Chereads / A Bad Day: June 04 / Chapter 6 - When things went wrong

Chapter 6 - When things went wrong

"So you're the one!" Sermon asked as he points his index finger towards him.

"Pointing your finger infront of someone is considered rude young man, why don't we go inside my office and have a nice cup of coffee and have a little chat about your concerns." He replied sounding nice, putting a warm smile on his face.

Sermon and I, were a little hesitant about his offer but Sermon quickly accepts his offer; he lead us through a long hallway on the last floor.

"My office is right there."

As the three of us began walking; my instincts telling me that something bad is gonna happen, but at this point Sermon is more stronger, as far as i know that he is a Half saint; I could trust him in this, maybe accepting his offer is part of his plan.

"So how long have you been running this business?" Sermon, casually asked Mr. Johnson.

Mr. Johnson finds his question amusing; his smile grew a little bigger as he closed his eyes and opened it again.

"This school has been running for five years and I really can't believe that this school is a number one at the ranking of one of the best school, maybe to my hardworks and effort." Mr. Johnson replied.

Sermon doesn't buy it, he knows that this man made a contract to the devil by selling his soul for fame and wealth.

"Who would know that their hardworks will be worth it someday right?"

Sermon narrowed his eyes. "You're right." Sermon agreed, but his eyes shows suspicion towards this man.


-3rd POV

Somewhere at the Cafe, A man wearing a tuxedo named Hendrick was drinking a tea; minding his own business, enjoying every bite of the pastries he bought.

"Mind if i sit with you?" Asked the unfamiliar voice, wearing a dark green robe with a hood covering half of the stranger's face.

Hendrick puts down his tea and looks at the stranger by moving his eyes; Hendrick, smiled and nods.


The stranger sat down and took the menu. "Cappuccino would be great right? Any pastries would you suggest?, make sure it's your personal favorite." The stranger asked.

Hendrick, closed his eyes as he took a sip of his tea and opened it after putting the cup down; he smiled slightly and looks at the stanger by resting both of his arms on the table.

"A croissant would be a great match." Hendrick, suggests.

The stranger raised his arm slightly with his index finger pointing up, calling for a waiter; the waiter noticed him and quickly walked towards him.

"I would like a cappuccino and a nice hot croissant." The stranger looked at the waiter in the eye with his dead looking eyes.

The waiter nods and wrote his order on his paper; after the waiter went inside, the stranger gaze went back to Hendrick who is also staring at him.

The sound of the footstep outside and inside the cafe; the sound of the birds chirping outside is like a melody to Hendrick.

"It's a nice day isn't it.?" Hendrick asked.

"Good for you, but for me it isn't." The stranger replied sounding sad and sarcastic at the same time.

"Rough day?"

"I guess so."

Hendrick lean his back against the chair; crossing his arms but remains his gaze to the stranger.

"Everyone has their own perspective and story in life, does the sun really ruin your facial products?" Hendrick asked.

"What do you mean?" The stranger replied in confusion.

"Why don't you take of that hood and enjoy the sun? It won't hurt you wouldn't it?" Hendrick, chuckled.

"You think so? Too bad I'm not using any facial products."

"So you're insecured?"

The stranger eyes narrowed again. "Hmm, enjoying the sun wouldn't hurt right?" The stranger asked, smiling.

Hendrick nods with a slight smile; the stranger slowy took of his hood, revealing his face to Hendrick.

Hendrick snickered and smugs. "Now i know why you're here."


-1st POV

A maid placed three cups of coffee on the desk and left; Sermon looks at the coffee then to me.

"Why don't you guys drink the coffee first?" Mr. Johnson asked.

My instincts really tells me that something bad is going to happen; Sermon proceeds taking a sip of the coffee as well as Mr. Johnson, maybe I'm just anxious.

"So tell me, what are your concerns?" Mr. Johnson asked; he placed his elbows on the table as he's fingers intertwined.

I gently bumped Sermons arm with my elbow; Sermon puts down his cup, Mr. Johnson smugs waiting for Sermon to speak.

"To be honest..." Scoffs. "The coffee tastes good." Sermon said.

"But i think we should really cut to the chase." Sermon added as he stood up from the chair.

"What do you mean?" Mr. Johnson raised a single eyebrow.

"Do you even have to act dumb right now?" Sermon scolded Mr. Johnson.

"Young man, can't you just sit down? I don't know what the hell you are talking about, what in the world are you even talking about?" Mr. Johnson questioned Sermon.

"You go say it to him, Aaron. You're good at dumb talks." Sermon looks at me.

"HUH?!" I exclaimed.

