Chereads / Adventuring With Bros In A Fantasy World / Chapter 20 - Chapter 20: Travelling To Evermore Kingdom 2

Chapter 20 - Chapter 20: Travelling To Evermore Kingdom 2

I went to the pool of water and bathed, haaaaaa, so warm.


Someone opened the door, it was my slaves on their towel.

"What are you 3 doing here!"

"Master, we don't want to make the others wait you know so we are going to bathe at the same time" Faela replied

The 3 of them came over, they took off their towel. Revealing them on their underwears. They joined me in. I went to the corner to make my distance. Flora started approaching me.

"Hey! I came here to keep my distance!"

"Ooooooh, don't worry master, how about let me scrub your back"

She stood up over me, suddenly, her panty came loose and went down, revealing her... Ahem. Flora noticed, her face turned red.


Day 8


"What's on your mind?" Jayden asked

"Just something"

I looked around me, tents, trees, woods, sticks, my slave's shackles. Hmmmmm, oh I know. I put the tip of my finger on Elara's chin and made her face me.

"Are you electric?" I asked her

"Uhhh no, why?"

"Because you shocking for me to see"

"Ooooooh, nice one" Jayden said

I looked around again for more ideas for a pick up line, I went up close to Flora

"Are you a paper?" I asked

"Why?" She replied

"Because I want to write 'I Love You' all over you"

"Holy shit, Mathew is cooking right now!" Kirby shouted

"Hey girl, are you a magnet?" Jayden asked Nova with a smile and shining teeth

"Uuuhhhhh, why?"

"Beecause you attracted my eyes for how beautiful you are"

Holy shit, did Jayden just confess!!!


Jayden's cheeks are full of red because of the pain of the slap Nova game him. Marc and I went to him and comfort him.

"I'm not sure what's more dangerous, your charm or my dagger. But I'm pretty sure I'd rather get charmed by you than stabbed by my sword" Kirby said to Jill

It is not a 'Pick-up Line' war now, it turned into 'Pull-out Line'! Jayden and Kirby just confessed to their crush! Jill got shocked, blushed and looked away. Marc stood up and approached Maijay, leaving me comforting Jayden alone.

"I'm not sure what's more valuable, my magic or your smile. But I'm willing to make a trade for a chance to spend some time with you" Marc said to Maijay

"Wha- wha- wha- wh- uhhhhhhh" Maijay is staggering, her face blushing

"Master, I'm not sure what's more impressive, your swordsmanship or your ability to make me blush... I think I'm actually getting a little hot under these handcuffs" Faela said to me

Whaaaaaaaat! Even my slaves joined in

"Master, you're so funny, you make me laugh even when I'm trying to be serious. Maybe you can make me forget all about those pesky ghosts we saw in the forest" Flora joined in

Aahhahahaha!!! I'm not even sure if my pick-up lined was better than their pull-put lines!!!

"Master, you're the only one that makes me want to risk my life on this crazy adventure. But let's be honest, I'd risk my heart for you too" Elara also joined in

I just covered my face blushing. We could hear Aldric laughing from his carriage.

Day 9

"What are you making?" Jayden asked while he walked his horse near me

Marc, Jayden, Kirby and I are behind the carriage to protect the behind while the girls are on front.

"Quotes" I replied

"If I... Uh, hmmmm. When..... I..... I haven't married you in this world. Hmmmm. I haven't married you in this world but I still have reached my end. But in the next world, I will find you and marry you and regain my true ending"

"Ohohohohoho nice one"

"Okay, how about making your own. Look around, might help you make something" I said to Jayden

"Okay, let me think. Hmmmm, If.... you..."

He looked around for a bit, he looked at the cabbage on Aldric's cart.

"If you were a vegetable, you'd be a cute-cumber. Because you're the only one I can see myself spending forever"

"Nice one"

"What are you guys talking about?" Kirby asked

"Just making quotes. Oh right, how about you join in, make up some quotes" I said to Kirby

"Okay then, sounds fun. Hmmmm, you are, uhhhh. If....hmm I haven't.....hmmmm"

He looked around, his eyes fixated on my armor.

"If I were a knight, I'd be your knight in shining armor. But since I'm not, I'll just have to settle for making you laugh until you fall for me."

Jayden and I clapped for him

"Can I join?" Marc asked


"Okay, here I go, hmmmm"

He started deep thinking, he looked at the horse, he looked around. And started deep thinking again.

"If I could rearrange the alphabet, I'd put U and I together. Because you're the only one who makes my magic work."

We all clapped

"What are you boys clapping there for?" Nova asked from the front

"Just making quotes my dear" Jayden replied

My dear?

"Don't dear me, making quotes? That's sounds like a fun game. Let me make a quote" Nova replied

We went silent, waiting for Nova.

