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I Am Here for Oneshots

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A collection of mostly DekuBaku oneshots that will include a lot of lemons so you've been warned. please enjoy.

Chapter 1 - Living the Dream

"Kacchan!" Deku called out before slamming into me, his arms around me, his face snuggling into my neck, his sweet mocha scent invaded my nose as I stood there frozen in shock.

What the hell is happening right now? Deku has been missing for hours and here he is acting like nothing happened at all?

"What the fuck? Where the hell have you been?" I demanded, I would be shouting or screaming like usual but he is snuggling so close it is really hard to even raise my voice a little. I tried to pry him off of me but he started giggling making me freeze up again.

"Sorry Kacchan, I should have texted or called. This lady appeared out of nowhere and started telling me all about her quirk, it took forever for me to realize that I was tied up. Like how did that even happen?" He answered but kept giggling like what he just said was completely normal.

"Who knows how they found out about my 'quirk' this time," he let me go only long enough to do air quotes around the word quirk and the sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach was growing. He didn't seem to notice how surprised I was and continued talking. "I know I'm a deku for not paying closer attention to my surroundings but please forgive me? At least this time I didn't get hurt?" He pleaded looking up with his large puppy dog eyes.

How am I supposed to answer this? Why is he still hugging me? Why did he hug me to start with? I know we have been doing better, hell just this morning we were laughing together during training but I think the last time he hugged me was when we were 4, before he found out he was quirkless.

Aizawa Sensei must have also noticed the extremely different way he was treating me because he stepped forward to ask, "And what's going on here?" Like he doesn't actually know how red faced and confused I am at the moment.

"Oh! You are Eraserhead, I'm a big fan but Kacchan won't get me your autograph. He says I can ask in person but for some reason I don't have my autograph book with me!" Deku whined and if I was confused before I'm starting to panic now.

"Deku, what school do you go to?" I tried to stay calm but the way Deku's smile turned to me told me that he thought I was joking.

"Kacchan, I tested out already so that I could get a job to help mom out, remember? Sometimes I think you train too hard with how you'll forget the simplest things," he giggled as if he heard the funniest joke ever.

"Oh! You're still working aren't you? I'm sorry I lost track of time and wasn't thinking. I hope I didn't embarrass you?" He looked like he was panicking, he let me go and stepped away still trying to apologize but he was looking down or glancing at Aizawa Sensei so he couldn't see the look of horror on my face.

Our teacher did though so he cleared his throat grabbing Deku's attention, "The lady you mentioned, have you ever seen her before?" He managed to get several answers and we were able to figure out roughly where she was now so that I could DESTROY her. I'm not going to kill her, she is simply going to unborn herself by the time I'm done with her. I'm sure she'll figure out a way to never be born with enough convincing.

"So who are you to Dynamight here?" Aizawa Sensei asked and I swear I was ready to turn my rage on him when Deku stopped me dead in my tracks.

"Kacchan is my fiance! We're supposed to get married right after he graduates in a couple months," Deku beamed his radiant smile and I choked in surprise. Choking on fucking air? I'm going to fucking die.


Deku stepped forward again wrapping his arms around my now petrified body. His giggles filled the air again before he relaxed against me and I slowly put my hands on his shoulders which only seemed to make him happier. I gave up, I looked at our teacher ready to beg for this to end only to see him just as shocked with his resting bitch face currently wide eyed and open mouthed. Yeah, he's not going to be much help.

"Bakubro!" I heard Kirishima call out from somewhere back behind me, making Deku jump but then his grip on me tightened.

I turned my head to see Kiri and Kami and when Kami saw Deku he got all excited before turning and yelling that we found Deku. Before I knew it we were surrounded by our class and Deku was now clutching onto me, very scared. I could hear the way his breathing was speeding up and his fingers were starting to dig into me. His fear of crowds, damnit. It's been so long since he overcame that fear that I forgot all about it.

That's when it hit me, he didn't recognize any of them. Fucking damnit! I protectively wrapped my arms around him, feeling how he flinched at the movement only to relax a little when he realized that I was guarding him.

"Midoriya! We have been looking everywhere for you," Glasses was ready to start lecturing him but Kami seemed to learn how to use his one brain cell and interrupted him.

"Midoriya? Is everything alright? Why are you hugging Bakugo so tight?" Kaminari's words made several do a double take, the ones that hadn't already been gawking in disbelief that is.

"Um," Deku looked up at me as if asking if it was okay and I just nodded, not knowing what else to do. "I'm sorry but who are you?" The following silence was only broken by Kaminari.

"Midoriya, you don't know us?" Damn, Kami looks heartbroken, I didn't even know they were that close.

Aizawa Sensei finally snapped out of it and started giving directions on how we were going to catch the villain that did this to Deku, which confused the green eyed angel in my arms but he was more than happy to tell us what all the "lady" said her quirk was.

Living the dream; her quirk makes people realize their greatest wish and convinces them that they are currently living it, making them forget their actual lives in the process.

So that means Deku wishes he was with me? What did he mean earlier when he said someone found out about his quirk? I needed to know, so I leaned down and whispered in Deku's ear to ask, everyone else was too busy talking to even notice us.

