Chereads / Inner Beast / Chapter 90 - Chapter 83: Love Manifestation Versus High Crimson Voltage 2

Chapter 90 - Chapter 83: Love Manifestation Versus High Crimson Voltage 2

"I am not sure what this thing is floating but one way to find out" Silas said

Silas reached out for my invisible heart, my invisible heart went inside him, it travelled to his hand, to his arm, to his body and touched his heart.

Silas stopped moving, and looked at me. Electric currents still around his body, sparking and crackling.

"It's good to see you again master! I am not sure why I kept blacking out sometimes but ack!"

I punched him in the face


The electric currents shocked my fist, I held my arm. I can't just hit him with his electric currents around his body.

"Uhhh, Silas, can you remove those electric currents around your body?" I asked

"Ooooohh, another training for master and training for my endurance! With pleasure!" Silas said with a joyous voice and expression

The crimson electric current comes off his body. I started punching him, kicking him like I do before. I need to knock him out before he gets to his senses mostly because he already knew my secret ability.

"C'mon ack! Master! Eeerhh! Give it your all! Acckk!"

Damn! He won't get knocked out! He came to his senses again, he grabbed my incoming fist. He grabbed my face and pulled me closer to his face.

"Oh, so that's what controls me! But this time, it won't work now!"


Something is charging up inside him


His body let out crimson electric around us, I started to be electrocuted. Oh shoot, I.... It felt very very painful! My hair started flying, I had to do something... Or I might lose, and embarrassment.


I summoned a heart from my face and activated it. It popped and made Silas' arm fly, his eyes widened, his face was full of shock. I threw another tiny heart on his chest and made it pop, he stumbled back by the shockwave.

I let out tiny hearts on my leg and stick it on my leg. I raised my leg and kicked him on the side of his stomach. He groaned in agony and kneeled on the ground. I put my feet below his neck and raised my toes to make him look at me on the face.

"What now?" I said mockingly

Haha! This is my ever first time doing this! It felt like I am a very powerful being! Wait.... No... Crush is watching! I'm not this kind of person, Mateo might think that I am the kind of girl who talks down to people!

What if that is not the type of girl he wants? What if he liked kind girls? That's me Mateo! I am a kind good girl! Haiiii, you're the only person who also has love abilities, that means..... We are a pair! Mateo and I are a pair!

I need to win! I am going to show off and win in front of him! On his very own eyes! He might be amazed! He might fall..... Fall in love with me! He is watching.... Watching me right now! I must win! I... Must.... Win!

I raised my right leg and kicked Silas on the face, how do you like that!


Mateo's POV:

"What a creepy girl"


Back to Lovely's POV:

Spit came out of Silas' mouth. I kick him again, kick and kick and kick, why won't you black out! He caught my next leg, he punched the top of my thigh.


It felt painful, he let go of my leg. It felt painful inside, I can't even walk. I fell on my knees, I can't..... stand up... my leg..... hurts.

"What, can't stand up?" Silas said

He clapped with both of his hands, he separated both of his hands, just like before, there is a web like electric formed. The electric separated, he touched his right leg, his leg full of crimson electric current.

"I am going to give you the same treatment you gave me" Silas said, swinging his right electric leg

No, I am not taking it back. I spawned a heart in my hand and then ate it.

"Are you going to do your barrier again? C'mon, it's unfair that I receive my treatment from you and won't come back to you"

My heart barrier came out and stopped around me, Silas walked back.

"Are you okay? You looked like you are in full of pain?" My ability asked

"It just, felt very painful. The heart barrier will go out after 7 seconds. I am not sure if that's enough to recover my leg"

I stood up, it still felt painful. I can't walk properly, it would be very hard to fight back. Silas pointed his pointing finger at me like a gun. At the end of the pointing finger, it started glowing with electricity.

He is waiting for me, waiting for my heart barrier to deposit inside me. My heart barrier came back inside me.

*Zzzzzzzt pew*

An electric line bolt came out of his finger, it touched my neck.



My heart flies in the air, I need to beat him as fast as possible! I might get cooked if this continues. The electric shock died out.

"C'mon, surrender now" Silas said

No, I won't, wait, I remember something. His body isn't full of electric current, it might be a good time to use my invisible heart. I spawned an invisible heart from my chest, it floated in front of me.


What the-! An electric current came out of my body!

"Whoops, your attack has been blown. My current inside you still hasn't died out yet" Silas said

Silas moved in front of me and punched me in the face.

"Hack! Eck! Ak!"

He grabbed my hair and kicked me on the stomach three times. He let me go and pushed me, then kicked me on the stomach. Okay then, let's play it painfully. Back when I manipulated him, the first time I manipulated him, I copied some of his memories, lovely and memorable memories.

I can use it against him, there is a very high chance to make him surrender. I threw a heart to the right, then popped, pink smoke came out, covering the area.

"I think you are getting high now, did you try to smoke me? I am here right in front of you" Silas said with a confusion on his voice

"Silas... Silas!" A sweet beautiful voice of a woman from the right

Both of us looked at the right, there is a tall woman standing looking at Silas.