"If-if I..... I were a flower, I'd be a sunflower, always turning my face towards you. Because you're the sunshine in my life."

All of us clapped

"Oh oh my turn" Jill said

"Uhhhhh, uhhhhh. Hmmmmmm, I... I..if I were a knight errant, I'd pledge my sword to you. But since I'm already your loyal companion, I'll just have to settle for offering my heart instead"

We clapped, it is so similar to Kirby's quote

"How about me" Maijay joined

"Hmmm, If I were a tree, I'd be a, uhhhhhhh. A willow, bending over to whisper secrets in your ear. Because you're the only one who makes me feel safe enough to let down my guard"

We all clapped, I just realized all our quotes are about love.

"Master! If I were a spell, I'd be a love potion. Because I'd gladly use all my magic to make you fall for me" Faela shouted to me

Not this again

"Look out Mathew, your slaves are acting up again. If one of them starts, all of them join" Jayden said to me

"Master! If I were a song, I'd be a lullaby, to sing you to sleep and keep you safe all night long. Because you're the only one who makes me feel safe enough to dream" Flora shouted

Shit, Jayden is right

"Master! I'm not sure what's more dangerous, facing a dragon or facing you. But I'm pretty sure I'd rather be burned by a dragon's fire than by your charm" Elara joined in

It was NOT a good idea to make them join in this kind of game. Anyway, what did I even do to make them love me like this?

"Hahahahahaha, you kids are fun" Aldric said

Oh yeah, how about Aldric.

"Aldric, how about you making a quote?" I asked

"Well, it's better entertainment and thinking than a boring journey"

We went silent, waiting for him

"They say love is a battlefield. But I say, a good love potion can make any battlefield a little bit easier to conquer"

Ahahahaha, hearing their quotes, is such music to my ears.

Day 10

"Ca caw caw caw, hello there travelers" a talking raven sitting on a branch on a tree ahead

"Hello there talking raven" Nova said

"Ca caw ca caw, where are you headed, travelers?" The Raven asked

"We are just going to Evermore Kingdom" Jill replied

"Ca caw ca caw, Evermore Kingdom, ca caw ca caw. It will take you a lot of days. Ca caw ca caw, there will be a new friend who is going to join your journey before arriving to Evermore, ca caw ca caw"

A new friend

"That's the only thing I can predict but I can't predict if you let him join in your journey. Ca caw ca caw, that's what I am going to say. Nice meeting you travelers, ca caw ca caw"

The Raven flapped it's wings and flew away. A new friend? And the reffered the friend as a 'him'.

Day 11

We saw a carriage, different than Aldric's. We went past over it.

"Hello there, nice to meet you travelers" a booming voice from the carriage

We stopped our horses

"Who's the leader of this group?" The merchant asked

I raised my hand

"Well how about you stop by for a bit and buy something from me?" He said

I went down to my horse and went to the carriage.

"What do you sell?" I asked

"Okay, we have one rule, you can only buy one. So what I sell, The Amulet of Unerring Aim, this amulet enhances the user's accuracy and precision with all weapons, making them a deadly force. Second is, The Ring of Shadow Walk, This ring grants the wearer the ability to become invisible and to walk through shadows. Third product is The Staff of Whispering Winds, this staff is imbued with the power of air, granting the user control over the wind. The fourth product is The Cloak of Illusion, this cloak allows the user to change their appearance at will, taking on the form of others or creating illusions. And the last is The Orb of True Sight, this orb allows the user to see through illusions, deception, and magical disguises"

Wow, they sound like very powerful.

"How much is The Amulet Of Unerring Aim?" I asked

"It cost about 50,000"


"Okay then, what's the cheapest?" I asked

He showed a ring to me up closer

"The cheapest one is The Ring of Shadow Walk, which cost about 25,000"

Uhhhhh, still high but a good price for what it do.

"Can we lower it to 20,000?" I asked

"Wait your buying that thing! I am not sure what you are going to do with it but it sounds suspicous!" Nova shouted

"Yeah, she's right" Jill and Maijay joined

"Uh uh please what's the price!" I asked the merchant in a hurry

Nova, Maijay and Jill went down to their horse. Jayden, Marc and Kirby went to stop them. My slaves are on standby.

"Buy it Mathew!" Jayden shouted

"I'm sorry, but all I can do is 23,000"

"Shit that's a lot, hey, guys promised to still buy our dream mansion?" I asked the boys

"Yes we will contribute! That ring sounds powerful but it looks like these girls don't like it" Kirby shouted

"Get out of the way!" Nova shouted to Jayden

"Okay, I can buy that ring, is there any like a duration of it?" I asked the merchant

"Yes, only 10 minutes, and can be activated again in 4 minutes" the merchant replied

"Hurry Mathew!" Marc shouted

I took my bag of coins out of my pocket and gave it to the merchant.

