Chereads / Emily's Lunar Reflection / Chapter 17 - The mage's hall

Chapter 17 - The mage's hall

The mage's hall had some noise as one of its attributes. Students of the mage were responsible for it, and somehow it was allowed only for a few hours of the day.

    Raguel and Emily took their first steps into it. They didn't have to look back to confirm if the guards were close to them. The mage's hall was a no go area for them. No one would expect that the alpha would be heading to it, besides the main reason for the search was solely for the fear that Raguel might have encountered mishap.

    "Here we are." Raguel held Emily's hand as though she was going to give her out in marriage.

    It was a soft grip, almost hinting that the hall had some things she had to be careful of.

    The entrance had broad stairs like that of a Catholic church premise. About two to three students were seated at the stairs, beside the pillars at each end. The stairs had eight steps, and it felt hard to walk through it.

    "He has so many students and junior mages under him."

    Emily was in awe, how was it that she knew nothing about it? And it was that far from the cave. How was it able to hide?

    As though being able to read her thoughts, Raguel gave an answer. "It's magical."

    Emily had her neck turning to look at each side of the building to get what Raguel meant by "magical".

    "Only those whom he has given access, can locate it at any given time." 


    "That's why I'm able to locate it, and also why the guards can't meet us here."

    "Oh...." Emily almost tripped to the floor because of her eyes not being focused on the steps.

    "Sorry." Raguel had to hold her hands tightly.

    She can't walk on her own, she must have concluded.

    Some of the students who were in white outfits, exactly the same as kung fu students, walked past them, and anyone observing from a distance would have suspected that Raguel and Emily were ghosts coming to visit the mage. That wouldn't be strange as a mage could have relations with ghost.

    They got to a door that revealed most of the students, about five hundred, sitting behind desks with a book, a quill, and an ink.

    "That's the mage!" Raguel pointed out.

    A white wolf was walking slowly towards them with an unusual scent. At a step from them, he transformed into a man wearing a white cloth, tall to be a little above six feet.

    "Hello." His face formed a slight smile, and he touched Raguel's fingers, gently walking her to stand right in front of the students.

    He bowed slightly to her. "Our Alpha."

    "Alpha! Alpha!" The students chorused.

    He walked to Emily's side, also touching her fingers. "And who is she?"

    "Emily, my dear friend." Raguel answered.

    "I'm Patrick." He turned to the direction he had come from. "Come with me."

    He led them to another room, almost the same size as the one that contained the students. When he turned back to look at them, after entering inside the room, his gaze on Emily seemed prolonged. It wasn't a one time look. He was checking on some things on the table, but always took his eyes off the table to look at her. Raguel noticed it.

    "Have you seen her from somewhere?" She asked.

    Emily had not noticed his eyes on her, her eyes were mainly focused on the drawings on the walls of the room. Each drawing that had a meaning she could not decipher.

    Patrick had not answered, and Raguel gave her a nudge to call back her attention.



    "I feel I know her mother." He walked closer to Emily.

    "Is that so?" Raguel asked, looking at Emily.

    "You know my mother?"

    He nodded.

    "How old are you?"

    "twenty four."

    "Do you have a mate?"



    He wasn't surprised about her not having a mate, and that was a topic she was going to consider. So far, all the people she had told her age had doubted because of the fact that she had no mate. Added to it, she looked young, and was comparable to an eighteen year old. The same could also be said about Raguel.

    "You haven't told me your reason for coming." He had taken a seat, and he gestured for them to do the same.

    "I need you to make her look sick, in a way everyone would be without doubt." Raguel had her hands on Emily. "Use your spells, make her have the stench of death!"

    He grinned. "Is that all?"


    He got up from his seat, and walked around them.

    'What's he doing?' Emily tried fixing her gaze on him, all through his circle around them.

    "I will take her to a different room, just her and me."

    Strange. Raguel could only stare at Emily in an attempt to know if she was okay with it.

    "Okay, I will go."

    Raguel stayed on her chair as they left through another door. She was confused whether she had to be wary of Patrick or not.

    "You will sit on the table," he said to Emily.

    The room was different, not as wide as the other ones. No chairs were inside, just a table that was positioned at the center.

    "I know a lot about your mother." He placed his both hands on the table, enclosing her. "Isn't she Linda?"

    The look on his face was changing, and at first, she wasn't sure if it was as a result of the power he might have.

    "Transform to your wolf's form."

    'Why is he asking me to do that?' She made no movement. 'It wouldn't be good if he finds out that I can't transform at the moment.'

    It was impossible for her, Katie had to be present in order for her to transform. That was the problem.

    "Transform." He came again.

    She shook her head.

    "Then it's obvious that I have an idea of why you can't transform."

    That made her thinking go in circles.

    "You know something about me?" 

    "Of course I do." He placed his hands on her thighs.

    Was she supposed to be happy for the fact that he knew about her? She wasn't sure of the right feeling to have. Maybe he could answer some of her questions.

    "I also heard about the scene you caused at the mate test ceremony."

    He definitely had details about her!