It wasn't until the sun had begun to set that Nix finally stood up from her spot. Willow mentioned that it had been about 2 hours since the villagers began taking their grief and anger on the soldiers, leaving only 3 alive.
The rest had been quite literally torn to pieces. Blood and guts were strewn wildly among the village square, soaking the dirt a deep red and making it a muddy mess. The one Nix mentioned that had shot Ju'Shal's thigh had long since disappeared in a red mist from the wolves fury.
Of the 5 children remaining in the village, only 2 actually took part in the butchering. One had long since disappeared while the other two kept weeping with their parents in the church. Though Nix wished the children wouldn't take part, she quickly found that this was the way of this new world. As for the one that had disappeared, Willow had been tracking her the whole time. The location caused her a much deeper grief than what the two rage filled children were doing.
All Nix had to do was wave her hand for the villagers to bow their heads and walk away to clean themselves up. Though their breaths were heavy, Nix could see how light their hearts were. This method was effective as she'd mentioned before, but she had no idea how to use these people when she didn't even have a base of operation.
After a sigh, Nix knelt before the three that remained. Their bodies had long been broken, not even mentioning their wills to live. The Bear-Kin himself had lost the ends of his limbs and had several blades delved into places that would allow him to live until he wasn't needed anymore. The villagers were definitely meticulous, if not petty. Nix was pleasantly surprised on how well the villagers listened to her demands. If her comrads were to have seen them, they would have began training them on the spot.
"Now then, have we learned our lesson?" Nix asked in the same tone as before, making the Bear-Kin shake in renewed fear.
"W-we are a scouting unit charged with securing places to set up camp. After destroying the village, we were to set up base and prepare for the main army's arrival." The man spoke desperately, looking into Nix's eyes in desperation.
"How many?"
"A f-full legion of 1500 troops, lead by the Second Prince, Prince Alfira of Ethenel."
"T-two days. He will arrive at this village in 2 days."
"If he were to perish without a word, would they send more?"
"Yes. Instead of a legion to conquer, the King would instead send his personal army to destroy any life in this forest."
"How long?"
"A year, at most. Even the King hasn't the power to move his at such a large scale. He would most likely use his dead son as a means to gather everyone loyal to him and make an example of this place."
"A man after my own heart it seems." Nix sighed as she stood up and walked towards the spot she was sitting in.
"W-wait, if you spare us, we can convince Prince Alfira to turn his armies and flee. You would never see them again!" The Bear-Kin pleaded to Nix, that small sliver of hope making him desperate to live.
"I believe you said your King would make an example of this place?" Nix asked as she stopped and turned her head to the man.
"Y-yes, but if his son lives-"
"Then the father would have to bear his sons shame. If I were him, I would use it as an excuse to move the armies faster and obliterate this forest now that the barrier is weakened. Speaking of, who's the traitor?"
The Bear-Kin froze at that last sentence, causing the villagers who were watching in awe at their conversation to freeze up. No one else, God or otherwise should know the barrier was weakening. Seeing the man's reaction, it seemed Nix's question hit a sore spot for everyone.
"P-personally, I do not know. He was wrapped in a dark cloak when he came to the King. I can only tell that he was a Dracthyr, nothing more." The Bear looked down in defeat, knowing that this was the end of his life.
Nix nodded slowly and folded her arms over her chest. Falling into a deep thought, she tried to figure out what she could do in this situation. In her old world, this number of enemies with their current equipment would be nothing more than a nuisance. She would task some new recruits with the mission and be done with it. Now though, her resources were to limited to just sit back and do nothing.
"Is this what you meant earlier?" Ju'Shal asked as she walked up to Nix. Her fur was caked with blood from her rampage, her grey fur now a deep black from the assortment of colors.
"Yes, it's the most effective method for both sides. I get answers and you get relief." Nix nodded to Ju'Shal as she turned around. She then spotted the man from earlier who had groveled at her feet on their first encounter.
"My apologies for my behavior earlier, Miss." The man spoke calmly as he held his hand to his chest.