"Very well sir, thank you for buying"

I took the ring and rode my horse again.

"Well, the transaction is done, there's nothing you girls can do" I said to them

The girls are angry and rode their horses

"You better not use that on us!

Day 12

"You were like a supernova, so beautiful and has the word nova in it" Jayden said

Jayden has been hitting on Nova this past few days and giving her pull-put lines. He might be addicted about making pull-out lines after what we did the past few days.

Day 13

Jayden, knelt beside a dead bandit he killed, his face contorted in mock seriousness.

"Well, at least they had good taste in boots, shame they couldn't afford better armor though" Jayden jokingly said while holding a pir of boots

Marcsurveyed the scene.

"I suppose we could call this… 'looting the loot'?" He raised his eyebrows at me, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"Although, I'm not sure I'd recommend this as a business venture"

We are like cannibals here, looting the bandits we killed and making jokes about them.

K"Looks like they're out of luck. Too bad they didn't have a 'get out of jail free' card." Kirby patted a fallen bandit's shoulder, making a face.

"This one's stiff. Not even a good potion will revive him"

I crouched beside a fallen bandit, picking up a crudely crafted amulet.

"Ohohohoho, interesting. A charm of protection? Or perhaps a charm against bad luck? Maybe I should hang on to this one. It might come in handy."

Jayden, inspecting a small pouch, grinned.

"They were carrying a few extra coins. I wonder if they'd prefer a refund? "

He held up a single coin, his voice dripping with mock sympathy.

"Sorry, guys. This one's mine now. Consider it… a donation to our 'adventure fund.'"

Marc picked up a small, worn leather satchel.

"I think this might be... a 'survival kit' of sorts?"

He pulled out a small vial and sniffed it.

"Hmmm... Looks like we have an assortment of... 'emergency remedies' and some very questionable snacks."

Kirby held up a broken sword.

"Ah, the 'Bandit's Blade of Doom'! A truly formidable weapon. I'm just so glad I survived its onslaught."

I looked around, taking in the scene.

It was a strange mix of humor, relief, and a hint of sadness. These were the casualties of war, after all, even if it was a small-scale skirmish.

"We're lucky this time, but it's a reminder, the road ahead is full of dangers. We need to be prepared." I said

The others nodded in agreement, their lighthearted banter fading into a moment of quiet reflection. It was a necessary contrast, the humor a coping mechanism, the reality a stark reminder of the dangers that awaited them.

"Alright, now, who wants to share the loot?" Jayden said

The moment of quiet passed, and the laughter and banter resumed.

Day 14

"I hate fucking spiders!" Jill shouted after killing a tiny spider

Tiny spiders came out of the bushes and trees and started attacking us.

"There are like endless of them!" Kirby shouted

"Whay do you even think about spiders? I remember killing a tiny mother spider and suddenly seems like 1,000 baby came out of her abdomen"

We continued fending them off, they are not actually that tiny. But very big spiders but their styles are like baby spiders.

Suddenly, something enermous came out from the shadows of the trees, it is. A very big spiders, might be a mother. A big giant one.

" Shit, that is an enormous one" Jayden said

"Don't worry my friends, I'll handle it" Kirby said taking out his daggers

He threw one of his dagger to the abdomen of the mother spider. Spiders started to come out of the hole.

"You fucking idiot!!!"

Day 15

"What is that?" Marc asked Kirby

"A boomerang, when you throw it in the air, it will come back to you, just watch" Kirby replied

Kirby threw his handmade carved wooden boomerang on the distant. It suddenly dissapear, he waited to come back but it didn't.

"It looked like it's a dud. Looks like I have to carve a new one" Kirby said while facing back at us

Suddenly, some kind of shadow moving caught my eye, it was..... The boomerang spinning and going towards Kirby's head.

"Behind you!!!" I shouted


Day 16

"We are almost there, 4 days lef!" Kirby excitingly said while munching on his roasted

We are in the night playing poker near the fire. The others are already asleep while the others are sleeping in their tents, carriage for Aldric. The campfire crackled merrily, casting dancing shadows on our faces who gathered around a makeshift table. The remnants of a hearty meal lay scattered about, and the air was thick with the scent of roasted meat and ale.

"Alright, boys, let's play a few hands!" Kirby declared, slapping a pile of gold coins down onto the table.

"Winner takes all!"

Jayden, his eyes gleaming with competitive spirit, smiled.

"You're on, Kirby. But don't get too cocky. I've got a feeling Lady Luck is on my side tonight."

Marc, ever the calm and collected one, leaned back, his fingers idly tapping the table.

"I wouldn't underestimate Kirby's luck, Jayden. He has a knack for winning." He gave a slight, sly smile.

"And as for me, well, I'm always up for a good game of chance. But I'm also known for my strategic mind. So be warned."