"I don't know how they found out that I was quirkless, at this point I'm starting to think everyone already knows," his shoulders slumped and I was filled with rage. It doesn't make any sense at all considering Deku HAS All Might's quirk, One For All, but if he thinks he doesn't that means the villain really fucked with his head.

"Kiri!" I shouted and everyone close by jumped but not nearly as much as Kirishima himself.

"Bakubro?" Kiri walked up slowly, definitely afraid of what the hell I'm about to do. I never use his actual fucking name, for anything.

"Take Deku and don't let anyone near him, not even his 'friends'." I glared at them daring them to try and argue but they stayed silent so I turned my attention back to Deku.

"Stay with him for just a little bit and I'll be right back. Try not to talk while I'm gone, you were hit with a dangerous quirk. Do you understand?" I waited and Deku finally nodded, confused, most likely trying to figure out why I'm so mad. The rest of our class just watched, even more confused than Deku. The question going through each of their heads was easy to read from their faces; Why am I being so protective of Deku? But they don't need to know the cluster fuck that the villain has made our already complicated relationship.

"Try not to kill anyone, it will be hard to be a hero if they label you a villain," Deku jokes, giving me a nervous smile.

"When I'm done they will wish I only killed them," I ruffled his hair, seeing him pout only to turn it into a smile before I could turn away again.

I really want to murder the bitch. I have worked far too fucking hard on our relationship for this fake ass dream.


I am walking back with Aizawa Sensei and he has the bitch that did this to Deku trapped in his capture scarf, turns out she was hired by the League of Villains and thanks to Deku we arrived just as Toga was laying into her for letting him go. But as the villain said she "doesn't kill or hurt others" how in the fuck does she get off saying that? Kidnapping and altering people's memories can be just as bad if not worse for fucks sake!

Toga managed to get away leaving the already tied up woman behind for us to question. I really don't care for the answers she gave us...

"Kacchan!" Deku ran up and jumped into my surprised arms, his arms around my neck when I caught him. "She-" he started babbling cutely about his theories on her quirk but all the while he didn't let me go. The way he was currently ignoring his friends that had been grouped around him was oddly satisfying, but the glare I was getting from Glasses and Round Face?


The villain's quirk however? Her quirk will remain in effect until HE wants to return to reality. As in Deku has to give up his greatest wish in order to remember who he actually is. Not even a time limit until he is normal again, depending on his wish, it could last forever.

"Sorry, I'm talking too much aren't I? I'll try to control it, but at least I'm not muttering anymore," Deku smiled brightly, when was the last time I saw him smile like this? At me, without a care in the world and without hesitation?

"Right," I tried to smile but I just couldn't, the best way for him to return to how he was, was by me playing along with his fantasy and hell even Aizawa Sensei kept giving me pitying looks while the rest of our class just watched confused. Thankfully no one said anything though, I just might actually cry if they did. I have never told anyone my feelings for Deku and here I am having to pretend that none of this bothers me?

How fucked up is that?

Deku however didn't know any of this and just kept smiling up at me before he started giggling, bouncing along as we walked back to school but when I looked back at him he tilted his head up and kissed me making me freeze in my tracks again. He didn't stop the kiss though, choosing to instead thread his fingers into my hair before I came to, thank God that we were at the back of the group so no one would notice.

Deku lightly bit my lip and I opened my mouth to find his tongue waiting for me as he pulled me back a step, shivers racing through me as the new sensations invaded my senses. At first I was just surprised but I couldn't stop myself from responding after that. I like this, holding him in my arms while his entire focus was on me, he pressed against me, one hand still in my hair, the other having migrated to my lower back, his lips against mine, our tongues meeting in the middle.

He pulled away only to find me dazed and still leaning in for more which made him giggle, "Think you can sneak me into your dorm room tonight? I can wear your favorite outfit?" What the hell is he talking about? He must have seen my confusion because he was giggling even more before he leaned closer by my ear and licked down the edge and nibbled on my earlobe sending shocks of surprise pleasure through me as he did before whispering, "Nothing." He wants to wear nothing in my room? Why? My head is all foggy from the lack of oxygen but the hell if I care at the moment.

I'm pretty sure that all the blood left my brain in search of more enjoyable places to be. I started to nod my head only to shake it instead. "Why would I-" I started to question only for Aizawa Sensei to appear out of fucking nowhere beside us.

"Move along you two, I want Recovery Girl to look at Midoriya as soon as we get back," he shooed us along gently pushing on our backs, effectively ruining our moment. The "lady" from before was now silent watching us wickedly as she did. I really hate her, she makes my skin crawl. Why couldn't Aizawa Sensei let me beat her up even a little bit? Just why?


The villain was now arrested and dropped off with the police as we sat in Recovery Girl's office waiting to hear the results, meanwhile Deku is making me question my sanity. I grabbed Aizawa Sensei and asked just to be sure, which one of us was actually hit with a quirk which made him look at me funny.

"Nothing makes sense, I must have been hit with something," I grumbled, which only made him cock his eyebrow at me, studying me. I'm not stupid, I'm acting shady as fuck and the fact that Deku WAS hit with a quirk that affects his memory only makes it worse.

