Chereads / Dual levelling: I level up with my clones / Chapter 14 - E-rank Monster (2)

Chapter 14 - E-rank Monster (2)

Lee Seung's heart raced as he realized the safety of the people was in his hands. He knew he had to get to the train station immediately so taking a taxi was totally not an option.

'What do I do?! Come on, Lee Seung!'he shouted desperately for an idea. He clenched his fist as the tension maximised inside him.

In that moment, he remembered his skill.

'Activate Light Speed!' he thought, and as expected, the screen displayed that the skill was activated.

Maintaining an athlete's stance, Seung prepared himself. In the blink of an eye, he was no longer there, having flashed down the street.

Meanwhile, he left his clones behind.

* * *

At the train station, the monster delivered a hard blow to Mr. Choi's stomach, causing him to cry out in pain.


His body landed outside with a resounding thud. While rising slowly from the ground, he grimaced, "Ahh."

"You despicable human!"the monster yelled and snarled. As it stepped out towards the shivering figure a few metres away, the ground shook greatly.

'Please come on time, Mr. L-' Mr. Choi paused, noticing a fast-moving dagger roll into the monster's abdomen.

"Yahh!"the beast snarled.

"Huh...who...are they?" Mr. Choi mumbled upon seeing a set of people arrive in a black bus. They were three guys and two ladies in uniform blue coats.

Mr. Choi knew immediately that they were Hunters, judging from how the dagger was thrown earlier. Afterwards, four of them stood defensively infront of the towering monster.

At the moment, one of them, a man wearing sunglasses, stood beside Mr. Choi. He then placed his hand on the man's shoulder, saying,

"Thanks for putting up with this fight, mister. I will present you the beast's head as compensation."

Anyway, Mr. Choi wasn't okay with this. Upon looking at the man's wrist, he saw his malachite bracelet displaying 'F-rank Hunter.'

'Well, everyone is safe so long they annihilate this terrifying beast,' Mr. Choi thought, sighing.

The male Hunter joined his teammates. He asked one of the ladies, "What rank has the gadget shown?"

In the lady's hand was a round-shaped gadget displaying a set of data.

The data was,

[Colossal Mirefiend]

[E-rank monster]

[No special abilities]

[Mana content: 100]

"What? How can a low class monster have this amount of mana?"the lady mumbled, eyes widening. The guy then peeped at the gadget; afterwards, he grinned and exhaled, walking forward.

"The brain is where mana of monsters is situated; that's where I am targeting."

Their movements were equally fast as they individually slashed at the monster's body.

The security guards directed the people back into the station's lounge. They started taking the video of the fight.

"Wow, the Hunters are the best."

"I knew they are going to appear to save us."

"They are very reliable. My son should join too!"

People murmured, exhibiting their excitement.

At the moment, the Hunters regrouped a few metres before the monster. They pant hardly; meanwhile, they exchanged smiles, knowing they had placed deadly markings on the monster.

"We did...."

All of a sudden, the monster's wound started to regenerate.

"Wha-what? The wounds are healing up!" One of the Hunters exclaimed.

The monster yelled, "You are not leaving here alive!"




One after the other, the Hunters crashed to the floor. They moaned in pain.

Their bodies were soaked in their own bloods, seriously injured.

Mr. Choi breathed heavily as the monster stepped forward towards him....

"St-stop! Come...come face me, silly monster!"a masculine voice shouted. The voice pant hardly when saying those words.

Glancing at his side, Mr. Choi saw Lee Seung. He was a bit relieved but he feared Seung was in danger. He thought, gritting his teeth, 'Five Hunters were powerless before the monster. So, how can he....can he possibly do it alone?!'

Lee Seung panted hardly. He believed almost all his energy had been consumed when running to the station.

The screen opened before him,

[Do you want to refill your energy?]

[This will cause a reduction by half point from all your stats.]

"Oh no, is this AI doing trade by barter with me? Anyways, do it."

[Done. Energy: 200/200]

Lee Seung's body momentarily illuminated a golden light. Later on, he felt no stress again.

Knowing his strength was back, he walked towards the descending monster. He knew fully well that the power of a human E-ranker is higher than the corresponding monster.

That's why a E-rank Hunter could kill a E-rank monster in dungeons, and so on. Anyways, Seung knew he could defeat the monster alone as he already overpowered the corrupt E-rank Hunters.

"I stopped even when I could have easily slit his throat," he said. When he got close to the monster, he jumped to its shoulder and caught one of the daggers inscribed there.

He then leaped down to the ground and slashed at the monster's lengthy leg.

It snarled, "Ahh!"


Seung heard his voice; to prevent distraction, he flashed away from the monster. Then, he looked towards the source of the voice and saw his clones.

"Oh? My clones can use Light Speed too? That's awesome," Seung said, grinning. Knowing that they had gotten tired as well, he thought, 'Can 'screen' refill my clones' energy as well?'

[Done. Stats have reduced by a point.]

[Clone's Energy: 100/100]

Lee Seung flew from where he stood to to the monster's front and then, removed two more daggers from its body.

"Yahh!" The monster snarled. It delivered a blow towards him, but he dodged immediately and flashed to the top of the black bus.

He threw those daggers to his clones. "First, Second, let's attack at once. Three....two..."

The clones attained a warlord's stance..


The three of them took off at once. The first clone jumped over the beast's blow and stabbed its belly....

The monster snarled.

Consequently, the other clone slid underneath the towering figure and savoured the legs, followed by arms. This caused the monster to cry loudly.

Then, the summoner stamped the ground and leaped into the thin air. He then landed on the shoulder.....

"Go to hell!" Lee Seung shouted, and violently savored the monster's head. "Ahhh!"

Blood splashed around.

Lee Seung somersaulted downward as the beast's lifeless body crashed in the ground.

Mr. Choi felt dumbfounded. He mumbled, " is this possible? A...a F-rank Hunter slays E-rank monster? What an extraordinary strength!"

Instantly, people started to rejoice. There was a lot of voices, yet Seung heard some statements..

"Yay! You are the best, Hunters!"

"How powerful!"

"This hunting team is the best! Thanks for saving us!"

After calling the maintenance team, Mr. Choi drove away from the station with Seung and his clones in the car. On their way, he said,

"Thanks for earlier, Mr. Lee."

Seung smiled, "I couldn't leave my manager to die. Additionally, it's my duty to eliminate monsters."

"That's right," said Mr. Choi, exhaling in relief. He looked at the back and then asked him, "When did you summon another one?"

"Haha, it's today. He came when highly needed though."

They both laughed. Mr. Choi drove to a grocery store and got them some snacks.

While the man was away, Lee Seung stared at his palm as he recalled a strange surge of energy he felt when savouring the monster's head.

'Anyway, I will figure that out later.'

On their way, Mr. Choi's phone vibrated for a notification.

His eyes widened upon seeing it, followed by an excited smile.

He said to Seung, "You are trending online, Mr. Lee!"


"Someone has posted a video of the fight earlier and now, it's gotten a lot of reactions."

Lee Seung furrowed his brows. He checked his phone too, and confirmed what Mr. Choi said.

"It's posted just now, and yet..."he paused, upon reading the video's description. He read, "The Neuro Disruptors?"