The stone is round and unassuming, maybe ten pounds. It is with this that the Goblin-Toad will be killed. In picking up the stone did time resume and the creature runs head first into the tree it knocked me into. Ah such karma.
I get ready for the hopefully evened field as it pulls itself from the tree and gives a deathly glare at me. There was so much rage in pain in those eyes I nearly felt sorry for not dying to it, nearly.
I stand in the most relaxed posture I can muster, hoping that some intimidation will work on it. By looking at the Goblin-Toad's reaction, it quite does. It doesn't immediately rush and attack showing there's more than simple thinking going on.
It slowly inches forward, waiting and seeing if my burst of speed would come back. It would be a clever tactic if I could do that again, but I most likely can't.
So how do I beat this thing? I thought big game when picking up the stone but that means nothing if I can't get a hit in. I'll miss if I throw it so what can I do.
These thoughts are cut off when it realizes I won't do the speed burst thing again and it bomb-rushes me. It covers twenty feet in three strides and with its long, tree-trunk arms, swipes at me.
I limbo the strike as it passes over my chest and face. I rise like a phoenix and slam the stone into its face, cracking bone and breaking its nose.
An oozy green blood leaks from its nose and its eyes are disorganized. I slam the stone into its face again, causing blood to spurt from its nose as twere it a fountain. But all must pay for hubris as it slams its right arm into me.
The time blurb happens again but it only acts on my mind and senses. I am powerless to stop the attack or even to avoid it, only able to recognize that it will hit and that I will feel all of it.
The arm strikes the mid-section and breaks every rib from the floating ones all the way to the fourth one, and I can feel it all in blissful slow motion. Like the matrix except for the most agonizing moment in human history.
It's only after thirty seconds that the time blurb stops and I am hurled several tens of meters. The journey is brisk and to the point as I slam into the dirt and drag for another ten meters.
Upon stopping, I let out a cough and am delighted to note that there was a lot of blood in it. A soft chuckle escapes my lips as I turn over and stare up. The sky is barely visible through the tree canopy, only light rays coming through the dense coverage.
I give a mirthless smile to any who would see it, here I die, alone, unknown in both this one and the last, being hunted down by a creature I can't even begin to describe and without getting laid. A truly pitiful end for anyone.
I more feel its approach than see it. The ground shudders with each step of it. I try to rise but my body does not fully heed my command, the most I can do is rest my left elbow under my shoulder and look at my incoming death.
As I stare at it, memories and images come flashing to me. Playing catch with dad, riding a bike for the first time, getting into a fight, living life with my family, hanging out with friends, enjoying my life as I saw fit. And here, and now, this is not how I will let my life end.
I clench my jaw hard enough to make it creak and slowly stand to my feet. My legs are wobbly, my breathing is haggard, and I could fall over at any moment. But I'm standing, and I will die standing.
I stare it down, my eyes blazing a fury it could never compare and shout for the first time since getting to this world, "I WILL NOT DIE, BY YOUR OR ANYONE'S HANDS!"
The ferocity in my shout causes it take a single step back. I will lose this fight of strength, but my will is infinitely greater, and it knows it.
I take a shaky step forward and put my arms up in a boxer's form. The Goblin-Toad finally realizes its mistake in taking a step back and rushes forth, ready to rip me limb from limb.
In the midst of its charge I hear a string snap and *whooze* goes past my head. That *whooze* then lodges itself in the creature's chest. It takes a few more steps before crashing into the ground and tumbling, dead before it even hit the dirt. I stare in shock at the sight before turning around and seeing my savior.
It was a person in a brown-green cloak with a bow and arrow. I off him a smile and a wave before black-unconsciousness takes me.