- Did you hear?!

Supreme Krizar barked at them and thus returned their minds, filled with anger, to the real and harsh world where choices are dictated by the strongest, and the weak must obey or they will die.

Immediately, the crowd began to take the rings and stuff them with their various riches from crystals to rare artifacts.

Two minutes later... Approaching the rings and checking them, Gindkul said gloomily:

- Not enough... Ko

The boxes are not filled enough!

Immediately after his words, there was a buzz in the crowd.

- Sir Gindkul, we have nothing else!

- There is a war, we are ruined!

- Maybe you don't have anything with you. But you have something at home!

Gindkul smiled and waved his hand to order the troops. All the holy warriors immediately rushed to all the houses of the city, searching every shuttle and board.

- Search every house!

- Open the damn door!

- Hey, old man, what are you hiding there?

- No! It is mine!

- Yeah! Hid the spatial ring!

After a few minutes, almost all the spatial rings were filled. Gindkul nodded positively, and then ordered the troops to gather. They quickly loaded onto their convoy of flying carts, and the city residents looked at them with even more murderous looks.

If it were not for their strong superiority in strength, the inhabitants would have attacked them long ago.

- Eh?

One of the Krizars of the order, standing on a skiff, noticed a storm of dust in the distance, as well as many strong auras. He immediately activated his long-range tracking spell and noticed two flags. Seeing these two flags, he immediately shouted at the top of his voice:

- Anxiety! The combined Army of the Third Duke and the Fourth Duke is approaching!

The Gindkul, like their entire army, heard this and immediately accelerated the process of loading the convoy. They quickly collected everything available and quickly moved towards the Eastern Gate.

- Let's get out of here! We're leaving through the East Gate!

- These scoundrels are running away!

- Let the armies of the Dukes kill them!

- Get out! Traitors, Robbers!

The city's residents could finally vent all their anger after seeing the Order's army running away like rats. They immediately followed the convoy. They threw stones, various techniques and spells at the fleeing army of the order, which was several thousand in size.

- Changan, do you want to object?

Gindkul, defending himself from the residents, asked Khandan Changan next to him.

Handan Changan frowned and then replied:

- Yes, I don't agree with you, but you must have a reason for that.

- Look! The armies of the Dukes are entering the city!

One of the Krizars spoke and pointed towards the southern gate. Gindkul, like everyone else, immediately looked there. When the Dukes' armies entered the city, the locals greeted them warmly. The soldiers, tired of the battles, were very touched by their actions.

The Dukes' armies hoped to replenish their army supplies at the expense of the city's inhabitants... But this was immediately forgotten. The kindness of the residents made them forget about these thoughts.

- That's good, let's hurry to the lands of the former Prince

When Gindkul saw this, he smiled slightly, and then ordered them to move out faster.

A few days later, in the devastated lands, cities, villages and fields of the former capital of the Principality of Levan...

Gindkul stood in front of a crowd of creatures that were wounded and exhausted.

- We were robbed. We do not have money!

- We are dying...

- No, nothing! But there are our lives! Take them if you want!

- Finish us off

The inhabitants of the devastated lands of the former Prince screamed. All of them, wounded and sick, stood in front of the Gindkul army, awaiting their fate.

All the armies of the Dukes passed well through the lands of the Prince, leaving only ashes, a heap of torn bodies and the lucky ones.

- No! I, Gindkul Azadan, came to save these lands

Gindkul, coming up, helped them stand up and, having spoken, waved his hand to his soldiers nearby. They immediately began to drive up in carts, and then take things out of the rings and distribute them to the residents.

- Come and get it!

- Do you know how much effort it took Sir Gindkul to get these things!?

- It's like a dream!

- Holy Order of Eternal Hearts! Sir Gindkul we love you!

- Thank you! Thank you!

The inhabitants of the lands of the former Prince were incredibly happy

- Well... In wartime, people always suffer. If Gindkul had not pretended to be a subordinate of the First Duke, the people of Omang would not have hated the First Duke so much. And when the armies of the third and fourth dukes entered the city, the people would not greet them

Handan Changan smiled as he looked at this scene standing next to the other senior holy warriors.

- A warm greeting stopped looting and saved the lives of residents of the city of Omanga

The Supreme Krizar of Banga Derzh, sitting next to him, said, and also cheerfully recalled that he had definitely ended up in a pile of hay with that teacher.

- Just look at what happened here.

Plakhameng Ranan Rengin spoke, pointing to completely destroyed cities, scorched fields and lands. He couldn't clench his fists in anger that former citizens of the Principality would do this to their own.

- Such is war, all creatures, good or bad, are in the same position

Handan Kulum Zren said gloomily, looking at all this.

- In our world there is only one who robs, and then receives thanks for it

Banga Derzh smiled as he watched their commander Gindkul. Everyone also couldn't help but look at him again, surprised by this.

- Ruin one city to save several? Isn't it the strangest idea in the world?

Changan smiled wryly and shook his head. The others also just smiled, and then heard Gindkul shout:

- So part of the troops will escort these residents to the nearest safe lands, and the rest will follow me!

Gindkul having distributed everything necessary ordered the troops to advance to their next target. And the other part of the troops moved out to help the residents get to safety, and then start a new life there with the help that the Gindkul provided them.

- Yes!