The five Gryffindor males, along with Hedwig and Trevor (Ron had sent Pigwidgeon off to Hogwarts before they had left the Burrow), departed from the train. Hogsmeade Station was crowded, with all of the Hogwarts students currently standing upon it. The station was slightly rowdy as well, with rain falling harshly onto the heads of the many young witches and wizards. Harry was somewhat tempted to try and remove the rain, but quickly decided against doing so. For starters, he was almost guaranteed to fail, and more importantly, he had just gotten his magic back; he was not about to lose it.
Harry and Ron both held a portion of their robes above their head, Harry gently moving Hedwig over to his shoulder in the process. They soon met up with Hermione, who was walking with many of the other girls in their year. Lavender Brown, the Patil twins, Susan Bones, and Hannah Abbot to be more specific. They had all chosen to use their cloaks to protect from the rain as well, although Hermione held her book under her cloak in an attempt to continue reading.
"What took so long in the bathroom?" asked Ron, craning his neck over the unruly crowd to try and find the exit. Harry and Hermione both rolled their eyes, neither bothering to pay the question any attention. The trio slowly made their way over to the exit, and after a quick greeting to Hagrid, began walking toward the carriages.
"Why is Hedwig with you?" asked Hermione, closing the book she had been reading since stepping out of the train.
"She seems to think I can't make the trip to Hogwarts without nearly dying." said Harry, grinning. Hedwig hooted in agreement, nodding her head back and forth. They made their way over to the carriages, but before they could enter, Harry paused.
Standing before the carriages that supposedly moved on their own were two strange looking horses. They were much bonier than the average stallion, and were bone white to match that. They had wings as well. The creatures had a slight resemblance to a hippogriff, although not even Ron could have mistaken the two for the same thing.
"What is that?" asked Harry, pointing at the horse-like creature before him.
"What is what, Harry?" said Hermione, her eyebrows raised higher than usual.
"I - nothing, I suppose. Just a headache again."
Hermione nodded, before she and Ron went into the carriage as well. He followed behind them, Hedwig still resting upon his shoulder. Inside the carriage sat a group of sixth year Ravenclaws. They weren't the same ones Harry had ran into at Diagon Alley, but they also made fun of him often. Harry didn't particularly care at the moment; almost everyone at school had mocked or bullied him at some point or another.
Thankfully, the group of Ravenclaws merely sent a quick glare at the 'Golden Trio', before turning back. Harry could feel Hedwig shifting angrily on his shoulder, but thankfully, she hadn't hooted at the students. Harry turned to Ron and Hermione, and joined in on their discussion about what the special event might be.
They arrived at the Hogwarts gates less than ten minutes later. The trio quickly got out of the carriage before the Ravenclaws could, Harry and Hermione taking care not to get their shoes dirtied by the muddy grass. They made their way over to the wet stone steps that lead into the Great Hall, Harry and Ron ignoring Filch's yells to wipe their feet.
Once Harry had begun his climb up the steps, Hedwig nipped his ear before flying off to the Owlery. The students made their way up the steps and into the Great Hall, many greeting Professor McGonagall as they passed. A few students even stayed back to talk to her, although they sped into the Great Hall upon spotting Peeves flying their way, his hands filled with water balloons.
The transparent ceiling of the Great Hall showed gallons of rain falling from the clouds above. Thousands of candles could be seen above the house tables, gently floating around. Nearly every chair at the staff table was filled, the only exceptions being Hagrid's, McGonagall's, and the Defense Professor's.
Harry carefully tried to avoid the gaze of one Albus Dumbledore. He was very annoyed at the old coot at the moment, not having forgotten the ten horrible weeks with the Dursley's. He was getting sick and tired of being a pawn on the headmaster's chess board, and tired of being powerless to stop it.
Harry made his way over to the packed Gryffindor table, shortly accompanied by Ron and Hermione. The redhead sat impatiently, playing with the knife and fork that had been in front of him. His stomach, which had been filled mere hours previously, was grumbling loudly.
Most of the students at the table, including Harry, were in the process of taking their shoes off and emptying them of water. Filch would be having a field day if he was here, considering the amount of water slowly spreading around the floor of the Great Hall.
"Hey Harry." said Angelina, Alicia, and Katie in unison, all speaking in a husky tone. It was not at all difficult to detect the amusement laced within their voices as well.
Harry chuckled a bit to himself, before blowing a kiss at them jokingly. The three of them had become similar to older sisters for him, thanks to their time together on the Quidditch Pitch. Hermione shook her head at Harry's actions, before pulling out her book once more.
"Having a good evening?" said Nearly Headless Nick, appearing out of nowhere. Harry snorted, pointing at his shoes.
"It isn't the worst we've had on the first day." said Nick, "Although I do feel bad for our new first years, having to cross the Great Lake in this weather."
"The weather might be good for us though. Maybe it'll push the boats faster!" exclaimed Ron.
"It's more likely to destroy the boats than anything else." said Hermione, not looking up from her book, "And if that does happen, we'd have to wait at least half an hour before anyone realizes what happened."
Ron sank dejectedly in his seat, quietly grumbling out, "I hate the weather."
A moment after Ron's comment, the side door behind the staff table sprung open, revealing the most horrifying person Harry had ever seen (besides Voldemort, but Harry wasn't even sure Voldemort counted as a person anymore). The man was covered from head to toe in scars, had a wooden peg leg, and had some sort of magical eyeball attached where his left eye should have been.
After sitting still for a moment, a bolt of lightning issued within the storm above them, something Harry knew he had accidentally created. It thundered over the Great Hall, echoing loudly, and frightening many students. The magic that soared through Harry's veins was once again out of touch with him, but thankfully it was not gone, not in the way it had been after the Quidditch World Cup.
Regardless, Harry would certainly have to learn more about his wandless magic. Why was it seemingly so connected to electricity? Or perhaps it wasn't, and he was making the connection on his own. After all, he had been associating his wandless magic with lightning ever since he knew of his existence, unintentionally, of course. It was certainly something Harry would have to learn more about, that was for sure.
"That's Mad-Eye Moody, that is!" Ron whispered to those around him, "He's an ex Auror, one of the best the ministry ever had!"
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