"Okay, Bakugo, you are not under the effects of any kind of quirk. You are healthy so why won't you leave my office?" Recovery Girl huffed, at the end shaking her cane at me. My turn to scowl and I held up my hand to show Deku latched on tight even with my fingers open, he won't let me go. Aizawa Sensei coughed turning his head but I swear the fucker was laughing.

Don't argue with me.

Recovery Girl cleared her throat before turning to Deku who was humming happily when I put my hand back down and gave his hand a slight squeeze in the process. Okay maybe I'm taking advantage of the situation but who could really blame me? Deku is an angel and I just found out his greatest wish was to be with me. ME! Who in the fuck would blame me for wanting to hold on tight?

"Midoriya, I am truly tired of seeing you in my office," she sighed but Deku just tilted his head in confusion. By now he understands that a quirk has changed his memories and that he actually does have a quirk but it's beyond dangerous to use, especially while he doesn't have his correct memories but he doesn't understand why everyone keeps staring at him. Recovery Girl explained the quirk the easiest way she could but there isn't anyone who knows what memories were changed with the exception of Deku himself and since he doesn't remember we can only wait and see.

"So am I in danger?" Deku asked, tilting his head again.

Recovery Girl looked at him carefully debating on answering him before deciding to go ahead, "No. Not from the quirk at least." Deku nodded, smiling before his eyes widened as a thought crossed his mind.

"Does this mean that I have a dorm here too? If I'm really a student here?" Deku asked, his eyes lighting up with stars and I could see Aizawa Sensei narrowing his.

"Yes and you better get used to it because you will not be allowed to leave other than classes until your memory returns," Aizawa Sensei warned but he might as well have handed him an All Might exclusive item judging by the way Deku was responding to him. He turned to me, keeping his glare. "Bakugo considering the nature of his memory, YOU will be staying with him. You have known him the longest and will most likely see some differences that others would not notice. So no internships, no trips to the mall or whatever; dorms, class, end of story.

"Figures," I let my shoulders slump which seemed to relax our teacher but I couldn't help the way my fingers tightened around Deku's and Deku was all for it. He was practically radiating pure bliss.

"Kacchan, will you show me around? I want to see everything! Like where is our classroom? Do we sit close together like in middle school? When did I get a qui-" I covered his mouth with my hand preventing him from finishing that last one.

"Fine, and ask All Might about that last one. Do NOT say it where others can hear you. You're damn lucky I already know," I grumbled at the end of my lecture and Aizawa Sensei was ready to start interrogating at this point but too late. I already said the magic password.

"WAIT! I GET TO TALK TO ALL MIGHT?!? IN PERSON?" Deku was now screaming in his fanboy mode and there isn't anything short of All Might himself that could stop him now. I sat back, smirking as Aizawa Sensei tried to question me but he couldn't get a word in through Deku's stalker-like evaluations. I couldn't help laughing at the look of horror on Aizawa Sensei's face when Deku started giving a statistical analysis of All Might and then comparing him to other heroes. Then Deku said "Eraserhead," and took a deep breath but before he could slaughter Aizawa's self esteem, the door opened to show the idol in question and even with the hero in his weakened state Deku didn't skip a beat or pause for breath before he started asking the surprised hero questions.

Recovery Girl was standing next to me nodding in approval before I heard her whisper, "Nice save." Catching me off guard, I guess it makes sense for her to know about the secret but I still couldn't help the surprised look on my face which only made her smile before she tapped her cane on the ground to get their attention.

"My job is done, they are healthy and not in any immediate danger. All Might and Aizawa stay behind, boys get out of my office before I help you," she smiled holding up her cane and I dragged a very disappointed Deku out of the office behind me and away from our hero. He was moping so hard I'm pretty sure a kitten would cry just looking at him.

"You'll see All Might later, I would be shocked if he doesn't text you after he gets away from her and ditches Aizawa Sensei," I finally groan, giving in to his cuteness.

"I HAVE HIS NUMBER? WAIT HE HAS MINE? AND HE USES IT?" And again Deku was star struck. The smirk on my face was clear as day while he awed at the things I showed him, like our classroom and where our seats were, the gym and even where the cafeteria was.

"Yay! We are still sitting together," Deku was skipping around me at this point. I did manage to tell him not to bring up his quirk at all around anyone else besides All Might and I, which he agreed easily enough. By the time we managed to arrive at the dorms it was already almost 9 and I am exhausted. I mean how hard is it to actually let me go to sleep at 8? I mean really? Then again the look on Deku's face as I showed him around easily made me keep my complaints to myself.

We walked inside the dorm common room to find pizza boxes and cases of soda sitting out and I lost my shit about them cleaning up after themselves. "HOW FUCKING HARD IS IT TO PUT IT IN THE TRASH? IT WASN'T EVEN A METER AWAY, YOU LAZY FUCKING DUMBASSES!" Which of course led to Glasses lecturing about language and the proper way of speaking for heroes but that didn't stop me from cutting him off and digging into him about littering. Dumbass, now he looks like a broken robot because he can't argue with anything that I said.

Deku hid behind me but he would giggle at how I interacted with those around me. A few of his squad actually tried to talk to him but he would just close the distance between him and I while avoiding them. I guess he already noticed how they didn't care to get too close to me but he was thoroughly shocked when Kami, Kiri, Sero and Ashido tried to jump onto my shoulders.

