Dumbledore should have given him his Vault Key, told him about magic, and told him about his lineage. Instead of informing Harry about his Slytherin ancestry, he had simply stated, "When you defeated Voldemort, you stole a portion of his power." - something which Harry now knew was not the case. That didn't mean Harry didn't respect the old man, of course. But after thinking it through during the summer, he could no longer see Albus Dumbledore in the light he once did.
As for Voldemort, he was the man who took his parents from him. The reason he ended up with the Dursleys. He was also part of the reason he kept ending up in near death situations, although that was also partially his own fault. Harry wanted them to leave him be, to be allowed to live a normal life.
I'm going back to the chamber tonight. Harry decided, I'm going to see what Tom might have found so interesting, what I myself might find interesting.
It was a reckless idea, that was for sure. Thankfully, that part matched with all of previous adventures, so there was nothing out of place there. He considered asking Ron and Hermione if they wanted to come with him, but quickly decided against it. Ron would probably sputter out some nonsense about how he was turning dark, and Hermione herself had been paralyze by the basilisk; she most likely wouldn't be too fond of returning.
Hermione would probably end up reporting me to McGonagall. Harry noted in slight annoyance.
Besides, this was Harry's chamber. He was supposed to be the Heir of Slytherin, was he not?
An Heir of Slytherin. Not the Heir. I'm not about to start killing muggleborns. It just means I'm a relative of Salazar Slytherin. Nothing to bad about that.
He had long decided to keep all his heirships under wraps, even the Potter one. He wasn't interested in receiving any more attention, and he was really sick of the whole Slytherin nonsense from his second year. Even though most people had realized he couldn't have been petrifying people, that didn't stop them from mocking him. Even during the last few months of last year he had been bullied about it. Nobody had said anything yet this year, but considering they had been back for a grand total of one hour, that wasn't saying much.
The rest of the feast went rather well, with Hermione even going back to eating her food, although she did eat a lot less than she could have. Seamus, Dean, and Ron had all begun talking to other students about the Veela that had been at the World Cup. They all spoke with a strange dreamy tone throughout their discussion, clearly lost within the confines of their imagination.
Hermione, thankfully, was paying no attention to the rest of the table. Harry was quite certain that if she had, they would all be getting an hour long lecture on how immature and inappropriate they were acting, and how they should be setting an example for the first years.
But when it's about Lockhart, it's totally understandable. Not with Veela though, not at all.
Eventually the remnants and crumbs of the many dessert plates vanished, Dumbledore standing up as they did so. The Great Hall fell silent, all students looking towards their headmaster (except for Ron, who was now glaring at his empty plate with undisguised loathing).
"Now that our stomachs and mouths have both quieted down, I have a few start-of-term announcements to make!" Dumbledore paused, checking to make sure he had everyone's attention before carrying on, "First, Mr. Filch has asked me to inform you that the list of forbidden objects has been increased to 437 items. If there is anyone who wishes to see it, the list is posted outside of Mr. Filch's office.
"As per usual, I must remind you all that the Forbidden Forest was given its name for a reason, and that Hogsmeade is only to be allowed for those in their third years or above, and only with the express permission of a parent or guardian.
"After the events of the previous year, the Wizengamot has agreed to remove Hogwarts from the watch of Dementors." The hall was filled with cheers at that statement; nobody had like the dementors, many having greatly feared having their soul sucked out.
Harry had feared the potential loss of his soul as well, but he was even more afraid of the effects of a dementor. Whenever he was around one, he heard the sounds of his dying father, the pleading of his mother, and the death that ensued. It was for that reason that the dementors had been his boggart form, regardless of whatever anyone else had said.
Harry wondered what his boggart would be now. He was no longer afraid of dementors, now having a way to defend himself from them. It would be rather interesting to see, although if he did manage to run into one again, he dearly hoped it wouldn't be in a room full of his classmates.
"However," Dumbledore continued, "The Wizengamot still feels that leaving the school without protection is not a good move on their part. Therefore, our numbers will be joined by a few Aurors in the coming weeks, who will be patrolling the school hallways both day and night."
Every single student above the first year (except for the Slytherins, of course) laughed when they heard Fred and George both groaning in annoyance, with even Dumbledore cracking a smile. Harry felt bad for the twins, as they snuck out during the night just as much as he did. Thankfully, he doubted any Aurors would be able to find him under the Peverell Invisibility Cloak.
"And lastly, I regret to inform you all that this year, the Hogwarts Inter-House Quidditch Cup will not be taking place."
The Great Hall was suddenly filled with roars of anger, students even jumping up from their seats and waving angrily at the staff table.
"This is due to an event that will be taking place from October till the end of the school year, one that will take much of the time the staff and ministry have on their hands." announced Dumbledore over the angry yelling of the students, "However, I am sure you will all enjoy the event immensely. After centuries, Hogwarts will again be holding the fabled Triwizard Tournament once more."
The mood in the hall could not have changed more drastically. The jaws of many students fell wide open, emotions ranging from surprise to confusion. The Weasley twins, who had previously been yelling themselves hoarse with anger, were now frozen in shock.
"The Triwizard Tournament is a competition between the three premier European magical schools. Each school is represented by a single champion, who is to be chosen by the Goblet of Fire, which will be brought out once the delegations from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang arrive in a month's time.
"The selected champions will each perform in three dangerous challenges, which will be taking place before you all. Each champion will be judged by how well they perform in the tasks, with the one with the best performance being crowned Triwizard Champion.
"The selection of champions, as well as the three tasks, will all be captured by a recent invention known as the Recorder Glass, allowing for them to be viewed all across the world in select places that have been given permission and approval by their respective Ministries of Magic, as well as our own. Eternal glory awaits all of the champions, but none more than the victor. A thousand galleons prize money, the Triwizard Cup, and honor are what awaits he or she who wins."
Dumbledore paused to let everyone take in what they had just heard.
"I'm going to enter." vowed Ron loudly, "I'm going to be champion, I'm going to win!"
Had Harry cared enough to pay attention to his friend's comment, he most likely would have rolled his eyes. He was more concerned about this tournament, however. Every year he somehow ended up in incredibly dangerous situations; this matched the description perfectly.
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