The day has come. The opening of the restaurant. It's been the talk of the public because the owner posted that we were back in business.
You already know my routine. I'm in the jeepney. I see people lining up in our restaurant from afar. Not just people, but OSD too.(Other Species from Dungeon)
I'm walking, I passed them and everyone was shocked because they saw me. I'm hearing "wow is it Jay?", "how can he turn his body like that?", "he's hot", "still ugly".
I'm looking forward to the direction of the one who said still ugly and I saw my friend wolfman Jacob smiling at me.
"Hey Jay! Long time no see!" He said. "Yeah Jacob, long time no see" I replied and added "Why are you standing in line why won't you guys go inside?". He replied "The owner said that you have a speech before the grand re-opening".
I'm not shocked or confused and I didn't even see it coming. I just don't have the emotions for that. "Should I share them why I want to be a waiter so badly?" That's my thoughts at that time.
The owner saw me and went outside to start the re-opening. "This renovation is all thanks to you our dear customers and without you this is impossible for us. And for one person whose no discrimination in his body and open our minds to welcome OSD like a normal being on this planet. Let's welcome Jay!"
I came up to the front of the restaurant and the owner gave me the mic. Moments of silence. I'm not nervous, I just don't know what to say. "Should I tell them?" That's my thoughts again.
I started the speech "Thank you to all of you for supporting this restaurant, giving tips that can change our lives, sharing your memories with us. I'm thankful because I was born to see a beautiful scenery like this. Where humans and OSD live together".
"Don't tell them". Something or someone told me this but just in my mind. I'm searching for the crowd and I can't tell who it is and how it is possible.
"Thank you, come inside it's getting sunny." My speech ended and lots of customers came inside. It was beautiful. When I saw the renovation. It's like a five star restaurant. Red carpet, high ceiling, it has a VIP lounge. The word that can describe the restaurant right now is "Luxurious".
There are a lot of changes in our restaurant. The price is higher, lots of new hire waiters and chefs, you need reservations before you come to prevent an overloaded crowd but the best for me is our uniforms. From brown polo shirt to a black suit like a butler.
My uniform size doesn't match my current size. It's fitted for me that's why they can see my build. Some old ladies would touch them, some of them were teasing me if it was legit pure muscle.
One of the customers who is currently eating called me and asked me to describe the food that he was eating. He was wearing a red coat and reading glasses.
"Lengua Con Setas or Ox Tongue with mushrooms is a delicious stew that everyone can enjoy. Ox tongue is a delicacy that should not be looked down upon by those who don't like the idea. In fact, the tongue is one of the tastiest parts of the cow. Making Lengua Con Setas takes time and patience sir" I said.
"What a precise thing to say Jay. I applaud you because the other waiters just described it as Ox tongue in mushrooms but you have your own description. You're quite unique" he pauses from talking and walking towards me and whispers to me "like your gift".
He keeps walking through the door and vanishes from my sights. I was shocked. I can't move. I'm sweating not moving but the owner saw me and asked if I'm okay. I replied that I need to go home because I'm not feeling well.
I cannot understand why he knows that and who he was. "One person knows my gift. I'm doomed" I said to myself. My life as a waiter will be gone soon", "Who is that person?", "How can he know my gift?", "Did he stalk me or even go to my house while I'm training?". I said to myself. I'm very worried that time. I think I need to rest for this day.
On my way home.