"Bro! What did Recovery Girl say? How is Midobro?" Kiri whined far too loud in my ear while Kami took over.

"Yeah, and why did you have to go see her too? Did you get hit by the villain too? When will Midoriya remember me? We were supposed to study together tonight!"

Ashido; "Bakubabe! What are you hiding from us?" While Sero hung on for dear life while I tried to shake them all off.

"GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME!" I snapped at them, but that only made them pout and whine more. Finally I couldn't take anymore of their shit and I started setting off explosions which only left Kiri hanging on for dear life, he looked up and smiled as if he were trying to act cute. "YOU'RE FUCKING DEAD SHITTY HAIR!"

I don't really get how Kiri escaped and how I ended up chasing Sero and Ashido down to end their existence but here we are. I finally managed to get them (and for some reason Kami too) to admit that I am the best when I turned around to see Kiri talking to Deku. Why is my stomach sinking? I have a very bad feeling about this and I don't like it one bit.

I returned only to hear Deku asking about earlier when I had actually used Kiri's name, well a shortened version of his actual name.

"I have never been so afraid of Bakubro before in my life. I thought he might actually kill me and I didn't even know what I did to make him so angry that he was willing to use my name. It was like my ghost was exiting before I could even breathe." Kiri answered him, my bad feeling disappeared as I rolled my eyes at his over exaggerated fear.

"Now, what is your malfunction?" I groaned rubbing at my forehead, a headache was forming and to make it worse I'm starving and there were only empty pizza boxes lying around so it's probably safe to assume they didn't leave any for Deku or I.

Kiri however is used to this, he is also well aware of how much of a fucking ass I am if I don't eat. "Bro, I saved you and Midobro some pizza. It's in the fridge and will probably need to be microwaved but I did save it from Serobro and Kamibro."

I let out a sigh and nodded before grabbing Deku by the shoulder and dragging him to the kitchen with me to find two plates with three slices on each. "Bakubro! Tell me when will Midobro remember us?" Kiri pouted which only resulted in making me frown at him before I ate the pizza cold.

Deku sat down smiling happily, even kicking his feet as he watched us. I wonder if he can actually see the vein on my forehead popping out like he says he can? Or if he was just saying that to try and claim that he knows me better than anyone else? That was how the argument came up yesterday after all.

"BRO!" Kiri whined, slumping into the seat next to me while I continued to ignore him.

Deku however must have felt bad for him because he decided to speak up, "Um, if you don't mind me. I don't mind answering?" He tilted his head confused, it was clear that he didn't know if he was supposed to say anything at all but when he looked at me I just shrugged it off. If he wants to tell, who am I to interfere? It is his choice.

Kiri on the other hand was over the moon. That is until he found out what was wrong with the nerd. Then he was looking at me with straight up horror and Deku was NOT okay with that.

"So Kacchan and I will just have more time to plan our wedding since we are supposed to stay together until the quirk wears off, which is great since we haven't really started yet," Deku continued to smile and even giggled but for some reason a shiver was running down my back. Why do I feel like he is threatening Kiri's life right now? On one hand I feel a need to save him while on the other I don't want to fucking die.

I tried to look at Deku but he had walked up behind me after cleaning up after us and he decided now was the perfect time to hug me. I don't think I'm dreaming either because Kiri looks like he just saw his own ghost which is saying something considering he didn't look nearly this scared when 'he has never been so afraid before in his life' just because I said his actual name. I mean it's not like Deku would hurt him just because I used his real name...


"Deku," I warned but he only squeezed harder and he started giggling in my ear, which was fine. What wasn't? He started kissing at the tip of my ear before he started nibbling, his teeth teasing my sanity. I could feel myself heating up but Deku either didn't notice or wanted exactly that and my bet is on the latter.

His smartass notices everything.

My eyes slammed shut before I started biting on one of my knuckles just trying to control myself, that is until he started kissing around it and he let his tongue explore on its own and I had to grab him, holding him still and far enough away that I could breathe again.

A deep throated purr from the wicked demon made me release him and thankfully he moved his attention to my neck. It was still making me question what in the hell I did to deserve this but at least now I could function enough to open my eyes again. Kiri was the only one in the room and all I could do was catch my breath. Damnit, Deku is going to be the end of me.

"Kacchan? Can we go to your room now? You said I usually lock mine when I leave the dorms and since I don't know where my room key is..?" Deku asked sweetly but whoever falls for this sweet innocent act has to be fucking stupid as hell.

"Five minutes," I groan, still trying to get my body under control, right now it is anything but. "Why don't you pick out a movie from the TV in the common area? I have a TV in my room and I know there has to be an All Might movie sitting there." Fuck it, I'm ready to beg at this point. I'm so fucking horny I probably couldn't even get the movie into the player before I was willing to submit to my devils. I'll regret it after Deku goes back to normal but if he is even half as willing as he is making himself out to be then I'm not going to be a virgin for too much longer.

Deku however agreed, and practically skipped out of the kitchen and I slumped back in my chair as if I were deflated.

"Bro, explain. Now," Kiri demanded and it was kind of shocking. He is usually a sweet guy, I'm the one that is demanding as fuck.

