"Is that true? Then can you tell me how to make a cake like this?"
Kurao pointed at a drawing of a cake, it was a two yellow circular drawings with a white squished in-between the two.
"Looks like a sponge cake, is that what it is?" Nolaya asked Kurao,
"I am not sure. If you can could give me the recipe of the sponge cake?" Kurao asked while flipping to the other side of the notebook and grabbing his pen.
Nolaya hearing went to the first kitchen and pulled out a box. Coming back she sat down in front of Kurao,
"Yeah, most of the recipes have been recorded into little cards for the staff to be able to cook them."
Pulling out a small card, she looked at Kurao who pulled out his notebook.
"Are you going to be writing the recipes in your notebook? You know there is no need right?"
Nolaya said as she waved the little card.
"No, I just need to check something."
Nolaya then gave him the card, while he quickly started writing down the recipe under a transcript of undreadable text.
'12 servings, check'
'4 eggs, check'
'250ml of milk, check'
He wrote down the words from the recipe card, word for word, while trying to match them to the numbers
'210g of sugar, I can't find this number but I can see one that has 250g. I will write that down under it and cross check later.'
While Kurao was writing Nolaya was staring at his concentrated demeanor as she glanced over his notebook that he was writing in.
'Why is he writing the recipes when he has the cards?'
But upon seeing him so focused, she decided to focus on cute concentrated expression.
After a while of him writing Kurao flipped back to the page with the drawings and showed another to Nolaya.
"Can I get the recipe for this one?"
It was drawing of a chocolate chip cookie, Nolaya seeing it just searched and pulled out another card.
Kurao snatched the card as he quickly started back at writing.
'1 egg, check'
'100g of sugar, check'
After going down the list and writing everything that match or matched relatively, he could already match some of the text to what he wrote down.
Mostly the words that were used in both the cake and cookie recipes he wrote like, eggs and sugar.
'So if their grammar isn't different, then I can assume this word means egg, this one means sugar, while this one probably means milk.'
Kurao wrote what he assumed were cross relevant words, that matched with the numbers in both the undreadable recipe and normal recipes.
Nolaya still admiring Kurao's cute thinking expression decided to ask,
"So is this all so you can cook up a storm or something? Or are you just a fan of sweets that you want to know to cook them?"
Kurao who heard this couldn't really think of a good excuse to why he was doing this, since it would probably be a bit stupid to expose the fact he is trying to decipher a language based on recipes. So deciding to give a lie he said,
"Yeah I wanted to learn how to cook sweets so I could make one whenever I wanted."
"Couldn't you just ask the servants?" Nolaya said with a cheeky smile, as Kurao said this earlier.
"Actually I meant was that I wanted to learn the recipes so I could cook them personally for mother.."
Nolaya didn't see anything off, since she thought it was something a cute 8 year old would do. Pinching his cheeks while she asked,
"Well when you make some, make sure to give your big sister Nolaya one!"
"I will try my first batch!"
Kurao who finished writing asked for another recipe.
A While Later...
They were busy with playing a game of matching the drawings to the card, all while Kurao was writing the recipes into his notebook.
The servants came back at some point, but were told to leave seeing Kurao and Nolaya occupy the 2nd kitchen.
Nolaya who spent the whole time grabbing dozens of cards that matched the drawing of whatever Kurao pointed at was starting to get a bit bored, cause even though she was spending some quality time with her little brother she was getting bored of the mundane repeating game of guess the drawing and match it with the recipe.
There were a few drawings that she didn't recognized, so they skipped them. Getting a little tired of matching drawing to recipes Nolaya asked breaking Kurao out of concentration of what he was writing in the notebook.
"Would you like to make something?"
Kurao who was looking at the notebook, thought for a moment.
'Maybe to verify some of these I should try making one of recipes from the book instead of the card.'
"Yeah, lets cook something sister Nolaya."
That made Nolaya slightly fired up as she stretched and asked,
"So Kurao what do you want to make first?"
Kurao looked at what he was able to translate mostly and the recipe that he wanted to try to make, though wasn't a 1:1 to the recipe that was on the card was the sponge cake.
"I would like to make a cake first!" Kurao said excitedly to Nolaya, who just giggled at his vibrant response and asked,
"Okay do you want to read off the recipe card?"
As Nolaya was preparing all the utensils and prepping the kitchen, she asked for the first ingredient. As they went along the list, the first deviation came along, which Kurao said the measurement from the assumed deciphered text.
"250g of sugar."
"Are you sure that's not too much sugar?" Nolaya asked at the unusual number that wasn't normal for the recipe.
After listing all of the ingredients including the few that weren't part of the original recipe, they started baking. After waiting for it to cook, they pulled it out.
The cake was a brown cover but they cut into it to reveal the beautiful bright yellow sponge cake. Nolaya asked,
"Do you want to take the first bite?"
Deciding that he was a bit hungry decided that his stomach wouldn't take no for a answer took a fork and shoveled a big bite into his mouth.
'Wow, this is delicious!'
Nolaya who saw Kurao just standing there with a blissful smile on his face, decided to take a bite as well as she scooped a bite. She stood there with a surprised face for a moment before turning to Kurao and picking him up.
"Kurao this is the best cake I have ever had! How did you come up with this!?"
While they were making the cake, Nolaya realized there were a few different measurements for the ingredient and new ones, but didn't try to question him to much as it was him contributing to making the cake.
She decided if the cake tasted off it would be a learning lesson for him, but on the contrary it was even tastier then she would expect.
Kurao who was knocked out of his thoughts upon being carried by this giantess of a woman, was startled but smiled nonetheless.
'So the recipe was translated correctly, that means...'
'My theory was right, it was correct!'