Chereads / Seeker Finds Peace in a New War. / Chapter 4 - Blood Stained Empty Words

Chapter 4 - Blood Stained Empty Words



"Protect the children!"

"Cleanse the heretical filth!"

"Moon save us!"

"Mary, no!"

Chaos. What was once such a peaceful and beautiful village, this was all it ended up filling this place on what would normally be a beautiful afternoon.

Everyone knew danger was near, but they never could have guessed on how fast outside forces would march into the forest as the barrier began to weaken. Had the Goddess forsaken them? Had she deemed them unworthy of her love after so many years of peaceful living?

Just where did they go wrong?

These thoughts filled the defenders of the village as they tried desperately to fend off the ever so familiar armies of the Dark Continent. Though they had made some preparations, trade hadn't been going so well with their allies recently, thus making them I'll equipped to face such a terrifying force.

Vela, an Oracian woman clad in only a metal chest plate and Hell Bear leather was busy dueling the Bear-kin that lead the assault in their village while the rest tried to hold the line infront of the church at the center of the village. If it weren't for the large open area, they would have been wiped out a long time ago.

The mages barely had enough time to set up a strong enough barrier to fend off the bolts of fire and ice meant for the helpless souls inside, making it obvious that they never planned on taking any prisoners.

Ju'Shal, a grey Wolf-Kin, was doing her best to try and keep moral up by picking off the occasional soldier that stepped out of line during the fight, but she was already exhausted as it was.

Though she'd hoped their main force would arrive soon, she knew it was pointless to ask for such a thing. They had left almost 2 weeks ago, and wouldn't be back for another week. By then, this village would probably either belonged to the enemy, or be burned to the ground as their welcome home.

"Stoll, we need an exit!" Ju'Shal shouted as she lunged her spear at the throat of the Gnome soldier infront of her, barely missing and cutting the side of her neck due to the height difference.

"Impossible, they'll swarm us as soon as we try!" The Stone-Folk next to her shouted back as he used the bottom of his axe-head to force his opponents shield to lower enough for a Beast-Kin next to him to stab at them.

"By the Moon! Are there no options?" Ju'Shal cursed aloud as she finally got her opponent in the eye, making them cry out and pain and back away into the arms of a comrad that quickly dragged him away. She was immediately met with a Stone-Folk with easy breath and a smirk on his face, showing just how trained these soldiers were for close combat.

It was then that she was hit by a bolt to her thigh, causing her to lose her balance and bend her knee. If it weren't for Stoll's quick intervention, her shoulder would've been met by the bloodied blade of her opponent.

She was then grabbed by the scruff of her neck and forced to fall behind the line. As she fell onto her back, orders flew around to defend their captain and hold the line once more.

At this point, almost all hope was lost in her heart. How ready she was to accept a quick death, hoping she wouldn't be rated by the soldiers that seemed endless in strength.

That was, until a wave of familiar yet unknown energy made every hair of her body stand on end.

All she could hear was the thunder of her heard raging in her ears. It took her a while to realize it was due to the battlefield growing silent, letting her know that she wasn't the only one to feel such threatening energy.

Though the energy was threatening in nature, she felt it wasn't towards her and scrambled loosely to her feet to see what was going on. She was met with the sight of a deep and meaningful fear filling the faces of the soldiers that were once as fearless as Demons. Even her own people could only take the moment of peace to take a step back from them, wondering what was going on.

Ju'Shal's ears then flicked, hearing the purposeful steps of someone else walking into the blood stained streets of battle. Her eyes shit quickly towards the source of such meaningful steps, each thud producing more fear in the hearts of those around her than the last.


That was all anyone could describe the figure that walked so calmly towards the survivors of such a massive battle. Their armor was so sleek that one could immediately identify them as female. Yet their face was hidden under a glass helm, normally seen as worthless, but somehow much more menacing than even the dragon helm of the Light King.

In their hands was a strange tool, guessed on sight as an artifact meant for destruction. Though the villagers originally thought they were reinforcements for the enemy, they quickly realized that wasn't true at all given how scared the soldiers were.

"Those of you that live in this village, I ask that you bend your knee so that I know who I'm saving."

Though the voice was eerily quiet, they rang clearly in everyone's head. How could they possibly ignore this request from one so domineering? Yet, no one could find the will to move due to the fear they felt.

"Y-you, identify yo-" An Oracian archer on the rooftop opposite of the church gathered their courage to try and challenge this new entity, only to be met with a sudden orange beam to their head.

They watched as the man fell to his knees without a sound. As he fell forwards, everyone's eyes were glued to the smoldering hole that bore through his eye clear through the back of his head. They continued watching as he rolled down the side of the roof and onto the dirt below head first. As the man's neck snapped on impact, a gasp was heard from those within the church.

"As for the soldiers assaulting this village, I give you two options." The stranger spoke a little louder in a cold, silent anger.

"Y-you, who are you to order soldiers Ethenel?" The large Bear-Kin that had been focused on Vera shouted at the stranger in fearfilled defiance. It was obvious what his meaning was by throwing their name around, but all that did was gain the strangers attention with a more threatening Aura.

