Chereads / Adventuring With Bros In A Fantasy World / Chapter 14 - Chapter 14: Yay, Slaves. You Proud Of That Mathew

Chapter 14 - Chapter 14: Yay, Slaves. You Proud Of That Mathew

"Can I ask what is this thing?"I asked the quest giver

It is early in the morning, doing work again for the guild. I took out the throbbing circly thing on the desk. Her face is full of surprises.

"How lucky you are! You survived from it and even caught it. We called it Rolling Heart, just as its name, it rolls around the environment just travelling where they want to go. When they feel a threat nearby, they go to a nearby thing and control it, for example trees. They go to a tree and dig inside it and spread its veins all around the tree and control it. To protect itself, they control the tree to make a clump around it. There are different kinds of Rolling Hearts. Yellow, Green, Blue, Violet, and Red. Yellow hearts are afraid of everything, and everyone, it uses flash to flash the threat and make them blind for a few seconds, if caught, it can be used as a light for 3 months without changing it, can be easily found at night, price if caught and sold to the guild is 2,000 to 3,500. Green and Blue Rolling Hearts are friendly and neutral, they always greet animals, humans, goblins or anyone out there. They can be used as pets and aid you for battle or used as light in the dark, they can't be sold because they have no use but it depends if you want to sell them if the buyer wants a pet. Violet and Red Rolling Hearts are aggressive, Violet Rolling Hearts aren't actually bad hearts, they just fear anything and attack anything and anyone like yellow hearts, they do everything just to defend themselves using their surroundings. If caught, they can be sold to the doctors or guilds, it can be turned into a replacement for patients hearts, 7,000 to 10,000 gold coins, and can be found in Hallow forests. Red Rolling hearts are just evil and attack everyone. They can be used to boost fighters damage like rage by drinking their liquid inside it, duration is up to 30 minutes, and can be sold 15,000 to 30,000 gold coins"

"Okay, I want to sell this heart" I said to the quest giver

She took the heart from the table and exchanged it with a bag of coins.

I looked back at my friends on the table, eating and chattering, my eyes locked to Jill.

"Hey, uh, I have another question to ask again" I turned around and asked the quest giver

"Yesterday, we met a new friend, that knight over there" I pointed to Jill

"While we were fighting the Violet Rolling Heart I gave you, some kind of white line that is.... I'm not sure if it is connected to my heart and then to her heart. Both of us started glowing too. During it, it felt like it reduced the damage we should receive, even how hurt the attack is, it felt like the damage was reduced, knew anything?"

The quest giver squinted at the both of us.

"Oh, it is called the Role Duplicate Bonus. When there are 2 knights in 1 group, both of them get a Role Duplicate Bonus, what does it do? It depends on the roles, if knights, they gain 15% damage reduction, both of the knights because knights are known for protectors and shields of a kingdom or guild. For rogues, they are known for their speed and stealth, they will gain 15% Speed and stealth. If you are wondering why both of your rogues don't receive any Role Duplicate Bonus, it depends on the role. Some roles need 3, 2, 4, or 5 similar roles in a group to get Role Duplicate Bonus, and you need 3 rogues in your group for the rogues to get the Bonus. If you have 2 more knight in your group?"

"Us knights will get 30% damage reduction?"

"Yep, you understand all of it now,?"

I nodded, I went back to my group and told them the whole thing.



Jayden asked me to come with him to the best blacksmith to request a custom-made dagger.

"What would be the design of the dagger you want?" I asked

"The dagger? It would be made out of shining gold, very sharp, comfortable grip, I'll show it to you if it's made" he replied

"Soooo, the quest giver said we need 3 rogues in our group so we can gain 15% speed and stealth right?"

I nodded, he started deep thinking.

"What do you think about Jill?" I asked

"She seems pretty cool tho, I could see Kirby's eyes kept on eyeing her"

"Yeah, love at first sight"

"Slave for sale! We have Undines, Elves, Dryads, Merfolks, Faeries, Satyr, Nymphs, and Wraiths" A guy nearby shouted

We looked at our rights, there were people surrounding and looking at something.


"Let's go see it" Jayden said

We went and joined the crowd.

