Back in the palace a few days after the Talent Ceremony.
Kurao was preparing to meet his father in the training room, as he was alerted by a maid yesterday to meet there at 8 AM sharp.
He styled himself more then usual since he was going to meet his father and wanted to look as great as possible. As he looked a very composed but inside he was feeling slightly nervous as he took even more time then he planned checking if anything was off.
After collecting himself in the mirror and deciding it was fine, he smiles and leaves the room.
Heading down the halls along the way to the training room he could hear the whispers and was greeted by smiles of the servants of the palace. Some of the maids even praised his talent and looks.
Even though it was flattering he felt it weird since he was not used to the positive attention, but hearing all of the praises made him even more confident as he puffs his little chest out and strides towards the training room, moments later he stood in front of the giant arch of one of the entrances to the training room.
Kurao pushes the tall doors and enters the training room, instantly the room seemed to be a bit bigger then the Grand Hall but his attention instantly focuses on a man with calm face void of emotion and black fitted coat like robe that highly contrasted with his blondish-white hair.
The man was sitting on the ground with his legs crossed giving off a glowing radiance, as he meditates the man's short blonde hair glows as it floats upwards in all directions in the air seemingly not affected by gravity.
Kurao just stared in awe over the energy radiating around the man and how heavy the energy
felt, taking a step further he starts to feel more affected and after feeling the energy more his breathing starts to get sporadic as his knees start to shake as well. He felt as if he was about to suffocate under the energy, as his knees hit the ground he hears the stoic voice speak.
"Boy I want you to feel the elemental energy around you. If you are having a hard time trying to gasp the feeling try to seek a feeling similar to when you touched the orb to awaken your affinity."
Instantly utilizing the advice, Kurao doesn't waste a second as he starts to process the words the man said. He feels the energy in the room get denser as he realizes that the energy wasn't gonna let up. Quickly sitting down he tries to sense the same feeling he felt back in the Grand
Hall during his ceremony, before he crumbled under the pressure of whatever pressure was in the training room.
Kurao quickly closes his eyes and tries to reach for that cooling sensation, after a moment he feels his body get lighter as the sensation he was searching for was found but not the same as the one he felt yesterday this felt more sporadic and lighter, instead of the cooling sensation he felt yesterday when awakening his element.
Quickly getting the urge to circulate the cooling energy in his body after coming into contact with this foreign feeling of elemental energy in an attempt to defend against it. After feeling the cooling energy he starts to feel the elemental energy that suffocated him just a moment ago get a lot more bearable as he breathes while continuing to circulate the cooling energy.
Timed passed while Kurao was circulating the cooling energy in his body, as the man in the center of the training field on the other hand opens his eyes and stares intently at the young man while a small smile grants his face. 'It seems he was blessed with more then just elemental affinity.' He inwardly thought as he stands up making the Elemental Energy dissipate.
"You can stop, I see you are good at listening. Normally it would take people half a hour to be able to sense the Mana in the air and cope with it when they just awaken. You on the other hand, you were able to sense it when you entered. Then you only took an hour of time before you were able to circulate your own mana to withstand this density of elemental energy."
He gathers all the mana in the room as Kurao can feel the pressure release and it all went to be concentrated on his extended palm.
The man pauses for a moment then turns his head towards Kurao who was still studying the mana gathered on his palm and says in a indifferent tone.
"The time it took you, is faster then any genius I know of."
Kurao had a serious face, as he was standing before his father and wanted to keep his composure, but inwardly he was smiling a smile so wide over the praise his role model gave him.
After thinking about how his father was still looking at him he quickly slight bow.
"Thank you for your praise"
The Emperor looks at Kurao while thinking about what to teach him, since this was all he had planned for him today but since he finished so quickly without much help, he wanted to try a little more.
'Let's see what his limit is.'
The Emperor quickly pulls out a pouch and grabs a small blue glass vial and walks over to the boy. He places the vial in the boys hand and orders.
"Drink that and now try circulate the mana in the air this time, while following my orders."
"Yes Father!"
Kurao glances at the vial that was glowing a blue light before opening the cap and downing the vial without hesitation.
He starts to feel his body getting colder almost to the point of freezing in seconds, but remembering what his father says he starts to circulate the mana in the air.
'This must be a Mana Absorbing Elixir. I read that these can increase sensing of mana in the air for a limited time. This elixir is very useful to Elementalists to advance to higher stages, but they are very limited in quantity and rare for even elementalists with backing to obtain.'
Kurao felt happy seeing such an elixir being offered to him by his father.