"You seem to be the leader, so I'll ask you. Would you rather surrender quietly, or after losing all of your soldiers, as well as your arm?" The stranger asked as she tilted her head a little. It was obvious what she was hopeful for, causing a deeper unease in the soldiers.

"To the hells with you! I'll kill you and present your head to our Gods. Forget the village, bring that woman to me!" The Bear-Kin shouted in anger as he pointed his greatsword at the stranger.

A sigh left the strangers lips. Not of annoyance or grief, but rather of someone who was grateful. They heard her mutter something as she split her tool in two and watched as they formed into two smaller tools. Aiming at the soldiers on separate roofs, the villagers could practically see a Demonic smile on the woman's face.

"Villagers, last chance to show who's an ally."

These words forced Ju'Shal to fall to her knees. Though it was painful, she accepted the order with both deep fear and hope. The rest of the villagers soldiers followed in suit one after another after seeing their leader follow such a ridiculous order. Yet, as they did, they could also feel that sense of relief Ju'Shal felt in that moment.

Mother Moon has yet to abandon us.

A roar of defiance was heard from a soldier closest to the stranger, but he was ignored as she released a barrage of beams at those that tried to take aim with either Magic or arrows, felling them quicker than they could react.

The courageous soldier had barely brought his blade up to strike at the Demon, only to meet the end of her tool and end up with a hole on his head like the others, falling quickly to his knees before slumping forward.

The Demon simply stepped around the dead soldier and dropped her tools. It was as if she was inviting anyone to come at her, taunting their helplessness. It worked almost to well, causing a fury to rise in the legion that had been so proud just moments ago. One by one, others rushed at the stranger, drowning out any orders with their roars of anger and grief that could've saved their lives.

Ju'Shal couldn't help but find a deep beauty in how the Demon danced around the blades and arrows that were aimed for her life. It was as if she knew they would do her no harm and simply allowed them to flow right on by like a stream weaving through a forest and around rocks. As a blade narrowly passed her, she flicked her wrist to aim a tool at a soldier and pierce their head.

The same happened to another soldier, then another, once more, again, again, how was it possible to have such rhythm in such a fierce battle?

No. This wasn't a battle, how could she call it that? She couldn't even call it a massacre with how graceful the Demon danced with Death. This was a cull, a true culling of people she could care less about.

"Stoll." Ju'Shal called out in a whisper. Normally she would go unheard, but it was somehow so silent around them in this moment.

"Yes...captain?" Stoll answered slowly, unable to look away from the gruesome yet graceful dance before him.

"Never raise your blade. I fear the worst if you do." Knowing how quick Stoll was to point his blade, she felt it necessary to make sure he knew his place in this moment.

"I fear...I'll never be able to against that." Stoll swallowed as he spoke, feeling a deep fear crawl up his spine and grip his heart just at the thought of facing this Demon.

No one could tell if the dance was fast or slow, but they knew that the dance was soon to be over as the last courageous body fell to the ground with the same smoldering hole embedded into their skull like their comrads. The end of the dance left the woman standing before the Bear-kin. Though he towered over her by several heads, he seemed like nothing more than a tiny insect now compared to the calm wrath of a ferocious dragon.

The remaining soldiers who could not find the will to fight anymore all collapsed to their knees before the Demon. Fear had finally reached their core, destroying all hopes of escape, much less living.

The Demon looked up at the Bear-Kin's fear stricken face. Though he remained standing, he found no will to try and even raise his blade against such a terrifying opponent. There were no openings, no tricks he could use to try and kill her, and his forces lost all of their will to fight.

It wasn't until the Demon casually turned around to bend over and pick up a fallen blade on the ground, causing Ju'Shal's ears to perk up for a second. Stoll could practically feel the motion and found himself sighing softly, knowing well of Ju'Shal's personality.

"I wouldn't try it. She could tear you to shreds you know." Stoll tried to warn the Wolf-Kin, already knowing what her reaction was going to be.

"Doubt it would hurt to try." Though fear laced Ju'Shal's voice, she somehow seemed quite confident in herself at the moment now that the Demon was distracted.

"By the Moon, you Grey Wolves are insane." Stoll whispered under his breath as he shook his head a little.

They watched as the Demon formed her original tool once more before slinging it gently onto her back. After testing the weight of the blade, she looked up at the Bear-Kin and tilted her head a bit.


This sole word brought the Bear-Kin to his knees. The villagers remembered how he laughed at the face of their defense, making quick work of their barrier and gate before taking the lead in slaughtering their friends and family. How proud and confident this man was in his victory. Yet now, all he could do was raise his left arm in acceptance.

"Good choice."

The Demon spoke in a cold tone before raising the blade above the man's head. The villagers couldn't see the action. Only seeing the Demon's arm hanging to her waist after swinging the blade. To everyone's surprise, the left arm remained where it was as the man roared in pain. Instead, his right arm fell limp to the ground with his shoulder leaking blood to the rhythm of his heart.

"You are mistaken though. I never gave you a choice in which arm I take." The Demon seemed to growl at the pup-like man as he fell onto his back, screaming in pain while holding his severed right shoulder.