"Want to unlock the secrets of the forest? These Dryads possess the wisdom of the ancient trees! They can guide you through treacherous paths, reveal hidden treasures, and even speak with the creatures of the wild! Need to navigate the treacherous depths? These Merfolk are masters of the sea! They'll guide you through the currents, reveal the secrets of the ocean, and even show you the lost treasures of the deep and so on to the others. Don't miss out on the chance to own a piece of the magic! These slaves are ready to serve their new masters! They can even aid you in a battle or fight with their magical powers! How wonderful! And we can give you free magical handcuffs with a key to prevent them from turning against you! With the key, in your pocket, it will deflect all of your slaves attacks! Anyone want to buy?" He announced, with a big cruel smile

Hmmmmm, why do I feel like I want to buy.

"What is that look on your face?" I heard Jayden

I looked at him, he has a big smirk on his face.

"What?" I said

"Go ahead and buy, your face don't lie" he replied

Without hesitation, I went to the front, Jayden followed behind me.

"I would like to buy" I said to the seller

"Oooohohohoho, a young seller! How old are you?"


"And which here do you want to buy?"

I squinted my eyes and looked at the cages. Dryads..... Elves..... Undine... Uhhhhh.

"1 Elf, 1 Dryad and 1 Undine" I said

He went to the Elf carriage.

"What elf?"

"A girl and young" I replied

He sent out an Elf I requested

"Nahhh, Mathew, really? Straight to business? And even the details?" Jayden said

"Shut the fuck up, I'm getting our group a marksman. All of us are attackers and Elves are good at bows" I replied

"Yeah right"

"And what kind of Dryad?" The man asked

"Similar to the Elf" I replied

"Again? Female? Naahhhh"

"Shut up"

"And what Undine"

"Similar ag-"

"And there it is again"

"I said shut up, I am growing our group why my own money"

"Then why no male? You're buying yourself a sex slave?"

"Tsk, no! Maybe I can increase my charisma to girls if I can talk with them, and what do you mean sex slaves? I know I bought them and I own them but that's a no no"

"Just buy them Mathew, I am not sure what the others reaction to this"

"The Undine cost 10,000 gold coins, the Elf cost 6,000 gold coins and the Dryad cost 12,000 gold coins, total is 28,000 gold coins. Do I think a young man like you can afford that?" The man asked

I took out my bag of coins and counted it per bag. I think I put 1,000 gold coins per bag and some have 5,000 in it, knowing by the big and weigh.

"Her sir" I said holding out the bags

"And where did you get that kind of money?"

"Working on the guild, to be honest I'm broke now. I think I have 300 gold coins left" I replied

"Well okay, transaction accepted. Thank you, my very first customer. Well since you're my first customer and even bought a lot, we will make it 24,000 gold coins. How about that?"

24,000 gold coins! Thats a lot of drop. This man isn't bad at all. He took the gold coins and gave the keys for the slaves. We left the crowd and continued to our destination.

"I..... Haven't seen you like this Mathew. This is the first time I've seen you like this" Jayden said

"What do you mean!? Do I want to repeat myself?"


We arrived at the blacksmith's shop.

"Oh welcome customers! What can I get for you?" The owner greeted us

"You are the best blacksmith around here right? I want to request a custom made daggers" Jayden replied

We went to a seat while Jayden said the details about his dagger's details. The slaves remained stood up, I ordered them to take a seat. Why don't I feel anything from these girls.. like don't feel anything complaining that I am left alone with girls.

Is Jayden..... Really was right? Did I actually change that much? I have a lot of courage talking with the quest givers.....

"That will be 6,000 gold coins sir, you can come back or wait"

Sex slave... Sex slave..... The word Jayden said echoed to my mind... To be honest, I want to have a sex slave.

"Yow, I'll go buy something for us to eat while we eat" Jayden said to us while going out to the door

The room went silent, the owner called someone to man the shop while he went to a room. The 3 girls are silent, I look at trh girls but look away out of embarrassment. No, I lied, I still didn't change.

"Sooooooo, how did the 3 of you get caught?" I asked them

Their expression changed, but still remained silent. They don't want to talk about, it. I'm getting bore-.

