In a large circular room, was a circular white table. The table was smooth, plain looking , withno special design or pattern.The room was brightly lit, with a single double door on it's south side. Seven people sat in the room, four women and three men.
One man and woman wore lab coats, another woman and man pair wore military clothes and two women wore business suits and the last man wore a white and black suit with a red Cross badge on his left chest.
This was the city council.
The most important people in the city, incharge of running the affairs and safety of the citadel. The man with the red Cross badge was the current chairman, a position that rotated every four years. This was his last year in the seat.
"Well,now that we're all here, let's get to business. Starting with how we're all going to die." One of the woman in the business suit said, tapping her fingers on the table.
"You're always so optimistic, aren't you? Olivia, the bright star." The woman in military clothing replied with a tight smile."Just because you're losing a few credits, suddenly we all should panic "
Olivia, a tight figured, blonde haired beauty, wearing a navy blue suit, gritted her teeth. She stopped tapping the table and looked at each of them, slowly with searching eyes.
"You know I'm right. It isn't a little bit of credits. We've been cut o-"
"Now, now, none of that." The man with the red Cross badge said, his voice nonchalant and charming, "Don't say something, you're not sure off. It's not the first time, the other cities have been ...quiet. I'm sure everything is fine."
"I don't agree with that Nicholas." The man in military clothing replied, his brown eyes hard and stiff. "The units deployed on the walls pay has been halfed, to cover the expenditure in the research department. Now, my squads at Deadpool HQ are anxious about their pay. serious."
Nicholas, the man with the red Cross badge,gave a thoughtful nod of his head, acknowledging the reply. "I get their anxiety, Richard. It is understandable. But, the research department needed those funds. You know why."
"Because of the 'thing'? The creature that was reported by a lone survivor of one your squads?" Olivia rolled her eyes. "I hardly trust the words of such people. You all remember the cases of murder and when your squads had those cowards who ran away to save their skins. What if it's the same thing? I mean, the man was gibbering like a lunatic, and smelt of feases when he was found at the gate. Are we to believe crazy people? "
"That's disrespectful, Olivia." The man wearing lab coat said softly, his name was Winston."The man had a deep investigation done on him. We tested him multiple times mentally. No history of lunacy in his family and he was a loyal fighter. According to the records. What he said was the truth, I have no doubt. There is something out there."
"Winston has a point. Need I remind you all of...The Hell shower?" Nicholas said softly and everyone tensed.
They still remembered the day the sky had writhed with horrible faces and wailing sounds echoed throughout the city. It had nearly started a complete panic. For weeks , riots had gone on and the council had been so quiet. Each member, like all the citizens, afraid. No one wanted to think about that. But Nicholas knew it was the only way to get them on the same thought processing.
"Okay. Lets say, the squad survivor we found was telling the truth. If he really did see something. What exactly did he see?" Olivia looked at all of them. "What is out there? And...can we handle it?"
No one replied.