It's been a week since he's woken. In that time, Robert explored the town some more, learning its name and its people. Many are wary and skeptical of the foreigner who most resembles the savage Angles and Saxons they fought long ago. Though many are not all as some seem interested in the unknown man, speaking with him on a number of topics.
The wood is heavy in his feeble arms. A full stack of Blighted Willows resting snug in his arm. He holds them tightly as he heads up the hill to the Lord's stone castle. Each step a task to make up his debt, the debt he would pay back with blood and sweat.
Robert had already walked several miles with the stack, what was another two hundred yards?
He looked up to see Ron and Sam already at the castle gates, their lithe, white frames contrasting the brown doors. Sam waved at Robert while hollering, "Get over here you slow bastard! You're making us wait for no good reason!"
With the stunning encouragement, Robert picked up the pace, climbing the hill like his life depended upon it.
Sweaty, sore, and out of breath, Robert makes it to the crest of the hill and waits beside his two friends. Ron's leaning against the stone wall as he looks at his unfit companion. "Thank you for also bringing the wood with us. Makes it easier on the both of us." Robert just stares at him before finally gaining his breath back.
With a strong exhale he begins, "Thanks. Didn't know it'd be this hard though." Both Ron and Sam look at each other before looking at Robert. "This isn't the hard stuff though." they say in unison.
Robert replies with a deflated "Oh." which sparks laughter from all of them. They spend another several minutes telling jokes and stories before the doors finally open. Sam lets a, "Fucking finally.", out from under his breath.
Robert, on the other hand, is blown away by the castle. It's not beautiful or anything, nowhere near that, it's just so… new. The walls slowly leave behind them as they walk cobbled stone pathways leading to the castle proper. Trees and bushes line the main pathway with some servants tending to them.
Robert got a sudden elbow from his left. Looking over, he saw Ron mouthing 'Speed up.' at him. Deciding that sightseeing is not the thing, he speeds up and follows the two of them. They walk through the castle before stopping at a building disconnected from the main castle. Sam knocks on its door thrice before a voice could be heard from inside.
The voice gets closer and closer until eventually the door is opened and a short, stout man stands before him. He was likely wider than the three of them combined and by the looks of his arms, stronger too. His hair was brown like tree bark and went down to his shoulders. A cloth tied his hair back so as to not obstruct his sight when he did whatever he did.
He looked at the three men before him and gave curt orders. "Just put the wood right there," he points to a small box near his right foot. "I'll grab it later." He then walks back inside of his smithy, closing the door behind him.
Sam, being the closest to the box, puts his wood in first after which Ron and then Robert do the same. They then walk through the castle proper on their exit, all the while Robert feels the gaze of someone unseen upon him. His guts slowly shift and turn as he walks.
It takes a few minutes to get back at the castle's gate which opens as soon as they get within ten feet. Right before the doors close behind him, Robert sees a man staring at him through the window. A small smile adorned his face before it was obscured by the gate's closing.