It was immediately obvious that he hadn't taken part in the slaughter, given how clean his clothes were. His hair, though a little ruffled, almost sparkled in the light of the setting sun with its golden hue bouncing the light everywhere. At his side was a child clinging to him for dear life as she stared up at Nix. Though the child held a head full of dangerous red hair, she held the same emerald eyes as her father and shared his pale, flawless skin.
"I'm glad to see your daughter made it out. Your wife..." Nix stopped due a tinge of regret.
"My wife, Jennifer, is currently leading the caravan. If she had been here, these soldiers would never have made it to our gates." The man sighed as he looked back at his destroyed village. "Oh, my apologies, my name is Drevid. As the Chief of this village, I cannot thank you enough for what you've done for us."
"It's fine. Mother Moon tasked me with protecting her children, so just think of it as me doing my duties." Nix nodded before looking at Ju'Shal. "The child has finally calmed down. Find some people to help clean up after them while you get them to sleep."
"Me? I couldn't-"
"Ju'Shal. This may sound racist, but I would rather leave that child with one of similar nature. I don't know how this world works, nor can I give them comforting words." Nix interrupted as she held her hand up. "I'm sorry, but you are currently the strongest in the village besides me. It would be best if you did it."
Drevid listened to this exchange with a heavy heart. He had lived a long time, even built this village when the Resistance first moved into the forest. He'd seen many people in his life, but never one so empty like Nix currently was.
"Ju'Shal, it will be alright. We will figure out what to do about that child once everything settles." Drevid's voice was calm as it usually was, but it held a hint of sadness.
Ju'Shal couldn't tell who that sadness was for, but she knew that this man couldn't be argued with once he was like this. Instead, all she could do was sigh and walk to where the child was with her ears and tail hanging low.
"I heard what you did for Shivel." Drevid said as the Wolf-Kin was out of earshot. As he spoke, he gestured for his daughter to go back to their home and rest. Though she wanted to stay, she listened well and walked away with her head hanging low.
"Plenty in my world fell to the same fate. All I did was give her a choice." Nix sighed as she closed her eyes.
"Not many would allow that choice to happen. Though, if you knew she had a child, would you make the same decision?" Drevid asked as he held his hands together behind his back.
"Yes. No one should live with those memories, even if they have something to live for." Nix finally turned to Drevid and looked into his eyes, but only found a deep sadness in them.
The man then sighed and nodded slowly. "I suppose you are right. However, that child might never recover."
"I'm sorry. I've no idea how to care for children. I'd always tasked that to those who were willing, or had the experience to do so."
Drevid looked down a little with a soft sigh. His mind suddenly weighed heavy at the thought of what Nix had gone through to become so cold towards everything. Shaking his head a little, he gestured to the church for Nix to follow.
"Ju'Shal mentioned that Mother Moon had sent you. Might I ask for what purpose?"
"To bring the children of this world under one banner, and make the God's remember their mission." Nix walked next to the man as she spoke, holding her helm under her arm with her rifle slung to her back.
"I understand the banner, as that was always Mother's wish. But I don't understand what mission you mean." Drevid was deeply confused, hoping he would get some answers from this woman who was almost as open as a free book.
"Sadly, I cannot tell you that. It's not that you cannot be trusted, Drevid, just that the situation with the God's is to complicated for you to worry about." Nix chuckled emotionlessly as she walked up the stairs of the church.
"Then, if I may ask. How do you plan on bringing the Gods to heel when they only think of themselves?" Drevid asked as he opened the door for Nix with a quizzical brow.
"I'll think of something, but first, I've got something weighing on my mind." Nix sighed softly as she stepped past Drevid I to the dimly lit building.
At the other end, past the wooden seats making up a typical church, an alter representing a woman holding an bundle of cloth in her arms stood surrounded by dimly lit blue crystals. It was obvious the statue was meant for Mother Moon and the old tale of how she lost her child at birth. It was a sad tale, but one that would bring about her Godhood as the first Mother to exchange her soul for her beloved child.
"Care to share with me, Miss?" Drevid asked with a huff, putting in a bit of effort to close the doors to give the two some privacy to talk.