"Like he said the quirk fucked up his memories, he thinks we are together and he doesn't even know what his quirk is, let alone how to use it. And if he keeps up with this sexy then cute and back to sexy again act I'm going to lose my fucking mind!" I started pulling at my hair because nothing feels real unless I do.

"Do you like it? Midobro turning up the heat I mean," he asked, serious as a heart attack. Guess it's now or never.

"No, I fucking love it. I never thought that his greatest wish would be for us to be together and now that I know it's hard to stay away. How am I supposed to react to this? They say the quirk will not be released unless he wants it to. It could last the rest of his life, am I wrong for wanting it? Wanting him? Am I a villain if I let this escalate? The way he is trying to pull me to the bedroom leaves little to imagine, do you really think he will stop at just a movie? I sure as fuck won't want him to stop that's for damn sure," I am losing my ever loving mind just thinking about it all. Am I in the wrong if I have sex with him? We are 18 but shouldn't I wait? At least give it a chance to go away first. But how long?

I am stuck in my own world of torment and Kiri sat next to me, watching carefully. He seems surprised but at the same time not, what I see the most of though is pity and I can't even get angry at the moment with how conflicted I am feeling already.

"How long have you been crushing on Midobro?" He asked relaxing in the seat next to me while I started running my fingers through my hair, trying to calm myself.

"For as long as I can remember," I paused for a second but the look of disbelief was so clear on his face I ended up grumbling. "I never said I was smart with emotions. Fuck don't look at me like that!" I hissed and he seemed to snap out of it.

"Bro, like you said; it's his greatest wish. So try not to think about it too much but YOU should tell him before you two go too far," Kiri put a hand on my shoulder and gave it a squeeze just as Deku walked in all smiles.

"Kacchan~!" Deku sang out before rushing over to throw his arms around my shoulders, knocking Kiri's hand off in the process. Kiri however just smiled and pat Deku on the back and whispered in his ear, not nearly quiet enough that I couldn't hear however.

"He's all yours, make sure you drive away any other thoughts. He is overthinking things," Kiri walked away, sending a wink back at us. I now want to throttle him but Deku chose now to sit in my lap and kiss me, scattering my thoughts in the process.

I relaxed, his arms around my neck while he sat sideways on my lap. I was comfortable; with my hands on his waist, his kisses were light and sweet inviting the fog that was clouding my mind to stay. I let myself enjoy this small piece of heaven until Deku pulled away, his finger on my lips to keep me from leaning forward.

I clicked my tongue annoyed with how he could so easily control me but that's all I did. Deku however just giggled at my reaction before he settled himself comfortably and he waited silently until my patience ran out.

"What?" I groaned, I have no idea what was on his mind but it was starting to make me forget, with how he just sat there staring at me.

"I was just thinking about how beautiful you are," Deku smiled but he never once took his eyes off of me. I mean how sappy can he get? Should I really like him telling me something so superficial? But even with those thoughts running through my mind I could feel myself getting red again.

"Tck, whatever," I tried to cover up my embarrassment but I had to turn away if I had even a small chance of succeeding. Fine, Fuck. I like the fact Deku likes how I look. I spend a lot of time on my skin, far more than I am ever willing to admit, and hearing it being appreciated by the one person I wanted is almost too much.

Deku started giggling again before hopping up and pulling on my hand, "I found the movie. So let's go watch it." He dragged me out of my seat and pulled me back into the common area where I saw Aizawa Sensei talking to our classmates, probably about the quirk Deku was hit with, and Midnight who couldn't reach the elevator Deku dragged me into before the doors closed. The fact that Deku was hitting the close door button rapidly, I decided to pretend it wasn't happening because if he is avoiding Midnight out of all heroes. Well his intentions are crystal clear.

We made it to the fourth floor and I had just unlocked my door when Midnight appeared at the top of the stairs. This time she called out for me to stop. I let out a sigh and turned towards her only for Deku to pretend he didn't hear her and pull me back towards him and into my room, making me fall awkwardly in the process.

Allowing her to catch up before the door could close and Deku was helping me back up apologizing for knocking me over.

"Bakugo there is something I need to talk to you about before you go to bed for the night," she smiled, making my skin crawl in the process before she told Deku to go ahead and that I would just be a moment. When he was gone she turned her creepy smile back towards me. I regret so much don't let me die from embarrassment right when I might get exactly what I want. Please? If there is a God?

"Damn the look on your face already says so much. Do I really need to ask?" Midnight laughed.

"Great, goodnight." I turned and reached for my door only for her to stop me, now she is laughing out right.

"Nice try, look kid. I won't tell anyone else unless someone is getting hurt. You're both over 18 and can make your own choices whether they are right or wrong. You have to figure that out on your own," I groaned at her words and waited for her to get to the point. She didn't disappoint either. "Do you have condoms? Lube? Safe sex is important and just because you're both boys doesn't mean you don't have to wear a condom. It just means you don't have to worry about getting pregnant, well most of the time."

I felt so hot that even my quirk was fizzling but it took me longer to actually answer her. "No, maybe, I understand that just fine," I tried to keep my answers as short and sweet as fucking possible because I just might die otherwise.

