After that meeting, I went home to tell my master about it but he is not at my home. I looked at the cheque and I still can't believe that I have so much money. So I went to the bank and exchanged it and the teller was also shocked when I handed the cheque to her.
I became a VIP of that bank and I have bodyguards all the way through my home. When I came home. I found my master sleeping on the couch and I threw some cash on him. He woke up and said "What's going on?" He saw all the money on the table and he was not shocked and proceeded to say "So you're a human trafficker now?" I replied "No you fool! It's the government's compensation" and I told him about the meeting.
"An unknown place huh? He said. I replied "Yes do you have some information about that when you are in the dungeon?" He replied "No but I read it on some books in the demon realms. It's just a myth. There were monsters who had no intelligence like us. Like a wild beast and the pure intention was to kill and eat. So the OSD found it, I thought it was a myth so it was real.".
"So that's why the compensation was huge. So I'm going to die there right?" I said. The master laughed and said "Your element was made to eradicate them. In the book, demons pulverized them with no trace. So I think you can survive. I'm not sure you're weak and can't even land a single punch from me". And he laughed again.
"I will come back after five years and survive that unknown place and punch you in the face. Mark my words master" I replied with anger in my voice. He just laughed and said "Not happening. I think you can land a punch in thousands of years of training".
I was really annoyed at that time and kept nagging him, he stood up and went outside and said to whisper to himself "I hoped you do".
I decided to call my friends. You know them. They're Arvin,Jeff,Ian and Prince Emman. I called them and told them to come meet because it's been two years since we saw each other's faces.
We decided to meet at Arvin's house and I'm the first one to arrive. I have four briefcases at that time. "Here's one for you my brother" I said and Arvin asked "What is this?" He opened the briefcase and he was shocked and said "One million pesos on cash. Wow thanks man but I don't need it" I replied "Just save it for later you might need it".
It's been an hour since I arrived at his place and no one is coming. I asked "Where are they at?" Arvin replied "They're just buying some stuff". I laughed and said "It was liquor right?" He smiled too and said "Hell yeah!" So we waited patiently for their arrival.
After two hours of waiting. They arrive, the three idiots. Jeff, Ian and Prince Emman. I gave them their briefcase and they were so happy. I forgot that I have one of the most dramatic friends of all time. Prince Emman kneels down and says while crying "This is life changing for me. I had so much debt to pay" and we are just laughing and I said another thing to him that he didn't need to pay his debt on Arvin because I paid that. Arvin approved the situation and Prince Emman started to cry hard and wanted to kiss me to say thank you to me but I punched him and said "Stop crying we have an important meeting to discuss".
We proceed to the meeting.
I said "I would like to do some charity for one week if you want to help me. I'm thankful and if you're not available it's fine". Arvin said "I wouldn't recommend donations because we have so much corruption in our country" we all agree with him. I said "On the first day, we fed all the homeless in our town. The second day, we bought some bicycles for the kids all over the town. On the third day, we fed all the homeless again. On the fourth day, we buy wheel chairs for our elders and PWD in our town. Fifth day, we feed the homeless again. Sixth day, visit all of our local hospitals and pay all the bills of all the patients at our local hospitals. And on the final day we drink, for all the hard work we do. Are you all in or not?" they all agree with me to do charity for one week.
After that meeting I gave them a task to reach the people in charge of our local fast food shop chain, bicycle shop, and even the owner of all the local hospitals for the bill and of course, their supplier of the wheel chairs.
Arvin's task was to contact the owners of all the local hospitals. Jeff's task was to contact our local fast food chain. Ian's task was to contact all the bike shop owners. Prince Emman's task was to spread the news that we have a feeding program for all the homeless in town. My task was to ask the government for another advance of one million dollars to prevent money shortage.
On the first day we went to our local fast food chain early in the morning, we collected all of our five thousand foods for all the homeless. We didn't count all of them. The five of us were roaming to our city to find all the homeless people. If we saw them we hurriedly gave them the food. We gave them two to three for each person so they can have food later for that day.
We roam in town for several hours until there is nothing left.
Everyone was so happy to help. It feels good to help people. They all said. "I think we need to rest because tomorrow might be the noisiest and the loudest plan for our week. Tomorrow, we will put smiles on all the children in our city". I said. They are all exhausted but happy and they all agree to go home for now and rest no time for liquor.
On the second day, we bought all the bikes at our local bike shops. I rented some trucks to bring the bikes. Many kids and some teens line up to get their own bike and helmet. I saw some familiar faces.
"Hello Mister Jay!" Aria and Matthew said. "Where is Grey? Why aren't you with him?" I asked. The two of them became sad and almost cried. Aria said with a sad tone on her voice "Grey was in the hospital. The doctor said he had pneumonia and he needed to rest for a week" Matthew added "Will he be okay?". I replied "Of course he is a strong kid. We will visit him this week okay? Tell your parents that you're coming with me to visit Grey at the hospital. And to cheer him up we will bring his bike and helmet". The two of them smiled again and said thanks to me for their bike.
We give and give all the bikes for the kids. All the parents that came in there said thanks to me because their children will spend time outside like we did in our childhood.
Several hours of giving bicycles to the kids. We're starving and we're 20 minutes away from the nearest fast food chain. We saw a small food house near the highway and decided to eat there.
On the third day, we proceed to the plan to feed the homeless like the first day. On the fourth day, we bought some wheel chairs for elderly and PWD. On the fifth day, we fed all the homeless again. We say to them that this is the last day of our program and they all said thanks to us that they can eat some delicious food.
On the sixth day, we went to our local hospitals to pay all the bills and to bring some fruits for all the patients. We split our teams into two. Arvin,Jeff,Ian and Prince Emman. Me, Aria and Matthew. After we visited all the local hospitals, we saved our last visit to the hospital where Grey is in.
"Good Evening Mr. Jay! Are you visiting a patient?" The front desk asked. I replied "Yes I came to visit a friend and pay all the bills in this hospital". She processes all the bills like she knew that I was gonna pay all the bills. I think the news flies so fast.
I paid up all the bills and asked "Do you have a patient here named Grey?" The nurse replied "Oh! You mean Grey? He has a unique name so I remember him. Room 910".
We went there and saw Grey was jumping in the bed saying to his mom that he was alright now and he wanted to go home to meet Aria and Matthew.
We opened the door and he saw us and that's the brightest smile I ever seen in my life. Aria and Matthew run up to Grey and hug him, crying and saying "We miss you so much. When can we play again? Are you alright now?" Suddenly Grey starts to cry and says "I miss you guys too".
I greet his mom "Hi, sorry for the intrusion" she replied "Hello. Mr. Jay! Thank you for coming. I'm Phillyn". She looks young for her age and now I know why Grey has a handsome face.
Aria and Matthew said that I have a surprise for Grey. Aria said "Close your eyes Grey. Mister Jay has a surprise for you" Grey close his eyes and I bring the bike inside and Matthew says "Open your eyes Grey!" With excitement in his voice.
Grey opened his eyes and saw a grey bicycle and a grey helmet. Grey said "Is this for me?" Soon as I said yes he ran up on his new bike and put his helmet on and said "Mom look at me. How do I look?" His mom replied "You look great! Get well soon so you can play that with Aria and Matthew".
Grey rode his bike in his room and his mom got angry and we all laughed together. After that day. Me and my friends have a toast for our hard work.