Chereads / Inner Beast / Chapter 52 - Chapter 46: Tournament Sixth Fight 3

Chapter 52 - Chapter 46: Tournament Sixth Fight 3


July punched Mark on the stomach, Mark went flying. I let go of Brad and went backwards out of shock, I looked at the enormous animal behind July, this animal looked familiar, it is an Allosaurus. A T-REX and now an Allosaur, goddamit. I ran and reunited with Mark, who just stood up, I looked at Brad and July revealing their animals. T-REX and an Allosaur, the f*ck we gonna do?

Allosaurus are smaller than the T-REX but of course, it still have strong bite force, what do we expect from a dinosaur with its big size? Mark's animal kept on squeaking like talking to Mark, good for Mark that he has an animal while me, still doesn't have any aura or animal.


The T-REX and the Allosaur both roared, c'mon now, auras can be revealed if you are angry or in a dangerous situation, this is a dangerous situation but why am I not revealing anything, patience is the answer....patience....

I noticed a glow in my arms ...I looked at my arm...I am glowing green....I looked around me, I am glowing, I could see green particles around me, I AM FINALLY GLOWING GREEN, I FINALLY REVEALED MY AURA.

HAHA! I looked at July and Brad smiling and waiting for me to reveal my animal, they readied their fighting stance.


A strong roar sounded behind me, I looked behind, it is a Gigantosaurus as I expected. Gigantosaurus are huge and that's the reason why they are named GIGANTosaur, much more bigger than the T-REX and the Allosaurus.

The bigger the animal the stronger bite-force, Brad and July looked at it with shocked faces, my squad cheered.

"You ready Mark?" I asked Mark

"I am ready" he replied

We charged at our opponents, I recalled my animal to charge my arm, we all charged our arm, our opponents stayed on guard. I raised my hand to strike at Brad.


Brad made an X shape with his arm and defended my attack, he reeled backwards. I looked at Mark, he just dodged July's attacks because he knows how strong July is. I darted forward at Brad.

*BANG BANG swift BANG swift BANG*

Me and Brad exchanged punches, we hit each other, we dodged, we blocked, we clashed. The faster we charged our arms, the weaker the hit but the longer we charged our arm, the stronger it was. We clashed and clashed and clashed and clashed and clashed trying to overpower each other.

*BANG swift swoosh BANG BANG*

The fight went on trying to tire each other, I charged my leg to kick him and make it unnoticed.


I landed a kick on his stomach, he's stunned. I charged my left arm.


Punched him to the face, he looked weak, I charged and raised my other leg to kick him....HUH? sh*t! He just caught my leg, he still have more energy. He raised his other arm.


A strong punch landed on my face, I can see him charging his right leg.


He kicked my side stomach, SH*T, that hurt. He raised his other charged leg.


I went reeling backwards, Brad darted forward at me and leap and raised his arm.


He punches me right on the chest and smashes me to the ground, I have to do something before this thing gets even worse but I can't move. I lay on the ground, Brad raised his charged right leg to stomp me. I rolled away before he stomped at me and stood up.

I looked at Mark....he's on the ground taking deep breaths while July is standing and looking at him. What the hell happened? July is charging his leg, wait, oh no, I have to help Mark.

I ran to July but suddenly Brad went in front of me with his arm charged, I had to block it or I might be in danger.


I blocked it in time and reeled backwards, looked at July with his legs up, too late.


July stomped on Mark's head, I looked at Mark on the ground, he's unconscious. July turned around and looked at me while going near to Brad, a two versus one. My animal may be a Gigantosaurus but how can I even beat the two most dangerous dinosaurs. What can a Gigantosaurus do?

"MATEOOOOOOO! YOU CAN WIN THIS!" huh? I heard a girl's shout.

I looked where it came from, it is at the Battalion entrance, is that Luna with her friends behind her? What is Luna doing here and when she was watching?

I looked back at July and Brad, both of them are charging at me. I took a deep breath, two versus one huh?. My enemies may be many but my equals are none, but would I win? Hmph, we'll soon see.

We charged at each other with our charged arms. July raised his arm to land a punch at me, I caught his arm and kicked his leg to make him fall to the ground, I raised my arm and punched behind me blindly.


I punched someone behind me, It is Brad who's charging at me, he fell to the ground after the hit. I felt arms holding to my legs, I looked below me, it was July crouching and holding on my leg, he suddenly stood up and raised my leg.


The sound after falling to the ground with a strong impact. I rolled to the right before anything happens to me. I stood up .... Brad is In front of me in the air with his arm charged and ready to hit.


I got punched in the face and fell to the ground again, that hurt.

I rolled to the left and stood up, damn, they are aggressive. The three of us circled, I took a little glance at the Battalion Ground entrance.

I am not dreaming, there is Luna at the entrance with her friends and watching.

Suddenly, July and Brad charged at me, Brad went to my left and July to my right. July suddenly jumped to execute a flying kick, I dodged the kick.


I punched him in the stomach, I charged my left arm and just strike to my left.


JACKPOT, I punched Brad on the face, I went forward to him and kicked him away, he started running towards me and I engaged in battle with him.

We exchanged strikes, we both blocked and dodged, I heard someone running behind me, I just kicked behind blindly.


I kicked July, nu uh, there's no way I'm multitasking to fight these two. I have now engaged in a battle with the two doing my best to attack them and defend from their attacks.

When everytime I defended from Brad's attacks, I have now the opportunity to defend from July's attacks, I'm feeling tired, I have now a lot of bruise over my body, my t-shirt is ton-up, Mark is still on the ground still unconscious.

Wait, I found an opening on July's side, I pushed Brad away and kicked July's side stomach, I grabbed him and kick kicked him on the stomach multiple times with my knee, I charged my right leg just for sure.


I pushed him down and kicked his face with my charged leg, I lifted my leg to see his condition, he went unconscious.


Brad pushed me from behind and we both fell down, Brad went on top of me, I covered my face to block from Brad's attacks. I am very tired and weak and I couldn't do anything, wait, I know. I raised my hip upwards, Brad lost his balance and his face is near my face, he is on my reach.

I charged my arm and punched him and pushed him away and he went away from me. I stood up, we both looked eye to eye very tired and both bruised the crowd around us went wild for the both of us. A one versus one now.

We both readied our stance for our final round.

With every breath I take, my gaze are locked to my opponent, there is silence between us. We both charge at each other making it our final clash.


We both threw a barrage of strikes while both of our muscles ached. I kept on throwing off barrages of strikes. But my opponent, parried and countered my strikes with precision. Bruised and battered, we both kept on continuing our barrages.

Each blow lands with ferocity, each strike my muscled ache, each movement my body aches.

Our clash went on non-stop, the crowd around us were in awe while looking at our beautiful particles and glowing auras summoning when we charged our arm. The battle reached its peak, my final strike landed on his face. He knelt down, looking weak. I charged and raised my leg before I took pity on him, he raised his head.


I landed a kick on his face, he fell to the ground motionless, he went unconscious. The referee came over.