Chereads / Waiter from Nowhere / Chapter 16 - Goddess of Liquor

Chapter 16 - Goddess of Liquor

I sneaked out and went to the pub of that female wolfman. I'm just wandering in the town to find it. I'm wearing a cape to prevent some wolfman from recognizing me.

I walk and walk through the town but I can't find it. I'm so frustrated and sat down on one of the benches in the town. There are a lot of wolfmen passing through me. It was noon in the afternoon so I'm very thirsty that time.

After I rested for a bit, I stood up and began the search again. I'm walking and I sense that someone was following me.

I turned back and so some teenage wolfmen. I asked them "Why are you following me?".

One of the teenage male wolfmen replied in a nervous voice "Were really sorry Jay. But we have questions for you".

"Huh? Did you call me Jay? How? How can you know that it was me?" I replied

He replied "We know your smell when we arrive here. We can remember the smell of a person and smell them miles away from us".

"You dumb Zero! Of course they're wolfmen and have strong noses. You dumb! Admit it yourself that you're Zero. Zero Brain". I said it to myself.

"What are you doing here?". He asked

I replied "I'm just looking for a pub to have a drink. I met a female wolfman when you all welcomed me".

"Oh you mean Madam Sussy?" He replied and continued to say "Sorry for being rude Sir Jay. My name is Ron". After he said that his friends introduce themselves.

"Hi Sir Jay. My name is Veronica. You're quite handsome when I'm face to face with you". Veronica said.

"Hi Mr. Jay. I'm Lars cousin of the prince of the wolfman".

I replied "Oh! You mean Jacob?".

Lars replied "Yes Mr. Jay. Jacob is my cousin".

"So you knew me but why are you following me?" I replied.

Ron replied "We have questions for you if it's fine for you Mr. Jay?.

"Yeah sure but after I answer all the questions you have, just give me the direction of Madam Sussy's pub okay? You have one question for each of you be wise with your questions. I will tell you honestly". I said.

They all said yes with a happy face.

"So what are your questions for me?" I asked them.

I'm not panicking but I have a hunch on myself that they will ask about my element or why my element was dark.

"Okay me first!" Veronica said.

"What's your question?" I replied.

"Are you single Mr. Jay?" Veronica asked.

"That's it? I answer it for you. The answer is yes. Okay next". I replied

Ron asked me "What is your element Sir Jay?".

Lars got frustrated from the questions of these two.

Lars said "You guys are selfish. Ron you didn't know why my cousin Jacob called him Zero?"

Ron replied "I don't know, why?".

Lars gets angry and shouts "Because he has zero mana and you waste your question for an obvious answer? Of course he had no element. We planned this guys. I'm so disappointed in you guys".

Ron and Veronica say sorry to Lars and laugh.

"Okay Lars you have a question right?". I said.

"Can I and my friends become like you?". Lars asked.

"What do you mean be like me? A zero mana? A human? I don't know what you're talking about". I replied.

"No, you know, being a". Lars was shy to say the word.

Veronica shouted "A waiter Lars. Being a waiter".

I smiled at them and said "Oh! You want to be a waiter like me?".

They all said yes and Lars continued to ask "How can we be a waiter like you? Lots of people and even our race likes you. How can we achieve that?".

I simply replied and smiled "Just be kind to others whatever they may appeal to you. Ugly, rude, sometimes they will hurt you with words. But choose to be kind of all the time and do what you love to do".

"Can you recommend us to the owner of the restaurant?". Lars said.

"Hey! Lars don't put so much pressure on Sir Jay" Veronica said.

"She's right Lars, We've only met him right now. It's rude". Ron said.

"Oh! I'm sorry Mr. Jay. I'm really excited so I didn't know that. I'm really sorry". Lars apologized with a disappointed face.

"Yeah sure. I will write a letter to the owner and I asked Jacob for a wolfman guard to deliver it". I replied.

Their eyes were so beautiful like a puppy when I said that. They were so happy that they wagged their tails.

"Back to our conditions. Where is Madam Sussy's pub?". I asked with a serious face.

"You couldn't find it because it was down there". Veronica said and points in the bridge.

"So you mean the pub is under the bridge?". I asked.

