Chapter Twenty-One:
"Alright. Let's go."
Catalina Blaze answered quickly without further adjures, she is the leader of the White Vampires and she controls the fire element. She is the most powerful White Vampire at our clan, a legend one, which is why she's been chosen as our leader.
"Where is your wife, Haimon?" Norward asked me was we walk out of his office.
"I left her at home, and Mond was there to guard her."
"Good, so we need to hurry and retrieve the Oasis."
Reinhardt Residence
"Yes, Mau?"
"The preparation is ready."
"Good! Then we have to start." I said as I stand up and was about to leave my room when I remember something. "Is there any news from Del Gazini?"
"Nothing yet." He answered.
Oh, well maybe her wife hasn't said the message I sent to her husband. "Anyway, let's head out now."
As we manage to get out, we went straight at the dungeon located to my place and there it was the altar that we ready for the Oasis.
"The sacrifices were all ready." Maury said.
"Good! This will be a night to remember." I said when suddenly the spy that I sent to spy at Del Gazini Residence finally came to report. "Tell me, what is it?"
"Mr. Del Gazini went out of their house and he went straight at the Sage Residence."
"Oh, is that it." I said with a smile.
"It seems your message was received." Maury said.
"You were right." I agreed. "So, what shall we do now Uncle Ashru?"
Ashru Maren the second leader of Manu or the Black Vampire, the Water Element user, walks beside me. "We need to check our surrounding then." He suggested.
"Then," it was Brennan Niobe the first leader of Manu, the Dark Element user, speaks up. "We need to strengthen our barrier first."
"He was right we need to strengthen the barrier." I agreed. "We also need to check our surroundings. Because knowing Haimon, he will eventually spy far from my place."
"Alright then," it was Clay Phobus the third and last leader of Manu, the Earth Element user, finally speaks up since he was the quiet type. "I'll go search the outside."
"I'll come with you." Maury said.
"Then, I'll come with you too." Ashru answered.
"Alright, go check the outside while we continue the ritual." Brennan answered.
"I'll go with you." I spoke. "Medea, I leave the ritual to you."
"Yes, Sir Haimon." She answered.
At the garden
I look around as we get outside and there it was, I felt some presence from a far. "It seems they were already here." I announced.
"Let's head out." Clay answered and left out first.
"He's in a hurry." Ashru said. "Anyway, what will you do?"
"I'll just wait here." I said as I shrug off. "Besides, this is a nice view to watch."
"So, you're just going to watch."
"Corvina!" I was surprised seeing her here because I never tell her anything.
"Don't ask, you knew Clay is my Uncle and even if he's a quiet person he can still give some info." She said before I could ask.
"We leave you two alone." Ashru answered before he left with Maury.
"So, you're about to use the Oasis to find the Maiden's Grail?" Corvina said afterwards.
"You want to take part of it," I directly answered.
"Shall I not?"
I just sigh as we both heard the attack from the hill. They finally begin. I silently said.
At the hill near at Reinhardt Residence
"I can sense a strong shield protecting the residence." Van Zira, the third legendary one of White Vampire and he controls the wind element, said.
"We need to--" Catalina suddenly stops when we all felt someone was watching on us and before we can do something about it, a strong blast suddenly attacks us.
Del Gazini Residence
I couldn't sleep ever since Haimon left me and even though I wanted to come out of our house, I couldn't as I remember his words.
'I'm sorry. But listen to me carefully. Stay here and never leave this house not until I come home.'
He said, though it's been five hours since he was gone and I cannot stop worrying. My heart beats fast suddenly and I really don't know what it means, but I'm thinking of my husband. I think he's in danger that makes me more nervous.
I quickly look for my phone and dialed my husband phone but to my surprise he didn't pick it up. "Oh, God! What is going on?" I asked as my heart keeps beating nervously.
Then suddenly a loud bang heard at the front door of our house, I quickly come out of to our room not even doubting it might be someone else, I just run out and see who entered our home.
"Don't come!" he exclaimed that surprised me.
"Haimon…" I try to move towards him but he raised his hand to stop me.
"Please, just back off." He pleaded as I stare at him intently.
I know there is something going on and I cannot just ignore it. "No," I said in a tough tone. "I wanted to see how you are." I said because the way he stands seems he was badly hurt, that makes me worry. I walk towards him and as I come closer, I smell the fresh blood coming from him then as I look through his hand. "God! Haimon!" I am about to go to his side when he abruptly shouted on me.
"I said don't come near me!" he said in a full and authoritative voice that made me move back and when I see his eyes it creeps me.
His eyes right at this moment is crimson gold and I cannot explain it, my body freezes as I continue looking through his eyes. As if I am drowning to it and there's something unexplainable memories comes flowing out of my head.
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