Sermon is glaring at me; his eyes asking me to follow him and just say it.

I scoffed. "W-what he meant is i-is..." I stammered. "T-that you made a contract with the devil." I added.

"Huh?" Mr. Johnson blurted out of confusion. "Made a contract with the devil? T-that's ridiculous haha!, have you guys been watching too much documentary shows about demons?" He chuckled.

Sermon was pissed from his laughing; he just remained calm and standing, listening to him.

"Young man, do you really think that demons really exists in this world? Hey blonde boy! I can literally see that you are delusional just by staring at your white priest suit." He mocked, Sermon.

"I must say, you've been watching too much animes about a main character confronting demons huh? Haha!!" Mr. Johnson added to his mockings.

Aaron was speechless at this point; staring at Sermon and Mr. Johnson back and forth, finding the right words to say.

"So let me guess, you thought I've only became really successful is because i made a contract to a devil?" He laughs even more louder, then his expression went serious and he glare at us. "Seriously, you guys are only wasting my time with your delusions, you may now take your leave." Mr. Johnson growled.

"Let's go, Sermon." I asked, Sermon.

But Sermon doesn't want to leave yet so he remained standing still infront of Mr. Johnson.

"Blonde boy, don't make call the security." He warned, Sermon.

Suddenly, Sermon reached his limit; he summoned his katana out of thin air and pointed it at Mr. Johnson.

"W-Woah!" He exclaimed. "V-violence will take us nowhere, y'know that young man right?"

"With one slight stab of this sharp weapon, can take that thing out." He warned him. "Because whether those a demon inside you or not, it won't kill but remove some specific things inside you."

Mr. Johnson who was raising his hands in the air while staring at the katana that is pointed on his left chest, finally showed his true colors.

"Well, what do i expect? Busted hehe" He said, his voice changed into a low pitched tone.

My eyes were widened at sight of Mr. Johnson showing his true colors; I took a big gulp and looked at Sermon,I looked back at Mr. Johnson.

"Sometimes you need a threat to force liar to say the truth." He unsummoned his katana. "Even though it's fake."

"A good one..." He replied with a wide smile.


-3rd POV

The cafe was a filled with destruction: the chairs, walls, and everything was ruined, the whole cafe had turned into a battleground between two enemies. "Hey now, look at what you've done." Hendrick said to the stranger, casually."To be fair though, you're the one who caused this too." The stranger replied in a sarcastic tone.

The stranger's right hand was producing blue flames like an alcohol when lighten up on fire; Hendrick on the other hand seems like he doesn't show any powers but standing still from the chair with his hands in his pockets.

"Y'know?, because of us, Woodlake Highs School wouldn't be on the highest rank, if for example the owner of that building prayed for a miracle. It won't do anything good as mine." The stranger replied in a slight angry tone as he walked infront of a parked car.

"There's a big difference between Greed and Patience, Zack." Hendrick replied.

"It's not Greed when you're desperate!" Zack yelled.

Zack quickly swings his foot upwards hitting the front of the car; the car was sent flying to Hendrick who was just chillin', before the car hits Hendrick; Hendrick, pulled out his hands in his pockets, he spread out his arms, before the car had finally landed on him. He successfully catched it.

The impact of the thrown car made Hendrick step out of the chair; his feet was scraping the ground, Hendrick, threw the car back at Zack. "Rahhhh!!"

"Amusing." Zack murmured, smirking.

Zack, did nothing but to stare at the car that was sent flying to him; by staring at it, the car was split in half.

"I must say, Hendrick, I'm impressed by your- huh?"

Zack was dumbfounded to Hendrick's sudden disappearance; he noticed a shadow below him gets bigger, he was confused at first but when he realized what was it, his eyes started shaking up and he got no time to react.

Hendrick landed at him with full force, creating a big shockwave; the shockwave made all of the objects flew away such as cars, tables and motorcycles, the shockwave also shattered any glass objects including windows.

Zack was now lying down limped and defeated; his eyes went black and his mouth is opened as bloods started coming out his mouth, their battle had caused the destruction of this place.

Ruining the beauty of Hendrick's favorite place to relax; Hendrick, moved away from Zack's unconcious body and walked out. "Looks like it needed more time to go from this place." He sighed and smirked. "This place is a mess." He added.

Hendrick looked at the Woodlake's building. "I wonder how's Sermon and Mara's vessel doing there." He chuckled. "I trust Sermon a lot on this, but without that half demon guy beside him, things could get a little worse. But when things went wrong those two would die inside that building." Hendrick wondered in his thoughts.

He shook his head slightly before walking again. "Well you're on your own, Sermon."