"I..... Our village got raided by humans, and took us" the Elf said

"I got hunted" the Dryad said

"I also got hunted" the Undine joined in

Well, I mean, that's cruel but my favourite word and quote

"Survival of the Fittest, Elimination of the Weakest"

Their races also killed humans, I am not going to protect their races.

*Ding ling nging*

Jayden came back with take out food on his hands. He handed us food and sat beside me.

"Are you, actually giving us food?" The Elf asked

"Yeah, why are you asking that kind of question?" Jayden replied

"Oh, uhhhh, nothing, thank you so much"

We started eating, the room again is silent, just only the sound of the food bag and the munch and can be heard.

"Hey Mathew, I have a question to ask" Jayden said while munching on his food


"Would you rather live a comfortable life as a slave in a palace, or be free but struggling to survive in the wilderness?"

Hmmmm, that's actually a good question. I would be very comfortable as a slave but... No freedom out of the castle. Be free but struggle to survive in the wilderness... There's freedom but struggle to survive. I could learn how our ancestors survive the wilderness but I am already adept to this kind of easy life.

"I will rather live a comfortable life as a slave in a palace" I replied

"Yeah, same pick"

"My turn, would you rather be forced to work as a servant for a cruel master, or be a slave to a powerful and dangerous magic?"

He started thinking, I waited for his answer.

"I..... Don't know, hard question"

I looked at the 3

"How about the three of you?" I asked them

They started thinking, I waited for their answer.

"I also don't know, master" the Elf said

The others shook their heads, master she called me? Well, I also don't know how to answer my own question.

"Let's play a game called guess the number. I'll pick 1-500 until you guess my number, I'll say lower or higher" Jayden said

"Okay, is it...65?" I asked

"No, higher"



"413?" The Elf joined in

"No, lower"

"386?" Now the Dryad joined in

"No, lower"

"256?" The Undine joined in

"271?" I asked again, thinking random numbers





"Very very very warm"


"Went cold"


"It went colder"


"Very very warm again?"


"That's it! You got it!" Jayden said

The Undine was the one who guess it.

"Okay new game, Truth Or Dare. Mathew, Truth Or Dare?"


"What would be you greatest fear in the future?".


"All of us in the group dying but not by old age"

"That..... Is a very very good answer"

"Truth or Dare?" I asked the Dryad


"What is the one thing you miss most about your old life?"

She thinked

"The time where I was a kid, watching the best shows they perform in our group" she replied

"Truth or dare?" Jayden asked me


"Look that Elf in the eyes and tell her you're sorry for buying her. Tell her you understand how she feels, and that you'll do whatever it takes to take care of her. And mean it."


"Just do it"

Dare is dare, I went in front of the Elf and kneel Infront of her.

"I... I'm sorry, I didn't... I didn't think about it. I just... I just wanted to help the group. I wanted to make things easier. I... I'm trying to change, I'm trying to understand what I've done. And I know it's not enough. But I promise... I promise to take care of you"

..... I looked up, the Elf is just looking away.

"I... It's okay, at least I am away from that man" the Elf replied

I went back to my seat and face Jayden

"Truth or Dare?" I asked


"Go outside and yell "I am a coward that I even fear ants!""


"Well you picked dare"

Jayden's face is full of irritation, but stood up and went outside.

"I am a fucking coward that I feared ants!!!!!!!!"

He yelled out as loud as he can and went back inside. I laughed secretly.

"Truth or Dare!?" Jayden shouted

"Dare!'" I replied

"I dare you to take one of your slaves virgini-"

"Young sir, your dagger is ready" the blacksmith cut off Jayden

What did he just say?

"Oi, continue it" I said to Jayden

"Nevermind about it"

I looked to the 3

"Did you hear what Jayden sai-?"

Their faces are blushing, what was Jayden about to dare? Take one of my slaves... Uhhh, Vir, Vrigyan, Virginia. I don't know.

I waited for Jayden to take his dagger and pay it. The dagger's are shiny from far away, Jayden came to using the dagger in the air. It was pretty well made and looked premium

"Looking good Jayden" I complimented him

"Yeah, let's go back to the other"

We went outside and started going ba-



Wait what is happening, we heard explosions somewhere. People around started to run.

"We are getting raided!" Someone shouted

Raided? You mean... The Silverhaven is getting attacked?"