Chereads / Who Is He, Really? / Chapter 35 - Routine

Chapter 35 - Routine

"I am sorry for the way I have been acting towards you Mentor Ester. Please forgive me for acting childish and letting my anger and patience get the better of me and therefore burden you."

Slaine was taken aback and flabbergasted from Kurao's action and temperament as since he met him he has been acting snobbish brat,

'Brat what do you mean acting childish?! You are still a child you brat!'

Making Slaine release a long sigh,

'Sadly Kurao you seem unfortunate to grow up sooner cause of your environment.'

He laminated on how Kurao's actions and attitude that have been displayed after waking up are what royalty are expected to show when they reach adulthood. 

A sad and regretful look appeared on Slaine's face for a moment but quickly reverted back to a accepting smile as he gave a joke to derail the seriousness of the apology.

Patting both his shoulders he gave him a joking smile,

"Huh, Are you Kurao's stand in? Where is that pretentious brat that I thought I was supposed to be watching over, huh?" 

Kurao felt his eyes twitch as the tips of his ears became red upon feeling embarrassed because of how he has been acting. Not to be disrespectful he responded to his joke with a small chuckle as he thought it would be rude to not respond to his attempt of cheering him up.

"Well now that I see you are in good health I will let you rest. I will be back in a couple days to teach you so be prepared cause I wont teach a brat that doesn't even want to be taught." 

Slaine then stood up while putting on his blue tailcoat and grabbing his cane. Just as he was about to leave he looked back and gave Kurao a slight smile who was still looking calm but he could perceive he was pretty distraught over the fact he cant fill his mana source until he fully recovered.

"Boy don't be to upset that you can't progress further. It's just a small mound that you will get pass in due time, and when the time comes where you have to pass a mountain, the experience from this will make the trip pass that mountain much easier." 

After saying his piece he closed the door letting him get the much need rest.



Waking up earlier then usual, Kurao stretches his limbs as he starts his new morning run routine. It has been already a few weeks since the incident. 

During the past few weeks he has been learning elemental theories, history, as well as spells even though he can't use them until his mana veins recover.

The teaching that his mentor Slaine has imparted onto him has been expanding his world view quite a bit, but more than that Slaine suggested that Kurao practice physical activity especially to train his cardio. 

Kurao personally found the motion to be ridiculous as elementalist have no need for physical activity as the mana renews their bodies fatigue as long as they have it. So all the work he was putting in to improve his cardio now would be pointless. but nonetheless decided to comply to Slaines instructions. 

Even though it started out as him following the orders Slaine gave him, the morning run in a way helped Kurao, giving him to think clearly as well as destress in a way. 

For the past few months since his awakening he has felt a few big things has happened from when he awakened, rebuilding his relationship with his mother, getting his father's attention, entering his fathers personal treasury, getting engaged, and even surviving a assassination plot. 

Which for most part gave him the drive to do his absolute best to live up to the expectations of his mother and father, but with him not able to make any progress as a mage has made him feel sort of lost, and he felt that he would've probably fell into the abyss if it wasn't for the guidance of his mentor, which made him feel a bit insecure as he has never relied on someone to the extent he has now for the direction for his life before. 

Slaine has been hammering in attitude, morals, and even a few life lessons. While punishing him for things which Kurao's never experienced before. 

During the first week of their lessons he came in late, which caused Slaine to get pretty annoyed where he then forced him to spend the next week of their lessons, standing and not allowing him to sit during the whole 7 hour lesson. 

This left Kurao enraged as he only arrived a half hour late, but keeping to his self-promise he kept himself in check not allowing his irritation show at him being punished for only being slightly late.

Kurao felt conflicted on how to feel about Slaine as he acted like the polar opposite of him in the few aspects that mattered to him. Slaine was more carefree and didn't seem to take a lot of things seriously except for when it came to teaching him.

'I have never been treated in such a way before it makes me upset, but at the same time I have learned so much that it would be disrespectful for me to deny him as a benefactor.'

Kurao dwelled on that matter for a moment longer before shaking his head as he finished up the run. With sweat flowing down his skin he quickly went to his room to clean himself up from the sweat before meeting with his mentor. 

After rinsing off the grime off himself he go dressed and down the hall to meet with his mentor. A room on the third floor was prepared for Slaine as he would personally teach Kurao everything he could. 




Opening the door Slaine gave a slight grin as he welcomed Kurao in,

"Well it's good to see you staying with the workout, not bad for you brat."

Kurao just walked in and sat at a little table situated near the front. Slaine on the other hand brought out a kettle and poured into the cups that were on the table,

"I'll be honest I thought you would've quit last week, but here you are still doing it."

Kurao took a sip of the drink before responding with a slight sullen expression.

"Yeah I would have probably given up, if it wasn't for the fact I cant train my mana source." 

Taking a seat Slaine responded while trying to comfort him.

"Well Kurao I have been checking out your veins progress over the past few weeks, and from taking this special herbal tea. It seems I can confidently tell you, that you will likely be able to start cultivating again by your ninth birthday."

"Is that really the case?" Kurao said with excitement.

His birthday was only a couple months away, and being able to cultivate that soon when it was estimated that it would take at least several months until he could train his source again was great news. With his face now graced with a bright smile he asked,

"So what are you going to teach me today?"

"I feel like taking a break today, so I wanted to play a game with you." Slaine grabbed a box from his closet as he placed it on the table. Kurao who started looking with interest saw Slaine pull out a board with black and white squares and some detailed pieces.

Slaine seeing his curiosity asked, "Have you heard of chess?" 

"I have, but I never played."

"Well it's time you have, it is a great game to help hone your wit."




Kurao fell in love with the game of chess even though he was constantly losing to Slaine, he started picking up on it and even almost got him in check by the end of the day.