Chereads / Dual levelling: I level up with my clones / Chapter 13 - E-rank Monster (1)

Chapter 13 - E-rank Monster (1)

'Oh God, he has seen my clone!' Seung thought. He stared at Mr. Song with his mouth agape.

In contrast, the old man continued to gaze at him and the apartment. This was because he was comparing Lee Seung to who he saw indoors.

Later on, Seung, Mr. Song and the masked clone entered the apartment.

Lee Seung was seated on the floor with his two clones, while Mr. Song sat before him on the white sofa.

"Second, take off your mask," Lee Seung said to his new one. When it became apparent that there was another clone with his complete resemblance, Mr. Song was totally flustered.

His mouth widened as he stared at all three of them.

"Wha-what in the world is this, Seung? Wh...where did these people come from?"asked Mr. Song, astonishment evident on his face.

Lee Seung then decided to explain. Moreover, possessing an ability wasn't illegal.

"They are my clones," he said, frankly. "I also went to the awakening company and activated a cloning ability. You need not worry, I use my ability in a safe bodyguarding field."

"Oh," Mr. Song sighed. He then asked, "Your secret way of getting an apartment is through that job?"

"Yes. I have already gotten it," said Seung.

He then told his first clone, "First, go work out at the gym with Second. I will later call you through the smartphone I bought for you."

"Yes, sir," the clone said. The two of them left the house.

Mr. Song was even more flustered by his interaction with the clones. It seemed as though he was conversing with actual humans.

Lee Seung then faced Mr. Song, and he grinned.

"Don't worry. Even if the bodyguarding job becomes risky one day, my two clones will be there to protect me. That's why they exist."

It was then when the tension on the man's face morphed into a gentle smile. He sighed loudly, out of relief.

He said, "I will like to accompany you to your new apartment. You must be moving out tomorrow."


"No qualms," said the man. "Uhm, Christmas is next week and my granddaughter is coming home too. Can you attend too?"

"Yes, of course. great, afterall!" Lee Seung said. While talking earlier, he forced a smile.

His eyes instantly turned red, a change that was visible to Mr. Song.

* * *

At a big building named as Dongwon Guild, Mr. Choi's car parked at the parking lot and he walked inside. After a few moments, he arrived at the evaluation department of the Guild.

'Good afternoon, Mr. Minho,' a young lady wearing spectacles greeted. Even as she greeted, her focus was on her laptop.

'Good afternoon, Mr. Choi,' many other members of the department greeted him.

"Afternoon, guys. Well done," he returned the greetings and walked to the front of a desk.

A man having curly brown hairs and crimson red eyeballs was seated at the desk. His strong physique was brightened by a nameplate placed on the desk, showing the name 'Department Head -Kang Wonsik.'

"Oh oh, see who we have here. It took me a long time to remember that you have no choice than to heed my summon," the man said, sarcastically. A smirk played on his lips as he looked at Mr. Choi.

"See who hasn't been promoted, sinking in a single chair for the past five years," Mr. Choi countered. Although he wasn't fond of this kind of attitude, the arrogant man called for it. He asked, frankly, "Why have you called me?"

The man, Kang Wonsik, dug his hand into the drawer of his desk and threw a document before Mr. Choi.

'What the heck are they asking for? I should rejoin their guild or...I pay back my loan in a week?!' Mr. Choi thought, his hands shaking as he read the document.

Kang Wonsik sneered. "The Guild has left you no choice but to honour their request. Besides, you can't pay back the loan in a week when your own guild doesn't even earn a penny."

And then, he laughed, mockingly.

'Never in the world am I doing that when I made a promise to myself five years ago never to come back here. I don't care about the condition!' Mr. Choi said inwardly. Angrily, he clenched the document in his hand and tossed it away.

"What?! How could you-?" Kang Wonsik yelled. He was about to rise from his chair when Mr. Choi made him stop.

"Look Kang Wonsik. I know this Guild is experiencing a downfall due to shortage of Hunters. Therefore, I am needed to control it because of my expertise in persuading novice hunters to join guilds," said Mr. Choi.

"However, I am never going to be of help!"he said, frankly. "Not after what Dongwon Guild did to me!"

He then stormed out of the department, all the members becoming stunned.

'What got him that angry?'

'I have never seen him in that state before.'

"Shut it, silly punks!" Kang Wonsik shouted in anger, slamming the desk.


"Aish, that good-for-nothing bastard," he swore, referring to the man that just left.

Mr. Choi got into his car, breathing heavily. His teeth gritted hardly, eyebrows furrowing.


His phone vibrated for a call and he checked the caller. It was Lee Seung.

'Has he given it a thought to hunt tomorrow?' Mr. Choi thought before picking the call. He then started, "I am surprised to see your call, Mr. Lee."

"Haha, it's right that my call isn't expected," Seung said, smiling slightly. "I only wanted to ask if you are free right now, because I want to inquire about a treasure found in monsters."

Mr. Choi's brows furrowed in curiosity. He asked, "What treasure is that?"

"Jar of Life," said Seung.

Mr. Choi's mouth widened momentarily. Then he said, "Okay, I will come pick you at your apartment."

"Oh, thanks. I will be waiting."


The car's engine woke to life and revved out of the guild. On his way to Seung's house, around a train station, Mr. Choi saw something shocking.

A towering monster stepped out of a portal infront of the train station and crashed inside, destroying the glass structure.


'Ahh!' people shouted, running out of the other exit.

The security guards positioned themselves ten metres away from the descending monster, readying their guns.

'Everyone, run! Get into the train and lock the door!' one of the guards shouted, and the people complied immediately.

Mr. Choi parked his car about five meters away from the building. He then instantly called Seung.

Lee Seung picked it, "Wh-?"

"Get to Central train station right now, Mr. Lee! A monster escaped the portal!"

Lee Seung jumped off the sofa and called out to his clones, "Leave the food, guys! Let's go!"

The clones ran after him. On getting downstairs, Lee Seung asked Mr. Choi to check for a screen on the monster.

The man then ran into the building; at the moment, the monster was about to deliver a blow to the security guards.

Mr. Choi shouted, diverting its attention to him, "Hey, silly monster! Come face me!"

Upon hearing that, Lee Seung's heart raced up. Mr. Choi just called for death.

He shouted, ", Mr. Choi! What did you do?!"

As the monster walked gently towards Mr. Choi, he saw the screen which Seung asked about. He told him, "The screen displays Colossal Mirefiend, E-rank monster."

He finally said, before hanging up, "I called for death. That means you must come quickly to save me and the people. You're a Hunter, Mr. Lee."