Again she laughed which was not helping the situation, AT ALL. "Here take this," she said, handing me a package from only God knows where. Seriously, where did she pull this out of? Do I actually want to know?

"You'll need to go and actually get more or send someone you trust to, since Aizawa already grounded you two to the dorms and school but something tells me you already have someone in mind." She winked before turning away and now I really wish I could just disappear.

I opened my door only to get pulled inside by Deku, the door slamming behind me as he pushed me against it, he locked the door. "Now where was I?" He asked as if I knew what the hell he was talking about, I didn't.

He smiled before kissing me, pinning me to the door before he lifted me up and carried me to the bed. I dropped the package and the contents spilled out on the floor making Deku laugh. He set me on the bed and picked everything up silently reading the names as he did. When he looked at me his smile grew and he pulled off his shirt.

"Excited huh?" He smirked before he continued undressing and he reached for me and I started fucking panicking.

"No, fuck no. I can't do this, no way in fucking hell!" I flinched back and I got out of his reach. I can't even bring myself to look at his face. All I really know at the moment is that he hadn't moved since I first said no.

"I can't do this, Deku we aren't dating. We have only just started being friends again and as much as I love you I just can't take advantage of this. I just can't," I buried my face in my hands. I can't do this. I don't know if I ever could. I spilled everything. I told him about our past, how much I fucked up, I told him how we have fought and how we finally made progress and were rivals. I told him how we had only just become friends again, I told him everything.

"You love me?" Deku asked quietly and I peeked up at him to find him smiling and I could feel myself relaxing.

"Yeah, I just fucking suck at showing it." I set my chin on my knees and it didn't escape my notice that Deku was still stark naked showing off his drool worthy body but I can't look away anymore. I said what I needed to say, that's all there was to it.

"So all I have to do is willingly give up this wish and I can have my quirk and you?" He asked and now he is smirking at me again. Fuck, can I even hold my ground again? If he kissed me again would I be able to pull away?

I nodded slowly, waiting to see what he planned to do next only for him to climb onto the bed and gently tug on my shirt. I failed; I let him do what he wanted and he stripped me, laying me down only to gently kiss me before pulling the blankets over us.

"First can we get comfortable? From what you're saying it seems like this will be our first time and I would never want to hurt you." Laying here he didn't do anything more than watch after that sweet kiss and it was driving me crazy. Can I do this? Is it okay for me to do this? So I asked him.

"Yes Kacchan, it's okay but only if you're okay with it," he nuzzled into my outstretched hand but otherwise didn't touch me or push me in any way. How can he still be so sweet and understanding even now? Just how?

"Yes," I whispered, he leaned in and kissed me. I heard him grab something from the bedside table but I was far too occupied with his sweet kisses to care.

He wants me.

I tangled my fingers in his hair, enjoying the kisses he gave me, I only jumped a little when he put the lube on me but I couldn't bring myself to pull away, not again. So instead I kissed him. His sweet lips drew me in while his tongue had me exactly where he wanted me. I felt him slip a finger inside but I only hummed a little before I untangled my fingers and wrapped my arms around him. One hand scratching his back as I did, pulling the delicious moan from the green eyed angel and sending my blood racing through me.

"Oh Kacchan," he gasped, pulling away just enough to breathe before diving back in again. Moans came out of me in a never ending stream, I couldn't hold myself back and the way Deku was kissing me, holding me and prepping me was almost too much.

"Slow down," I rasped, trying to catch my breath and when I did I leaned forward again. "You're going to make me cum before you can even push inside."                                    

He nodded, relief on his face before he kissed me again, before making his way down my neck and sinking his teeth into me. I moaned out in surprise but I also wanted him to keep doing it. He let me go and I whined a little before he kissed me, his fingers no longer stretching me out but holding my waist instead.     

"I'm going to let the wish go," he reminded me and I could only nod. He pushed himself to my entrance and leaned in for a kiss, I opened up for him and in the middle of the kiss I felt him flinch, letting me know that I had my Deku in my arms now. I scratched his back trying to pull him closer and pushed my tongue into his mouth when he started to pull away.

"Don't stop now," I begged before leaning forward to follow his lips. He looked surprised and a little confused but he easily came back again. Lowering himself onto me and at the same time pushing in, my back arched at the sudden pressure but it only lasted a moment before I was pulling him back in for another kiss. I can't let him go, not now. What happens if he runs away? I whispered my wishes, my desires and my love for him with each kiss and with each kiss he grew more excited.

He pushed inside, leaving me breathless, the noises escaping me left little to be imagined as I took him all in. Deku froze, his body pressed close to mine as he stopped pushing forward.

"Please don't stop," I shuddered under him, time was in slow motion as he thrusted into me; whines, gasps, moans and screams all escaping me, reacting to each touch. Our bodies covered in sweat I tried to meet his thrust and whenever I would fall back his lips would find mine until he couldn't slow himself down anymore, his excitement and need for release far exceeding his control, I tried to match him.

Cumming like this, with him, was nothing at all like what I thought it would be. It's amazing, but it's also exhausting, panting on the bed soaked in sweat and cum. I start chuckling and Deku just smiles unsure of what exactly is going on. I pulled him in for a quick kiss and I love the fact that he is smiling in response but...

