It is Sunday morning and Chris who just finished his meal left the kitchen. Since yesterday, he's been only going to the library while doing his own research about the crimson ball that he stuffed in his port card.
There are progress in his research but Chris solidified the idea of consulting with Professor Buckley. The only thing stopping him from doing it right away is because of the conflicting schedule of the said professor.
Chris pulled out books about armaments and cursed objects. At first, he doesn't have any idea what could possibly be a cursed object, he only heard it the night the incident happened so his curiousity for it reached the peak.
With his own research, he was able to find out that aside from mystic beast existing, there are also a phenomenon where an Arcanist gets devoured by the attuned power they acquired.
Once an Arcanist lost control, they will develop a monstrous personality until they transform into a complete abysmal demon.
If this abhorrent demon was slain, they will leave a certain item that could be used as a cursed object. It could vary with different items and sometimes, it even left a part of it's body.
With this knowledge, he came to know as well another fact. The port card he's using is actually another cursed object.
"Fascinating..." Chris pulled out the card out of his pocket and observed the fine details of the item.
Chris indulge himself in his own study for the next few hours. He soon closed the last book he took and put it back on the shelve before he trotted out of the library.
His goal this time is to successfully consult with Buckley so he made sure to leave a note and scheduled for a visit.
"Professor, I came to consult about something." Chris said while knocking on the door.
"Come in!" Buckley smiled cordially as soon as he saw Chris enter the room.
Chris gave him a casual nod and pulled out the crimson ball out of the port card. He already filled in the latter with details regarding the matter through the note he left so he immediately got straight to business.
"This is the ball you mentioned, huh?" Buckley held the ball carefully and inspected the details.
"I did my own research but I can't figure if this is a cursed object or an armament. When I fought the little girl, this ball showered me with attacks as if gaining sentience."
"Hmmm... There are some cases that an armament do possess a human like characteristics but this one here is for sure another cursed object." Buckley caressed the ball and touched the small ingravings on its round base.
"This one seems to have originated from sequence 3 of Aghoy, a child wandering ghoul."
Chris tilted his head as he try to figure out how the professor appraised the item. Buckley of course noticed his confusion which made him smile more.
"Appraising mystical object is easy once you have enough experience. Just to let you know though, an armament is an item exclusive for every Arcanist and if you used or even touched an armament that is not yours, you will experience the Whisper which will result in losing control."
Chris felt enlightened by the professor's lecture and took note of everything mentally. He specially took note of 'Whisper' mentioned by Buckley.
"I'll have to discuss this topic tomorrow in your class and talk about the Whisper as well during that time."
"Can you recommend me some books, professor? I'd be useful if it's about the sequence pathways and cursed object related."
"Ah, I have the perfect book just for you then!" Buckley pulled open the drawer on his table and grabbed hold of two books.
Chris received the books and thanked the professor immediately. Buckley nodded his head as if satisfied before he explained what the books are about.
"This book titled as Cursed Matter will be helpful to you since it tackles about different types of cursed object and their individual prowess. The other one is the book I recommended before during class, the Mystic Beast Arcana of Sequence Pathway. This is an updated version and will surely satiate your curious mind. It also has another knowledge about the hierarchy of mystic beast in terms of power level."
Chis who rarely shows any reaction made an elated face which made Buckley smile wider as he can see the eagerness to learn in this student of his.
It's a given fact that not all students are interested in learning and deepening their knowledge further. Unlike the remarkable students, the others can be considered mostly as mobs or bypasser.
"I'll take my leave now professor." Chris said after having a few minutes of small conversation with the professor.
He slipped the two books he got in his port card and walked towards the tree where he and Edzel usually frequently go to.
As he expected, the other party is also there sitting in the thick branch that he marked as his property. Edzel with his everlasting beauty made a harmonious scenery while he's casually munching his sandwich under the canopy of the tree.
Chris scoffed at the latter as he sat in his usual place. His presence added another layer of beauty in the surroundings which mesmerized the passing ladies.
"What are you reading?" Edzel curiously looked at the silver book
At this point now, Chris already got used to being accompanied by this sissy fellow even though he is mostly solitary.
He just let out a sigh and mentioned the books he borrowed from the professor and how he is studying the Cursed Objects.
This in turn intrigued the latter and casually teleported beside Chris. He just simply appeared beside the him without making any sound or disturbance to the surroundings.
"Let me borrow this one first."
Edzel grabbed hold of the red book which is the updated version of Mystic Beast Arcana of Sequence Pathway. He then appeared back to the branch and started reading every passages.
Chris did not say anything as he flipped over to the next page after reading the introductory part.
The first page provided him and illustration of a seemingly old and dirty rope. Chris was impressed in the detailed illustration of the item but did not dwell in it for long.
He looked at the description and read through it meticulously.
[Lasso of Deceit - Sequence 3
Details: It is an item from the Abysmal Demon of Pilandok pathway, bringing a deceitful illusion of a giant fish when first discovered. This lasso is a cursed object found in the shore of Manila City Bay which is outside of the wall. It is currently used in the Inquisition Hall and is used to detect truths from lies and deceits.
Curse: Deceitful Illusion - When not in use, it will embody lies and turn into a different object using the trickery of illusion.
Seal: None ]
Chris turned to the next page and found different types of items with its descriptive method of use and seals.
He was even shocked when he found out that a small toothpick is included in the list and it being more powerful than the other cursed objects.
He indulged himself in this knew knowledge he acquired and delved deeper into it as he flipped and read through the book from page to page.
His company is also busy with his own study that for the first time since meeting each other, silence prevailed and only the brushing leaves and howling winds can be heard.