Turning to face Nix, he was instead met with the barrel of her pistol aimed between his eyes. Even through his shock, he showed no signs of fear nor anger. Instead, he looked sad, like a father watching his child lose their way.
"That, right there. Why are you all so calm around me? Who told you about my arrival, how I act, and what my motives are?" Nix asked in stone cold anger. Her face hadn't changed from its stone-like facade, but her anger was made clear through her bloodlust.
"If you'll give me-"
"No excuses. You answer, or I wipe you all out as enemies of Mother Moon and move on." Nix snapped with a glare.
Drevid sighed softly as he clapsed his hands infront of him. Perhaps he and the others had been a bit to casual with everything that happened. Though his old friend made him promise to tell everyone, it should've been broken and forgotten.
"Shadows show the fear and strength behind our hearts..." Drevid stopped halfway as he was told all those years ago. He swallowed hard as he started into Nix's ever dark eyes.
Though these words meant almost nothing to Drevid, they struck Nix's heart like a dagger. She could feel her anger building as a deep memory awakened behind her eyes. Images of a burning village, blood flying through the air, and the burning rage of a child left standing alone. These images forced a roar of anger out of Nix's throat as she pulled the trigger.
Though she was infuriated, she grit her teeth and swallowed the rest of the storm rising in her chest. After combining her weapon together once more, she slung it to her back and walked to one of the pews to sit down.
"I understand your anger and confusion, even if I don't know it directly. But please, listen when I say that you will know all I wish to tell you in due time." Drevid managed in a shaky voice, leaning against the wall and holding his chest to calm his racing heart. Next to his ear bore a deep hole in the stone, crackling with an electric current of the round meant for him.
"...while the Light reveals our weakness and opens our hearts." Nix sighed as she looked back at Drevid from her seat. "You have much to answer for, but I'll allow this to pass for now."
Sighing softly, she set the helm next to her to rub her face with both hands. It was a habit she had picked up after years of hearing how she should contain her anger. Somehow, this still helped to calm her, even if it was just a little.
"I need a few pieces of metal armor, a spear and two hand axes made from the enemy army. Bring them and the Bear man to me."
Though Drevid wanted to question the woman, he decided it was best to leave her to cool off while he sorted out his fellow villagers. With so much happening so suddenly, he knew the moral of his people came first. He could only pray that this woman would find an easier way for herself as he exited the church.
Nix didn't bother to check if Drevid would follow her demands. Instead, she stood with a small groan to make her way to the statue at the other end of the church. Using her Aether to lift her helm from a distance, she brought it to her side as she fell to her knees with her hands clapsed.
"Oh Mother. I fear I've already failed my mission, but there's little that I can do now. I've no reinforcements, nor proper equipment to take on such a task. Perhaps tomorrow will be the day I find Eternal Rest." Nix gave a small, sad smile as she closed her eyes. The fear of another death weighed heavily over her heart. If not for the curse of Pride, she would've fallen to this fear long ago and locked herself up to avoid the oncoming war.
It was then that she heard a beep from Willow, causing her to shake away those unnecessary thoughts.
[ATTENTION: Field Synthesis prepared. Upgrades will take 2 hours and consume most of the energy in the Primary Cell, leaving 10%.]
"Willow, this might be the last time we have such peace together." Nix chuckled sadly as she slipped the helm over her head.
[CALCULATING: User has a 13% chance of survival based on current data. User is advised against the upcoming battle.]
"You know me, Willow." Nix sighed as she moved to one of the wooden benches and took a seat.
[Willow is pleased to have fought with our Founder for this long. Wherever the Founder ends up, Willow is sure to follow.]
Nix couldn't help but give a warm smile at how human Willow sounded. When she first started making Willow with her lover in the past, it was simply an idea to better aide her comrads in battle. Never had she guessed that this AI would become more of a partner than any human comrad at her side. The thought brought tears to her eyes, but she quickly shook them away as she heard the doors behind her open.
"Alright Willow, if we're going down, we go the same way as before." Nix steeled herself as she stood and turned to face those that came into the church.
[AFFIRMATIVE: Preparing simulations to enhance survival.]