I can't sleep like this. I got Deku up and pulled him to the shower with me. I nearly jumped out of my skin when his fingers went to my ass but we both calmed down and he helped me to clean up. I groaned about changing the sheets but he just filled the tub with hot water and told me that he would take care of it. It didn't take long for him to come back and slip into the tub with me though. He held me for a long time before he pointed out that the water had gotten cold and we had to get out.

Dry, clean and warm cuddled up in bed, I would have gladly went to sleep naked but Deku already had some pajama pants and t-shirts out for us so I went ahead and put them on before we curled up in bed. Curled up in his arms, I let out a sigh and said what I have only dreamed of until now. "I love you."


"AACKK!" I heard a scream and a crash before I bolted upright only to find Deku on the floor next to my bed.

"Are you trying to give me a fucking heart attack?" I cursed to myself while trying to calm the fuck down, not to mention that my back and ass are so sore I feel like I'm about to break in half.

"I'm sorry! I just found myself here, I have no idea how I got into your room or for that matter your bed-" Deku started muttering up a storm but my heart sank. He doesn't remember? Any of it? But we, we did so much and I trusted him so much. I try to push my selfish thoughts away, I need to focus right now, I can wallow later.

"Are you back to normal then?" I asked, looking him up and down for only a moment before looking away.

"What do you mean by normal? What did I do?" Deku's eyes got really big before I could look away in time, fuck.

"Just, what is the name of your quirk? The real name of it," I grumble covering my eyes so I couldn't see him at all.

"One-For-All," he answered quickly and I breathed a sigh of relief. I see the clock and the fact that class should be starting soon but there is no fucking way I'm going anywhere right now.

"Give me my phone and you better hurry if you're going to make it to class on time, I'm not going today." I told him and when he saw the time on my phone he went running out of my dorm, careful to lock it on his way out, and leaving me behind. I sent a text to our teacher.

Dynamight: Deku is back to normal, I'm not coming to class today. You're welcome.

I watched until it showed that it was read before turning my phone off and rolling back over to nurse my broken and bruised pride, and my body too.


"Kacchan?" I hear the voice of the angel waking me up. I try to turn over only to hiss in shock at the sharp pain radiating through my lower back. When I finally managed to open my eyes I saw a very worried Deku standing next to my bed.

"What are you doing here?" I asked but my voice was all gravely, I tried to turn again only for the pain to leave me panting where I was, I'm not moving anywhere, at least not anytime soon.

"I kind of grabbed your room key on my way out this morning, I didn't mean to. It's just that you keep your key in the same place I do and I just grabbed it while running out," he nervously fidgeted next to me. "What happened to you? Why are you in pain?"

I grumble for a minute before I see the time on my alarm clock, it's only 10:30 in the morning?

"Why are you already back? Or did you call in too?" I looked up only to see his worried eyes and just fuck. Why did he have to forget? I wanted the quirk to end before we actually had sex in order to avoid this pain right here. I wanted us to be together in no uncertain terms. I want to be in his arms and him in mine but instead Deku looks like a scared rabbit again. Like he had forgotten not only last night but months if not the last year or so too.

"Ah, well Aizawa Sensei sent me back. He said he didn't have the energy to deal with my memory loss or trying to figure out how it is that you 'fixed' me. Kind of rude honestly but I must have been a handful this time, not that I'm ever not I guess," Deku chuckled nervously before he seemed to gather up his courage and actually sit on the bed next to me. I can't help the fantasies running through my mind of him actually remembering and maybe he just needed some time to process but I know that I'm being a little too hopeful.

"So what do you remember then? Do you know how old you are? Or what kind of relationship we have now?" I bit my tongue after the words were out, I really can't leave well enough alone can I?

"Hmm, I'm 18 and last I knew we were rivals but at the same time the way we were hanging out during training yesterday, or the other day? Anyway it made me think that we were more like friends?" Deku smiled at me but the nervousness was clearly visible still.

"So you at least remember up until before the mission that the villain's quirk hit you," I sighed relieved, at the very least I don't have to backtrack further than yesterday. I could see him relaxing at my words as well. I guess Aizawa Sensei said no to our drama for the day, not that I could blame him.

"So will you tell me how you got hurt now?" He asked his big green eyes trained on me and it's not like I had planned on lying to him, no, not at all. I just wanted a little time to digest how I feel about all of this, I mean I finally got exactly what I've dreamed of only to wake up and find that he doesn't remember it at all. How am I supposed to feel?

Because I feel like shit.

I groan, rubbing at my head only to lay back under my covers to try and put it off a little longer. Deku however didn't turn away, he sat still, trying not to push but at the same time I could see that it was bothering him a lot. Fine, I need to tell him anyway.

"The other you, told me what you would be willing to give up your greatest wish for. That was the quirk you were hit with, it made you forget your real life and live in the fantasy of your greatest wish, at the cost of losing your memories. You thought you were quirkless and you thought we were engaged to each other," I looked up to see his surprise and then his fear, I guess he had been hiding his feelings on purpose then. Not that I can blame him.

