Chereads / Harry Potter The King / Chapter 17 - Ch.17

Chapter 17 - Ch.17

The Weasley family, along with Harry and Hermione stood on Platform Nine and Three-Quarters, saying their farewells. The platform was still crowded with people even though the train was set to leave in just two minutes.

The group had been provided with special Ministry Cars again, clearly because Harry had been traveling with them (although nobody voiced the thought aloud). The cars had been long, luxurious and spacious, allowing for a comfortable journey. They had even been fitted with magic that allowed them to pass through hordes of muggle cars without being noticed.

Even with all of that, the group has still been nearly late. Harry didn't mind, however; he was too busy being thankful that he could make it through the platform wall.

Harry stood quietly, stroking Hedwig's luscious plumage. The week between the World Cup and present time had been horrible for the Potter heir. The feeling of energy shooting through his body, and of magic spreading through his veins had finally returned the previous evening, much to Harry's relief. He had never paid attention to the feeling before his Gringotts trip, but after having it taken for a week, Harry could now feel it more than ever before. It felt stronger, too, as though whatever he had done had strengthened its power.

Harry assumed that the feeling was related to his wandless magic in some way, which slightly scared him. If wandless magic used the same source of power as normal magic, his stunt at the world cup had literally made himself incapable of using magic for quite a while.

Fred and George were still trying (and failing) to figure out what special event would be going on this year. Harry and the others had given up long ago, accepting the fact that they simply would have to wait until they arrived at Hogwarts. Considering that they would be there by evening, Harry was sure he could wait.

"Alright, up you go! Can't have you missing the train!" said Mrs. Weasley to the group of them, "I do hope we can see a bit, it seems very fun. Arthur said that the ministry was planning on using those Recorder Glasses, but it hasn't been fully planned out, has it? Even if they don't I'm sure we'll be able to join you for one of them!"

"Mum!" said Fred, now annoyed, "What are they going to use Recorder Glasses for? MUM! Quit giggling and answer!"

"Be patient, you two, you'll find out tonight anyway." said Charlie, who, along with Bill, had come to see them off (Mr. Weasley and Percy were both at the Ministry, working), "Mind you, it's a good thing they've changed the rules - I imagine you two might've had a go at it if they hadn't."

Mrs. Weasley paled suddenly, before turning to the twins.

"You two better not mess around this year, understood? Not a toe out of line! They'll be serious consequences if you mess around, understood?"

The twins nodded slowly, and after a quick hug from their mother, led the way onto the Hogwarts Express. The twins said goodbye to Harry, Ron, and Hermione, before departing in search of Lee Jordan. Ginny had already left to look for some of her friends a few minutes prior.

Eventually, they found a compartment that was filled with students in their year. Dean Thomas, Seamus Finnigan, and Neville Longbottom all sat inside, talking with great enthusiasm. After asking if they could join them in the compartment, the three fourth years walked inside.

It turned out that the three had been talking about the Quidditch World Cup, as well as the aftermath that had occurred.

"I told all of you, Ireland would win!" said Seamus, a broad smile on his face.

"How were we to know, they haven't won in ages!" argued Ron.

The redhead took a seat next to Seamus, while Harry sat by the window, looking outside. Hermione rolled her eyes before sitting by the compartment door, pulling out 'The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 4'. After opening the first page alone, it was clear that she had tuned out of their conversation.

"It was pretty incredible though, wasn't it! Fred and George made a bet with Bagman, you know! Saying that Ireland would win, but Krum would get the snitch! They must've won a hundred galleons from that!" exclaimed Ron.

"That's a load of dragon dung, that is!" said Dean in a loud voice.

"Ask Harry, he was there!"

Dean and Seamus both turned to Harry, seeking confirmation. Harry gave a small nod, before turning back to the window. The two friends turned back to Ron, and the three of them resumed their discussion. Neville sat by, listening with rapt attention.

"I wish I could have gone, but Gran didn't want to go, said it was a waste of time." said Neville, after the three excited Gryffindors finished talking about the 'Wronski Feints' Victor Krum had performed, "It sounds amazing."

"It was, Nev! We saw it from the Top Box, the three of us! We were sitting with Fudge and the rest!" bragged Ron. This got awed looks rest, before Seamus finally asked, "How in Merlin's name did you get tickets?"

"Bagman." said Ron, grinning, "Dad helped his brother out a while back, so he gave Dad tickets! And all dad did was help fix some lawn-motor, or mower, or something! A bit over the top I suppose, but I'm not complaining!"


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