Chereads / Who Is He, Really? / Chapter 34 - Paying Respects

Chapter 34 - Paying Respects

Kurao sat in a daze for a moment registering what he said, 

'I did something that could've have made me lose my way of being a elementalist.. How could I do something so stupid!'

Still trying to take in what he heard well mentally beating himself up, the old man continued.

"Trying to absorb the mana in the air wasn't the issue, that's all fine and dandy. It's when you did that well you were casting a spell, you see that kind of stuff conflicts with each other. Your fate in the best scenario is what happened to you, which makes you a pretty lucky brat. You only need to take a few months off from anything mana related and you should be fine and as good as new in a few months."

"What about the worst case? Is it being crippled?" Kurao said 

"Crippled? that is one of the more lenient repercussions for what you attempted. Worst case scenario you would've imploded and destroyed a good chunk of the palace."

The old man said as he leaned back in the armrest chair.

Kurao felt his stomach turn upon hearing the worst case scenario, he also felt blessed that he got off with only a few months off of mana training instead of being crippled. The old man seeing Kurao's miserable face decided to lift the mood up as he gave a slight chuckle.

"Haha, You did get really lucky brat. You did something pretty foolish, but it isn't your fault that they don't teach you this, since it doesn't really happen ever. Since no one has the thought to fill their mana source well using their spells cause they want to be more 'efficient with their time'. They mostly use that more for a 'mutual end' if they cant beat their opponent."

He gestured air quotes well saying mutual end.

But then gave a slight grin as he said,

"That's why you got me as your mentor, to teach you all the do's and dont's that are for us elementalists." 

The old man leaned over closer to Kurao and said in a low voice, 

"You won't know this but I am the best water mage in Eversky. I was so good in fact that I was teaching your father the basics of mana manipulation, that brat back then was so fun to get along with back then, he could take a beating as well. Now he is a cranky old man."

Kurao felt a bit skeptical about what the old man claimed, but he decided to put a little faith since what he said could be cross referenced with similar things about his father's attitude from Vayla, including the fact that the old man felt very familiar. 

Taking what he said with a grain of salt he decided to give a wry smile, Feeling the silence getting a little uncomfortable he decided to ask something on his mind since he saw the old man in his room.

"Did anyone else know about my condition when I collapsed in the training room?" Kurao asked with slight worry, it would be very shameful for him the prodigal son of the emperor to be temporarily crippled cause of his lack of patience.

The old man not knowing what was going through Kurao's mind just plainly said, "Yeah, You had a few visitors well you were out. More then I thought you would've, that makes you pretty lucky that there are even a few people in this suffocating family that even took the time to check in on you."

Kurao felt happy for a moment but then started to feel shame that the news of his accident became known. Making a face with slight grimace knowing that his father also probably got the news as well of his blunder. The old man who was watching the boy, saw his expression and guessed why he was like that, this made the old man slightly annoyed seeing his behavior. 

Deciding that the brat was very ungrateful for his circumstances, for being able to get off with light repercussions and that even people in this family even checked up on him.

'This brat's priorities seem messed up... Good thing he is still young and can be positioned onto the right path.'

The old man then stood up from his seat and walked over to Kurao.


"OW, What was that for you old fart!" Kurao snapped rubbing his head where the old man chopped his head with his hand.

The old man looked at him incredulously, "You are blind for not seeing what really matters." As he shook his well sitting back down on the chair that was across from Kurao's bed. 

Looking up at Kurao who was still rubbing the spot he hit him he sighed, 

"Also brat my name isn't old man or old fart! Remember and remember well my name is Slaine Ester, so stop addressing me as 'Old Man'."

Kurao stopped whining as he felt slightly embarrassed after recovering from the slap on his noggin and being reminded that he has been pretty unlike his outward persona of being calm and collected. 

Instead of how he has been acting which was being prone to anger and irritable, he doesn't even act this way with Awoa who constantly berates and sometimes physically bullies him as well.

'This old man hasn't done anything close to what Awoa or how my other siblings or their mothers, who badmouth mother and I, yet I am so quick to anger. I shouldn't be acting like this to someone who saved me from my mistake..'

Steeling his resolve he decided he won't show this old man who seems to be his mentor his uncouth attitude any longer.

Regaining his persona, he appreciatingly said, "Sir Slaine I appreciate you looking over me, I know you may have your own thing you must have attended to but instead watched over me."

Kurao still feeling a bit of phantom pain got up off his bed. He then stood before Slaine before giving a slight 45 degree bow as he spoke.

"I am sorry for the way I have been acting towards you Mentor Ester. Please forgive me for acting childish and letting my anger and patience get the better of me and therefore burden you."