I chuckled.

"I'm just here for the entertainment. And maybe to win a few coins myself. Don't be surprised if I outplay all of you."

Kirby, with a mischievous grin, shuffled the deck of cards with a flourish, his eyes twinkling.

"Let the games begin!"

Round 1:

Kirby dealt the cards expertly, laying five down in front of each player. He peeked at his own hand with a knowing smirk.

Jayden, ever the bold player, immediately laid down a small bet.

"Five gold, anyone?"

Marc, studying his hand thoughtfully, called the bet.

"I'm in"

I, sizing up the situation, matched the bet.

"Five gold it is."

Kirby, his eyes glinting, raised the bet.

"Ten gold."

The tension mounted, the air thick with anticipation. Jayden, after a moment of hesitation, called the bet.

"All right, Kirby. Let's see what you've got."

Marc, with a calm smile, followed suit.

"Ten gold it is."

I, not one to be outdone, also called the bet.

The cards were revealed, the tension reaching a fever pitch. Jayden, his face a mixture of hope and disappointment, revealed a hand with a pair of queens.

"Not bad, but I think it's going to be a tough one to beat."

Marc, a hint of a smile playing on his lips, laid down a hand with three of a kind.

"I'll see your pair of queens, and raise you."

Kirby, his smirk widening, revealed a straight.

"A straight it is, gentlemen. Anyone else?"

I, my hand still concealed, smiled inwardly. It was a gamble, but I was playing my cards right.

"I'm in."

I revealed a full house, my face poker-straight.

"Full house," I said calmly.

A collective gasp rose from the others. Kirby, his smirk faltering for a moment, grinned.

"I'll be damned. Nice hand, Mathew."

I chuckled.

"I told you not to underestimate me."

Round 2:

Kirby, still trying to shake off his loss, dealt the cards again, his movements a little less flamboyant. This time, Jayden, still smarting from his defeat, went all in.

"All my gold, anyone?" he challenged, his eyes determined.

Marc, his brow furrowed in thought, matched Jayden's bet.

"I'm in, Jayden. Let's see what you've got."

I, intrigued by the high stakes, also matched the bet.

"All in for me too."

Kirby, his eyes glinting with a mixture of curiosity and caution, matched the bet. "All right, boys. Let's see what fate has in store."

3. The Reveal: The cards were revealed, the tension palpable. Jayden, his face pale, revealed a pair of kings.

"Not enough, I guess."

Marc, with a sigh, laid down a hand with three of a kind.

"I'm out, boys. Good game."

I, my heart pounding in my chest, revealed a hand with two pairs.

"Two pairs for me."

Kirby, his smirk returning as he saw my hand, revealed a straight.

"A straight again, Mathew! You're on fire!"

I, my face betraying no emotion, said calmly,

"Seems like the luck is on my side tonight."

Round 3: The Final Gamble

Kirby, his eyes gleaming with a mixture of excitement and frustration, dealt the final round, his hands moving with practiced speed.

Jayden, still trying to recover from his previous loss, laid down a small bet.

"Five gold, anyone?" He was playing it cautiously this time.

Marc, his eyes twinkling with mischief, raised the bet.

"Ten gold."

I, my eyes narrowed, matched the bet.

"Ten gold it is."

Kirby, his grin broadening, matched the bet.

"Ten gold, anyone? Anyone?"

The cards were laid down, the tension thick enough to cut with a knife.

Jayden, his face hopeful, revealed a pair of jacks.

"Not bad, but I think it's going to be a tough one to beat."

Marc, with a sigh, laid down a pair of 10s.

"Not enough this time, boys."

I, my heart pounding, revealed a hand with two pairs, one of them being a pair of aces.

"Two pairs for me."

Kirby, his smirk fading as he looked at my hand, revealed a pair of kings.

"Damn, Mathew! You've got me again!"

I, a sense of exhilaration washing over me, said calmly,

"Seems like I'm on a lucky streak."

"It's your fuckin fault Kirby!" Jayden shouted

"How is it my fault!"

Ah shit, here we go again

"Your just stupid at shuffling the cards that's why Mathew always win!"

"What do you mean!? My shuffle is good!"

"You know what, fuck you"

"No, fuck... You"

"Fuck you!"

"Fuck you!"

"Fuck you"

Nova from her tent, opened the flap of their tent with irritated face.

"Can the both of you shut up!!!!!!!!!!"

Authors Note:

I have this novel published in Royal Road, there's a donation there if you want to support me. This novel is rejected and I can't just keep making novels chapters without even earning a single cent.

Author's Note:

I'm getting bored making this novel and Inner Beast this week. I'll take a rest with this two and switch to my romance novels in Webnovel(From Introvert To Inlove). If i'm stressing out making it or didn't go well, I'll be back again to these 2 action novels.

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