One of the white pawns on the marble chess board was glowing, it's material melting and changing shape. It floated a few inches off the surface of the board, before slowly changing its colour to silver. The new blob of molten marble molded itself slightly, eventually taking the forms of a queen. It was made of a silvery material that looked similar to molten silver that had somehow retained a solid shape.
The queen fell back onto the floor, landing on the square the white pawn had once claimed. There were no other silver chess pieces upon the board.
"What was that?" asked Harry, turning back to the portrait.
"Unless I am mistaken," started Salazar, "That was you beginning your journey of nobody being able to control you, nor your life."
Harry's jaw dropped before he turned around, moving closer to the chess board. It was of incredibly fine quality, with each piece sparkling like diamond. The board itself was made of a mixture of black and white marble, no doubt being materials of very high value.
Ron would definitely kill someone for this chess set.
"What is this thing?"
"A creation of mine and Ravenclaw's. Godric and Helga helped a bit, too. I don't think I need to explain what it does."
Harry shook his head in the negative, examining the pieces.
"Why is it a queen? Shouldn't I have the king, if I'm starting off?"
"You have much to learn, dear child." said Salazar gently, "You are the queen, the most powerful and volatile of the pieces on your side. The king is what you stand for, what you believe in. It is what matters most to you."
"But why isn't there a king yet?"
Salazar shrugged.
"Perhaps you have not yet discovered what matters most to you. Just because you yearn for freedom does not mean that is the deepest desire of your heart."
Harry moved away from the chess board and returned to Salazar's portrait.
"How do I know you aren't tricking me? And that you're not helping Riddle. And how do I even know Riddle couldn't come back here?"
Slytherin sighed sadly.
"Riddle found this place in his fourth year, as I initially told you. I taught him until the end of his fifth year, when I learnt that he had been using my basilisk to purge the school of muggleborns. We fought, and after a girl died, he finally stopped. I forgave him."
Harry's eyebrows shot out to his hairline. Salazar, seeing this, made a quick response.
"Regardless of what he did, he was my family. Based on the research Tom did, there were only two potential Slytherin lines left. It was very likely that he was my last remaining descendant. Family is very important, as I am sure you will realize once you start your own, many years from now."
Harry nodded slowly, somewhat understanding what the portrait had said.
"In his sixth year, he did something unthinkable, and began creating horcruxes. I will tell you about them when you are ready, assuming you come back." said the portrait, seeing Harry's questioning glance, "I told him to never come back, and he never did. Even when you said a young version came through this chamber two years ago, he did not enter this study."
"Do you have a guess as to why?" asked Harry.
Salazar shrugged.
"When Riddle decided to call himself Voldemort, I told he was no longer worthy of being a Slytherin. I said that Tom Riddle was a member of the Slytherin family, but that Lord Voldemort was not. From what I know after that, he was no longer considered a full Slytherin anymore. Voldemort can no longer enter the chamber at all, and most likely would have been incapable as an heir to the Slytherin Lordship. The memory in his diary could be in the chamber, but could not enter the study. Perhaps it had something to do with it being a memory of his sixteen year old self, made just before I deemed him unworthy."
"But in my second year, how come Ron and Lockhart were able to enter?"
"You must have given them permission in some way. They could not have entered otherwise."
"I did push Lockhart down the entrance hole, to make sure that it was safe."
"In true Slytherin manner." said Slytherin, chuckling.
"Alright, moving on. If I do choose to come back, what would I be doing?"
"I would teach you, off course." replied the painting, "Mentor you, help you learn how to grow stronger and more connected to your magic. Help you learn rarer, more powerful magics. Help you learn about your abilities."
"You would do that?" questioned Harry, "Even after whatever happened with Riddle?"
"Normally, I do not think I would." replied Salazar honestly, "But you are family, my only remaining heir."
"Not exactly a compliment, but you are welcome. I have always wanted to meet another Mage, you know? Besides Morgana, of course. I have a book of notes and files I've compiled, they should be in one of the shelves there."
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