They all said yes and said they will guide me.

They guided me to the pub. We walked down the stairs and went down to the bridge. And I see the pub. It's quite normal but I'm intrigued with the name of the pub. The name was "Goddess of Liquor".

After they guide me. They all say goodbye to me and I thanked them for helping me. And I went in.

"I know you're coming so I close the pub to have a drink on you". Madam Sussy said.

"You're Madam Sussy right? The one who said that she had the best liquor in this town?". I replied.

"We just talk when you get here in our town and you don't remember". Madam Sussy said.

"I just can't see you because it's too dark here". I replied.

After I said that. The lights went on and I saw a beautiful female wolfman. I was amazed by her features.

"How about now? You remember now?" She asked.

"Oh gorgeous, I mean yes! I remember". I replied.

"I'm so blessed to have a compliment on you Jay". She said.

"Back to the business. Where is that liquor that you said?". I replied.

She laughed and said "What an alcoholic human are you. Have a taste of my best seller here. It's on me". Then she puts the glass of unknown alcohol in front of me but its color was quite unique.

"What's this? Is it oil? Why is this color black?". I asked.

"Don't judge the book by its cover. That is a famous catchphrase on humans right?". She replied.

"Okay, but tell me what this is after I drink it". I replied

"Sure. I will tell you". She replied.

Before I drink it. In my mind, it had a disgusting flavor on it or had a poison on it. But it's now or never. I will drink and tell my friends when I get out of here in five years.

After I drink it. I was confused and amazed at the same time.

I said "What is this? Why is it like sweet and strong alcohol at the same time. It is like wine in our world. And the appearance of it doesn't suit the taste".

She laughed and said "Oh! You had amazing taste buds for liquor. It was a black fruit named separg and the first time Baldwin visited us they taught us how to make a wine with our fruits here. And I experimented a little to have a unique trademark for my pub".

"That's interesting! I like it very much! Can I have more please?". I replied.

She giggled and poured me a glass of their best seller liquor. It was called Black Blood.

After that we drink until the next morning. I found myself sleeping in the bed and I felt something hairy beside me. When I turned my head it was Madam Sussy. I was shocked and got up quickly.

I stood up and there was a reflection on the mirror. I saw myself half naked. I screamed and Madam Sussy woke up.

"Why are you so loud in the morning?" She said.

"What happened last night? What happened to me? Why am I half naked? And why are we sleeping together? What happened?".

She giggled and said "Last night? You don't remember? Okay let me explain. After you beg for me to drink more liquor. You were so wasted that you slept in the bar and I brought you here in my room, after that you laid down on my bed and then suddenly you vomited and went to your chest and of course I cleaned you up. I don't wanna sleep with a man beside me who smells vomit. So I undressed you and I was shocked by your body and I was curious and touched them. It was your first time right?".

"What! First time?". I shouted.

She giggled again and said "Yes it's your first time because of how you react right now".

"What the hell are you talking about? I lost my virginity?" I asked him with confusion on my face.

"So you're a virgin?" She laughed.

"Yes and what happened to us?". I asked again

"Nothing. You're so drunk and went to sleep and I slept too". She said

"What a relief. It's rude for me to have a one night stand to you because you showed me kindness". I replied.

"A word for our virgin Jay!" She laughed again and while laughing, I dressed up and I'm going back to the palace and I thank her. After I went outside of her pub she shouted "I know you're going to the unknown. And if you find a drink that glows just drink it. It was the best liquor in the world".

"What? The best liquor in the world? Why is that the best in the world? And how did you know about that?" I asked.

She just smiled and said "I don't know if it's true but it's in a book that a friend gave me. In the book of an unknown world it says that in the unknown world there's a liquor that's the best in the whole galaxy. It's not about the flavor but the magic of this drink. If you drink it you will be immortal".

"Wow! So it's a myth? It's from the book right?" I replied.

"The unknown too, it's from the book but we found it. I'm not sure about that drink but it's possible that it exists because it's from the book". She said.

"Okay it makes sense. I'm gonna go now. Thank you for your hospitality". I replied.

She replied "Just call me Sussy. We slept together last night right? So we are close".

"Haha, so funny" I replied to her and said goodbye to her.