The mortal realm, heavenly realm, netherworld realm, cultivation realm, superhuman realm, beast realm, mutant realm, magic realm, and the mystic realm, all mysteriously merged together out of nowhere. The merging resulted in a massive planet covered full of water with a total of 4 supercontinents. Each continent contained a bit of each realm. A couple of years after the merging, 6 super powerful beings worked together and began to establish order within the world. They went from continent to continent and picked out a couple of beings to establish their own kingdom, empire, or city. The 6 super powerful beings also decided to create a new era and declared it as The New Merging. Alongside with the new era, they also created a new calendar called the "ANM". ANM was used as the new year and was an abbreviation for 'After New Merging'. The calendar was established roughly around 70 years after the merging occurred but majority of the newer generation believe that the calendar was established immediately after the merging occurred.Â