"I don't expect you to actually love me, not like that but I would like you to know that I do love you," I closed my eyes but I kept talking because I might as well say it all or else I might really lose him forever. "We had sex, the other you said that he would let the wish go in exchange for me and I told him that it had to be you. The real you, so he prepped me and when I thought that he was gone and it was you..." I paused for a moment not able to actually finish it but I couldn't leave it at that so I cleared my throat and started talking again. "So that's why I am all sore and stiff now, we were a little rough I guess."

It was silent for a long time. I peeked up to see his bright red face and wide eyes but he stayed silent. How the fuck an I supposed to take this reaction? Huh?

"It's oka-" I started, ready to defend myself and hopefully protect what was left of my pride. At least I told him. But before I could get that far Deku interrupted me.

"That wasn't a dream!?!" Deku was almost shrill but I reacted all the same, he remembers? I held my breath as I watched him have a small panic session, his hands going to his face to try and hide it but I saw it anyway. He is smiling! Not just a small grin either but the kind of smile that probably hurts but you can't stop it. Is he happy? So does that mean? What does that mean?

"Not unless we are in each other's dreams," I tried to laugh but it's not easy any other time, much less now.

"Then that means..." He looked back at me and saw how I was curled up under the covers and he finally seemed to realize that as much as I liked it in the moment it actually hurt me but does he realize that most of my pain was from my pride that he cut down this morning?

"Can I kiss you now?" He asked, pulling his gaze from the covers to my eyes and the relief flooding me is seriously no joke.

"Yes," the moment the word was out he crawled onto my bed and over me, he gently pulled me into his arms, laying down next to me before giving me a soft kiss. It wasn't short but it wasn't deep and passionate either. Just a small kiss as if he was testing the waters.

Fuck that, I'll take it all. I pulled him in and opened up for him, stealing the breath from him in my mission to taste last night again. It didn't take long, I tugged on his shirt once and he was helping me out of my clothes.


It's been months since we first slept together. Five to be exact, and we are supposed to be graduating in less than a week. But nothing is ever that fucking easy, we were attacked by the LOV and I was getting blocked in by six nobody fucking extras when I heard Toga cackling.

"Oh~ Deku~!" She laughed again trying to cut him while I beat the shit out of three of the villains I was already fighting. "Why don't you come over to our side? I'll make you bleed but I won't kill you. I can show you exactly how much I love you~" What little bit of rationality I had left after this shitty fight snapped. I pulled the pin in my gauntlet and aimed it so that I hit not only the fuckers I was fighting but several that our team were fighting as well. Thankfully without killing them although the ones I was fighting are going to need medical attention.

"DEKU!" I yelled and he quickly jumped out of the way so that I could punch the bitch trying to hit on MY boyfriend.

"Who the fuck do you think you are? Hitting on other people's boyfriends, are you that fucking shameless?" I ranted with each punch and explosion and I'm pretty sure the rest of the fight died down but I wasn't giving an inch as I tried to beat some sense into her. "Then you have the audacity to do it in front of his lover? Did you really think you were going to get away with that? You fucking psychopath?"

Okay now I know that the rest of the fight is either over or they all stopped to watch because I heard Deku groan, "He's going to kill her." I should be concerned with how sure he is about this but I'm not, mostly because he also isn't trying to stop me.

The fight lasted another eight hits but only because I didn't give her a chance to say or do anything before putting the cuffs on her and basically tossing her to a nearby police officer who even in her surprise, managed to catch the fucker.

"What the fuck is your deal?" She screamed at me spitting out a little blood, maybe I knocked out one of her teeth? I don't care though. "I can just kill whatever little girlfriend he has, let me guess. It's the gravity chick isn't it? The pink girl behind you?"

I rolled my eyes and found Deku running over only to throw his arms around me and kiss me in front of everyone; villains, heroes, police, everyone. When he let me go he looked so worried I don't even think he realized what he did yet.

"Nobody sexually harasses my lover," I smile at him and he finally relaxes, hugging me tight. It wasn't until everyone snapped out of it and the villains were taken away that the reason Deku was so panicked was because she had managed to cut me more than once and I was bleeding pretty heavily.


No one really said much but I think it's mostly because we hadn't really been hiding our affection for each other the last several months; going on dates, cooking together, eating together, training together and even just talking. No one had said anything until now but I guess they are just relieved that it wasn't just a happy accident.

Deku came with me to the hospital and Eraserhead lectured us both in the hospital room about letting personal feelings affect our work but then he said, "But you both handled that pretty well. All things considered."

Now Deku and I are just watching a movie in the common area, nothing different than before; Deku was sitting next to me and my arm was over the back of the couch. It didn't take long for him to fall asleep and his head drooped onto my shoulder so that I wrapped my arm around him instead of over the couch. A gentle squeeze and I turned my attention back to the film.

On some level I wish we were more open with our relationship, more lovey-dovey even but we just aren't, at least not out in public. In the bedroom however is a completely different story; cuddles, kisses, sweet promises of love not to mention the hot and passionate sex. Maybe I just need to show that I'm willing to show more... Publicly that is.

I leaned over and kissed his temple only to find him wide awake when he looked up at me. I smiled at him and he tackled me in a kiss and I am perfectly okay with the fact that the lights are still on and Deku was making his way into my lap. The world could burn as far as I am concerned.

I have Deku.