Heh, this is just the beginning, I floated a heart to his head, to manipulate him, making him more believe on it.

"Hey now! Don't destroy his mental health!" One of Silas' team shouted

I just looked behind and gave him a menacing smile. This is different from my invisible heart, it controls the thinking, not the heart or love. This will last for 20 seconds, I have 20 seconds before my manipulator dies out and he will find out that this is fake.

"Mother! What are you doing here" Silas shouted, his voice full of panic

I threw a heart behind me

"Madame Lovely, is this the person?" A booming voice behind me

It looked like a guard, he took out a sniper rifle hung on his body and pointed it to Silas' mother. His mother's eyes widened.

"Silas! Help me! Do something!"

Silas looked between the hitman behind me and his mother.

"Hey! Can you please stop! Please don't shoot my mother!" Silas shouted

The manipulation is working, I put a lot of love for his mother to make him more worried, and made him more stupid by making him forget about his ability.

"Why are you doing this to us! Please don't kill my mother! I'll do anything!" Silas shouted, his voice full of panic

Silas raised both of his arms and put it behind his head.

"If you surrender, I'll let go of your mother" I said to him

"What is happening what is happening what is happening!" Silas repeatedly whispered to himself

"Silas! That is not your mother! Control yourself!"

C'mon! Surrender! Manipulating will last only 25 seconds! 19 seconds have already passed.


Shit! His imaginary mother and the bodyguard behind me turned into pink dust and came back to me! But he still didn't notice it! 25 seconds have already passed!

"Huh? What am I doing? Why am I looking at the ground? Why am I in despair!?"

This is not good, Silas looked up to me.

"Did you just use my own mother on me..." Silas said, with a menacing voice

Even how idiot or stupid this guy is! He kept escaping my strongest abilities!

"Are there any more abilities I can use hiding inside I don't know!?" I asked my ability

"Hmmm, yes, I could feel more, but one felt very powerful and it needed something, something or some kind of event to be activated. You are the only one that can discover it, even I your ability, won't know all of it" my ability replied

No no no, I have no more abilities I know to use!

"You.... Use my mother against me!" Silas shouted in anger


His body looks charging up with crimson electric current, his hair started flying upwards.

"You better run, he is about to use it again, his Electric Dome. I know he called it Electric Shockwave but it isn't even a shockwave, he is just a dumb person" my ability said

I ran away from him and looked back and watched.


Crimson electric came out around him, making a shaped dome. His body is charging up with crimson electric. The dome electric died out. The electric current around his body felt much more stronger after using his first electric dome on me.

*Zzzzztt... Zzzt zzzzt*

His currents are more longer, felt and sounded much more stronger, his face full of anger, his eyes focused on me.


He is gone, but I can see the blur of electric on the ground, he went to my right.


He punched me, then gave me a barrage of electric punches, electric felt more painful than before. He stepped on my feet, making me fall to the ground. Silas went on top of me.

"How dare you!" He shouted

I raised my arm to block my face.

*Zzzzztt thud thud thud thud thud*

Silas started punching me with speed, and slamming my head on the ground.

"Lovely! Make him fly away!" My ability shouted


I spawn hearts from my body and make them all pop at the same time. Silas flew up in the air and landed on the ground. I stood up.


Silas stood up in the blink of an eye. I no longer can't take it, this fight is very painful, mostly my opponent is electric. I got to surrender! He looked more powerful now and his electric felt more painful!

But I need to think first! Is there even a chance to defeat him with my condition and with his powerful form! But it would be a very small chance! I am too weak now! Silas still looked more energetic!

There should be something! An undiscovered ability I have inside me! Oh no.... I can no longer do it... My legs.... Suddenly weakened like I can no longer move it! I fell to the ground on my knees.

Silas is walking towards me, electric currents coming out from his body. Move! Lovely move or he is going to give you more pain!

"Hey, Lovely, I... Am feeling something..... Something new" my ability said

I just remained silent, watching Silas coming towards me in horror.

"Lovely! Are you listening!? Activate it!"

I can't do anything! What is wrong with me! Why can't I move!

"Please.... Stop, please!!!!" I started shouting

"Why are you shouting? And what do you mean stop? You mean surrender? C'mon, just say it" Silas said, smiling menacingly, walking slowly towards me

I can't..... I can't say the word surrender..... Something is... Preventing me..... I picked surrender.... Please body... I picked surrender.


I suddenly activated something.... Something new... Something strong....

"Yessss! That's it Lovely! You have activated it" my ability said, with joyous voice

What.... Is this power? I stood up. I felt stronger, my strength came back. Silas stopped walking, he looked like he noticed something about me. He went to his fighting stance somehow.

I spawned a tiny heart on my palm..... What the, my heart... Is grey, but why!? My vision... Is pinkish... I can see pink color.... I can't turn it on and off, pink vision, and normal vision.

"Hmmmm, is that an ability you are hiding?" Silas asked

"I don't know, but it's new" I replied

I looked at the tiny heart on my palm, it's grey, why is it grey? I went to my fighting position, I looked up at Silas, smiled and said

"Another round?"

Silas smiled

"Okay then, I would love to"

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